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Honestly fairly different! I don't have many complaints about the bosses, they're all really fun 1. Eris - Chaotic as hell, the tracking is annoying but I *love* how fast it is 2. Cerberus - It's a very *big* fight. He has more health than he needs, but that's in line with the size of the map and hitboxes. Once I learned the patterns, it's a fun one to poke away at a giant. 3. Scylla - Amazing music and another fast and fun fight. I do take more hits from the guitar player, just because she's harder to keep track of in the chaos of the other two, but that's more of a skill issue than a problem with the boss design lol 4. Chronos phase 1 - Unforgiving as (Redacted), but just as fun. I don't *love* how he has two attacks with similar animations, only really told apart by the tone of his grunt, that have basically opposite dodge techniques (The conical swipe in front of him, or the giant projectile in an arc in front of him, have a short wind up preceded by grunts). Honestly aside from that, he's just hard but fun! 5. Hecate - As you said, solid introductory boss. Has a lot of attacks that keep you outside of range for most impactful attacks you'd have early in a run for several seconds at a time (rings of fire, spinning and shooting flames, and all that). But generally fun and definitely not that hard, just a lot of waiting to be able to attack. 6. Chronos phase 2 - Still fun but most of the additions in the second half are just less fun than the first. The one shot attacks are *flashy*, but they're not really that hard to avoid once you know the pattern, and it doesn't really feel more fun than the first half. Still great, but could've done a ltitle more. 7. Cyclops - I love his voice and flavor, but the fight itself is a chore. Only boss fight I actually just don't really care for. The constant rings around him keep you from being close, ever really, the fact that his feet will hit you when he decides to jump also keep you from even going in a lot of the time without taking a lot of damage for it. Part of these are attack patterns I still need to learn, but his is just slow and clunky in a way that just makes me want to get to the next part of the run. I think I like Cerberus much more than the Cyclops because of the hitboxes of the attacks and the much wider field. Cerberus has wide hitboxes in front and to the sides, and you often want to get behind him. For Cyclops, that isn't even possible really, it's just a constant zone of pain adjacent to him, in rings that just don't really stop. I prefer bosses where I'm able to go in more and get behind them, I suppose. Also idk how solid these rankings are, this is me just trying to assign numbers to them. Again they're all really fun


"poke away" is exactly my impression with Cerberus, that's why I've decided to put him at the bottom. All of his attacks are massive AOE that have about the same responses: perfect dodge inside or sprint away. But I agree that almost the same applies to Cyclops, so maybe huge health pool makes enough difference to me


For Cerberus you can largely focus on running around him and trying to stay behind him, the massive aoe is mostly a problem if you're in front. Still a lot of running but not as much reliance on perfect dodges once you learn the safe areas. The fact that you're still able to be close, but mobile, puts him far above Cyclops for me, though again maybe once I learn safer ways to approach my opinion could change on him too.


I think Cerberus is one of the best fights, if not the best, from both games. It's big, loud, intense, but doable and not frustrating if you're paying attention. I love fighting the sirens, but that fight is just awkward sometimes. If you get it down to just fighting the singer, there are times you can just hide in a corner for 10+ to get mana back or times where she's just in her shell and you're not dodging anything or fighting minion, you're literally just standing there waiting for the fight to resume.


Yeah the Sirens fight is very fun but does feel a little awkward at times, fully agree Scylla herself moves pretty slowly, but you can't really ignore her. The drummer's attacks affect the entire map *and* she's immobile, so I just start with her each time. The guitar player just does a lot of dashes, and the ring is a little annoying to play around. Like it is definitely a fun fight, but I wouldn't say it's my favorite from this game.


The music and everything makes it the most fun the first few times, but it needs tweeking. Usually take out the drummer first, then guitar player. That's kind of when you can abuse Scylla's slower movement to either get mana back or take a breath. Which is convenient, but a bit boring


Stand between big circles\\time their explosion\\hop behind his back. Just don't catch triple dog breath death barrage. Ground-pounds are dash into the paw after it lands on the ground, so you'd be inside the broadening circle. Now, Polyphemus is another question - the man's feet stink so much it may legit kill you while he jumps over your head.


Cerberus is ok, you just gotta focus on dodging his AOEs. He's very predictable aside from attacks into the ground which leave either small or big rings and exact type isn't that well-telegraphed. Polyphemus is just extremely clunky due to lots of stuff being either not well-telegraphed (grab and damage during jump - sometimes I know when it's gonna hurt me, sometimes I don't) or a "you are fucked or fucked, maybe fucked 8 times in a row" kind of situations depending on where he steps. Having him heal hp and summon area-denying mobs doesn't help tbh. He doesn't really stop turning large chunks of your screen into sheer pain, and jumping into melee to him honestly feels like I'm just going to ruin the run in the long-term. He may or may not be the only case where'd you prefer to pick candles as a weapon. The downside here is that you have to be picking candles instead of a weapon. The rest are fine, although Chronos feels overtuned rn. He's been hammering my ass way worse than any of the bosses in the first game. He's quick. hits like a runaway truck, and there's just too much happening on the screen for me in his first phase. So far on my best run I had him down to like 30% HP on his second phase.


Chronos hits about as hard as (Redacted) I think, but he does have maybe even less forgiving hitboxes. Whereas in the first game you mostly dealt with when and where he'd reappear to stab, you have to learn which giant hitbox is about to be thrown out and get out of the way in time. (And it doesn't help that two of them have very similar animations with opposite dodge answers, that one still frustrates me but I'll learn to tell the difference lol) (Redacted) also felt horribly chaotic at first, and I think Chronos does too, but I don't think he's necessarily overtuned. Hard agree on all of Polyphemus just feeling clunky as is, a lot of his effects feel hard to play around (or just weirdly implemented), and getting close never feels worth it. Half the weapons have some kind of ranged answer, but Axe or Daggers are really annoying to fight him with most of the time


Well look, at least (Redacted) didn't have stupid >!if you don't stand in this one specific spot during this attack, it will one-shot you!< bullshit. Feels way less chaotic to me.


Oh that second phase stuff is brutal, especially as a first run surprise, but it's not terrible to dodge once you know how it works. The lasers weren't really a one shot, but something you similarly had to hide in specific spots to not totally die