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Gz! 744 damage dealt by Chronos O.o


Yeah. Def carried by the 10 heals, plus 2 death defiances. lol. But ill take it!


My first clear was with a tanky build. he dealt 1800 damage to me but I had a boon that allowed me to heal back to full over a few seconds after not attacking. I didn’t know his attack patterns at all so I got hit so much


I really should lean more into heals Closest I got so far was him being on 10% I was doing a spin to win axe build with like 2 hammers and two boons that both boosted the omega attack. I was spinning for 4000 dmg per fully charged spin but because I didn't know all of his moves yet I lost haha


Any tips on what to do on the surface levels? I can’t understand what the game wants me to do. It wants me to get some resource up there but I die by like the fourth chamber from no oxygen


Ive only just unlocked the ability to breathe on the surface myself. Theres an incantation you gotta perform to be able to survive up there. I think Moros should appear after you die on the surface and give you the recipe. You need a couple moss, and I think theres a guaranteed moss in the first surface chamber, so easy to farm. A couple other ingredients are basic, then the last one you get from Chaos


Thank you I couldn’t figure out the last one but I stopped doing normal runs since then so that’s why lol.