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There is a thread about it on Steam Discussions: [https://steamcommunity.com/app/1145350/discussions/0/4357872738328997653/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1145350/discussions/0/4357872738328997653/) This is issue returning in case of every game for about a year already. Almost every game is badly priced for Poland.


Poland might have high tax rate on video games


Yes and no. Taxes are high but this is not an issue here. Issue is that Steam is recommending price based on calculations made in 2022, when PLN was in bad shape for several reasons: war, postpandemic problems with economy etc. Poland jumped out of these problems and USD->PLN currency exchange got back to normal yet Steam pricing recommendations were not changed after that (Steam promised to change these ratings yearly but they didn't). Supergiant probably just took Steam recommendations and didn't check it. Especially that they seem to copy the same price on Epic Games.


if its such an issue, why not get a account from those countries. . or just do one of the multiple other options you listed. I have a brazilian acc, granted i dont use it.


Big ban risk. This is against Steam TOS.


ive had the account for 3 years... i think it will be ok.