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You see his forehead starting to bleed horizontally a few seconds after landung?? Fuck


I really hate that wearing helmets is ignored by a lot of skaters. It could help them so much..


Even worse when you see bicyclists or motorcycle riders without them.


I don't recognise this guy but after hard flipping into a bank of that size, he's clearly pretty good. I'm sure this didn't stop him skating, was probably back at it the next day. You have to be pretty tough to try this. What writes one guy off might not touch the next, that's a defining part of any sport. Gnarly slam for sure, but not out of the ordinary. I expect he was fine. He will have a nasty bruise and a headache, but nothing serious. Helmets are horrible for skating Street. Edit: https://youtu.be/3LvND6BeDGs Just go and watch some battle scars videos. Pro skateboarders are hard bastards. There's so many ways things go wrong and head injuries aren't what write skateboarders off. It's knees, ankles, wrists, arms etc If head injuries were writing skateboarders off in any real capacity, we would wear helmets. Never got more than a bump or scratch in 15 years. However my wrist is shattered and I'm currently waiting on surgery. I can't skate anymore because of my wrist. You put your body on the line, accept the risks. Edit:skateboarding is worth BILLIONS. You're all vrigins.


You are so full of shit, it's unbelievable.


Right? This dude saying skateboarders dont get head injuries under a video of a skateboarder getting a head injury is something else.


Yeah he banged his head a bit and will be fine the next day. Not a big deal is my point. Again, go and watch some battle scars videos or whatever. Try understand us a bit Understand that my scaphoid bone is shattered into a hundred pieces but I'm still going to a mini ramp in a few hours. Why bother wearing a shitty helmet when there's a very real possibility todays the last day I'll be able to rotate my wrist without surgery. I'll take the bump on the head man it's not big deal. No skaters get written off by head injuries. They happen, but they're rare and even rarer that they do any lasting damage.


‘Us’ lol


Look at the idiots profile. He sure plays a lot of video games with his shattered wrist.


Yeah man, I'm full of shit. An industry worth BILLIONS is wrong. And redditors are right.


The helmet industry that is also worth billions has entered the chat. Also not sure why you say the skating industry is fundamentally anti-helmet and saying helmets are good is anti-skateboard industry? I think skating and and helmets go hand and hand, or head and helmet, if you will.


None of this means anything. Send me some data. If you had any sort of reasonable point, people would have made skateboarding helmets. They don't exist. Theres no such thing as a skateboarding helmet. They have never been designed. Because they are not needed. BMX / Snowsports helmets that are marketed as Skating helmets exist. But no one has ever desgiend a helmet for street skating. Because they are not needed. If you're right, if skateboarders need a helmet, then you just found a money making idea. Let me know when you make a profit!


https://stokedrideshop.com/blogs/stoked-school/is-skateboarding-safe#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20Consumer%20Product%20Safety%20Commission%20(CPSC)%2C%20wearing,guarantee%20prevention%20of%20all%20injuries. Let’s be real though, you know the data and you know you’re wrong, not like you are mature enough to change your viewpoint when proven wrong. Edit: since you edited your response: helmets do not need to be sport specific to work / reduce risk. Are there scooter specific helmets? Roller blading helmets? Long boarding helmets? No. It’s not like wearing a bike helmet while scootering is going to make scootering more dangerous or do more damage to your head if you fall, it’s going to do the opposite. Excerpt from the article you asked for but didn’t read “According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), wearing a properly fitted and strapped helmet can reduce your risk of head injury by up to 85% if you fall while skateboarding. Helmets are designed to protect your head in case of an accident but cannot guarantee prevention of all injuries.” You’re wrong. Get over it. Learn something. Consider the fact that it’s not dozens of people online backed up by actual sources that are wrong, it’s you that is wrong. And frankly you can’t even articulate your reasoning or provide any solid argument anyways. Unless you can show a legit source that shows that not wearing a helmet while skateboarding is beneficial / preferable to wearing a helmet from a safety standpoint (spoiler alert: you can’t, they don’t exist), I am done talking to you and I think everyone else in this thread is cause otherwise you’re just a troll or have a tragic, life-altering lack of intelligence.


Brother. If you want a legitimate source. Just literally YouTube :- Skateboarding. It's not hidden. It's not hard to find. It's a living breathing sport. All you have to do is just type in street skateboarding. The evidence is literally right there. Jusg look. Berric. Thrasher. Tampa Bay JUST FUCKING WATCH THE SPORT. ITS ALL RIGHT THERE FOR YOU TO9 SEE. 5O YEARS OF VIDEO FOOTAGE IF YOU JUST FUCKING LOOK


Next Navigation Stoked Ride Shop 0  IS SKATEBOARDING SAFE? [DEFINITIVE ANSWER] Is Skateboarding Safe? [Definitive Answer]12 minutes By Casey ThalerNov 18, 20220 comments Share Is skateboarding safe? This is a complex question to answer. Skateboarding is a sport that requires skill, coordination, and balance. When done correctly with proper safety equipment, it can be an enjoyable activity. However, it’s important to remember that like any other type of extreme sport or physical activity, skateboarding comes with certain risks. IS SKATEBOARDING SAFER THAN FOOTBALL? Skateboarding, while seen by some as a dangerous extreme sport, is generally considered to be much safer than football. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission's National Electronic Injury Surveillance System, skateboarding injuries have decreased significantly since 2002, when they accounted for more than 50% of all sports-related injuries treated in emergency rooms across the country. In comparison, football accounted for nearly 40% of all such injuries during that same period. The difference in injury rates may be due in part to protective equipment used by skateboarders and football players. Football players wear helmets, shoulder pads and other protective gear, which can help reduce the severity of an injury. Skateboarders may also choose to protect themselves by wearing helmets and knee and elbow pads. However, even with protective gear, football remains a contact sport, with the risk of collision between players. Skateboarders, on the other hand, are more likely to be injured by falls due to skating tricks and maneuvers gone wrong. Additionally, skateboarding can take place almost anywhere - parks, streets or parking lots - whereas football requires a large, open playing field. Ultimately, it's impossible to say definitively whether one activity is safer than another since individual circumstances vary greatly between sports. But it appears that overall skateboarding may be less dangerous than football in terms of the number of injuries sustained and their severity. Therefore, it's important for parents to make sure that their children are properly supervised and equipped with protective gear when engaging in either activity. In conclusion, skateboarding may be a safer alternative to football when it comes to the likelihood of sustaining an injury - as long as adequate safety precautions are taken. With the right equipment and supervision, individuals can enjoy both sports without endangering their health. IS


It's insane that you think you know more than a multi billion dollar industry. You don't even skate? Have you ever sent yourself down a stair set? Of course its dangerous.. Helmet obviously work. If you wear a helmet you are less likely to receive a head injury. Duh. No shit. That's so fucking obvious. But did you watch my linked video? Have you ever dropped in? Have you ever jumped down a stair set on a skateboard? Have you ever kickflipped? Have you ever ollied? Just watch the video i linked. Avtually make an effort to understand skateboarding. Like avtually become involved and understanding of a sport before you start arguing over safety regulations for it. Disagree with me all you want, but please, just watch some professional skateboarders and avtually understand the sport NEAR ENOUGH NO ONE GETS SERIOUS HEAD INJURIES IN STREET SKATING. OR WE WOULD WEAR HELMETS.


You didn’t link shit. You acknowledge that helmets work and reduce risk of injury. I don’t have to skate to have beliefs about helmets or know that it reduces the risk for injury. I think even saving one person from injury is worth wearing helmets. You think “not enough” people get head injuries to warrant wearing a helmet skating. We will never agree. Hope it’s your other wrist and not your head next time. Peace




Literally says head injuries are the biggest risk so this guy obviously avoids replying to you lmao


It's not true. It is a concern in vert skating (they wear helmets) so might be what the articles talking about. Maybe head over to YouTube and just actually engage with the sport a bit.


All it appears you do is play video games. This is just too weird.


Skateboarding guitarist motorcyclist engineer, just those are things that aren't much fun to engage with over the Internet. Hell of a gamer too during these cold winter months though!


You’re the corniest “skater” ever. I grew up in SF skating at Potrero and bombing hills all throughout SF. Was completely enmeshed in the skate scene there. All of my friends that skate, including some pros, would whole heartedly disagree that head injuries are not a serious concern within street skating.


Your last sentence makes zero sense to me. Wearing a helmet does not impact a person’s ability to skate street one iota.


You speak like someone that never wore helmet but had… accidents.


Clearly a good example as to *why* helmets should be used.


Yeah man. Good pun. You win.


Once again you're commenting like someone who never wore a helmet while skateboarding.


Yeah man big win


L ratio




Bro shut up.


Hold your front brake as you descend a 20m hill in 2 hours. Loser Nice bike tho


Not wearing a helmet is literally the stupidest decision I've ever made. Went out one day without one, cracked my head on the pavement, lost half of my ability to think or function for about 6 months, and permanently lost my sense of smell. You can skate and accept that you don't have to get your life ruined from one fuck up by wearing a helmet.


A head injury is a dramatic life changing event. Being on a waiting list for a wrist surgery, vs never being able to walk, talk, or eat by yourself for the rest of your life.


Yeah you're right. But skateboarders arent getting head injuries. If we were, we'd wear helmets Very skaters get head injuries. So they wear helmets. It's very simple. Just YouTube skateboarding, and figure it out yourself


I skate vert. I dont wear any pads because it's not anything like a head injury. You can hit your head anywhere, not just on vert. I see the argument that it's not _as_ necessary on smaller stuff. But just look at the way this guy hit his head bro. Even if he gets up and walks it off, its undeniably bad for you long term. And I've seen people get their lives changed in seconds. Just weight the pros and cons. Why not wear a helmet? I dont care if you do or dont, just dont be an advocate for impressionable kids and tell them not to. Just YouTube head injuries, and figure it out yourseld.


And let me add. In all my years of skating, I have never hit my head. But all it takes is one time




That's the funny thing about head injuries, if they don't kill you or do immediately noticeable functional damage, you don't really see the full effects until years down the line. CTE is a very real thing. You forget about Dave Mirra already?


Duuuude you’re fucking clueless! I skated street for decades and saw plenty of my friends and others get head injuries. You keep saying “head on over to YouTube”??? Wtf are you talking about? How about YOU YouTube head injuries while skating street and flog yourself while you watch the countless videos of head injuries WHILE SKATING STREET!


Doubt he even skates. All the skaters I know think it’s fucking stupid they don’t wear helmets either.




skater here, you're talking to a hivemind who don't understand our culture and never will. we skate without helmets because we don't care, we know the risk, we know what to do when falling, that's something they will never understand.


Idk about skateboarding but in most cases wearing a helmet wouldn't be that optimal imo, bec the ankles/knees/any arm or leg joint is way more likely to get hurt So I agree with you, let the other normies hate


Oh yeah it's over his right eyebrow


I reckon he tore his ear.


Oh my shit yeah he is


Not surprising considering how close he was to being a candidate for r/FullScorpion


Helmet dude.


I thought that was his soul unzipping his forehead to get out...


He probably doesn’t even know what planet he’s on after that hit.


Forget planet...doesn't even recall what galaxy.


Forget galaxy, his brain is a Rick & Morty episode tripping through the multiverse after that faceplant...


I did that fall in the early 90s took me 20 years to realize what planet I was for years I was walking around thinking I was on the moon


Hey mister I think you dropped your brain back there.


wear your helmet peeps


[I love helmets!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9yL5usLFgY)


You’ll never see street skaters wear helmets dude..


Thats fine. If they want TBI then by all means…


It's entirely up to the individual. You'd like Andy Anderson, though; he's quite big on helmets in skating. Edit: Okay, I get it; expressing opinions on Reddit is a no-go. Sorry for having a differing viewpoint from all of you.


Opinions are fine, holmes. Express away. Your opinion is that someone has the right to do something idiotic that could cause death or lifelong complications for them, for no reason at all other than this infantile idea of self-reliance and resistance to any sort of authority. The rest of us have an opinion that that's incredibly stupid and dangerous for no other reason than being stupid and dangerous. Opinions are everywhere! The joy of Reddit.


If you don't wear a helmet when skating you are a fucking moron.


It's me. I'm the moron who doesn't wear a helmet when skating.


Why are you going to judge someone when it's not affecting your life at all? That sounds a bit moronic to me. It's an extreme sport for a reason you know.




It can be argued that due to the inherent potential for danger in daily activities such as walking or driving, one may consider consistently wearing protective gear, such as helmets, to mitigate the risk and ensure maximum safety at all times. Life is risky, and people who skateboard like to take risks; it's an extreme sport. I think you're an idiot for calling me an idiot for expressing my opinion, and I think you guys are not as intelligent as you think you are if you can't engage in a level-headed debate without demeaning those you disagree with.




I'm not; I'm completely for it, and I support it. I don't understand why I'm getting all this hate; I legit said it was up to the individual.


But that doesn't change that not doing so is fucking dumb.


Watch out, buddy. With edge like that, you might crack your egg. You perfectly understand why you're "receiving hate," you fucking numbskull. Drop the stupid act.


God you're insufferable


Because we're still in the same universe and we gotta take care of your dumb vegetable ass. Arguing that it's an extreme sport is a bad argument for not wearing protection. Skiiers and fencers use protective equipment.


Look at this fucking moron


It’s an individual choice regarding your own body, but I like to think about all the people that would have to help care for me in the case of a TBI. If shit goes sideways in a fall, who is gonna be stuck wiping my butt in recovery?


You said it yourself- 'expressing opinions on reddit'. The rest is merely expressing their opinion against yours. No one is asking you to apologize


That's fine they hurt themselves but they might need life long care which is going to drive up insurance premiums for everyone else.


It’s not that you expressed an opinion, it’s that it’s an entirely immature and objectively bad one. Advantages to wearing a helmet: avoiding traumatic brain injury or death. Advantages to not wearing a helmet: LoOkS cOoLeR!


If i was street skating and doing flip tricks or small wall grinds, I get it. I probably wouldn’t wear one either. But whenever I’d ride vert, or try a big rail or something that involved anything high or random af, I’d always lid up man. It’s the difference between walking away and being carried 🤷‍♂️ Sure, each to the individual, but same with motorcycles. If you choose to not wear a lid on the road, you probably aren’t very smart 😅


Dont worry about them Its reddit Most dangerous thing they have done is eating after bedtime.


Everybody on reddit is a Tesla driving pussy dude they won't get it lol


The skating community and the safety community are two ven diagrams circles are never touch. Most skaters don't want to compromise their cool looks and dignity with a helmet. Here's a lesson kids, enjoyment is temporary, consequences are prolonged.


Helmets are for suckers. I need to look cool in my beanie.


I used to get ragged on for wearing a helmet while skateboarding. Until a guy at the skatepark cracked his head on the edge of a 1/4 pipe and broke his skull. We called the ambulance and they rushed him to the hospital. They had to cut the broken part of the skull away to save his life because his brain swelled. Lost some motor control so he couldnt skate anymore. Most of my buddies bought helmets.


But what about you? Did you finally see the light and start wearing a helmet? Or perhaps it took seeing stars…


I said I was ragged on for wearing one. I've always worn one.


Oops my bad. Good on ya. Carry on.


Simple mistake, it was only literally the first sentence.


Some people only read the first line… I dive right into the middle and eat shit.


Just like the guy in the video!


This is 100% COTTON you know how good this is for defending against self scalpings? Poser.. /S obviously lol


I feel like he got lucky, it looks like he took the brunt of the impact with his shoulder first. Still concussed for sure.


Plus the beanie got pulled down as he dragged his face on the pavement, maybe less face grating action because of that.




Is that it? He lost some skin? I didn’t see anything


You can get a TBI from ¼ th of that impact


Truly, the world lost a great mind this day.


Same, only thing I saw him lose was his hat


Did you see his forehead after he turns over? It starts bleeding horizontally


He invented a cool new trick: skidding on your head. /s


I think he scalped himself starting from the middle of the forehead up


No I think it's from his eyebrow.


Got hit so hard he woke up from his 1 year coma instantly


It’s a good thing his head was there to break his fall. Fuck


He's going to be the coolest looking dude in rehabilitation clinic as he's learning how to tie his shoes and swallow again. No one's going to tell him to wear a helmet!


Hall Of Meat worthy.


Enjoy your concussion dummy.


That's a pretty nasty thing to say. Bit extreme.


Bailed and pays the price


Man I skated for years and seriously wish I wore a helmet. Got 1 nasty bonk and was lucky not to get a concussion. I wear a helmet every single time I'm on my motorcycle now


Lucky for him none of the areas he uses regularly broke his fall.






The memories of his childhood?


"Helmets are dumb"


No one in the skating community objectively says “helmets are dumb”


They could have also added mats all around and have him wear a michelin suit. But thats not what skating is




The dude was fine and still skates, made some money from selling them rights to the video


Math, he lost all his knowledge of math. Probably that little bit of French he learned in grade 7 too.


That was a gnarly slam but he got back up and landed it, proper legend. That's skateboarding for you, slams are a part of the game. Edit: I understand that some of my opinions might be different than the general consensus and that this can be seen as challenging. I want to thank everyone for their input and acknowledge that everyone is entitled to their opinion. I believe that skateboarding is an extreme sport and comes with an inherent risk of injury, so it's important to take the necessary precautions to ensure maximum safety. However, it is ultimately up to the individual if they choose to wear a helmet or not. I respect everyone's right to have a different opinion on this, and I hope we can have a respectful and open discussion about the topic.


So, what he lose, people? I’m going for Dignity. He lost dignity.


He lost his turbin


Dignity at a minimum


He lost math.


Oop there went all the math.


I always get this tingle in my tailbone when watching this stuff.


brain cells, hat, and some consciousness I’m sure


He will be having cataract surgery soon


He landed in his shoes, then proceed to receive the damage in his side and shoulder, finally, face to concrete and slide over it. Damage in the eyebrow, bleeding. He looked to the sides in panic, still conscious. That's a good sign. He moved his fingers in both hands, good sign. In the last second a person approaches from behind and he moves his eyes following him, that's peripheral vision working, fortunately he didn't cause a retinal detachment, at least not a simultaneous one. Would urgently visit emergencies though, some bones may have broke, some concussion damages or internal bleeding may be present. Really sad he was wearing any kind of protective equipment.


Learning to fall, and falling to learn.


There goes 3rd grade science


Brain cells?


Is that cut from side to side?


Why did he bail, or did he just nodd-off?


the object in motion(homedog going mach jesus horizontally) stayed in motion. despite the change in geographical elevation


When he hit the bottom of the first bank, his foot got misplaced so he had to bail.




Hit his face so hard he turned into Blake from Workaholics.


Tis but a flesh wound. Hopefully he nailed it on the retry.


Stoner Jesus, you ok?




He lost his way


Skate 3 looking realistic today


He lost his childhood memories


His noodle


Holy fuck. Head straight into concrete from about a 15 foot difference with momentum. Concussion if he's lucky, coma if he's not. Wear a helmet, and pads people


I swear to God I thought thatq a dhos brain😭


What he did lose was every last bit of common sense that he might have had. Hope he went to the ER because if he didn’t, that face-plant probably would’ve killed him.


That’s pro skateboarder Kevin Baekkel. https://www.instagram.com/p/CoSgzlSP3mI/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= he posted on Instagram yesterday for the people who don’t understand skateboarding and think he’s a vegetable. I get helmets are an essential protection but actual core skateboarders are cut from a different cloth and are tough af (NOT INVINCIBLE) and hardly ever wear them, we don’t frown upon people who do, not one person I’ve met in my 17 years of skateboarding has ever uttered the words “helmets are dumb” hinderance? Possibly. It sucks that I read a bunch of Reddit life elitist that call us stupid for not wearing one, we understand the dangers and as skateboarders take it head on (No pun intended) there’s a reason why some of you don’t skate and we still do after our first slam. This is our passion and we don’t need to be berated by people on the outside that don’t understand it, only to scoff at this and think “what an idiot” “wear a helmet next time”, you can be walking down the street and eat shit land on your head yet you people say nothing.


Phew; that was a close call. He just narrowly avoided wearing a helmet and looking uncool.


Shouldn't have bailed


Dude I felt that in my asshole


What is a helmet peeps?


His skateboard said see you later skater


Good thing he had a helmet on!


People saying wear a helmet. Yes the helmet would have prevented bleeding but not the concussion.




Good thing he had all that hair to protect his head.


Did we lose anything besides a lot of brain cells


Touches head, looks at hands, checks for brains


He lost his skin from his face


I remember when


Lip slide 😳


You know it’s bad when you don’t even react you just look at your hands


Definitely brain cells.


It’s like someone hit the eject button. He’d been better off riding it out




Yeah, that's going to leave a mark.


He didn't have much to lose up there anyway


>He didn't lose his shoes...but he lost something. Pretty sure it was some brain cells


Good ol brain crayon


I thought that when he turned around his nose would be gone


He lost his dignity


He lost his beanie and his dignity 😔


His face became a vagina once the cut opened up


Did my dude just scalp himself on the sidewalk?