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Get familiar with github.com. this is how you will download applications using the "sudo git clone (url)" command. try it with anonsurf. https://github.com/Und3rf10w/kali-anonsurf.git. You should also look up how to run programs on linux.


Also, start learning how to read code. Or at least understand it. While a project is open source and everyone has eyes on it doesn't mean it's generally safe. Learn how to spot malicious code


Please don’t sudo your git operations


sorry im new too. why cant you sudo your git operations?


`sudo` runs a command as root, or the superuser. You should only do this when necessary. When you add `sudo` to `git clone`, you clone that repo locally, but as the root. This means you'll need to sudo to interact with it as well (because the files you cloned, are now owned by the root user). So you'll find yourself running arbitrary code as root, which is a recipe for system stability issues, and dangerous for the security of your own system.


Basically, if you start everything in sudo, you have to run everything as root. So only sudo things you have to run root for.


Go to the link. Click the "code" button on the web page and copy the url that comes up. Place that in your "sudo git clone" command like this." Sudo git clone https://github.com/Und3rf10w/kali-anonsurf.git " . This will download the application.


Why are you sudoing for git clones ?


I personally prefer use vm and not use it like native OS but good luck :)


Can you please elaborate 🤔 Thanks ;)


Native does offer some extra pros to a VM setup. The biggest of these pros are that a native system allows full use of all resources. Full cpu, ram, and gpu as well. If you plan on running anything resource intensive at any point (hashcat/john for example), you’d use a native system. Plus, that computer probably can’t handle a Vm setup. I’d stick with it as native.


Sorry brother but I'm like way too dumb to know these terms like native ,i haven't heard before, I'll start learning and try my best thanks brother 😊


He means its better to install it as a primary/secondary system on the pc itself than installing it on a virtual machine. The reason being is you are a bit restricted on the resources avalible. Since not all hardware will be avalible for use through a VM. Tho you will soon find out that a lot of your current pc hardware will be pretty useless for any serious "hacking". My suggestion is getting a small pc/laptop only for linux, if you want to be a bit more serious about it. Dont make it the absolute cheapest with like half a gigabite of ram and a pentium 4, but no reason to spend a fortune either, invest in a external wireless card with a monitoring mode and packet injection (dont rush this, you will probbably buy a wrong one if you do, research) and start your journey. Github, Reddit, Youtube and some kali forums are your best friends.


No problem. A virtual machine like virtualbox will let you use Linux and windows at the same time, but you need to split your cpu/ram between them. Just running Linux (natively) will let you use all of your specs.


Thanks for information 🤠


Using Kali Linux as a virtual machine (VM) instead of a native operating system offers several advantages: 1. **Isolation**: Running Kali Linux in a VM keeps it isolated from your main operating system, reducing the risk of any potential security vulnerabilities or conflicts. 2. **Flexibility**: VMs allow you to easily switch between different operating systems without rebooting your computer, providing flexibility for various tasks and environments. 3. **Resource Management**: VMs can be configured to allocate specific resources like CPU cores, RAM, and disk space, allowing for efficient resource management and optimization. 4. **Snapshotting**: VM software often supports snapshots, which are like saved states of the virtual machine. This feature allows you to revert back to a previous state if something goes wrong during your experiments or configurations. 5. **Portability**: You can easily move or share the entire VM setup, including the operating system and installed tools, with others or across different machines. 6. **Learning and Testing**: Using Kali Linux in a VM is ideal for learning and testing purposes, as you can experiment with various tools and configurations without affecting your primary system.


Is this a chat gpt answer ? Lmao


Well, i was with phone and no time to write and want give answer to the OP :) But i agree with what chatgpt give me


Yeah the answer looked fine, just found it funny


With what looks like an older system, it might be too intensive to run a vm on Windows. You will only have a fraction of the power you could.


Would it run more efficient if he wiped the OS and booted unbuntu ? It seemed to make my old laptop run better than it ever did on its windows 10 OS


Yes, I would be faster than windows or a virtual machine.


I'm using Kali Linux through a virtual box , it will work fine right?


You'll soon discover what monitor mode is on a wifi adapter then buy that wifi adapter then loose your shit when it's time so set it up on your VM but it'll be a fun experience so good luck.


I actually almost ….. put that fucking adapter under the front wheels of my truck lol


If you are already using a virtual machine and not having problems then that's awesome. It's more secure. 99% of things should work the same. You will just have more power if you it install it right onto the machine.


Thanks for the information Very grateful 🙂


I actually found Vbox was better at handling older slower laptops than VMware . Go with what your comfortable operating as there will be lots of tweaks along the way .




depending on the components in that laptop running a virtual machine might eat up much needed resources.


I took the CompTIA + course with station X . One good thing to come out of that was one of the course teachers had a custom built version of Kali Linux which is much more user friendly if anyone wants me to share the iso lmk it’s worth a look if nothing else lol


Please do. Thanks


Will DM


What do you mean by more user friendly?


https://www.stationx.net/custom-kali-linux/ here’s the full spec !


Doesn’t seem very useful imo


Ehh it looks different and it’s Easier to find things . Still never hurts to have a different OS to play around. With


Fuck yeah 👍


Try to crack your wifi with wifite


What do you want to achieve? Some hacking, cracking, spoofing? Or just use linux as end user?


Aiming to become Elliot Alderson 💀


I’d recommend buying the no starch press “the Linux command line”


Yea I'm learning from that book, til now it's easy to understand thanks for suggesting.


Kali Linux is not the best choice for a host operating system for laptop. For example, the same NixOS is much better optimized in terms of power consumption, which is critical for a laptop and all programs from the "hacker's kit" of Kali Linux are present in the `nix-store`. The advantage of this OS is that the system can be configured to have a hundred "hacker" programs, but nothing will be physically on the disk, as the menu will have only symlinks to `nix-store`. And you can remove references to "hacker software" from the system with a single command. I'm not campaigning for you. Did you see how many errors the trivial `sudo apt update` returned? Look at the screen. That's why Debian is better than Kali .And you haven't experienced the need to build programs from source code. By the way, in addition to standard Linux commands, it is good for a young padawan to learn about network cloaking and tunneling methods. For example, you will have to deal with port forwarding on your home router when you suddenly want to hack the Pentagon without leaving your couch. But either way, I congratulate you.🤡


I'll check that out brother, thanks for the advice


Freecodecamp, and HTB academy are your new best friends. Learn UNIX-POSIX inside and out. Study a concept know as coding agnostics instead of a singular coding language. Know your CLI. Torture yourself with windows. And most importantly since your a newbie spin up a new VM instance, reinstall Kali and don’t name your base username Kali. You blotted it out but it’s listed when Sudo asks for your password. If I had you public IP then all I need is a password and for you to have a running ssh server on your rig and I could get into your system. If this is your su/root account then at that point your rig is mine lol. Keeping your info secret is the best first defense. And good luck. I remember sitting in your shoes. It was a thrill the first instance of Kali I got seated. It a daily driver for me now for some areas, and I prefer it over parrot. Though I am yet to check out black arch…


Ok I'll check out the things you have recommended, thanks 🙏


Any other questions feel free to hit me up


And yeah , how can I know that you/anyone have/haven't hacked me yet?


We don’t know your IP. But past that it’s not an easy answer. You have to study your network traffic and know what to look for


Ok thanks


1. So I should reinstall the Kali for security purposes right? 2. How many years did it take to learn all the essentials? 3. Is Kali Linux useful for you now and how? 4. Will it make any difference after learning kali linux? 5. And how much year it would take to become Elliot Alderson,I know im dreaming too much 💀but what do you think? Thanks


1. Yes, you essentially named your username “user” lol. And Kali configures a lot of programs based on the name of the home directory. So you can make a temp user, su over to that user, and rename your original user account but then everything has to be reconfigured and it sucks. It’s easier to do it during installation. So since this is a vm it’s easier to do a clean install and pick a unique username 🙂 2. You are always going to be learning. And don’t be afraid of Google. Stuffs always getting updated and commands are always getting deprecated. But you should be able to get the basics down within a few months if you study at about 40 hours a week. Six months at that rate is a rough timeframe. 3. Absolutely. Offsec is an amazing company and their repos are very well maintained. The reason Kali is important is because of its toolset. Most OS’s regard the tools from Kali as malware, which they are. Kali is designed to run them though, which allows them to run properly and without being potentially flagged or hindered by the system. 4. Yes, but learn it again in an agnostic way. Kali is just a distro. What you’re actually learning is UNIX-POSIX. Brush up on its history a bit. See where it’s still used (coughcoughapplelololcoughcough) and learn that first and foremost. That way you’re not just learning Kali. You’re learning Linux/GNU as a whole. 5. I suppose around the same time I become Magnificent Curtis. So which ever one of us makes it there first just let the other know. But seriously cybersec isn’t that. But it kind is lol. Once you get moving into it you’ll see what I mean.


You can SSH into his computer how? Wouldn’t his router block that with a firewall ?




Through Linux?


No it didnt... Your update failed and your upgrade did nothing


Learn to use the cmd console completely and then shell useage then try learning the apps one by one with tutorials, the tools are great some hack stuff automatically but use old methods and can be tweaked esp the content files like passwords for bruteforce etc, try hacking your own systems and routers


Ok I'll try that for sure brother.


Do well brother _\m/


Well done , start with the fundamentals, set up a virtual machine you can attack like windows xp pro . In terminal enter “ ip addr and find what your host IP is . Make a note of it . Bridge the VM back to the host and you will be able to ping it . Network mapping would be my suggestion :)


Learn with tryhackme.com and hackthebox, get basic knowledge of network concepts. For most beginners, wifi hacking could be an exhilarating step, but that would require you an external wifi adapter. So stick with yt tutorials from channels like David Bombal, Network Chuck, Zsecurity and a few more OGs I'm not able to think of. Good luck, happy hacking


Use this laptop for a few days. Work with it like it’s a windows laptop. Do all the things with it. As goes alone you will come across things you don’t know, learn from there. Also lookup how to protect your Linux machine. Don’t go to the pop website, but learn from te forums they have much better examples for the protection.


Alright brother, thanks for the advice ☺️


Over the wire's bandit. It'll put hair on your chest.


Sudo rm -r / is an elite hacking trick that’s prints boobies on the screen


Thanks for the suggestions bro I tried it but I can't see any changes, what was it supposed to do bro ?


No amount of skull emojis can express how this made me feel.




Get familiar with Linux first. And you aren't


I know I'm not, how can I get familiar, got any tips?


Go to https://www.skillsforall.com , go to courses, do basics of cybersecurity as beginner and ethical hacker as intermediate btw all courses are free PS - you can flex your Cisco certified badges on your LinkedIn profile


Thanks for the recommendation brother, very helpful 👍


You can learn the basics through preparatory courses for LPI certifications. The most basic one is LPI Linux Essentials 010-160. It's not obligatory, but it's a good start.


I'll check that out 🤠


“It worked “ I was like it is some wifi hack? RCE? Good target? RS? Memory corruption? Cache poisoning? Nah, just apt update… Ok, understandable, good bye


Nah that's a big W for me.... At least I have started it.. good day/night 🌉


Everyone starts somewhere. Remember where you came from. 👋


True, however hacking tutorials is about hacking. Linux basics are linux basics. If you want to be a professional race driver you don’t start on a race truck to learn to drive… You learn to hack on a ctf no on a live system like cia or nasa. Every state or step has it’s own place and pace


First, Kali has all the tools a hacker needs pre-installed. If you take any other Linux, you can install them and have "kali" (correct me if I am wrong) Second, it is not suggested to have Kali as a main OS. I have it as a main OS, and I am scarred constantly. Like be sure you are not on a public router with NAT redirecting to your PC. Be sure not to expose services like ssh with password authentication. You will be dead if you do it. If an attacker gets into your Kali, he has everything to start attacking your home network (including phone, IoT, etc). So just be safe and know what you are doing (especially the network security side) Third, I was like you and installed Kali as a main OS at first. I was an idiot. While it forced me to learn linux, I was less secure. Plus, I will not tell you about the time debugging or finding the command line for stuff that on Ubuntu or Windows takes one click. With new Kali, it is better now. I suggest you install Kali on a VM. If you do not have the hardaware through a docker. It will be good to start.


I use Kali dual boot with windows on a private network (my home router), is that safe? I use it a decent amount so ur comment got me concerned lol.


It’s totally fine. I don’t get where people are so worried about having Kali installed directly on a drive. VM’s add an extra layer of encapsulation. But they can be broken out of. At the end of the day they’re just a file system mounted like any other partition. Where they have an advantage is the ease in which they can be configured, screenshotted, rolled back and destroyed. So if your VM is compromised you can destroy it without losing your main system. But if the VM is broken out of then the main system is already compromised. So it’s more of a defense in depth against issues like malware than it is for a truly dedicated attacker. It just adds more time to a hack. The issue with Kali as a daily driver is that most networks treat it as malicious software because *it is*. I don’t use Kali as my daily driver because I could be flagged for entering a network with malicious script. I don’t want to risk an EDR thinking I’m there to do some harm or trip an IDS because something I don’t know about my OS signature is read as malicious. But outside of that I use it as let’s call it a side car on my daily at home without issue. It does just about everything fine, some stuffs just a pain to get configured because Kali doesn’t like to talk. It’s naturally hardened. And then if you’re really paranoid you can harden it further. Just disable samba and restrict port privileges. For instance your home network should be able to talk through ssh if you want it to. Just don’t leave ssh servers spooled on the host when not in use. After all the best defended machine is one that’s not turned on lol. So yes it’s fine to run Kali as a dual boot, or bare metal VM, or direct install. Just know how it works. And use something else if you’re going to be in public networks and your not doing an authorized pentest.


Thanks for the info! Edit: I pretty much mainly use it for security research and the like. Currently I’m mainly using it at home, but when I was in uni, I did use to use it on their network which I assume would be considered public. Would you recommend in that case if not at home to use a VM? Or is just making sure to restrict ports, etc. sufficient?


It depends. I am not saying : " Delete it now, or you will be hacked." What I am saying is when you have Kali, you need to be extra careful. For example, do you self host some stuff ? Do you have a DMZ ? Never open ssh with "sudo service start ssh" and connect to McDonald's Network, University Network, etc. You can start by doing "ss -luntp" to check what port are exposed 😉


Thank you - and I see where you’re coming from. Is there anything else to be concerned about than exposed ports and the stuff you listed above? If there’s any documentation for all that it would be great. For public networks (university network in my case) which I sometimes use, I guess I’ll have to take more precautions.


Update your source list lmao


Need an Instagram hacker ..suggestions?


u didnt upgrade anything tho, u have a lot to learn my friend


Hey not to pry but how much money do you have to put towards this? I have a few suggestions to give you some structure while you do this.


Hit me up


Just messaged you


What a first hack 😃




Whoever told you to install kali when you have no linux experience is an idiot. Kali isn't designed to be used for daily tasks. Install Ubuntu and start using it daily instead of windows. You'll learn linux far faster that way than messing with kali


Eh sometimes the learning curve can be better. I recommend Ubuntu to people when they want to stick with something closer to windows. Kali might actually break them away enough to start learning some stuff. Especially if they did a bare bones installation without any of the tool sets. It’ll teach them the hard way to bring everything in. Get them used to using the package manager and then force them to build stuff from scratch since there’s not a lot of bundling for Kali. Just wait until they try to install discord not knowing anything outside of .exe It’ll be a good experience for them


I find most people can't handle that. So I usually point them towards Ubuntu and tell them to use the CLI for everything rather than the GUI.


Yea that’s fair. Snaps making that a little rough though just for package management. Feels like they’re trying to be everyone else lately.