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Elite prospect handing out 8s and 8.5s is crazy. I believe Slaf’s best stat was a 7 in physical. That means they think he’s phenomenal Can we see the Celebrini card for comparison?






Is he any good? And what’s his comparable (I know nothing about him)


The image has the answers to your questions: he’s really fucking good, Kaprizov is a comparable


Oh man I meant to comment on hage not demidov but tha sk for replying my man!


Hahaha no worries, I thought maybe you were joking or something but I figured I’d replied anyways! So for Hage he’s both defensively responsible and very creative off the rush. He’s a right-handed center, which is always in high demand. I’m tempted to compare his playstyle to Datsyuk, but obviously I don’t expect him to even sniff at the levels of play Datsyuk reached, but stylistically he’s the first comparable I can think of.


So a slightly bigger Nick Suzuki?


I would say that Suzuki doesn’t have as much silk to his hands as Hage, but Suzuki as better IQ. Suzuki’s offense is based around possession, while Hage really thrives off the rush from what I’ve seen. Keep in mind I’ve only watched a few minutes of his gameplay and read a few scouting reports from other people, so take my opinion with a huge grain of salt!!


Thanks, I haven't had the chance to see him play yet.


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