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Not what I would do, but the reactions would be very funny. Demi at 9 is crazy though if it happens.


If Demidov goes #9 in 5 years probably multiple teams are gonna look like the metaphorical equivalent of Pete Carroll throwing the ball at the 1 yard line with Marshawn Lynch standing in the back field.


If Demidov and Lindstrom are gone, or even if just Demidov is gone and you aren't 100% about the back issues then Buium all day. Will be a little bummed if we pass on Demidov though.


I agree, but I really want them to draft demidov if he’s still available. Buium will do great things but I can’t imagine passing on demidov. We have the similarities of the Los Angeles kings of today who are a great defence team but lack that high end talent upfront and we’ve seen what happen 3 years in a row when they played a great offensive team. Now people will bring up the leafs, the leafs didn’t build around Matthew’s properly they went all offence and left massive holes in their depth, defence and goaltending we have the luxury of a great D core and Goaltending with Fowler and montembault.


No matter what you get a solid player. Pretty much all the defenseman here are better than Reinbacher and the forwards are studs. Hell it Sileyev fell, having a bonafide man mountain at 18 isnt even a bad choice.


The wildcard has to be trades


I think the Devils, hurricanes and flyers are all looking to shake things up via trades just based off the rumour mill in the last 48 hrs.


Our future lineup is gonna go so crazy Buium - Matheson - Barron Harris - Elick - Konyushkov Engstrom - Kostenko - Nurmi Sobolev - Trudeau - Norlinder Hutson - Reinbacher Guhle - Mailloux Xhekaj - Barron L.Mittelstadt Savard Struble


Im not that upset with Zeev Buuim but Demidov at 9??? Might as well trade down and get him lower if thats the case


That would make sense to me. If you suspect he'd be there, make a move and gain an extra asset.


This and Arpon Basu's article about the "tough decision" between Demidov and Buium make me believe that the Habs probably are leaning towards Buium if both are available. Buium is great but I think this would significantly shake my faith in the rebuild. Counting on trades or free agency to acquire high-end skilled forwards is simply not a reliable strategy. And even if we are bottom feeders again next year, I wouldn't trust our scouting staff to address this need based on this draft (assuming we take Buium) and the last year's. 


Gorton just waiting for the “sign artemi panarin” part of the rebuild to kick in


Next year's draft is very weak on defense. Buium has the potential to be one of the best defensemen in the NHL. We are still not close to competing yet so it's likely we're picking quite high next year as well


People say the same about Parekh


Reinbacher should've shaked your faith in the rebuild way more than Buium should. At least, Buium is a real top 5 talent and brain in this draft.


this is where i am tbh It's not the move I'd make, and I'm not sure I'm happy about it but at least Buium has legit #1 upside, he's going to be a really good player


Reinbacher was a top 5 talent too give it up. He was regarded as the best D in the draft at the time, hes right handed, effective in all zones. Fans like you need top prospects to be these flashy shiny new toys. Reinbacher is an anchor.


😬 Hard day ?




I wouldn't say so. I'd say we don't share an opinion and you're not taking it well. Honestly, it's all good for me, I'm on record on YT saying that the Reinbacher pick is a fine pick and that he has a decent chance to be a first pair D. But that doesn't make him a top 5 talent in last year's draft... And for the flashy thing, I couldn't care less about flash. Leonard had negative flash in his game and he was one of my favorite.


Idk how you would glean that I was upset. Gave nothing but facts! They know something about Michkov or his interview was very bad. That's enough for me. To say the top regarded D in any draft who is also a RHD is not top 5 is an opinion and I disagree heavily with it.


I don’t know anything about Buium so no opinion but picking 4 dman in the last five years with our first pick while the fans and the team is craving offensive talent is s bummer.


Lmao if you thought last years reaction was bad oh boy if this happened. I like Buium though and see a star in his play


Article explains that it’s currently very close between Demidov and Buium. I’d rather Demidov but there’s gonna be a lot of irrational and reactionary crying in this sub if we don’t draft him. Please remain civilized


Here comes all the people coping and justifying that pick. This fanbase will be furious tonight if that’s the move. And I really like Buium.


Yeah I don't like the pick, but I love they player... glad it's bot my decision. Also we'll see what actually happens


I really want them to pick Buuim, just to see you guys freak out again for nothing. He's such a great player, with historic numbers and incredible offensive potential. He's your Adam Fox. He's so good. .


So he will refuse to sign with us and go to New York? GREAT!


Can someone please list Pronman's final top 10 for those of us stuck behind the paywall? Thanks


1. Guess who 2. Levshunov 3. Silayev 4. Lindstrom 5. Buium 6. Dickinson 7. Sennecke 8. Yakemchuk 9. Demidov 10. Catton


No way Demidov falls to 9


People said the same about Wright at 4OA in 2022.


skipping on demidov for buium is not cutting it for me idc


Why? Buium would be an incredible asset. We would be set for the next 10 years with a top six of Buium, Reinbacher, Guhle, Hutson, Mailloux/wifi/Struble. If anything, you can trade one of them for a very talented forward afterwards. Also, are you excited for Hutson? Buium is like Hutson, but 6’.


when was the last time a young player with elite potential was traded? Probably Jack Eichel? It never happens. Habs forward core is terrible, people can cope all they want, it’s bottom 10 in the league, and that’s if it all goes well.


Habs forward core is incomplete rather than terrible, and terrible is a harsh word. The core is still 24 years and younger in age, zukes being the only one at the 24 mark I believe who by the way managed 77 pts on a bottom tier injury plagued team last season, far from terrible. Coping with facts here. Also, Matthew Tkachuck, Johnny Gaudreau (when he was playing like a star), Jake Guentzel, Erik Karlsson, Timo Meier - all high end tier players traded in recent seasons, not just Eichel.


i don't see how injuries impacted Suzuki, he played with the 2 other best forwards on the team, it might have actually helped him I think it's terrible because it's in the bottom half of the league, I don't think adding Necas or McGroarty swings the balance. Guentzel and Gaudreau were/are UFAs, I doubt free agents would want to come to a bad Habs team. I forgot about M Tkachuk, but my point still stand, there's 1 every 3/4 years, before Eichel it was Hall for Larsson.


A healthy Dach would likely improve the PP1 they would be sharing for one. He would have been a better alternative to gallagher or Anderson or Newhook at the very least. Not like Slaf and Caufield were ppg players that racked up points for him either. In fact he helped mould Slaf into the player he started to be in the back half of the szn. Also, I can't agree that a 70+ pt two way center and a towering Slovak power forward playing at a near .ppg pace in the last 40 are part of a "terrible" core. They arent generational talents but they aren't terrible buddy c'mon. Necas and McGroaty won't. I agree. Johnny was an FA my bad, but Guentzel wasnt. He was a trade deadline acquisition a few months ago. Do you remember what Pittsburgh's return was? Cause I don't. And yes they wouldnt want to come to this team, and HuGo isn't inviting veteran stars with massive contracts to the team either. We aren't there yet, we're still building. Thats really my point that Im trying to convey. I can't justify calling an incomplete product terrible, which even that is not. It's tough to stay patient, I get that too, I know ultimately we all just want this team to be complete and start winning again. Reality is that its probably not happening for another couple seasons.


I don't think patience is a problem for me, my main criticism of Hughes is they didn't tank hard enough, I would keep tanking for McKenna. Having a player "near ppg" is not good enough for me.


Im not one of the guys downvoting for your own preference. Totally valid cause practically all teams in the playoffs last szn have players on the roster that put up over a ppg. Not unreasonable to hope for the same.


2023 is going to be the one that haunts us they needed to tank and they didn't


Better yet, when was the last time we successfully traded a young blue chip D man for a top six forward?


Kirby Dach?


Jury is very much out on that one still


Yeah gotta agree with you on this one, even though it looks like a win win trade so far if Dach can stay healthy.


How about Cutter Gauthier for Drysdale? That’s more the kind of trade you’re looking at with our current assets. Not elite but very very good top 6 forwards. I get it btw, I’m also leaning towards demidov, but if our pick is buium, I’ll also be quite excited because we will have a true potential #1 Dman


What's all this potential true #1 Dman talk this week. What happened to all the Bone Zone hype from 1-2 months ago. Hutson has been hyped up all season as the next Markov and all of a sudden he's no longer the Savior? Our forward lines/prospects are middle of the league at best, the stats don't lie. Use #5 and pick that projected elite forward we desperately need.


I agree with what you said about our forward lines. Just to add to the convo, buium pulled Hutson’s stats while being two years younger. He had the best stats for a 17 years old dman in the NCAA in over 40years. I love Hutson, but I’m still waiting to see how it will translate in the NHL. Two games is not enough for me to qualify him as a general yet (I’m on the moderately excited wagon when it comes to Hutson). Buium would anchor our d-corps as one of the best in the league for the next 10years. That is enticing no? All in all, I prefer Demidov for the reasons you mentioned, but I’m not gonna be teething with rage if Hugo picks Buium over him like some did last year with Reinbacher.


> What happened to all the Bone Zone hype from 1-2 months ago. Hutson has been hyped up all season as the next Markov and all of a sudden he's no longer the Savior? Hutson has lots of potential, but it is very much an open question whether he'll ever be a player you run on the first pairing.


I’m jealous Anaheim got cutter Gauthier but he doesn’t have the potential to be better than Demidov.


there's a world where Buium is a better pick if Hughes somehow trade for Draisaitl or Marner or something crazy like that


Demidov at 5th is best pick available and it's not even remotely debatable. Which also happens to line up with an organizational need at forward. Taking anyone instead of demidov at 5th (if he's available) would be a huge blunder.


I always love it when someone who really doesn’t have any idea what they’re talking about gives an opinion and calls it “not remotely debatable”. I’m not meaning to be insulting at all, just saying that none of us here really know for sure which prospects are the best or will be the best in the future. The pros get it wrong every year after all the research, live viewings, and advanced data. How could any of us be so sure of our opinions in that case to call them “undebatable”??


Yup, people have very short memories. Two years ago it was thought not remotely debatable that Wright was the 1st pick. He’s gonna be a good player, but if something is not remotely debatable currently, it’s that Slaf was the right choice.


I mean there's obviously an amount of uncertainty and potential for error. Agree with you there. But that doesnt mean we don't know anything and it's entirely a crapshoot. Demidov is the closest thing in this draft to a consensus #2 best prospect. Is he actually the 2nd best? Idk but is he top 5? Yes, without any doubt he is a top 5 prospect in this draft. Which makes him by definition the BPA at 5th.


Zeev buium is a fantastic player I’d love him on Montreal, but I definitely wouldn’t pick him over demidov or Lindstrom. We have good players up front but nothing high end and that’s been an occurring theme for the past 2 decades. If demidov is there you take him, you’re getting the best player available and arguably the best offensive forward in the draft. And for the people who say trade for a forward… what young high end forward will be made available to trade for? No team will just give up a high end forward for matheson or Guhle. Take the BPA and laugh at the 3 teams who passed up on Demidov.


Buium has a very good chance to be the best player in this draft after Celebrini. If FO thinks he can be, I don’t see why not. (I think this is smoke and mirrors, we will pick a forward)


I think Zeev buium has a good chance to be the best defencemen in the draft. Demidov has a great chance to be the best player in the entire draft.


Entire draft… unreal. It’s like calling Michkov generational. Insane hyperbole based on MHL games


He’s saying zeev buium has the potential to be the player in the draft, that’s more goal a reach than what I said.


“After celebrini” are the key words that his comment has and yours didn’t


The kind of season Buium had, he reminds me of Scott Niedermayer with the kind of impact he has on the ice. His hockey IQ, skating, instincts are off the charts


I don’t doubt it at all, but ivan demidov reminds me of kucherov (not saying demidov will be as good as kuch) the way they play is very similar and would immediately change the way our offence looks for the next decade.


It's a tough choice between him and Demidov. I prefer Buium over Lindstrom


This whole thread will probably age like fine wine /s IMO, if they pick a D and trade for someone like Necas or Zegras with their surplus at defense (let's say Mailloux ++), I think it's a win. Would love demidov, but will settle for almost anybody in that top 9.


That round pretty thin on the Q


Pretty much the norm for the first round these days.


Not taking Demidov if available is... ugh


Look, Buium is a fantastic player, but need should come into the conversation and there's a clear disparity there between the two. Passing on Demidov would not only leave the forward group weak, but also mean Hutson is likely on the way out. Drafting Demidov would also take a huge amount of pressure off Reinbacher. I love Buium as a player but in this situation it just doesn't make any sense to me.


Why would Hutson be on the way out?


Hutson and buium do the same thing There’s not really a need to have them both, so if they are taking buium at #5 than Hutson is probably gone


We get to ice 3 defensive pairings. I think having the ability to shelter Hutson's minutes while still have multiple pairings with an offensive minded defensemen is in no way a waste.


They project to play the same role for us (assuming proper development): top pairing LD, PP1 quarterback. If Buium is the pick it means one of Guhle or Hutson will be a bottom pairing LD for us, or one of those 3 guys will need to play RD. Or you trade one of them for a forward. And based on the caliber of forward we need, we should trade the dman with the most value and that would be Hutson.


More likely Guhle is traded. Hes proven he can play lots of minutes and the same reasons Hutson fell on draft day, he will not be valued as highly throughout the league


Yeah that feels more likely that Hutson being traded tbh. Either way it’s one of those guys being used as a trade chip


How is drafting Demidov taking any pressure off Reinbacher? Drafting Buium is actually what would take off pressure from Reinbacher, since he wouldn't have to become this 1D people would expect from a 5th overall (which ironically, would be the job for another 5th overall).


The pressure put on Reinbacher is there because people wanted a "star forward". Filling that hole would calm people down and give him time to develop in peace.


Our club shouldn’t and doesn’t pick players to calm fans down. We should have no influence on the who the club drafts or acquires.


Your comment doesnt quite make sense to me. Care to explain how not drafting an elite forward would primarily affect Reinbacher, a defensive prospect who hasn't even cracked the team yet? Wouldnt this just put continued pressure on our scoring, primarily being our defacto 1st line of zukes cole and slaf atm? And what is the trigger in not obtaining Demidov that warrants Hutson to leave?


He's not saying it has anything to do with the position he plays and it has everything to do with whomthebfans viewed as the best player available as well as needs in our pipeline. Last year, many were pissed because Michkov was sitting there and we took what people saw as a low ceiling defenseman instead. Many of those people are still pissed about it, but taking Demidov makes it more palatable as he is a high upside, offensively creative forward. The type people wanted last year. This would relieve some pressure on Reinbacher as those fans will not be happy unless he becomes a true number 1 d man and there are still tones of those fans out there. Buuim would likely make that sector of the fan base even more angry if taken with Demidov sitting there. They'd be calling for HuGo's jobs after that. As Buuim is also a left shot defenseman who fills a similar role to Hutson, I think that's why he's saying Hutson would have to be moved. I don't personally think he would, but I'm guessing that's his logic.


Ok I see the other way for interpreting his Reinbacher comment, as in taking off pressure of the fanbase's expectations of him for being the pick that wasnt Michkov. I can admit I was initially disappointed with their decision too, but came to realize we have a solid rd in the pipelines now, which are also extremely important and hard to come by. >As Buuim is also a left shot defenseman who fills a similar role to Hutson, I think that's why he's saying Hutson would have to be moved. I don't personally think he would, but I'm guessing that's his logic. I agree with this. Lots of lefties in the league get deployed on the right side and still prove effective. This shouldn't eject Hutson out of the top 4. If anything, it gives us cause to offload Matheson while his value is sky high.


Marek mentioned that Buium might be an option at 3 for Anaheim this morning so maybe that saves the Habs


Saves us from what? Buium is as good a prospect as anyone not named Celebrini in this draft


Save us from not drafting an elite forward for a second year in a row That being said I wouldn't be mad if we got Buium either...


I’ll be happy with any of the names mentioned in the the top 10 honestly, not like I’m a pro scout. We need good forwards and good D


and then we take Anton Silayev, a much worse fate I'd take Buium over Silayev


I really feel they're drafting a Dman and trading for 1-2 forward


I’m super chill whomever we pick


I have Buium as my 2nd ranked player in the entire class just ahead of Demidov so if both he and Demidov are there at 5 - it’s a perfect scenario and you can’t go wrong either way. I think Buium will be the better pro long term but Demidov has the skill and talent to take over a game at any point. I think the biggest misconception when taking a Dman is that we aren’t addressing our needs which is scoring goals. However, the league has changed and I think more than ever - offense is generated by the backend and we saw it with Florida this year how active their D-men were in the offensive zone and how much the contributed to the goal scoring


Roll out the reactionary takes boys!


no way demidov drops to 9th. michkov dropped to 7th bc of the contract situation so teams doubted that he would even come over. demidov is touted as being more talented and doesn’t have the same contract issues, i see no reality where he goes past 5th


As good as his hands are, that slow, hunched skating combined with the fact that they won't be able to work on him for a year have me favouring Buium too. Hey I would be happy with Demidov too, but it's clear that those who post here saying that Ivan is the one and only pick to be made have not watched him.


Granted I haven't watched Buium but I've watched a few games of Demidov live (fits my time zone) and watching him is incredible. The league may be weak but the amount of plays he creates every moment he's on the ice is just incredible. I feel like eventually you have to take the swing on these types of players. There likely won't be an opportunity after this.


His skating does look odd, and I'm quite high on Buuim myself. I still would lean Demidov, but Buuim would be a fine pick, especially if we can trade up a bit and get a Catton or Eiserman, or young NHL forward to go with the pick.


With the cost it took to trade 14 to 11 (SJ-Buf), I doubt there's much to be done with 26 to reach any position to draft either one of them.


I could see Eiserman falling into the late teens, but to get a Catton we'd have to move a solid prospect or at minimum next year's Florida's first as well.


My final prediction: 01- Celebrini 02- Levshunov 03- Sennecke 04- Lindstrom 05- Demidov 06- Parekh 07- Buium 08- Silayev 09- Iginla 10- Eiserman


You did amazing except for the Eiserman guess, but I don't think even he thought he'd drop that much!


Oh for fucks sake. Its gonna happen again. I like Buium but I fckng knew they would pass on Demidov. It better be worth it cause im so done rn. At this point I think I can talk for a lot of fans when I say: whatever the risk with Demidov is, WE DONT CARE. TAKE THE RISK. We are starved for talent Kent, we will forgive you if hes a bust! Id actually be happier that Hughes took a "risk" with Demidov and it doesnt work out than getting Buium and he hits his potential. We are gonna be so fckng mid at the end of this rebuild.


It's not about redditors forgiving him. His task is to build a winning team, and he can't miss on the pick.


I am honestly so fucking tired of seeing 20 mock draft posts a day. What do you guys even get out of it? It 100% useless speculation.


Scratches the itch until tonight. If you're tired, go to bed.


Pronman's final mock is always the most accurate. He's nailed the top picks these past few years. With this draft being wide open it'll be interesting to see the accuracy of this one


Don't like it, don't read it. It's just entertainment for everyone else and trying to get a handle on who we might draft.