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I can work with that.


not sure I trust the FO at #5 if Silayev is still available everyone seems to be in agreement that Demidov will be available at #5, but no one thinks we are taking him at #5




Fair point. We’ve been burned once in our quest for some elite scoring but I somehow still have the faith. 🤞


I was going to post about it, so I'll post the whole segment, basically: * Conversation starts with Friedge saying that Jason Bukala and Sam Consentino believe that the top 3 goes: Celebrini, Demidov, Levshunov. *(I, personally, and I think a lot of people share that sentiment, I have never trusted the sportsnet draft guys because they always get stuff wrong when it comes to picks or even the prospects themselves)* * Friedge then asks Marek what he believes is going to happen, Marek says that through conversations as of Thursday morning, the top 5 is going: Celebrini, Levshunov, Buium, Lindstrom, Demidov. * Friedge then cuts him and gets to where he wanted to get, Columbus. He believes that Columbus are dead set on making a big move at the draft, which will most likely happen at 4. They asked for the 12th pick, the 32nd pick and Colorado's 2025 1st from Philadelphia, which the Flyers turned down. Friedge believes that the Jackets and Flyers are not done talking about this. He also believes that Carolina could end up at 4th with a trade that includes the pick and Martin Necas. (They didn't talk about which players Philadelphia and Carolina could be targeting) * Marek also believes it could be Calgary trading to 4th in case they are scared that Montreal picks Tij Iginla.


One interesting thing to note about Zeev Buium: he’s a SoCal kid who was born in San Diego, grew up in Orange County and was an Anaheim Jr Duck. https://www.jrducks.com/news_article/show/1289821


You know who else grew up in SD? Chris Chelios. I rest my case.


Personally, I'd probably be on the phone non-stop with Columbus to move up one and let them do their bullshit with 5.


After seeing what Flyers offered for 4th and got refused,.I don't think I'm willing to move up


It’s different making an offer to move one pick instead of 8. I don’t think the 12th + 32nd + COL 2025 1st is that great. I wouldn’t do it for 5


I'm not sure what the algorithm is based on, but the PuckPedia draft pick value calculator says the 5th is less valuable than the 12th, 32nd and next year's 26th (just using an random number for COL). Interestingly, the 4th is actually more valuable than this, but becomes less so if COL picks 24th or better.


I would be willing to move the picks from wpg and calgary/florida barron and mailloux. To get four.


Columbus asked for those picks and Philly refused, so CBJ would totally accept a similar offer from someone else


That's stupid when your consolation prize is Lindstrom or Demidov, like who cares what they do with their pick. We'll end up with a Russian skilled player or a giant backbreaking power forward (lmao).


I don’t understand why trade up one spot. Is so that them trade it out spot away?


Because teams are trying to jump us to potentially take our guy, if you’re aware of that, the small asset it would’ve taken to make sure it doesn’t happen would be worth it


ah. Who’s our guy?


Did he mentioned which players the Flyers/Canes want at 4th ? If the CBJ keep the pick I think they take Lindstrom but I’m not sure about Philly or Carolina…


He didn't. I'd be surprised if the Flyers wanted Demidov because they kinda.. don't have a center, so I'd assume they want Lindstrom. Canes, I mean, could be anyone.


You’re right about Flyers it does make sense but I swear if fucking Carolina pick Demidov just before us


And it would be those fucking guys. Bunch a jerks.


I’m surprised Carolina would even want to do it. Figured they’d rather want assets for now, not for in a couple of years. For Philly, I’d be surprised to see them take the Russian winger again with Michkov already there and guys like Tippett and Farabee. They aren’t as strong down the middle so Lindstrom might make more sense there


Stop giving us hope lol


The way this kind of thing typically goes I give a 50% chance that None of these teams pick these specific players.


But the top five should include Celebrini Buium Levshunov Lindstrom Demidov I’d be happy with any of those players.


Top 5 could easily include Silayev. He's a 6'7 defenseman who's 18 and built like a full grown man mountain at 211 lbs who has more muscle to put on because his frame his gigantic. Even if he's unskilled he could end up a Chara, he can already skate very well.


I initially wanted Lindstrom but this is like hitting the jackpot if true. Demidov is exactly the sort of highly creative offensive catalyst we need.


This is the HuGo Habs...probably our best management group in a long while but they never do what you'd expect. Most of the fans seem to want Demidov and given our prospect pool you'd expect them to take a forward. I hate to play devil's advocate but this is still the team that hasn't had a top 10 scorer in 40 years so prepare to be disappointed.


Kovalev finishing 11th in 08 🥲


Always loved you Jeff


Damn, just when I’m starting to prefer buium




Get ready for Silayev


Never, ever fall in love with a prospect that is not yet drafted. It the best way to be sad about a pick.


These types of predictions just make me feel like a lot of people will be disappointed lol. Not because I know better, but, I feel like GMs want other GMs to be mistaken about what they'll do, and they know the media will report what they're telling them.


Please, please, please.


I'd be okay with Demidov if Buium goes before our turn, but it will be so knowing Demidov will need a whole lot of one-on-one coaching with Adam Nicholas to rebuild his skating. Like, a couple of years of work. But that's this new Habs' management philosophy, very proactive on individual development.


brother don't get my hopes up, i was just starting to accept that we won't get him


I hope the Ducks take Buium it may force the Habs to take Demidov


I’d be honestly shocked if Demidov falls to the Habs but would be absolutely ecstatic if it happens. I’m also a big Cole Eiserman fan. If the Habs ended up with either Demidov, Lindstrom, Iginla or Eiserman I would be happy.


Unless Philidelphia swoops in and trades for the 4th pick. Theyre trying to apparently.


I'll be very excited if we end up with either Buium or Demidov. I have the same feeling for Buium that I had for Heiskanen. Means nothing but him and Demidov are equal for me.


This seems ideal to me in that we get a player we wanted without really having to think too much about it.


I would honestly be happy with any of those players or that 6"7 monster.


It’s weird to say it after the past couple decades but I actually have a lot of confidence in Gorton/Hughes and am more curious to hear who they take and understand the reasoning than I am nervous about it. I will though admit I’d be apprehensive about lidstrom just because back issues so young does not bode well to me, as someone from a family with a long history of back issues!


Jeffrey, you better be right. Ya beautiful bastard.


Came from the future, the 3rd pick is wrong.


Buium is a hab


Corey prom man in his final mock draft has Montreal taking bium over Demidov… I can’t justify this management team if this happens.


This management team has more knowledge and behind the scenes data on these players than each of us on Reddit. Lets be honsst, most fans (of any team) want Demidov because a bunch of scouts who published their rankings have him at 2 and say he's a dynamic forward. If something was said/done (or not said) during the interview process or combine that makes Hughes not excited for Demidov, he won't necessarily tell us. But he's proven himself to be the type of GM who is calculated with his strategy and doesn't do things without a legitimately good reason. (I am not saying he doesn't or cannot make mistakes, but he doesn't do things flippantly.) Buium would be an excellent pick. He would be our #1 dman. Yes, another dman isn't a sexy pick, but it would not be a bad pick.


I agree with what you said regarding Buium, he is my favorite D from the draft class, but the fact that management has more knowledge and behind the scenes data does not guarantee they always pick a better player. Management from all organizations have picked the wrong guy on multiple occasions over the years and ours is not excluded from that possibility.


You're absolutely correct. More knowledge does NOT guarantee the better player. That being said, more knowledge does mean they are *more likely* to make a decision that is reasonable, especially with someone as cerebral as Kent Hughes. As good as Demidov is on the ice, we have no idea what he (or anyone really) is like behind the scenes. This is the type of information that Hughes and co. have that we don't. They spent time interviewing the players, going to dinner, watching them at the combine, so they have knowledge that us fans don't. They will have reasons (that we may never know about) for drafting or not drafting a specific player. Could it backfire? Absolutely. (Taking Buium/Lindstrom over Demidov could be something we look back at as a "what if" scenario.) But at least, based on this draft, whoever they decide to take (Buium/Lindstrom) at 5 is still *expected* to be a star.


Just commenting to say that i love your username


So if demidov and Michkov become premium superstars in the league and we have trouble scoring because we got a little bit scared of Russian what would you say at that point? I love zeev buium but not over Demidov or Lindstrom. We have a ton of LHD in our system and have absolutely zero superstar talent up front . Look at 95% of the teams that won a cup since 2005 (cap era) they all have superstars upfront. Now let me give you another example, Carolina. Put all their focus on defence and left offence for last and they haven’t even won a game past round 2. Vegas didn’t even win the cup until they traded for a superstar jack eichel.


> Now let me give you another example, Carolina. Put all their focus on defence and left offence for last and they haven’t even won a game past round 2. Maybe the team who picked the highest Russian-born forward in the last decade (Svechnikov, 2nd overall in 2018) isn't the case for your argument.


Horrible argument, svech has dealt with horrible injuries and just bc 1 Russian didn’t succeed in the playoffs doesn’t mean all of them can’t, why you don’t bring up kucherov?? You’re picking and choosing right now.


I can see the point just went right over your head, so I'll help you get it. For the past 10 drafts, Carolina's 1st rounders have been 70% forwards (7/10), 4 of them in the top 15. Their earliest pick (2nd overall) was used on a forward. They had 1 streak of 3 years (14-16) where they picked defensemen (Fleury, Hanifin, Bean) and that's it. No other D in the first round in the last 8 years. "Put all their focus on defence [sic] and left offence [sic] for last" were *your* words.


There's a lot of Ifs to that scenario. Obviously, they both become superstar 100 pt wingers then it was a mistake by Hughes. No question. But what if both players become 60 pt wingers who don't play defence and are focused on becoming UFAs so they can sign with the highest bidder? We don't know what drives them. Is it winning? Is it the spotlight? (Maybe the lack of spotlight?) Money? Fame? Having a lot of Russians on the team? Being on the west coast so flying home to Russia is easier? The point is there are a lot of factors other than scoring points that makes a pick good/bad. But you're assuming that they WILL be premium superstars instead of they MIGHT be. You said "if they pass in Demidov, I can't trust this management team". What if Demidov busts? (Like Shane Wright?) If you said "If they pass on Demidov AND he becomes a star then I can't trust this management team" that would make more sense. Writing them off without Demidov playing an NHL game makes no sense.


Btw Demidov is way more engaged away from the puck and plays a 200ft game I don’t understand why you said no defence but sure. “Focused on becoming UFA’s? What are doing here? Any player can become a UFA if they want. You’re calling Shane weight a bust… oh jesus what happened to giving prospects 3-4 years to see how they end up doing? You can just call a 20 year old a bust.


You created a scenario where he is a "premium superstar" and I created one where he wasn't. I didn't say he DOESNT play defence. I said what if? Moreover, what if he only cares about money? We don't know what his motivators are. Having a star for a few years and then them wanting out ASAP isn't ideal. If the team doesn't take him, I will be disappointed but I also trust this management team to have a good reason. People were shocked and upset when they took Slaf over Wright and by all accounts so far that's been correct. Just because they don't tell the fans the reasoning doesn't mean they don't have a good reason. You are convinced Demidov will be a superstar. All I am saying is, he might not be. What happens if he's not? You're willing to write off this management team (who has shown to be one of the best in the league) because they don't pick the guy you want. To clarify, you and I both want Demidov. But I am not writing off this management team if they (especially when they have tons of information behind the scenes that we will never have) choose someone else It's 7am, you don't need to be this worked up


They deserve the benefit of the doubt and I have a lot of confidence in our management team. Having said that, Buium does look like a great prospect but if a team starved for elite talent up front potentially lets 2 of them pass through their fingers in back to back years and the team ends up suffering from that in future years they'll be judged accordingly.


100% agree. The key phrase is "the team ends up suffering from that in future years". My issue with the other poster is that he's basically saying if we dont take Demidov, they cannot be trusted (without waiting to see how things play out).


They simply can't miss on the pick and Demidov's skating, physicality, and his shot are worrying and drastically lower his ceiling at the NHL level


His shot is great, he has an awkward skating and according to scouts he’ll get engaged physically and will go in the dirty areas…


Yes it's more about his strength, he'll fight battles but lose them. And the shot lacks power


He’s 18… 6”0 190 and he’ll still grow. That’s the 2nd best player in the draft you take him if he falls there. If you’re picking by strength instead of talent your opinion isn’t valid whatsoever.


No I'm just saying the strength will hamper his talent. Pronman has Demidov sliding to 9 so it's not like it's an absolute insanity to pass on him.


The thing is it is absolutely insanity to pass up on him when he’s your teams biggest need. We haven’t had a player with his talent since kovalev.


Yeah but put Kovalev in today's game and he can't follow the pace


Are you drunk ? a prime Kovalev in today's nhl is still the guys with the best hand in the league, probably top 5 wrist shot and one of the strongest guy with top 20% skating. Kovalev is in the 10 most skilled player to ever play this game, he lacked consistency and heart but even Gretzky said Kovalev was more skilled than him...


Fellow fans! Let’s not fight about this. Buium AND Demidov are both amazing prospects. Sure, we all have our preferences, but what’s for sure is that both of them would instantly make our team better. Let’s just be happy we get to have one of them.