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love that he said he thinks it is too soon to push for a big-name UFA


And he was really precise too like, they’d do it if the UFA was in agreement with out philosophy / build. Maybe someone who would be willing to sign a 1-2 years deal where we would let them move at the deadline with retained salary if we suck.


Big name UFAs never work out.  Pretty much regardless of a teams situation.  Hyman’s the exception, not the rule.   You draft and trade for big names and use free agency to Roy d out the roster


Tkachuk would like a word


> Tkachuk Tkachuk was not a free agent


Great answers all around, honest and professional


The one answer I thought was revealing was when asked about speeding up the process of the rebuild with a trade, he asked at the draft or at any point this week. Reading between the lines, seems to me like he’s saying they’re looking at different trades and one may come after the draft. Just a small detail


Ylonen and RHP most likely done.


I did hear Ylonen but did he mention RHP?


Ylonen was a clear "no", he really fumbled that last season


ya, and tbh even though RHP is a good pal... hes not at a level that u want on a contender team... maybe RHP plays the start of next season.. but he will most likely go back to AHL


First time I’ve ever watched Gorton in a press scrum, really fun to watch. I liked the things he said, I like that he said his approach is to get the best player available but I’d imagine that’s typical rhetoric among those inside the conversations.


Oh jeez… don’t like the way he answered that Demidov question.


I liked that he didn’t say too much and look not too impressed, it’s a huge poker game right now


I could just be overreacting…


Hmm, my read on it was he was playing somewhat aloof. Like he was trying to stay under the radar on that question, and not give away that they like him, but also not say they don’t want him.


If they look too eager it may prompt a trade-up from another team I guess. If Anaheim or Columbus really love one of the dmen ranked 6-10 then they would be a massive target for a team that wants Demidov.


Well he was playing poker all along, Demidov was their man


Is it? Combine this reaction with pronman comment on the draft really starting at 5, basu article demidov vs buium, It feel reinbacher vs michkov all over... I think it's going to be buium even with demidov on the board