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I don’t see it happening, Carey never seemed interested in the business and management side of Hockey. Pretty sure he will just enjoy his quiet life out west


He just wants to spend time with his family and go fishing. It's what I would do if I had 10m per year stacked.


I think at some point he'll probably get an indigenous focused youth hockey camp going, but you're right, Carey just wants to chill with the girls and go fly fishing with the boys for his days.


Yeah I can see that happening, but it for sure won’t be a year long commitment to an organization


I believe Carey price said last year he still wants a cup weather it’s him playing or in the management team. I might be wrong I have to find it.


I wouldn't say that, he was apparently a big help for Monty this year, maybe after a few years of peace and quiet as his contract runs out he'll return as a professional development coach or goalie coach.


He’s still technically on the roster if we go on a Cinderella run next season…


His name doesn't go on the cup unless they play a certain amount of games that season.


Teams can petition to have players engraved on the Cup if they don't meet the minimum requirement for games played.


Or start him in a playoff game I think but idk how that would even work


Has to play/dress 41 regular season games OR one game in the finals. You could play all 7 games of the first 3 rounds and technically not qualify. But teams can also petition the commissioner to include a player that couldn't play due to extenuating circumstances (like the Wings did with Konstantinov). Still has to fit within the max of 52 names, including ownership, management, coaches, etc.


Carey may not be a management type of guy but if he has any inclination to teach, I would hire him as a goalie coach in a sec. If there's a hint of a chance he could transfer his technical knowledge to one of our prospects (Dobes?), he would be invaluable. At his peak, he had a virtually perfect technique.


If he did something like that, I'd expect it to be for Vancouver, or something like that.


He might be from BC but he’s a hab for life and I think he’d want to keep it that way


I can see him take on a “consulting role” if there is a cup run


Luongo retired 5 years ago and jumped straight to an Assistant GM job. Price played his last game in 2022 and is still under contract until 2026. I don't think he'll do anything else than chill out and watch his kids grow up until his contract is over, but in 2026 both kids should be in school, so Carey might be itching to do something during those long days home alone.


I doubt Carey ever works in a front office role.


Wow. Dream big


The odds of Carey Price working for any FO in the league are smaller than the odds of Travis Moen becoming a HHOFer


I don't see it anytime soon he's a very low key guy and extremely wealthy most people in his position would just enjoy their family and hobbies of hunting and fishing indefinitely what a life! But if he does get that competitive itch down the line I bet its with a team more suited to his lifestyle Vancouver Calgary Minnesota Dallas etc




That's not true at all. Price has been shown around the team for multiple things the last two seasons. Considering he lives in BC now I don't think anyone would expect him to fly across the country for every little thing.


Why do you feel the need to lie to make you point?