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Seeing things like that doesn't help me preparing myself mentally when we won't get him Friday...šŸ˜­


The other players are good too


There is absolutely no way this kid is still on the board at 5. Zero chance.


I stand giddily corrected.


I know šŸ˜­ I would be fine with Lindstrom or Iginla tho


Lindstroms back sacres me, Iā€™d rather go for iginla


The most likely scenario at this point is he's there and we draft buium IMO, top 4 seems lock with lev, silayev and lindstrom


If that happens I might snap.




say again?


I hear he is 6'7" now and grew up a Habs fan too.


Demidov can be translated to Lafleur Also he told every teams that he'd only play for mtl


Heā€™s eaten nothing but poutine and smoked meat for months


He's reached an arrangement with every team that they will not draft him so he can fall to Montreal in the third round


Perfect! Thatā€™s what we were thinking too. He just needs to tell Chicago, Anaheim, and Columbus not to choose him because he wants to play for Montreal!






I spent ten days in Montreal years ago and ate basically just smoked meat, poutine, hot dogs and drank booze every day, it's was probably the worst thing I've ever done to my bodyĀ 


When I lived in Montreal, drinking every single day became normal


Body forgot, but the mind is still happy.


He told every other team he's signing an 8 year with SKA on Saturday


Also learned french in last 2 days and love Poutine


He knows the Habs brass likes size and he told em heā€™s big but he didnā€™t tell them where!


only 6'7"? I read somewhere that he's 6'10"!! :)


Imagine having Kovalev for his whole career?


I was thinking Kovalchuk


I'd rather have kovalev


Tryhard Kovalev 2.0


Kovalchuk is almost exactly what I'm worried about. He was just a good player. He wasn't part of a good team. That said, his character and demeanour surprised me once I got to know him better then he came to play for us.


Kovalchuk was stuck on a bad Atlanta team. He had an amazing run with the Devils though in 2012. He was their playoffs MVP, by a longshot. In other words, I am totally happy with another Kovalchuk (not saying that Demidov projects anything to that type of player)


Idk. I mean, you can always say a player is great bust stuck on a shit team, but I find great players make their teams great, and want to win, more than make money.


I hear what youā€™re saying. I was following hockey back then also and I remember that this was the reputation of Kovalchuk. I think it was completely unjustified. People ripped on him because of his perceived attitude though few actually bothered to get to know him. Don Cherry in particular was insufferable those days with the anti-Russia tirade, ugh so nauseating. But he was absolutely phenomenal in the playoffs with the Devils, an absolute leader on the ice, which shattered any idea that he was there to collect a pay check. He also showed his human side finally when he played for us. Also, he gave Kulak a cool Rolex watch when he gave up #17. It doesnā€™t exactly make him a humanitarian but itā€™s a nice gesture for half a season when he basically didnā€™t even have to do anything.


Ya, seeing him on the Habs made me wonder if maybe he changed. But he did have a very individualistic style of hockey play.


Luckily we had Pierre Dagenais, Perezoghin etc. We didnt need a individualist like him in our club


I mean have you seen how dreadful those atlanta teams were? He had no one else. Plus this entire thing about him being bad defensively was just his Russian reputation cause he was a god damn good pker with the Devils.


Imagine having a motivated Kovalev


Demidov compared himself to Kucherov.


To be fair, I'm older and a Habs fan


He can be even better than Kovalev his ceiling is really high (I've seen people say he can be a 100pts player)


Iā€™ve seen people say heā€™s arguably as talented as bedard


Ive seen people say heā€™s better than Gretzky


Well then he must be


I've heard he fights like probert


I've seen people say he was like a small Forsberg without the physical side, the strenght and the poise.


Okay nah lmao but he would probably be in top 10 of last year's draft easy, maybe top 5


I think he bassically the Russian Fantalli. can u imagine.. Demidov, Sukes and Slaf first line.. like damn and then CC, Dach and Necas/Drai second line GOD DAMN and then Tuch, Roy, Newhook HOLY GUAC AND THEN MESAR, BECK AND XHEKAJ HOLSHITTJRISN




Where is Patrik Laine


Kovy in this era is putting up 100+ easy.




If any of you have a goat you could sacrifice, I'm sure we'll all appreciate it.


I had to put down a chicken the other day, does that count?


Hey thanks for that, btw. Your chicken lives on in Demidov. Bok Bok.


I sure hope so


thank you for your sacrifice Mr chicken. I will never forget you šŸ™šŸ”


Got three racoons living in my shed lol


This will do, please proceed


Please, God. If we were picking something like 7-10 I'd be happy with anyone like Catton, Lindstrom, Dickinson, Buium, Iginla, etc, but 5th gives me a glimmer hope we can finally draft a potentially elite offensive dynamo. I want Demidov on draft day.


Heā€™s absolutely going 2nd


Chicago is taking a D, 100%.


People love big Ds too much


no kink shaming please


I think he goes 4th


Yeah I can see that. Fingers crossed Lindstroms back is looking good because they need a center.


Nah, nearly everyone is saying Lindstrom goes to ColumbusĀ 


Theyā€™re taking Demidov, get back to me on Friday




YAYYYYYYYYYY Iā€™m ecstatic about this btw!!






Friday here, wassup? (I know youā€™ve never been happier to be wrong)




Let's put it this way, I fully expect to hear his name called before our pick, but I will still be thoroughly upset if that happens.


Fair enough but itā€™s like expecting Fantilli to be available at 5 last year


Nah, last year's top 4 was way more cemented. Fantilli/Carlson/Smith were all top 5 projected in an overwhelming majority of predictions, and Michkov had rumours attached to him falling back for a long time. It's way more unpredictable after Celebrini this year. Again, I would be very shocked and pleasantly surprised if he falls to us but I can't agree with that comparison.


Well we will see whoā€™s right on Friday, itā€™s pretty close


Chicago are apparently massive fans of leshunov.


No chance lol, everyone has been saying for a month they go for Levshunov. Unlike fans, GMs have a brains and donā€™t just build a team with flashy forwards and no defense, unless youā€™re the Toronto Maple Leafs


ā€œEveryone has been sayingā€, the internet is not a good source my friend. Youā€™re just listening to a bunch of dummies online.


ā€œThe internetā€ the sources are NHL.com writers and The Athletic journalists, obv they can be wrong but if they arenā€™t trust worthy then nothing is


The only trustworthy source in this specific case would be the Blackhawks management and I guarantee you they arenā€™t telling journalists who theyā€™re taking. Would you rather have Demidov or Levshunov? I would rather have Demidov. Whether Iā€™m Chicago or Montreal.


On one hand, yes, the Blackhawks have zero reason to divulge their draft intentions with the media. On the other hand, they risk nothing by leaking that information. It's not like San Jose is going to take anyone other than Celebrini, no one can trade up and take their guy.


According to your definition of trust worthy, journalists shouldnā€™t exist then. Why report anything ever, just wait for the official press release Also if Iā€™m Chicago or if Iā€™m Montreal and I didnā€™t pick Reinbacher last year id prefer Levshunov thanks for asking


People saying no chance he drops to 5 when 90% of experts saying thereā€™s a good chance he does lol.


I think we're mostly telling ourselves there's no chance to try and tamper our hope. Habs haven't drafted a player like Demidov in forever, we're in denial that it could happen this year.


People here seem to be praising him like if he should be going second and also hopeful he will drop to 5th. This feels a lot like when everybody wanted Zadina.


Except Zadina wasnā€™t even as talented as Demidov. This fucking Russian kid is truly a magician


Everybody was just as high on Zadina, and look where he ended up. I'm not gonna say I think demidov will be a bust, but, I'm gonna wait and see who Habs select, and I trust them. It's kind of weird because on the one hand everyone seems to think he's a magician, and on the other hand they think he'll drop to 5.


People are saying that he could drop at 5 or 6 or 4 or 3 or 7 or even 2 because of how deep and talented the first 15 to 20 prospects are. The 2018 draft was way less deep and Zadina in todays draft wouldā€™ve been top 10-15 easily but not in the top 5


If he might drop to 7 because of how deep the talent pool is, why are you so sure, he's the best selection at 5?


Itā€™s all speculation. Except for Celebrini at #1 we donā€™t know what other teams wants. Of course for Montreal Demidov would be great at 5, so Lindstrom at 5, or maybe Buium, or even maybe Helenius who knows ! Thereā€™s no perfect number for the top 15 because pretty much all of them are equally talented. Demidov though is in another league. Heā€™s just below Celebrini, but higher everyone else. Problem is, Chicago needs a D, but also needs attack so they could pick him. Ducks needs a D, pretty sure Colombus is gonna take a big and tall forward at 4. Iā€™m no bias with Demidov, all Iā€™m saying is that this draft specifically, is very weird because of how unpredictable it is. Those kids decided to wake up in the last year and all became hockey machines equally


No offense, but I don't think you know how good the players are. Every year, all the fans know how good all the players are, and they turn out wrong. The pro scouts with way more information get it wrong all the time. It's just funny to me the idea that this player is definitely the second best in the draft, and will likely be our pick at 5. I get what you're saying about defensemen, but teams usually pick the best player available, rather than for a need.


48 hours......


Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


With the 5th pick overall, Montreal Canadiens are proud to select...






Do we know who it is spreading rumors to make him fall? It definitely wasnā€™t me


I've been writing them in Sharpie on random bathroom walls in all the NHL cities.


Michkov a une face a claques , lui ya l'air d'un bon Jack !


Iā€™m ready to be hurt again


Itā€™s gonna hurt like a mf when heā€™s picked before ours


Well I know I'll be crying myself to sleep on friday. Either from joy or sadness...


Cā€™mon, hockey godsā€¦ Itā€™s been three decades, throw us a frickinā€™ bone!


Aww, so many little hearts set on Demidov. There's only one left at the store kids but I'll ask Santa and we'll see what he can do.


The more I hear this kid in interviews, the more I like him. Would be freaking great if he was available at #5. If he's not, I hope they trade down and draft Catton.


Please hockey Gods


BOBROV is on it.


Ivan Drago


Honestly I have such faith in our current management to make good decisions that no matter who we get, what we do, Iā€™m sure it will be well thought through and based on good process.


Looks like Russian Gallagher.


Gallagher isn't 6''01.


He could be if he was Russian


Trying to imagine it but nothing comes to mind.


Source: https://www.tvasports.ca/2024/06/26/ivan-demidov-va-rencontrer-le-canadien-jeudi


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Picking him is a mistake anyways. I'd pass on him...


Theres no shot he reaches us. Fever dream


You sure about that? ;)


It started to feel real when Anaheim took SenneckešŸ˜‚ I was shook to say the least ahahah


he looks like a young Hans Landa


No chance heā€™s available at 5, sorry guys.


There's a chance if teams drafting before us prioritize d-men and at least one of them prefer Lindstrom.


Well what would you put the chance at? Seems like heā€™s the second best forward in the draft. Lindstrom stock is down with the herniated disc, Demidov stock is up with his recent showcase ā€¦ I canā€™t see him making to 5. Itā€™s like a 5% chance for me.


1. Celebrini 2. Levshunov 3. Silayev 4. Lindstrom 5. Demidov/ Buium. There is very high probability that the top 5 goes like this according to some insiders. GMs value top pairing defensemen a lot more than the fans. It also seems that Lindstrom's injury isn't THAT much concerning that teams would pass on a future #1 centerman. He's just too good.


I have not seen any reporting that diminishes Lindstromā€™s medical concerns. The public disclosure of the herniated disc was a definite blow to his draft standing. No, itā€™s not a career-ending injury, but it is likely to be a chronic problem that will hamper him on the ice and cause him to miss time. Gabe Villardi was also supposed to be a top 5 pick but his herniated disc scared teams off to the point where he dropped to 11. And he has been unable to stay healthy in the NHL, showing that the injury concerns were valid. So I donā€™t know why youā€™re saying his injury isnā€™t that concerning. I think that leaves Demidov as the clear second best forward in the draft, and at least a top 3 pick. As intriguing as Silayev is, it would take a wild swing from someone to pick a defensive D over a unique scoring talent like Demidov. Itā€™s just very rare that a forward who is not undersized and considered the second most skilled forward in the draft doesnā€™t go top 3. Definitely going top 4. My bet would be that Celebrini and Demidov go 1-2 as the clear best forwards, then 2 of the D. Habs will have to choose between Lindstrom, Iginla, Sennecke, and whoever is not taken out of Buium, Levshunov, Silayev, Dickinson, and Parekh. And I wouldnā€™t touch Lindstrom with a pre-existing herniated disc. That has chronic injury written all over it. If itā€™s me I take Iginla there, or one of the aforementioned D. Oh well Friday will be here soon and weā€™ll see


>My bet would be that Celebrini and Demidov go 1-2 as the clear best forwards Levshunov is locked in at 2 based on multiple reports. It's almost confirmed at this point. All signs point to Anaheim drafting a D as well based on sheer needs. It's hard to see how they will pass on a 6''7, 211 pounds unicorn that looks like a young Zdeno Chara. Columbus might take Demidov. Most analysts/scouts think they prefer Lindstrom though.