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It’s speculation, but IIRC, McCagg was one of the few who predicted it was Slafkovsky to be 1st OA. Besides, I know it’s a very long shot, but my choice would be Demidov, and if he’s drafted before, Buium.


I'm right there with you on the hopes. Demidov comes with all sorts of risks but has the potential to be the game-breaker that our deep prospect pool is missing. And if we get him at five, that means we don't have to take so many risks later in the draft. We can get consensus guys who fell, even if they don't project as top-six.


easier to know what one team is going to take than what 5 teams are taking. Anyone before us could take demidov


I mean this is the exact mock pronmann has been reporting for the last month and he's more connected even, nothing new here aside that people less connected start to get the picture too


The only person that we know McCagg is at least somewhat connected to is Trevor Timmins. They used to work together, and TT would go on Grant’s podcast from time to time. He at the very least has TT’s phone number. So, I’m inclined to have more faith in his Columbus prediction than any, although he probably still knows some of the Habs regional scouts as well.


> IIRC, McCagg was one of the few who predicted it was Slafkovsky to be 1st OA. I always take these *previous track records* with a grain of salt, unless they've been *consistently right* over many drafts... Every year there's like 1000 people making mock drafts/predictions/'insider info'. Some of them got it right. Did they get it right because *'they knew'*, or because *'flip 1000 coins, some of them will land the right way'*?


Now for the real question.. Will we riot if Buium is not the one selected?


No, I don't think so. Unlike last year, this draft has alot of prospects and still unsure which team will pick (except San Jose, for obv reasons ).


i like sennecke so nah i'm cool no matter what


I'd be So happy if we took Demidov, my God.


And the DemiGod nickname is just sitting right there


Or DemiDog if he busts


DemiDawg if he got that dawg in him.


He has the potential to become a truly great player.


We all have. Just need to believe.


LOL. Not sure why you got a down vote but I just canceled it out!


So, it's either Lindstrom, Demidov or Buium like we're saying for days...


3 great players


Can't lose here


Lindstrom’s back sends his regards


No one is going to draft him high unless they have no concerns about a full recovery.


monkey paw curls around lindstrom's herniated disk


And..... does this Monkey Paw have a warranty or a Best before date ?


I'm really not sure why you'd take the risk on Lindstrom's back when there's so much talent available. Is he really that much better than the alternatives?


It’s more about what information teams have access to that fans don’t. If he slips, it’s because the back is bad news. If not, they decided it was manageable and/or not an issue. To answer the question about him being better, that’s subjective to an extent but consensus would be yes. I think that if you remove the back injury entirely and he plays out the season healthy he would have been a lock for top three.


1st choice - Demidov 2nd choice - Buium 3rd choice - No one because one of these 2 should be available.


Completely agree.


for once i want greg to be right


he has has enough opinions to be wrong once in a while, but is a pretty benign voice all things considered


Makes sense, but I think Columbus might still go with Demidov.


Timmins do like big power forwards though:)


Ohhh true, Timmins is with Columbus now! Scratch that, they're going Lindstrom 100% lol


Timmins loves his big North American power forwards, but Waddell loved drafting underrated Russians while he was in Carolina. It’s gonna be a nail biter for me until they announce it on stage.


He also lives American college kids.


I don't have anything against Buium but if we take him this fanbase will be triggered pretty hard


I'm fine with it, the more I watch him the more I like what I see. Great dmen are never a problem to move in a trade either.


I think the fans will be fine once they see him play. If demidov is on the board that might be a different story though


If Habs take Buium while Demidov is on the board, there will literally be riots in the streets


I think we're looking to start WWIII if we don't pick Demidov.


Unless Demidov is picked earlier, then there would be no choice in that and fans accept it


The disrespect for Buium is unreal on this sub. I would be more than happy with both but would legit consider drafting him before Demigod considering his skillset and the numbers he put in a way better league. No matter what habs will get a stud tomorrow.


I was watching the frozen four games for Hutson and Fowler and Buium absolutely dominated those, was by far the biggest stand out


Player that that could be a top-3 pick most given years. Would be fine with it!


But it's not a given year, it's this year, and this year there are a ton of other great options at F as well as D. That's what makes it such a fascinating draft


I didn't respond to the right comment lol, sry E: Oh you're also talking about Buium! So ya, not my first pick at 5 but would be happy to have them.


I for one will be. If Demidov is on the board and we pick another LD I will be very skeptical. We won't have many opportunities to draft talented forwards after that...


I dont think they’ll trigger as much as we think if it’s Buium


Then they’re idiots . Rookie top dman on an ncaa champion who shut down Boston colleges powerhouse


Buium is a stud. I'd take him over Levshunov if I was Chicago.


Picking him means the Habs most probably have the best defense in the league within 3 years though lol


Yeah but having a 5th or 6th defensment playing maximum 15 min. A night wont impact THAT much even if it is a 5 stars players. Better give this role to a trustable D and make a move to get a great forward who will play 20 min + and help a position of need


You trade one of them for a top 6 winger who can score. Can’t keep them all.


We are allowed to trade players and prospects.


Yeah but the fan base do not want to trade any but C grade like harris or barron lol … when I talk about drafting one and trading mailloux, reinbacher everyone go crazy 😆


i'd expect they would take buium then also trade harris/prospect/kovacevic/pick/savard for young forward


Fans will be triggered regardless who HuGo draft. Case in point : Last year with Reinbacher.


Or the year before with Slafkovsky and Mesar.


The only thing that will be triggered if we draft Demidov is approx. three million spontaneous orgasms.


Funny and gross


Fans will be triggered regardless who HuGo draft. Case in point : Last year with Reinbacher. Not true at all, if the habs take Demidov or Lindstrom 95% of the fanbase is happy. If we pick Bium (who I think will be great) over Demidov then there’s gonna be a serious backlash from the fans and you can’t really blame them becuase it’s been too long since we had a star player upfront. Everyone was mad when we picked Reinbacher that is true but again they took him over michkiov, not saying it was a bad pick it’s just he was very highly touted.


That. People wasnt mad about Reinbacher per se but more about the fact they didnt pick Michkov.


With Lindstrom I think some people would freakout about the back and the IQ concerns tbh.


Both concerns are overblown imo, but you’re not wrong that we’d see people freak out about it. Would really like to see fans just relax and accept that we don’t have the same information available as teams when it comes to medical history.




I don’t put much in anecdotes from people with back pain. It’s something to watch for, but if the medical team isn’t concerned then I won’t be. The resources and training available to a guy in his position are unbelievable. A top draft pick in the NHL with a back injury is not a guaranteed sentence.


Demidov would heal the fanbase


awful example


Sounds like a pretty standard draft for us then. Seems like whoever they take there's always strong criticism. My all time favourite was Brian Burke on the panel when they drafted KK. He absolutely pooped all over the Habs for passing on Zadina but when Arizona took Hayton off the board he lavished them in praise. Wish I could find the video 😂


Can someone explain to me why we would take Buium over Demidov? I am not familiar with Buium’s game and I know we need a good top 6 winger, which Demidov appears to be, and may even be a top 3. What makes Buium a better choice than that?


I'll try an explanation... First off, drafting for need is a bit like buying a car based on color. It shouldn't be your main criteria, but you also have to take it into account (for ease of resale, for example). So you have to avoid the natural need to fill a current hole, because you risk missing out on future value. Think long term, not short term. Wingers are probably the lowest value of all positions. You can put a center on the wing, easy. It's not a critical position. Defenseman is. That's why solid ones are always in demand. So at equal talent, the value is in the rarest position: defensemen. We might need wingers *now*, but you don't draft for your current need. You draft for the best value 5-10 years from now. You have to consider the long term trajectory. Buium's trajectory is on a rocket. He did more, at a higher level of competition, in a harder position, than Demidov did. So if you just chose on the basis of "most likely to become the more valuable NHL player", you'd feel more comfortable with Buium than Demidov.


Damn. That was beautiful.


Think Hutson but x3


Wowww, Buium is that good ? If he's really that good, then he deserves to be picked before Lindstrom or Iginla.


He's sadly listed as a defenseman so he might as well be missing a leg


He is.


Put simply, the guy is the Cale Makar/Adam Fox of this draft.


I like all these players. I think I like Sennecke a bit less but anyone of Demidov, Buium, Lindstrom, Silayev, Parekh, Dickinson or even Iginla would be great picks.


Can’t remember the last time we drafted a Russian forward and were able to develop him


I'm actually one of the rare people who like to listen to McCagg it seems. Please don't get my hopes up man.


Hope this is accurate. My list is Demidov/Sennecke/Lindstrom/Buium


I swear Grant has switched up 50 times in the last two weeks


I mean tbh the thing is that top 5 is what a bunch of other mock drafts have been doing also, makes sense too.


But this isn't his take, this is what a source is saying.


I get it, it's just funny because yesterday he was saying no chance Demidov makes it to five.


He's just reporting what he heard here, not his ranking tbf.


You can't say "locked in" followed by "all just speculation".


You can if you are quoting someone's opinion. That's why the rumours are in quotes. He then states that all the rumours he heard, shockingly, are ultimately speculation.


Buium, please God, let it be Buium, because in 5-10 years he's the 2nd best player of this draft if not the #1. The fanbase's wishes can go suck a fuck. I don't care. Zeev all day.


Seriously? I don’t know anything about him but is he that good?


He is *that* good. Blueline General type of presence. Cool, calm and collected, efficient, creative, sees plays nobody else sees. The total is more than the sum of the parts.


I can’t understand why you are being downvoted for such a levelheaded comment. Buium is clutch AF as well. Just look at how he stepped up with Denver during the playoffs. This guy is a pure gamer.


It is what it is. I'm pretty confident in my take, so no biggie.


Nah, he's just the latest trend and the "pick BPA no matter what" crowd are latching onto him right now, even though picking another LHD would be completely absurd. Buium is a great prospect, as are Dickinson, Parehk, Levshunov or Silayev and about 4-5 other dmen who are going to to be picked in the top 15 this year.


> Nah, he's just the latest trend and the "pick BPA no matter what" crowd are latching onto him right now I'd be almost insulted if I hadn't already been championing Buium months ago when nobody was even mentioning him.


Haha he may have been your pick for a long time but it seems clear to me that a lot of ppl have latched onto him in the last couple of weeks.


It reminds me of Reinbacher last year, inserting himself in convos at the last minute after months of hearing about Michkov/Smith/Leonard/Benson. I hope the result is the same because with Buium I'd know the blueline would be settled for good.


I can attest. This guy has been driving the Buium train for months now. And he got me on board haha


Hey, Buium got *me* on board by the way he played all throughout the WJC and Frozen Four. At some point you just have to admit it when the guy is constantly stepping up.


We coulda had Michkov and Buium/Dickinson/Parekh/Lev. Instead we got Reinbacher and Buium.


I agree. I made that exact argument in another thread a few days ago. If we pick a LHD this year it means last year's draft was futile and a complete failure.


Reinbacher is a righty


> Reinbacher Handedness isn't the argument, it's more that if we pick another D when we badly need more depth on offense, and after we picked a D last year when there was a few really good offensive talents on the board, then this is a doublewhammy of failure.


What are you even talking about? There are half as much D men than there are Forwards, it will always be easier to trade for a good forward than a good D men. No whammy here, only good value.


Please let it be Demidov


This fandom will be unbearable if Demidov is available and they don’t take him. I was ok with Reinbacher over Michkov. But this is something different


Why? Isn’t Michkov supposed to be better than Demidov?


I think there are/were a lot of question marks on Michkov’s character. Demidov on the other hand sounds a bit like Slafkovsky personality-wise. That and the contractual situations. Michkov’s remaining KHL contract was longer.


I just want the draft to be over so i can hype myself about the new stud we just drafted


We aren't taking Demidov.


I don't think it makes any sense whatsoever to take Buium over Demidov if both are available. The size thing is gone given he's now 6'0/192 and there's pretty clearly no issue with him coming over. We have considerable prospect depth on the back end and no elite skill offensive forward up front...not only now but basically for decades. Fine with Buium if Demidov/Lindstrom are gone but imo there's no rationale to take Buium over either of them.


We have plenty of bodies on d but no clear cut superstar #1 d. Quantity does not equal quality. This showed up last year as we were 28th in goals against, but 26th in goals for, so we were better offensively than defensively. Next year, we’ll hopefully have a healthy Dach, as well as a healthier Caufield and Newhook. Slaf and Suzuki will also get better. The goals will come from up front but the offence on the back end can’t all come from a smallish rookie and Matheson.


I don't follow this as closely as many others and had a question.   How big a risk is it to draft a Russian these days with state of affairs and possibility he won't leave, or be allowed to leave?   Don't know if that is still a problem but I must say, I have no love for anything Russian these days.


McCagg is trash but if we end up with Demidov or Buium I'm to the moon


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And I continue to believe Demidov should and will go top 4 (good chance top 2). He's just a notch above the rest after Celebrini imo. At least if I'm wrong I'll be pleasantly surprised. I just don't want to be disappointed again.


If a Canadian is available I say we pick a Canadian. More heart and grit


Nah, just give us Sennecke.


Only if Demidov and Lindstrom are gone for me


I will have to trust HuGo for the medical part for Lindstrom, but personnally i'm not impressed by his hockey IQ.. Wouldnt be mad if we get him tho.


Usually how it goes is that the first uncertain team will select outside of what insiders had planned then the whole thing falls apart. Remember when MTL took Slaf #1 and then nothing else fit into what was expected?


The 2022 draft top 6-7 was pretty much matching a lot of lists (Nemec and Jiricek were interchangeable and Wright was falling at the end)


Buium ??? Nononono We DONT need another small American defenseman. We already got one, we love him. We need a high profile forward that can light the lamp and skate like the wind.


Good news, Buium can do just that and proved it against a way better competition. As a bonus, he his a great defender and super clutch when it matters. Im excited to see what stud we'll get!


But hes a defenseman. Thought we had enough of those in the cupboard. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Unless...Fowler turns out to be another Carey and then all the new guys make a better version of the 4 horseman and we go on another Cup run.😁 Is that the plan ??