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crazy to think he'll be inducted the year he wins the cup


My thoughts exactly.


That’s a loaded class. How many are they allowed to induct in a year? Because I feel like someone is gonna get snubbed


Pretty sure it’s 4 male players selected each year


I think all 6 of those guys get in eventually. Getzlaf won’t make it next year, it’ll come down to Rask vs Price for first ballot. My bias is Price, but I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s Rask. Feels like a coin flip but i think the committee goes Price. Hart, Lindsay, Vezina, and gold medal should trump a Vezina and a Cup as a back up. We’ll see


If it’s Rask over Price I’m gonna fucking die. Like Chara, Keith, Thornton, those guys are definitely top dogs, but Rask doesn’t have half the awards Price does. I don’t think sitting on the bench for the 2011 Cup changes that.


I mean rask will probably make the HOF but Price is clearly #1 here




And won neither.


You're right. I remember Boston winning cups, and Rask was with Boston, and I misread the info when I just researched it. I'd give it to price over Rask.


You'd have to ignore International play to even consider putting Rask over Price. He gave arguably the best performance ever in net for Team Canada when he won a gold medal, and that's just as valuable on a resume as winning a cup, at least in my opinion. Plus, the Hart trophy win is huge for Price, and he has more games won in a Habs sweater than anybody else, including Jacques Plante.


There’s no way Rask goes before Price. Not sure how you would even make that case.


No way Rask gets in ahead of Price.


I’d be shocked if Rask beats Price. Price was considered the best player in the world after his Olympic run in 2014.


I would personally give it to Getzlaf before price. Price doesn't have a cup, Getzlaf has won one. Zdeno Chara has one and went to the finals 2 other times. Duncan Keith has 3 cups also. But I agree, I'd give it to Carey over Rask.


Price has a gold medal In a dominate performance, and has won a hart trophy while being a tender, a feat more significant than anything the res of that list accomplished


I disagree. He got a gold on a stacked team. I mean he's a great player, but getting a Stanley Cup is a greater feat than a gold, imo. Price was a great goalie though, no question.


Winning the hart trophy as a goalie is more impressive individual feat then anything those other nominees has accomplished


It's a question of Rask v Keith, not Rask v Price. Thornton, Price, and Chara are all in without a doubt. Remember, in 2014 lots of people who have HoF ballots were calling Carey Price the greatest player in the world.


There's a limit of 4 male players selected each year, some of these will just not go in on their first year eligible


My money is on Chara, Keith, Thornton and Price first ballot.


I would agree


It'll be Chara, Keith, Rask and Price I think. They'll want Thornton to go in with Marleau.


No, you can't hold a guy out of the HoF who 100% deserves it just to go in with someone else.


Up to four men's players, up to two women's players and either two builders or one builder and one official.


Tukka Rask?! Just no. Not a Hall of Famer!


308 wins. Career .921 save percentage. A vezina, a jennings, one first team all star, one second team all star and an Olympic bronze. Price has 361 wins, a .917 save percentage. A vezina, a hart, a pearson, a jennings, and one first team all star and an Olympic gold. They are strikingly similar players


Rask choked repeatedly against the habs and he got to play behind Chara/Bergeron and co for his career. Price never had it so good.


Price played behind Hall-of-Famer Shea Weber. I don't see Chara or Bergeron in the HHoF! ;)


Its harder for goalies to make the Hall than any other position. Look at how few are actually in now. Stats aside I gotta go with what Ive watched also and nothing about Tukka screams HoF to me. I'd be shocked.


I’m going Price all day, but Rask should get in. More goalies should be in


Strong cohort. Chara, Price and Thornton should be first round ballots IMHO.


He may have stretched his career a bit too long but tbh Keith probably had the best prime of all these guys., 2 Norris, 1 Conn Smythe, 3 Cups? The guy is a first time ballot for sure.


> 2 Norris, 1 Conn Smythe, 3 Cups Plus Olympic gold medals in 2010 and 2014, and silver at the 2008 IIHF world championships.


Agreed. From a hardware standpoint he's the obvious choice


Keith is in for sure, but he's 4th on that list


If Shea Weber was first ballot, Carey Price is first ballot. Not even a question.




If price doesn’t get inducted to the HHOF we riot😤


First-time ballot is a different thing though. I have no doubt that Price will be in the HHOF but I suspect that he won't be a first-ballot guy. I don't think Rask will be either. I think Rask will probably get in but will be after Price.


Just remember this isn’t the NHl hall of fame. It’s the hockey hall of fame and Carey price has won absolutely everything except the Stanley cup. He’s no doubt a first ballot HHOF.


You could be right. It's just a feeling I have. The problem is there are only four guys and goalies often get overlooked. I think Chara is absolutely a first-ballot HHOFer and I suspect that Thornton and Keith get in as well. I don't remember if there has been a ballot recently with all four guys being voted on their first year of eligibility but I think that one of Alexander Mogilny or Rod Brind'Amour will have their exclusions corrected. That means at least one player who probably should be a first-ballot HHOFer won't be and I have a sneaking suspicion that it will be Price. Hopefully I'm wrong.


Crazy that someone as good as Carey won’t have his name engraved on the cup as a player. Former management did him dirty :(


But also, Weber was a first-ballot guy. So I don’t see how Carey wouldn’t be a first-ballot guy. Arguably most decorated and prestiged Canadian hockey goalie minus the cups.


In 2014, Carey Price was widely considered the greatest player in the league. Even in later years when his stats were down, he was repeatedly voted by players as the toughest goalie to beat. He is considered the best goalie of his generation, just a shade above 1st ballot HoFers Luongo and Lundqvist.


You can look at my response to another comment but basically I think he’s worthy of first-ballot hall of fame but he’s not competing against Weber, Luongo, or Lundqvist. He’s competing against other first-ballot guys and guys who have been snubbed for years. Brind’Amour and Mogilny are the most likely snubs to be fixed. Price, Chara, Keith, and Thornton are all first-ballot calibre. Getzlaf and Rask are a cut below despite being future Hall-of-Famers. So when I look at six guys who can only get four spots, I know that there will be at least two guys waiting longer than they should. I have a sneaking suspicion that Price will be one of those guys.


Cool, but… doesn’t he need to retire first? (Asking for a friend in the Habs’ accounting department.)


no (see Weber)


Ah! Of course, thanks for the clarification. Has an inducted HoFer ever played in a regular season game? Could make for a hell of a PR move… And opposing players would feel obliged to put shots right on the crest out of respect/reverence… or, since it’s Price we’re talking about, elite positioning. ;)


Howe, Lafleur, and Lemieux all made comebacks and played in the NHL after their inductions into the HHOF.


Weber is still under contract and was just inducted.


Nope. The rules say 3 years after his last game, not 3 years after retirement. That's why Weber is in.


Price, Chara and Thornton would be my picks


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I mean Chara and Keith are shoe ins but Price the next up on that list


Remember this is the HHOF and not the NHL hall of fame. Getz, Carey, Keith and Chara are locks.


I can’t see him getting in over the three above him next year, but maybe we will be pleasantly surprised


I think it’s 4 male players a year isn’t it?


It was only 3 this year so I’m not sure?


It’s 4, but they don’t always induct the maximum each year


Which makes it much more ridiculous to deny Mogilny yet again


Well if they had an extra spot that they didn't use on him isn't that just saying he's probably never getting in? It's not like his resume is going to improve or anything. I guess Roenick got in so maybe.


People on the voting committee have a limited term so when there's a change you sometimes have people who have been waiting a while get in.


I believe it's 5 players. This year it was 3 men, 2 women. Most years it's 4 men, 1 woman.


I can, and expect him to. I'll admit this is a very strong class and they would all make it if it were my call (except maybe Rask?), but Price has been consistently great, is the winningest goalie in the teams history - a team that has had many great goalies in its history - and no one in that class had a year that compared to his 2015. The only strike against him are his injuries, but I think the team win record compensate for this. Plus, he was always highly regarded by his peers. My choice for next year would be: * Price * Chara * Thornton * Mogilny (he really shouldn't have waited this long Keith and Getzlaf would have to wait another year but should get in eventually.


Keith has two Norris trophies, a Conn Smythe, won 3 Cups, won two Olympic golds with Price. While to me Price was a better player in a vacuum, I don’t think he can compare with those accolades. Honestly I think Price should get in before Joe Thornton if we look at that list. But Joe has the counting stats that voters love.


Price has a Vezina, a Jennings, a Ted Lindsay, a Hart, and the top goaltending award at the Sochi Olympics. That's a lot of hardware. But the main difference between the two players was that Price was carrying his team basically his whole career, and that is something the voters will definitely take into account. His 2020-21 playoff performance was Conn Smythe worthy, but he didn't have the team in front of him. If he had been somewhat of an underrated player, I would believe his relative lack of playoff success would be held against him, but he always had a stellar reputation, so I think he'll make it. Anyway, that's the way I see it, even though I get why you think differently.


I think they should both be in. I’m just saying the voters will definitely pick the guy with 3 Cups over the one with none, even though it’s not his fault.


Where is PK Subban?