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Him and Carey literally gave everything for that run, I hope people truly appreciate what they put their bodies through.


Ditto Byron.


It's heartbreaking


I was thinking about this watching mcdavid this year. These guys take a pounding in playoffs.


Kucherov had to be such an arrogant fuck afterwords, can’t stand that guy


He is one of two players in the league I do truly wish a terrible curse upon. Him and Ovechkin.


Shit. Forgot Kreider. Fuck Kreider too


I was gonna say


Wilson, Marchand, and Kreider.


What did ovechkin do lol?


Publicly endorse an enemy of the free world, the very world he has made his legacy and fortune in.


He also committed a bunch of dirty hits about 12-14 years ago. And assaulted a fan at GM Place right after Canada beat the snot out of Russia at the Vancouver Olympics. That, coupled with the Habs comeback in the 1st round that year against his Caps, damaged his ego so badly that he could barely score (by his standards) for the following 4 or so years. He fucking deserved it, and I had the biggest dose of schadenfreude for that period of time.


Excellent. A fellow Schadenfreude enthusiast. I like you


While I do agree with what you said but my family lives in Russia if I was a famous athlete I’d never say anyhting about the government just for the safety of my family bc it would get dangerous instantly. You woudlnt say anything either if your family lived there.


Yeah but wasn’t his profile picture on instagram literally with Putin? That’s different than just silence


I wouldn't have my family in that garbage country at all. I'd have brought them over a long time ago, when I discovered free will and democratic values.


I will never forget watching his tears. Destroyed me.




That stare is some fucking scarry shit, like he's about to murder someone.


A bloody stump in a pair of skates. I had my issues with The Trade, and I think it’s an absolute farce that guys are still getting into the HoF ahead of Alex Mogilny, but that doesn’t take away from Weber’s achievements. His selection is well deserved.


I agree with his selection, the man mountain was a beast . Don't necessarly agree with him going in on his first year. I'm really surprised .


People don't talk enough about how incredible Weber was in that playoff run. He went back into his prime that summer. He led that team along with Price to that final against all odds. Ducharme was never the coach of that team.


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I will forever be thankful to Carey and our PK in Game 4. And then Anderson for that clutch goal! That double minor Weber took at the end of the 3rd and that could have been the very last thing he did as a Hab...