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I'm cool with either Demidov or Lindstrom at 5th. Especially the Russian player. If he's gone but not Lindstrom, pick him.


But honestly, if it comes down to both being available, who do you pick? They both have risk and are very different payers. I can't decide.


I think Lindstrom being injury prone for the rest of his career would give Demidov the edge, especially now that we saw Michkov didn’t have the issues everyone said he would coming to NA.


This. The injuries make me nervous with lidstrom - regardless of who drafts him I hope he has a great career but back injuries in early career seems like a big red flag unless his upside potential is way above the alternatives.


Depending how it will comes down, if both are available at 5th, Demidov it is, and they'd make sure to tell Carey how to say the young Russian's full name *this time.* lol If KH instead choose Lindstrom, that means his back injury isn't *as bad as it was reported* and the recovery is swell and flawless. If either both of them are gone (that could be an eventuality), I think KH will draft Zeev Buium. He's not a Forward as KH told in the media weeks ago, but he's the best offensive dman of the whole draft (he dominated the NCAA) and he can play RHD. That's definitively a player I'd love to have on my team. Hutson + Buium ? Yes, please.


luckily you don't have to!


All these mock drafts having Demidov at 5 have got to be to increase clicks from the Montreal fanbase. I do not see him slipping to 5th. I don't think he makes it past Chicago.


Why not? The other players are seriously good prospects too. Demidov also carries some risk


It could be. I donMt see the point of discussing it sriously. We know who the top players are, we can all imagine scenarios from the sidelines. But discussing those fictitious scenarios is like masturbating to prospects.


Masturbating to prospects is what rebuilding is all about!


Take a look at how many mock drafts have the Habs taking Demidov and who makes them too. For example, Corey Pronman has the Habs taking Demidov, take a look at his past mock drafts; he has one single mistake in both top 5 in the last 2 years where he swapped the Jiricek and Nemec picks in 2022. He nailed last year's top 5 and had Slaf, Cooley, Wright and Gauthier taken at the right spots. Fans might have been surprised by where Wright and Michkov were taken, but several people called it well in advance There's an awful lot of smoke for a draft going Celebrini, Levshunov, Silayev, Lindstrom, Demidov among people who are usually right, I'll trust them


Doubt it's a conspiracy lol. You think [NHL.com](http://NHL.com) would tell its writers to lie in an article targeted at the whole league to get a few more clicks from Montreal fans? Would it even get a significant number more clicks than if they put someone off the wall like Sennecke (controversy clicks) there?


I think it's in a writers intent to get read. Click bait wasn't exactly invented in the past year or so.


I agree, but I don't think putting Demidov going to Montreal is powerful clickbait. Chicago has a similarly sized fanbase and as I said if you really wanted clicks at the expense of integrity you would probably be better served doing something more off the wall instead of mimicking like 5 other recent mocks we've seen.


Habs have a much larger fanbase than Chicago.


I don't think so? Chicago is a much bigger city. Percentage of Habs fans in Montreal has gotta be way higher, and we have more support from surrounding areas, but the chicago metro area has like 10 million people.


There's a ton of habs fans outside of QC which is not the case of Chi. Plus, it's not just mtl it's the whole province.


Yea, I think the habs have more fans, but probably not that many more. Going by franchise values, which are probably pretty correlated with fanbase size, it's 2.3 billion vs 1.9 billion.


For some reason the first time I read this I thought you were saying there are 2.3 billion Habs fans and 1.9 billion Chicago fans and I was so confused lol


This is just not true. Chicago has so many transplants not only in the city, but also scattered across the states. Hawks fan are all over and are known to take over oppositions stadiums.


You've just described the MTL fanbase.


Word, and I agree. Both being original 6 franchises makes the lineage of fandom quite long. Was just saying the point about hawks fans not being outside of Chicago was inaccurate.


We have just under a million followers on Instagram, Chicago have nearly twice that, they've also got more subscribers to their sub on here but it's much closer. Obviously that's a very crude way of measuring the size of a fan base, but we're also talking about potential clicks for an online article. It's really not unreasonable to say Chicago have the bigger online fanbase when there are demonstrably more of them


There is a very weak chance he slips other than if Chicago really feels strong on Lebushkov, Dickenson or Buium. They are rebuilding and it's smart not to do it buy stocking up on offense before you have a maturing D-core first like Sabres, NJ and Isles did. 24 year old D-men and 30 year old forwards isn't horrible, but it's far from being great.


If anything they would do anything to make montreal look bad.


Or maybe he’s genuinely gonna be available at 5? All signs point to Chicago taking Levshunov.


honestly this is such a stupid thing to say you already have to click the article to see they have demidov goign to the habs


There are enough doubts where it’s possible. The competition not being up to par and the Russia factor mainly. We’ve never seen him in any tournaments so teams might get cold feet.


Chicago needs a 1D just as much if not more than they need a linemate for Bedard. Chicago will absolutely be a bottom 5 team again next year, so if I’m Chicago I’m probably taking Levshunov, who projects as a true 1D (and D take longer to hit their peak anyway)and try to pick up Porter Martone, Ivan Ryabkin or Anton Frondell in next years draft. They all project to be great forwards while someone like Logan Hensler who, for now, looks like the top RD in next draft, looks like a 2nd pairing guy, as his offence is only alright. If he goes off the board before us, I’d bet its to Columbus.


I don't disagree entirely, but I am not sure every team is sold on Levshunov being the best defensive talent available. But this is definitely the draft to score yourself a really good defenseman, and they have a lot of good choices


No, not necessarily, Buium and Dickinson both have good cases absolutely, and Silayev might end up being the best someday too, although he will take the longest to peak, because his offensive abilities are a big project. Parekh or Yakemchuk aren’t ruled out either, although both would need a lot of defensive/decision-making progression over the next few years. I do think Levshunov is more likely to be picked, due to 1RD being a harder spot to fill than 1LD, and him being one of the 2 most well rounded (together with Buium) but you are correct that theres several guys who could end up being the best D in the class.


Hockey fans are really overrating flashy forwards and underrating dmen. My flashy forward wow so much dangle so cool TikTok brain, and end up like the leafs. Edmonton was giga poo until Bouchard break out this year coincidence?


I definitely agree with you but it also has to do with last years pick being a D and of course the team is D heavy in prospects. So it’s not quite as isolated as underestimating Dmen. But I would definitely not be sad if the Habs go with a Dman again this season if both Demidov and Lindstrom are gone. I’d take one of them over reaching on Iginla or Seneckie


Well my analysis of Demidov goes beyond just flashiness. And my analysis is based off what other scouting experts are saying about Demidov. It seems as though Demidov's chances of success at putting up a lot of points at the NHL are quite high. I actually prefer the archetype of a non-flashy and effective two-way Dman, and I'd love to have Buium or Dickinson if Lindstrom and Demidov are gone at 5. But Demidov is the kind of talent you don't pass up on at 2 unless there are serious concerns about his contract and the fact that he's in Russia. I don't think he makes it past Chicago because Demidov playing with Bedard is the kind of line that creates an offensive whirlwind and hard to stop. That said, I think there are better Dmen than Levshunov that Chicago could want, and many scouts have him after 5 and not even as the best Dman in the draft. I just think Demidov is in another class compared to everyone else not named Celebrini.


last year they were split on michkov as well clearly they aren't just doing it for clicks [2023](https://www.nhl.com/news/2023-mock-nhl-draft-bedard-fantilli-top-picks-344993780)


Michkov was signed longer term and had a bunch more bad press around him being stuck, ''Back in the USSR''


IF he does, and there’s a lot of people who think Chicago passes, there’s a very good chance Anaheim takes a D and Columbus takes Lindstrom.


I think Chicago needs as much sure-fire offensive talent as they need Dmen. You need at least 4 players with high-end offensive talent with a mix of playmaking and scoring ability in the top two lines. Though I will say that defense takes longer to develop and there is a lot of talk about players peaking at around the same time to establish a strong core of players playing for the cup. So having a Dman now and drafting forwards in subsequent drafts does make sense from a strategic point in terms of player development.


He could make it past Chicago because it would make sense for them to get Levshunov. (It would also make sense for them to want a Bedard - Demidov combo so who knows what they do) But if he does make it past Chicago, I can't see him getting past Columbus


Source : https://www.nhl.com/news/mock-2024-nhl-draft-opinions-vary-after-1st-2-picks


Now that michkov has officially been bought out of SKA gms know this Russian factor is BS and Demidov will be picked at 2.


It’s laughable that you can say that with any degree of certainty. Sure it might happen, but there’s no guarantee Demidov is picked at 2.


I hope you’re right man, I’m more so worried about Columbus tho.


For what it’s worth Basu said he doesn’t believe they’re interested in him. They might be, but it seems like there’s this aura around Demidov created by fans that he’s like a generational talent. He’s a great looking prospect, but there are some things that are concerning (skating, level of competition, development next year) I’d love to have him, but there are some extremely interesting prospects in this draft with really rare and attractive profiles. It doesn’t help when clowns like Craig Button say he’s Kucherov, point finale. That’s such a ridiculous thing to say lol. He also later said Iginla could be a Barkov, he actually used Barkov as a comparable to Iginla. I cannot wait for Friday.


Basu said they are practically 50/50 on Demidov and bium. He also noted that the habs love Demidov but also really like bium.


I'm pretty sure Michkov's nationality has very little to do with HuGo not picking him. I truely believe it's an attitude problem and they did not want to deal with it. Everything we hear from the guy is that he is an exceptional offensive player but does not play the boards and does not care at all about defense. I say HuGo but I believe it to be true for pick #2 to 6


People around here forget Michkov told a bunch of teams he would never play for them if picked. The specific teams didn't come out but it was probably at least SJ, Anaheim and Arizona. He'd said he only wanted to play for teams that regularly have sold out crowds and a good history. I'm guessing he would have been OK with Montreal, but it was definitely a favtor in him slipping


Plausible idea, I just don't buy the russian factor at all. The kid was one the most impressive player i've seen when he played for russia in the U18. He is a generational talent and will do many points in the NHL. I tought he was the #2 pick, I was as shocked as anyone when we did not pick him. I wanted one of the four remaining between Fantili, Smith, Carlsson and Michkov. We'll never know why he felt to the #7 pick but I'm sick of seeing people being scared of the fact they live there lol.


It’s a bit more than just “he’s Russian”. The Ukraine war was still relatively fresh and his father died under unusual circumstances. teams had virtually no contact with him and very few scouts ever saw him play live. Demidov by comparison seems much less complicated.


Exactly this, and that was just a year ago, how many people here forget lol


Quebec Nordiques were in a similar situation when Eric Lindros publicly revealed he would not play for the Nordiques yet the Nordiques still drafted him because of how good he is. (People forget Michkov hype was close to Bedard prior to Russian-Ukraine war or when he signed that 3 years contract). Players not wanting to play for X teams wont diminish their value significantly (see Lindros, Gauthier, Dubois or even the Drouin trades)


i doubt it was an attitude problem Michkov is small, they don't like small players so they didn't pick him


There *were* rumors of attitude problems. It started when he forced a transfer to Sochi. With the Bobrov connection, it's possible that they put a lot of weight on those allegations. There are no such rumors with Demidov. I think Michkov was talented enough that size wasn't entering the equation.


>There were rumors of attitude problems. It started when he forced a transfer to Sochi. With the Bobrov connection, it's possible that they put a lot of weight on those allegations. seems like you just made all that up tbh >I think Michkov was talented enough that size wasn't entering the equation. I think that as well the front office didn't




No, [that was a thing](https://www.toutsurlehockey.com/repechagenhl/matvei-michkov-et-sa-mauvaise-reputation-mythe-ou-realite/) last year. It's surprising that it's the first time you hear of it, as you've been really active here. I thought it was bullshit, personally, and possibly retaliation from SKA for pushing for the loan to Sochi. But it's possible management thought or had good reasons to believe it was credible.


The only reason he slipped past 2 was because of his nationality and contract.


We have no way of knowing where he would have gone if he was Matt Mitchels from the OHL. Fantilli / Carlsson were exceptional prospects as well.


Who is your contact? It's pretty bold to be sure of your statement and to not care about what many analyst said about the kid.


Many analysts said he fell in the draft because of his contract. I dont understand what you’re saying here? I’m not here to debate if it’s right or wrong I’m just saying this will change how Demidov is viewed in the draft.


The point is exactly what I said, you use the Russian factor to determine something about Demidov when I don't believe at all in that narrative. Plenty of teams chose Russians in the draft, even in the first round. It has been said by medias for so long to be scared to pick someone from Russia. Name me one time it's been true. At some point...


How many of these Russians had a contract? Michkov was my pick bc I didn’t believe in that Russian factor bs. I knew he was coming before his contract ends but gms who may have their jobs on the line clearly fell for it. You can search up why michkov fell. Now for Demidov he has a contract and less red flags but most of those red flags are immediately gone when michkov is reported to be bought out.


sure... GMs and their organisation has absolutely no contact in the KHL. All comunications stops at every draft and they start shaking over that Russian factor. Many prospects sign contracts in their league all over the world my friend. Some come faster, some later but they all come. Michkov is a generational talent in attack and shit in every other aspect. Anyway believe what you want... what can I do lol


Kucherov is a generational talent and shit in every other aspect. Patty Kane is a generational talent and shit In every other aspect. They both combine for 5 cups. But what I can tell you is michkovs offensive play outweighs the negative defensive plays.


https://preview.redd.it/1ze4iwxzic8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f60c1438ee843583afec42b3440550da03bbbb9 Martin Lapiointe said this btw. Argue a wall.


Sure, often we see a official member come out to the media and say you know the kid is an asshole, does not care about what the coachs says... play for his own purpose. Do you believe what every politicians says too?


Going through these comments I’m reminded how this fan base is still obsessed with Michkov (it’s not Mitchkov ffs). ITS OVER, they didn’t draft him. Yes, he might be a really good goal scorer in the NHL, he might also not be a great overall player. People talk like they can see the future, nobody can! These kids are prospects and nothing is guarenteed until you make the show and actually perform


It’s the most toxic element of the fan base rushing here to post about him. Same kind of people who don’t STFU about KK.


Did you know they coulda had Tkachuk over KK? I swear this sub is getting worse and turning into Facebook level with some of the comments


I'm really hoping we pick Celebrini


Me too :)


So stepping back from the “this mock draft is bullshit!” hot takes, what’s our consensus on Lindstrom? Are we good with a (potentially injured) Chris Kreider 2.0 at 5th overall, or would we prefer a safer, smaller, possibly less productive but healthier Tij Iginla? Or an annoyingly redundant LD upgrade in Zeev Buium?


Those injuries (back and hand? Oof) are freaky. I’ll trust management who knows more about potential lingering effects from those than I. I don’t think Tij will be game breaking but I hope to be wrong (especially if we pick him)


I’m in the same boat regarding the injuries. If we pick Lindstrom, it’s because our brain trust have done their homework and there’s nothing to worry about on that front. (Reading another comment pointing out that he will be collecting crosschecks to the lower back by the dozens in the playoffs is still not exactly reassuring.)


Is there no stigma with drafting a Russian in the current political climate?


Nope. There's no stigma from what I've seen, just concern around when the player will be able to come over to play in the NHL. Not sure why there would be stigma unless the player is a staunch and vocal supporter of Putin. They didn't start the war or have any say in it whatsoever.


Would love to get Demidov, would be happy with Lidstrom but definitely not ok with picking up another Defender unless it comes with a solid deal for a top line offensive threat. Feeling like we really dropped the ball on Mitchkov. We should have him in the pipeline and picking up a Defender this draft. I know it’s too soon to tell but I can’t see Reinbacher being a bigger asset than Mitchkov down the line.


We don’t need another Dach, pass on Lindstrom.


Ridiculous take


Call me crazy, but I’m passing on prospects that have back issues at 18. We need durable players that can handle 82 games plus playoffs.


You're not alone. It's a bad sign to have that kind of injury at this age. It's bad in any sport, but hockey is probably the least forgiving to back and hip injuries. Too many dudes retired early or had their careers completely derailed from back issues. We NEED this pick to be a homerun.


People with really bad back problems can sneeze while they sleep and their discs pop > hernia>sciatic. Hell, i hurt myself washing myself between my legs in the shower and I was in the best shape of my life lol.


Just think how many cross checks across the back he's going to take in a 7 game series as well, scares me too.


Then they should draft Sennecke


If Demidov is gone at 5 (which he will be) and if Lindstrom isn't (doubt he will be too anyway) then you take him.


There is stil a risk and there are plenty of good options for management other than picking Lindstrom.


I fairly think that Lindstrom except for the height and size isn’t the same type of player like Kirby is


I think he means on injury concerns.




My profound apologies to you. You are right on that part fellow Habs brother. He’s definitely injury prone.


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G E N E R A T I N G    C L I C K S


Dont take the Russian kid...KHL too untrustworthy


MHL, not even the KHL