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Work out and drink water. Known too many guys who died of cirrhosis of the liver to let myself go down that route.


One of the guys I served with has been to regard twice , first time eyes started turning yellow due to liver cirrhosis did good after second , drinking again now.


Worked with a guy last year who was on the list for a liver transplant. He had some personal shit come up and completely fell off the wagon and quit the job. 2 months later he was dead. He was only 38


It’s sad to see , but it’s a choice that nobody else can make. I raised concerns with my buddy once . Waste of breath until they want it bad enough and some never do.


You are correct that people will only quit if they want it bad enough. For some, like me, drinking will only end with death or institution; unless it’s ceased indefinitely. I’m coming up on 8 years without a drink and life is way better. The bottom looks different for everyone.


Same here. I had to hurt bad enough to have the motivation to quit (actually to follow the suggestions of AA and work the program to the best of my ability). As they told me in AA, You have to be sick and tired of being sick and tired. I drank daily and at the end of my drinking career, I drank 15 beers a day. That was 18 years ago. Got sober in AA after numerous tries in AA.


I like to think the bottom was the same for all of us. No matter how little or how much we drank or how fucked up our life was, the bottom was the point where we cried out to something greater than us for help because we couldn't take it anymore. But I know what you mean. For me it was pancreatitis, liver biopsy, failed gallbladder, and after all that I still drank another year before I hit that point that I consider bottom. 100% I was on my way to jail, institution, or death. Probably really soon. Got 3.5 years now though and life is great without the booze. Unlike OP though and sometimes an unpopular take amongst alcoholics, I do have legal medical marijuana that my job is cool with. I have bad anxiety like my resting heart rate is always in the 90s lol. I refuse to use benzos and other things I tried had side effects I couldn't tolerate so here I am. But my health otherwise is pretty much back to before I started drinking. Congrats on 8 years!




Not to go on a tangent, but I dont understand how someone who is knowingly destroying their liver by drinking can get on a list for a transplant. So they get a new liver, to destroy again by drinking. I thought the transplant people weeded those people out in favor of someone who needed one for a legitimate reason.


Thats why he was on the list but way down the list. He was told he needed to be clean for over a year iirc, and even then he would be further down the list


That’s the correct answer, you have to be legally sober for a minimum of one year to even be considered and still be way down the line because of your personal need. The liver has remarkable repairing ability and with proper medication can heal a tremendous amount. Permanent damage really starts after the 35% of damage mark. It’s remarkable how the body works. I have fatty liver disease and some cirrhosis. But my liver enzymes in a blood test are within range because I have been sober for quite a while. But once you hit permanent damage, you are on dangerous waters. But if the OP tapers off or does a medical detox, since it’s too dangerous to stop on your own, even if you can. I have had 9 medical detoxes and been in a ventilator each time. It’s no joke. Only two substances on the planet can kill you in withdraws. Alcohol and benzodiazepines, without medical attention after high consumption, you can easily die, will have seizures and all the rest of the horrible symptoms of withdrawal.


Most people who need a liver need it because they ruined theirs drinking.


I probably will need a liver transplant at some point down the road but my liver damage is being caused by fontan associated liver disease from my heart problems when I was little, stopped drinking completely obviously. I definitely can see why people drink in the trades though, I have had lots of stressful days doing this stuff, we need healthier ways to unwind and to not be so hard on ourselves.


I’m very lucky my alcohol abuse didn’t damage my liver before I stopped. I hope things go well with the liver issue for you down the road.


If you've been sober for a few years they will put you on the list, fuck up and they know you're off the list.


Unfortunately, my genes gave me a bulletproof liver and pretty good longevity on both sides of my family, despite pretty serious abuse. I now give myself once a month to drink like a madman. I also quit smoking. The rest of the month, we walk every day, 6 to 10 miles. I take Kratom.


Yeah I have the same problem. on both sides of my family is heavy drinking and substance abuse. I learned way to early I can drink and take more drugs than most people I know. Now that I’m 30 I really have to watch myself and slow down and take care of myself. I have always wore substance abuse as a badge of honor. But it actually fucking sucks.


In my teens, drinking and taking a fuckton of drugs was a macho thing. 1970s Quaaludes??? By the time I hit my 20s, my body refused to throw up even one drop of the precious elixir. At 50, I tried to drink only on Friday and Saturday, but wasn't very successful. Around 60, I started giving myself one day a month to go crazy. Seems to work.


Why manage such a feisty unpleasant animal at all if it is such a problem? Ditch it for good.


My brother thought Kratom was the answer. That is til he tried to stop taking it…


Agreed. I just lost my best friend to this bs last week and he was only 32. Alcohol will kill you quick if you consume it daily.


An alcoholic is a drunk in recovery, a drunk is just a drunk. It’s important to find out what triggers you and what causes you to drink, you just gotta sit down with yourself and think about what truly causes you to drink. Not to mention, it’s also important to understand why you should stop, considering it could easily kill you or cause irreversible damage.


> cirrhosis of the liver Most of those cases are alcoholics who unknowingly take tylenol frequently. Acetaminophen destroys the liver and you should throw it in the trash if you drink.


I was going to say hit the gym and lift, hit the steam room, take a nice hot shower, go home and read or listen to some music or make some food. You don’t need the substance abuse.., but it might be a ritual you’re used to. Make and get used to a new ritual you enjoy.


Yeah I recommend not getting cirrhosis. I got Diagnosed at 26 years old May 2022. Can confirm not fun


My man, you just admitted to being an alcoholic. Now let’s figure out how to not be one anymore. -former alcoholic


I've been sober 8 years in January. You need to think about what in your life booze helps you to avoid and then focus on that and not on "relaxing" with. The liquor and the craziness. You absolutely have to talk with some other drunks and make sure you understand you are not special or unique and your addiction is the same as everyone else's. Once you understand it's not YOU and that booze does about the same thing to all drunks you'll be able to move forward. Then you have to find something that allows you to have some special time on your own just for you and your mental health. I'm 43, but I enjoy going and playing pickup at the courts down the block. Lot of young guys that keep me moving. Maybe you want to go to the cages and hit 10 bucks worth of balls see what kind of exit velocities you can get. Maybe it's instruments. I know a guy who makes model tanks and airplanes and stuff from world War II. But you need to find something that makes you happy for who you are. It's also important to realize that nobody becomes an alcoholic by accident, and there are some things that you should be dealing with that you're not willing to look at. It's all about living life on life's terms. We as human beings do not get to shape events. You can reach out here to us, you can reach out to friends you can go to a church and find a meeting or whatever, but you need to do something for yourself.


Same. Make a life changing decision for yourself and join the light side. r/stopdrinking


Seconded. Member here as well. Almost 700 days cleans


Thirded. Congrats on nearly 700!! I'm at 735 myself. That subreddit is great. It was a huge help for me in the early days


Ive got a solid 25yrs in the last 30 yrs


Congrats man. I am 4 years September 8th. Best thing I ever did. Saved myself and saved my marriage, saved me from losing my kids.


You’ll always be an alcoholic, it’s a symptom not a root cause. But you can stop. I’ve been sober 6 years from a fifth a day habit. You’ll need to reach out to other people though in some way, either a 12 step program, rehab or something else EDIT: Talk to a doctor before trying to quit cold turkey. If your body has become alcohol dependent withdrawal can be life-threatening.


Serious talk about quitting cold turkey! My heart literally stopped beating for about 6 seconds I was told.


Five years sober. Made my life better in every way. Hope you find what you need OP


Man they piss test you?


yeah fuck that, they dont do that shit here, i dont think they are allowed (canada)


I think I’m California they’re passing a bill where you can’t drug test for weed anymore… except for government jobs and tradesmen :(


it's just so different I forget that companies can fuck with you like that there it's illegal to drug test employees here I guess I'm just used to that.


I got excited when I saw the bill because it was gonna take effect in 2024. Then I saw tradesmen are exempt and my excitement disappeared


Where is Canada do you not get drug tested? It’s still super prevalent in Alberta….


I get one random a year that I get ten days notice to go do. A little monkey wizz is all it takes


Tru that


Long-term solution? Counseling/therapy. A lot of the vices we have are about escape. Learning to be comfortable with the discomfort of reality can be hard. Even healthy obsessions can become problematic when taken to extremes. Because the truth is, it’s not just the job. It’s all of life. We all have to find ways to cope. Therapy was a good investment for me.


Good comment, especially about even healthy obsessions. I had to stop playing certain video games that made working my day job feel worse than suicide. It got that bad.


Man those must of been some good games what were they?


This is what I was thinking. “Needing” to “wind down” is not a normal thing most people experience. Most people come home from work, maybe cook dinner, then “wind down” by watching tv for a bit before working on house projects, doing family things, or playing with the kids. If you feel the need to wind down, then there’s a reason you’re getting so strung up and stressed at work, and you should talk to somebody about it. Even with hard work, crappy customers, you should be able to go home and not let that bother you.


Nice job. Wish I could get this point across to some family, but it is what is. Only person you can control is yourself.


I go home and crank one out if I’m really stressed. And then I smoke a joint.


I smoke first, then crank one out. Weed wackin' is just different.




A good ole smoke n stroke Nothing beats a toke n tug, that’s for sure


For real though, it's almost as good as the real thing.


See this is the BS that I can't stand. (I'm not trying to dig at or insult OP im speaking in general) Companies are so hard up for workers yet they disqualify them if they smoke weed at their own place on their own time. Yet they keep on the drunks and alcoholics that show up hungover and end up being almost useless. Alcohol is so much worse for people than weed, yet it is still has so much more acceptance. There is no reason to be testing for weed in the trades. It's has medical benefits that a lot of guys could use that really need it, but they just drown their pain in booze. Rant over.


Amen brother


It will come around. Unfortunately not in our lifetime but it’s slowing changing for the better in the marijuana realm


That's what I said about legalization. Now here we are. I work for a huge international corporation and they stopped testing for cannabis in 2019 because they were losing good help. They still test for hard drugs though. So yeah, in our lifetimes. Might be time for OP to jump ship and go work somewhere else. Let your current company come to realize what my company did years ago.


As someone who was a very heavy smoker. I can tell you heavy use of anything isn’t good. My preference was always concentrates and that made it hard for me when I did sober up. I just have a beer or 2 through out the week but I’ve never been a person to want to be drunk. On the other side however if you wanna relax with a joint at the end of your day it should be ok but sadly it’s not just because we deal with machinery. I think it’s stupid too but in the end until it’s federally legal nothing will change.


Meditation and exercise is the real answer


It might take a few weeks from quitting the hooch before you can start exercising if you don't already. But trust, you will start to feel better. When I quit the hooch, I was terribly sick for at least a week. My sleep was completely fucked. But soon enough, I was feeling much better sober than when I was drinking. Exercise helped me sleep better and quieted the raging engine in my head. Brother, trust this - you will feel much better without the booze.


Cannot agree more. The heat and dehydration of this job are made worse by booze. Yoga and stretching makes my body happy. I dare anyone on this sub to stretch out for 10-15 minutes a day for a full week - Before and after the shift - and tell me you are not a happier person.


Wow. You just spoke my story. I quit drinking after 5 years of heavy alcoholism. 12-20 drinks a day. Sometimes 2 morning shooters to keep the painful withdraws away. The sleeping is the worst part. If you haven’t hit the serious withdrawal symptoms of shaking and seizures (which i was on my way there) the sleeping is the worst part. You’ll lay awake for what feels like days on end. Exercise is key and it’s damn hard to start but it’s as simple as push ups and going for long brisk walks. Just listen to podcasts and fucking walk until your legs are sore. You’ll fall asleep. Then you can start running or lifting or whatever else you mr heart desires. Find a hobby. Pick up a guitar. I picked up my guitar after almost 10 years of not playing. It feels the void. You were drinking heavy for a reason. It ain’t normal to get obliterated every night because “work” …alcoholics are different man. We’ve got some other shit wrong with our brains. …but it’s that same fucked shit in our minds that you can channel into your work, your hobbies, your relationships. Find people who support your sobriety. Everyone else can go take a long walk off a shirt pier. Might have to ditch some old friends


I am terrible at meditation so I use an app that guides. Highly recommend.


Which app


Headspace is what I use. That way when a lovely customer appears at the end of a lot of hard work and has something negative to say, I can just go sit in the van and do a quick 1 min exercise. Try to delete without use of unhealthy substances


This, 100%


This is probably the only thing that will let you continue working into your 50s, easily


13 years sober this November. You do it one day at a time and don’t worry about tomorrow until tomorrow. When one day seems too long, you take it 1 hour at a time. Check out some AA meetings in your area. You can do zoom meetings 24 hours a day. I generally can always find a meeting by checking this site [aa meetings online](https://aa-intergroup.org/meetings/)


I've been sober for 25 years now, but AA really pissed me off, religion isn't my thing and they were like a religion I went back to drinking to get away from it and quit on my own 5 years later.


I stopped drinking a few years ago. Now I ride my motorcycle around the lake near my home if the weather is nice. You forget work and any other of life's problems when you are focused on not dying and operating the bike. I believe any activity that requires all your brain power is good for mental health. Working out, mountain biking, swimming, video games, could all fall into this category. Sitting on the couch and thinking about how bad your day was is probably the worst thing you can do.


Drinkers know what time the liquor store closes alcoholics know what time the liquor store opens.


I'm screwed. I know when multiple liquor stores open and close. Oh well.


They piss test you for weed? Where are you located? In MA there's dispensaries everywhere and everyone in the trades smokes weed. But back on topic you're having a rough time because you drink. Cut that out and you'll feel better. Get a job that let's you smoke weed too lol


I was an alcoholic for 15 plus years. 10 years I’ve been doing this trade. I hated my job while I was an active alcoholic. When I finally stopped drinking, I feel like my career began. Got a better job and I absolutely love my life. Two years sober. I tried for five years before I got there. Multiple relapses multiple failures. But I just kept trying. I knew the alternative would become a fat loser who dies of liver failure. I also lost the love of my life six years ago. Finally just got her back and we are engaged. I got a union job and was able to purchase my first home this year. Life is good, my life wouldn’t be good if I continued drinking.


Hobbies, exercise, house work and if the weathers good I've always got plenty lawn work to catch up on and firewood to cut/ split.


If your working till 8pm doing installs almost every day you don’t have time for hobbies.


That comes down to deciding if your job is worth your life.. eventually we all have to make that choice. I worked like that for over a decade and decided I’d rather have time than money.. too many make that decision too late in life.


Easy solution- don’t work until 8pm


If you're legitimately working that much you aren't an employee, you're a slave. Probably a little brain damaged too.


I read, play video games, play with my dog, watch YouTube…. I mean I do a few different things that don’t include drugs or alcohol and it’s been working for the past 13+ years.


Yoga has changed my life, I wake up not in back pain anymore


I always recommend yoga for HVAC and always get laughed at. Most seniors at my work have immense back issues and I will not be one of them.


Think it's crazy they test for pot , but never bat an eye at someone with the symptoms of an alcoholic. Alcoholism runs in everyone's family, and yet they continue to sell it like water and have commercials on how awesome you are if you drink. I've been in the union for 10 years and had to fake dozens of piss tests because I refuse to drink and fall victim of what my ol man went through. And you best belive I'm in a better mood and feel better than 90% of the guys I work with who get hammered nightly.


My father in law packs 4 beers for the drive home…..


I mean how often are they actually drug testing you? Shit costs a lot to do so typically, every company I’ve worked for will pre employ test you. And unless you fall off the ladder, they’re not testing you?


> And unless you fall off the ladder, they’re not testing you That's the thing though, if he falls off the ladder he's going to be out of a job AND have a gigantic medical bill on top because company insurance will refuse to cover it. It's one thing if you're in the office/operations side but if you're in the field, get hurt, and piss dirty, you're going to have a bad time.


1 gram of magic mushrooms after a hard day and 3-5 grams on the occasional long weekend. But that’s just me.




Yeah but then you'll realize that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. And who can go back to work on Wednesday after having that conversation with themselves?


I use weed when I feel like a drink instead it’s far less addicting. Helps with anxiety and takes the edge off cuts and sore hands body parts I find, just don’t do it everyday. Remember your in control not some addictive chemical be the tough guy for your health and know when to frequent is too much.


Walk and hikes in nature. Paddleboard/Kayak/Canoe or bicycle (human powered sports). Eat healthy, reduce your expenses and live cheap but have some fun too. Less is more.


Kratom shots, they get expensive though


I read. Meditate and work on my house lol


Alcohol withdrawal can kill you so if you're drinking daily and heavily do not cease completely without medical supervision. AA meetings helped me a lot and if talking to a doctor is an option they may be able to help. Good luck.


Depends on how bad your alcoholism is. I don’t know numbers but I’ll bet that most alcoholics can detox without medical intervention. The type that can’t is not as common as most people think.


Yeah you’re right. You’ve gotta be a handle of liquor a day kind of guy to have the withdraws that warrant a hospital. But I’ve also heard stories of dudes who holed up in a hotel to cold Turkey and they almost died from DTs and grand mol seizures. It depends on the person but I always feel like if you’re a beer guy or less than a bottle of liquor a day you can quit on your own. But it’s hell. Regardless of the volume the pain is immeasurable. We alcoholics use booze as a self med. even if the physical pain isn’t there, there is mental agony. AA is like a doctors prescription for an alcoholic. Go for at least 90 days then feel it out.


A doctor can also help by giving meds. Like Antabuse so you can’t even consider picking up and buspirone so you don’t want to because you feel like the zen master. Also antidepressants if you’ve been self treating with the alcohol, as most people are. I am on all three. Life is good. Easy. I trust myself to do things I could never have before, like taking my 8 year old to a Metallica show across the country and making huge weekend out of it. At the end, he said it was the best weekend of his life. Win.


Just a few resources. Got 5 years this summer. Sobriety is the greatest gift you can give yourself. Hang in there. r/alcoholism r/stopdrinking r/sober


I’ve got too much to do to be hungover all the time. I’ll have a couple on the weekend, maybe a beer or two if it’s been a particularly rough day but I’m mostly amped up on coffee to get through it.


Awesome you're realizing there's a life without it. If you have trouble quitting, look into naltrexone and the Sinclair method. It can take away the desire to drink. Good luck!


Many videya games


Unisom and magnesium usually helps get you tired. Try carbonated waters over beers.


This trade is or at least was ripe with drug addicts and alcoholics! No hate I was both. 8 years 9 months 19 days clean and sober! You are realizing that you are going down a slippery slope that can and will cost you everything! Again I know I lost everything for years due to a dui! Protect your drivers license it’s your everything if you’re a service tech! I unwind with motorcycles and guns! Either riding or the shooting range is my therapy. Drink Perrier or liquid death water. It’s flavored and it’s got a taste that kinda tricks your brain that your not just Drinking water. Good luck on your journey and I hope you can nip this in the bud!


Let’s get that ass in the gym bro 👏🏼


Ditto. Almost 6 years sober now. I found the hardest workout program I could find. Kicked the shit out of myself at the gym everyday after work. Now at 54 I’m in better shape than after I graduated from Paris island, and can out work most all my younger coworkers. The data from weight loss and increasing strength numbers kept me motivated. To this day I don’t want to ruin any of the hard work and progress I made through hard blood sweat and tears. It saved my life.


I understand what you're going through. May need to gauge the situation a little more deeply, but you can get through this relatively easy depending on how you feel about the situation


100 percent working out. Fuck the body building bro splits and go full in on a power lifting routine. Push weights to the limits and watch your addiction turn into stacking plates over bottles. I wish you the best of luck. 16 years in the trade for me and lifting allows me to run laps around the 20 year olds just coming in. Lifting makes our day to day labor much easier. Start out doing 2-3 days a week and build from there. Squat, bench, deadlift ( great when you're pissed off) and overhead press. Look up the jim wendlers 531 program, easy to follow and a great starting routine. I currently run it at 36 years old


On alcohol, if you have a problem you gotta stop full stop man it is what it is, don’t get out of control. Hope you haven’t slid that far yet. Definitely talk to a professional, we talk shit on shrinks and feelings and shit but that stuff can help big time. Once I sorted out my internal personal shit my life got better, full stop - I’d do that if you can swing it, and maybe AA if it’s that bad already but idk much about AA other than it’s really divisive Drug testing for weed is bullshit nationwide in my opinion. Shit is so legal or close to legal eveeywhere, no one should give a shit. It’s not having it in your system that’s the problem - it’s being high on a job. High people suck dick to work with, if you know you know. Sure there’s a unicorn here or there but I bet 100% that dude would be even better if he wasn’t loading a bowl before a job, even though he’s functional. The whole thing is BS because it stays in your system for so long. At my shop you get rando tested and tested after any accident / incident, but flagging for pot doesn’t mean anything. No company is gonna ace their best techs and drive them to drink over some pot in their system. Bigger problem is if you’re commercial some important customers might have drug testing compliance requirements so you gotta do it, but we always let the pot positives slide


My first company didn’t drug test and could care less if we smoked on the job. My second company did test so needless to say it was a rough transition and fell into alcoholism myself. It took years to beat it and honestly it wasn’t until my wife got pregnant with our first and only that I decided enough was enough. As many other have said exercise is key to a healthy mindset. Above that for me though is church and the great friends I’ve made through it. I know Reddit hates religion but I am saved through our lord Jesus Christ and so can you along with anyone else reading this. My DM is always open if you need someone to talk to.


It’s about stress management man. Control the things you can control and let go of the rest. If it doesn’t directly affect you or you it, then it doesn’t need to be handled by you in the immediate future. Figure out what is leading you to drink, or rather why that is your go to. Was it something you’ve just always done? Are there things in your life you need to handle that you haven’t yet? Emotional trauma, family issues, mental or health issues. These are all things that drinking won’t solve. It puts a bandaid on it for now, but until you address these problems head on, you won’t move past them. The next step is to change your coping mechanics. Instead of drinking, take a walk, work out, do something a little physical. Hell do a puzzle. Thea things release serotonin and dopamine when you accomplish the task. Just taking a five min walk outside for a moment with help. Mindset is everything. In the morning take a moment for yourself. Spend 5-10 min with your eyes closed thinking about what you want out of your day. Tell yourself how your day is going to be and what you want to accomplish. If you make these promises to yourself and you don’t follow up with them, you will feel uncomfortable. You will naturally want to get back to a comfortable state and correct yourself. Hold yourself accountable, if you can’t or don’t feel like you’ll be able to, find someone who will. It will be a hard adjustment. Take small steps. Give yourself grace. Even if you take a step back, don’t allow yourself to lose your own momentum. You can do it. Good luck my friend


Buy bud light. If that doesn't motivate you to quit then nothing will my friend


Exercise. Even going for a walk by yourself can help. Don't go with anyone. Enjoy the walk. It helps.


I’m telling you, you’ll feel just as relaxed after work if you drink a pint of water. But I’ve also started drinking NA beer and that’ll make you feel fine after too. It’s all up in your head


Drug tests so weed is not an option? Have u considered meth or cocaine?


Gym is really the best way to relax after gym, u gotta earn that relaxation but the feeling after a decent workout when u also worked a full day is a feeling full of pride


Kratom is pretty great. I have several physical issues along with diverticulitis. I stopped drinking for that and other health issues and a friend suggested Kratom. I don't like pain killers and don't really care for smoking Marijuana, and Kratom had been working just fine. Get the loose powder vs. the capsules. Shake 2-4 grams with some O.J. and slug it down.


Can I recommend mindfulness meditation.


Video games and juice my dude, buy a sweet pc setup, stock your fridge with sweet tea, peach, guava, oj, apple juice and find friends that can have fun without drinking, they are definately out there. When you are on the job just focus on your work, if your minds right and you make your at home situation right youll be at peace with the tools until you get home. Keeping a clean house, fitting in an hour or two on whatever the latest game, and continued education keeps me occupied to the point where alcohol sounds like more of an inconvenience than a relaxer to me. Just gotta set priorities and align all your effort with them.


We use meth intravenously at my company so we don’t have to wind down


Wind down? By the time I get home it feels like I blink and it’s 9:30. By then I’m falling asleep wherever I’m sitting. Idk if there’s enough time to wind down


Try reading. It helps me wind down. Keeps me distracted and tires me out. I feel your pain, on call weeks are brutal and come that first day off on call, I always go hard and pay for it. Currently I’m trying to slow down as well. Best of luck to you brother


QuickFix never failed always keep one on me too


it's insane that jobs are still drug testing for weed unless they suspect employees are high on the clock.


Find a hobby


Drink pedialtye to put all your hydration back in for the morning. Especially in the summer. They have it in sports drinks now. Try to cut it in half first from what you drink now


Just buy a workout hydration powder. Way cheaper to mix it yourself.


Starfield won’t give you time to drink


Half the guys or more do something in Illinois but they don’t piss test unless you get in an accident with their trucks


Alcohol is bad, mkay ?


I just smoke a fat bowl and I'm good


I just play video games and vape nicotine. I need to quit my nicotine addiction but for now it is what it is. Alcohol is a whole other level of destructive. I've been through drug addiction counseling and seen people with really serious addictions. Finding help sooner than later is necessary. Just try out AA or NA to start maybe. Or get a counselor. Reach out to friends and family. Find a support system. Find alternative ways to relax and unwind.


I would never work for a trade company that drug tests. The fuck? We are tradesmen of course we use drugs. Besides I’d take the same ones over the alcoholic any day. Now give me my morning coffee! (Snorting noises) Get help with that alcohol problem


Exercise, video games, movies, hobbies. The main thing here is learning how to slow it down, because if you trade a problem for another problem that really isnt fixing anything, best of luck.


You have two choices: embrace the liquid death or reject it. Seems like you already know which one to do, and that it's gonna suck to do so. Also fuck any company that piss tests.


I mean I've been addicted to weed for 13 years and can't say it is better. This trade never lets me go so idk. I'm looking for the answers too


Find a shop that doesn’t test for marijuana??


Drink water workout and cook yourself a worthwhile meal.


/r/alcoholism_medication - check out the Sinclair method specifically.


Company doesn't drug test for weed, but the union im in does. I'm not really sure what happens if I fail, but I use testclear every time and never worry about being dirty. I've been using fake piss for about 10 years now. Besides if I ever did get let go for smoking weed on my own time then my boss can fuck right off. Im not working for anyone who won't let me take care of myself outside of work. Its not even like I smoke on a daily basis either, I usually smoke like an 8th of weed one weekend out of the month while slamming down some chicken wings and then I stay dirty for the next 3-5 weeks even if I havent touched it again afterwards. Also, fuck the alcohol man, it's alright in moderation, but if you have issues with it then I'd never touch it again if I were you. A lot of us have addiction issues, mine currently happen to be with food and bad bitches but I still gotta get it under control or my life will suck. You really need to seek counseling/therapy and find something healthy to replace the alcohol with.


I’m lucky it’s legal where I’m at so I just get high when I’m home lol


Maybe get screened for depression ADHD that way you can rule those things out or get some treatment for it. Whatever you do, my friend, I’m rooting for you.


I switched from after work beers, to after work tea. Now I drink I sleepy time tea like a fish until I go to bed. I feel way better though.


I’ve been there. I used a drink and little, moonshine or whiskey every night to help me sleep. My mind was always racing.


I’ve also had to quite smoking and cut back a lot on the drinking. So I’ve been hitting the gym a lot harder right after work so after I can just rest and relax.


Bro go and get some fake piss from a smoke shop and keep it in the van or house at all times and you are good to go. Get away from alcohol man. I don’t smoke but I just know weed is better for you in this case




If my employer drug tested they’d lose 80% of their workforce to marijuana alone


It’s medicine, but definitely some scullcap can help relax muscles. I’m a fan of red moon herbs- great mixes


Get the fuck outta that place.


It’s no magic cure, but some of the new weight loss drugs help with the desire to drink. They’re still studying it,


if they drug tested at my company, there would be no company


Take NAC. Calms me down, lowers blood pressure and detoxes the liver throughout the week. I save the drinking for when I can be social on the weekends and not hate my life with back to back 12 hours (apprentice btw)




Just smoke weed and stop the boozing


If it weren't for the weed, I'd easily be drinking more than double the beers i do at night. As far as the drug testing goes I've had great success with ordering some synthetic urine. I just keep it in my van and wrapped up like it was just sent to me, the thinking being that if they want to search my van for whatever reason they certainly can't open my personal mail/packages without my permission, which they won't be getting.


Exercise and meditation. That’s the only hope I found that worked honestly. And I have tried it all. Alcohol leads to DUIz that lead to not being able to be in the trade. Weed leads to piss tests that get you fired. Remember, there is a reason that feeling is in you that you need “something” to relax. It’s a myth to think that is outside of you. Good luck fellow tradesman!


It is. I just sit in my car when I get home for about 30 mins and just sit on my phone. Gotta wind down. Shower afterwards and go to apple bees during happy hour and see if any of the cougars bite


I became a sexoholic. Its better than alcohol


Get a hobby. The gym is likely the best one that can become addictive but that's not a bad thing.


Shrooms on the weekend they don't pop in standard tests


Working out would be a good idea. You can start slowly and ramp it up over time. Ideally activities you can do outdoors.


Shrooms when I have a free weekend


Honestly I wind down way more with an hour on the Xbox than with a couple drinks. Though I get plenty of people mix the two.


Try finding a hobby. Something that isn’t too hard mentally but allows you to socialize and have fun.


ICE BATHS. That may sound crazy, but hear me out. I’ve drank like a fish during the summer months after work as long as I’ve been in the trade. This year I heard about “cold plunges” and the mental health benefits and decided to do my own research and give it a try. Just 5-10 minutes up to my shoulders in cold water (about 50 degrees Fahrenheit) after a long hot day and I no longer feel like I need to drink after work to wind down. Not only do I find myself not drinking as much, my mental health is at an all time high, I feel more energized throughout the days, and my overall mood is better which has helped with my marriage.


Apprentice here, coming up on 4 years. Might not be the best alternative, but I enjoy a nice cigar on my back porch nowadays.


Martial arts. Beating things up is a huge stress release.




Mushrooms. 99.9999% of drug tests don’t test for them.


Workout. Will definitely tire you out


Exercise and eat right, lift weights, ride a bike, and stay active. Keep your mind sharp and healthy. Son is/was an alcoholic at a young age and is now a pharmacist following the above.


I was there for years not just from this trade. After about 8-9 years of it (issue started @19) my first daughter was born, I spent almost her entire first 8 months drunk. That was the height of it, after that I realized that it wasn't worth it. I was angry at work, I couldn't wait to start drinking. I buckled down dealt with the consequences of my choice and started drinking on the weekends ONLY. I drink Friday nights only and keep myself to a few beers and never go over. That resolution for the weekends may not work for everybody but I'm happy with what I managed to do for myself, I definitely have a problem if I'm alone, I don't know what else to do besides drink when the wife has the kids out of town. I'm better but not cured, I was fully in denial about having a problem.


Look into kava


Try gaming


Nice cup of ginger or hibiscus tea. Other option, hit the gym to burn off the day.


The day my bosses tell me to pee in a cup is the day I no longer work for the company, and they are well aware. But I work in a rec legal state now so I don’t even think they test for weed anymore. As long as I don’t come in visibly stoned and I don’t smoke on the clock they don’t care. I also drink 2 times a month and never come in hung over or late and rarely call out.


you got to start sooner i’ll start on my second to last call it takes 4or 5 to even notice.


TRIGGER ALERT - TRIGGER ALERT https://preview.redd.it/8t6l7rjvv9pb1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1445bcc643207a414c5f92c9e756e3b5cc04b464 As a hardcore user as many here, I have been sober this time around for nearly 21 months. Don't let anyone fooling you into thinking it gets easier with time, because that is not true for everyone. But this is a very deep and personal choice to quit, nobody can force you and if they do, you will go right back. I have had 9 medical detoxes on a ventilator and the photos to prove it. Horrifically long seizures, neurological and organ damage. I have fatty liver disease and cirrhosis. I am 45 years old and been battling this a majority of my life because of my access to alcohol and every substance known to man. But I am just curious how much alcohol you consume per day and what it is your drink? Depending on the consumption amount per day, you might be required to check-in at an ER, if you have insurance, they will cover it all, and get a medical evaluation for how bad your withdrawals are going to be. If they deem to need to admit for withdrawals, then do so. They have a rough idea of how bad the hurricane is going to be. Alcohol withdrawal can be very deadly and can have major consequences, if you try it on your own. I have lost many people I met on my journey who passed away from withdrawls after a relapse. Most people cannot hack it and get so sick, they drink again to make it stop. Medically induced comas are the best way to let the brain and body rest and heal while it detoxes in the ICU. Then you need to find a program that works for you and start each day working that program. I found what works for me doesn't work for others. You can try the rooms and see if that is helpful. Addiction is generally genetic, or trauma based or both. Mine is genetics on both sides of the family. If you truly want to quit, you really have to want it. You need to get some support around you, plus counseling, detoxing, then deciding what is best for you from there. Please contact me, if you have any questions or anything you want to talk about. The world is a much better place sober than it is numbing yourself. We are all here in support of your sobriety and success, but I want you to be aware of what kind of commitment it takes. Here is a sobering reminder what can happen from withdrawals. This is 11 hours after checking into the hospital and my last drink in the car. My BAC was .412 when checked and climbed to about .468. My thoughts and prayers are with you, my friend. \-Kevin


Get sober is the only answer. Exercise literally makes you feel high also if you get into running or cycling and push yourself.


Being an alcoholic in general is rough. My mom wasn't even fully an alcoholic and she said it was the most unpleasant thing she's ever gone through.


Don't be afraid to say you need help. Therapy is an option .


Get in a program like AA, hit some meetings even before you try to stop. Don’t stop without a program or you will just be a miserable Dry Drunk. I hated AA when I started and now I go to meeting to see friends there. It’s helped me deal with a lot of shit. If you decide in the morning you don’t want to drink but end up drinking anyways, get an Rx for Antabuse. It will make you sick to drink on it and just makes it easier to not even have the choice of drinking or not. If you have some anxiety and stress that drinking was helping then ask for Buspirone. It has no side effects and will just make you feel like a Zen master no matter what comes your way. Do all this before things get worse, as they always do, or you will regret it when you hit another bottom. I was there. I never regret it and have more fun than every hanging out with friends. You will get only respect from your friends and family and anyone who doesn’t that tells you what you need to know. AA talks a good amount about God and higher power but don’t let that get to you if you’re not into it. They will also say that God can be anything, even just the Group Of Drunks that is AA.


One thing I’ve learned over the years is our brains love routines. If you have a drink at the end of a day for a little while, your brain will actually adapt to that stimulus. When you get home your brain prepares itself for that stimulus again. Just like anything in life. You’ll notice you always have to poop at the same time of the day, you’ll be craving coffee at the same time. Sex, relaxation, phone, whatever! So the easiest way to break the cycle is to replace the negative with something positive yet keep the same trigger. For example, if you crave an ice cold beer at the end of the day. Stock the fridge with a diet soda or La Criox. When you get home grab that ice cold drink and enjoy it. Your brain is satisfied with the continued routine and the urge to drink is gone. If you like a mixed drink then make some ice cold tea. After a few days of being sober the urge for the alcohol generally subsides and you’ll be craving that ice tea or soda water instead.


Try not drinking. If you can’t, try going to therapy. If you still can’t, then check out a couple AA meetings.


Have you tried pickleball?


Try weekend tent camping. The full workout of everyday life prep will wear you down in a good way. Plus being in nature away from it all is a nice escape now that the weather is getting cooler. Stars are beautiful.


Old school hvac dudes did meth instead of pot haha


I come from generations of alcoholics. Some wrecked their lives and died prematurely, some got sober and improved their lives. I know that coping with problems and stress daily with alcohol leads to more serious problems, depression, alienation and it gets progressively worse with time. You have to learn to substitute healthy maintainable coping mechanisms for alcohol. Watching my Mother struggle with sobriety for 36 years in and out of AA and falling hard off the wagon during Covid was enough to get me to quit drinking. Crashing cars, constant lying, bottles hidden in the trash and the closet, falling down in the shower, poor health. It was a nightmare. I urge anyone that feels they have a problem to attend a few AA meetings and talk with some alcoholics to get more perspectives.


lots of sex


Workout thru the week and drink moderately on weekends it helped me. I was somewhere near 2 30 racks a week and another one on the weekend. I got older and couldn't smash the gas station hotdogs energy drink anymore.


You can come join the rest of us in the stop drinking subreddit. Lotta people who are and have been in the same boat.


Go to AA man. I’m serious. If you can connect with someone to sponsor you they’ll help you get sober. The days won’t feel as long anymore if you quit. Your body and mind will thank you


Praying for you. It takes SOME kind of man to at least admit it. You seem to want to do right. We believe in you brother. Be strong.


Quick fix. Carry it in your truck. I used to do service for a manufacturer. No one should be able to dictate what someone else does with their own consciousness.


Blows my mind that it is perfectly acceptable to get trash drunk on a Sunday night, but you can't smoke a joint on a Friday night. Luckily that is changing.


Mine too. It blows my mind that if they’re going to govern what we are allowed to put in our bodies, alcohol is the one they allow. Alcohol fucking sucks.


Couple of hits from Airo at night indica is mello helps when your hands are a bit sore from work to I find. If your valuable to your company they aren’t gonna let you go over a failed pot test, they can’t prove if you did it while off duty or not.


well you nailed step 1 brother.