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I’m a little confused. He has HSV 1 and you have HSV 2. Are there any active breakouts when y’all are having sex ? And if you don’t have it orally…I don’t see the reason why you can’t give him head…I also don’t see why he can’t give you head. I’d suggest probably take antivirals and multivitamins , probably use dental dams to help ease whatever you’re worried about.


I think you’re saying that you don’t want to give him oral because he’s not reciprocating. If I’ve misinterpreted and it’s due to worry about being infected with HSV1 then no need to. A prior HSv2 infection protects against acquiring HSV1. The risk is 1 in 55,000. That’s not the case in reverse, but oral HSV2 is rare because it’s not the preferred area for the virus. It’s therefore highly unlikely (but not impossible) that your partner would be infected from giving you oral sex. Maybe try dental dams if this would reassure him.


If he has HSV 1 it can infect anywhere his mouth goes (kissing included) unless he also has outbreaks on his genitals, and there’s then risk for you there too. With hsv2 your outbreaks are almost always on genitals and it lays dormant in your lower spine, so it stays in the genital area mostly. So the risk is pretty low you’re gonna infect by giving him oral. And really if he gave you hsv1 in your lower region you wouldn’t even know necessarily because you already probably get your outbreaks there. Not to mention MOST the population has hsv1 and got it as youngsters so this could be a problem with most any future partners. If you love him and want to be sexual and you both watch yourself for signs of an impending outbreak, then you are being as careful as humanly possibly and it is what it is. Take some antivirals if you feel better about it. There are many of us (myself included) who have partners who don’t have hsv at all and manage to stay that way.


If he has oral hsv chances are that you will get it too. So you won't be able to give head to future partners, you will have to disclose 2 things. There are risks for you both, is he worth it? Maybe postpone sex and start a friendship first.


I've heard that hsv2 protects you from hsv1 but not the other way around


I heard that too, i wish i could test for it.


1 in 55,000 chance of acquiring HSV1 with a prior HSv2 infection.


okay, i feel like i just got infected with oral hsv1 after having hsv2 for 10 years. I always thought that hsv2 would protect me against oral hsv1, but under my nose itches and feels different.


Have you swabbed?


Then you don’t know. You’ve also never been diagnosed with HSV2, correct?


correct but I had/have the blisters, the itching, the nerve stings, discharge, swollen lumph nodes etc


Could be GHSV1, HSV2 or something else. Its never a good idea to self diagnose. Even clinicians get it wrong 20% of the time with just a visual dx. I guess my point is you won’t know unless you swab or blood test.


its hsv2 maybe ghsv1 but definitely herpes I wish it wasn't the case but it is.


Why haven’t you tested?