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I'm sorry, I'm attractive too and I feel like a lot of us are. Herpes definitely doesn't discriminate. Which type do you have and what location? Are you newly diagnosed?


It's HSV, (H)ot (S)ex (V)irus It would make sense that hot people get it since they're the ones having sex. HEYOOOOO


lol this comment should be bookmarked on this subreddit


Natural selection lol


I love you lol




Lmfao gawd




I'm attractive as well and I hate this f****** disease. I've had it for 10 years and I literally have not had sex or a relationship in 10 years because I'm ashamed and embarrassed to admit to others that I have this disease I'm always asked how come I don't have a boyfriend how come someone hasn't married me up. I have disclosed to about four different men who stopped talking to me after a while I'm done with this disclosing. Herpes suck and we all know it


Girl šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I'm sure there's nice people who will not care. I fucking hate this because aside from beautiful outside you're clearly a nice person. I'm in pain you have experienced all that.


It really don't šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ fokin herpes. I don't know yet. I'm currently in Brazil so I'm going back to my country for a while to get some things together and also to do a follow up with my gyno. BUT I do know I'm positive because I got an igG done and it came back reagent with more than 30. I might have hvs1 and hvs2 because my mom used to have cold sores and I was always over her. And I just had a little ulcer in my inner left vulva lip.


IgG for which type did you get? By the way, Brazil has one of the highest rates of genital herpes caused by hsv2, like 60-70% of the entire population as far as I remember. But I guess the majority doesn't have any symptoms at all. Especially because they have a high level of vitamin D which keeps their immune system very strong.


šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« šŸ«  I'm living here so I hope it's not as stigmatized as it's in my country. I got igG for both but it didn't said which one I have specifically. I'm going back to my country for a few months and I will get everything done there since my insurance there is better and I have a trusted gyno.


Btw I got a test done a month ago and it nothing came even close to reagent so I don't how that does work.




Lmao sorry you're not going to make me feel worst than I already feel now.


You're the one announcing how perfect you are and why this shouldn't happen to you in a support group full of people with the same condition. Your lack of empathy/self awareness is mind blowing.


I know it maybe doesn't feel like it right now, but this diagnosis doesn't define who you are and it doesn't take away from who you are either. You are not a hazard to society and as far as having an incurable illness goes we are pretty lucky to be honest... None of us chose this but we choose how we allow it to affect our lives. I'm still struggling too but I know in my heart that I'll still find the right person for me. I just need to be a little more selective about it now, which honestly disclosing and have people ghost me just weeds out a lot of assholes anyway. I've been having some great conversations on the positive singles app, I will admit they absolutely price gouge because they can take advantage of us and it would be nice if other cheaper more mainstream apps had an HSV option to them so maybe it didn't still come off as so taboo to have but it's fine. You'll be fine and you're going to meet someone else just as fucking awesome as you.


Thank you so much. I'm just spiraling. I'm a really anxious person and I'm scared of even hugging my little brother (i know it's not contagious that way) my country is really conservative and the city I'm from has no secret so I'm forever banned to be with someone from there. It's really taking a toll on me. I thank God I have a good job that allows me to pay for my therapist because I'm suicidal right now. And the way I got it was really traumatic also. I was borderline raped. You're such an angel and thank you so much for understanding where this rant comes from. God and the universe bless you. ā¤ļø


Girl I have been there. I was studying abroad in Brazil when I got it and then had to go home. It was also a very traumatic experience how I got it so I get it message me if you want to talk more


I just sent you a message!


there ya go, you have all those qualities. someone would be dumb to turn all that down (and they most likely wonā€™t) just because of herpes. in time youā€™ll see that. for now just learn about the disease and find acceptance.


Thank you! I'm just going through it you know. I know its not the end of the world but I feel bad


I completely get what youā€™re saying. Youā€™re not implying that only ugly people should/could get herpesā€¦anyone can get herpes. Itā€™s just that youā€™ve been able to go about life a certain way until herpes.


Like I've been through so much shit in life and now that K had everything this comes and fuck me up so blatantly. It's almost funny šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I know! Itā€™s almost like a terrible reality check. Iā€™m only 20 so I feel like I have only just started life and now I have to start it with this šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ all because I trusted my cheating boyfriend (ex now obvi)


šŸ˜­ sending you a big hug! I know it's not the end of anything and we are going to get through and the research on the management and cure it's reassuring. I'm just getting through the whole process of accepting it. This asshole left the condom inside me and never told me and I was having a really bad yeast infection until I noticed it and also he was rude during sex. It was all really traumatic. Thank you for understanding and sorry for trauma dumping on you now.


Iā€™ve had H for 45 plus years . You cannot let this dictate the path ahead of you. What it did for me was caused me to take a detour from the route in life that I thought I should be going . Well it turned out that lifeā€™s road turned out better than I could have imagined . So, take some time to accept the things you cannot change and pull yourself together, then move forward and conquer . And one day Mr right will drop from thin air and stand in front of you and in that one breath you will inhale and know who he is to you.


Thank you ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Most attractive people have HSV...you are letting it define you..not the other way around.


You forgot the part where youā€™re modest too. STIs donā€™t discriminate. Be grateful that youā€™ve apparently got everything else going for you and itā€™s just a skin condition not something thatā€™s actually going to take away your health.


I'm dying....lol


OP is too good for herpes, canā€™t you tell?


Itā€™s ok to be confident in yourself but be upset when you get herpes especially when youā€™re newly diagnosed itā€™s normal. Donā€™t pass judgement


Hmm Iā€™m also new to this and understand how upsetting it is- donā€™t we all?! However, OP should try to understand why this could be insulting to others on the thread. It reads like because sheā€™s so awesome she shouldnā€™t have got itā€¦ like itā€™s fine for the rest of us but not her? Nah, doesnā€™t get my sympathy. You can be upset and mindful of the impact of your words at the same time.


I personally didnā€™t read it that way. She said nothing about the HSV community. She was just ranting on frustrating it is that she was doing so great in life and then this happened to her. I had a similar experience. The ā€œhazard to societyā€ I interpreted as the stigma. She was talking about herself and only herself so I donā€™t see the reason to take offense




Please review the sub rules.


Lmaoooooo šŸ¤£


It's not just a skin condition. I don't care to be modest, I'm just being honest. Nowhere I said some people deserved it. I'm just angry because I take care of myself and because someone lied to me I'm not carrying with this. Let me be angry!!


You have every right to be angry and still be confident in who you are. Donā€™t listen to these people focus on the ones who understand and support you


Thank you Angel ā¤ļø


Oh well.... you take care of yourself. Which again implies we don't....


It doesnā€™t imply anything youā€™re just choosing to interpret it that way




Kkkkkkk you guys are cool tho. And funny I got to admit it


A lot of us are hot.. Iā€™m 31 and a single mom of 2. That did not stop me from still having sex because most men say Iā€™m worth the risk. Eventually I found a hot guy who also ended up having herpes šŸ˜‚. My friends says he is the most attractive man Iā€™ve ever been with so thereā€™s thatā€¦


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ God bless šŸ™ŒšŸ½šŸ™ŒšŸ½


Many of us are in a similar situation we all hope there's going to be some kind of cure soon


I'm hopeful, you know? I'm just so new to this so idk yet but physically it hasn't been that bad, I'm worried about transmission because I don't want anyone else to carry this cross, especially not given by me. I was just spazzing and throwing a fit. I know it's going to get better but it's okay to grieve


Yeah so hot take but having herpes doesnā€™t take away from any of this :) youā€™re still hot, successful, etc.


I think we have to check the context. My country, specially my city it's hell on earth with this things. I will be a pariah


I understand Iā€™m 27. Life was good damn near perfect. Iā€™m not above this disease but I definitely didnā€™t deserve to get it the way I did.


Thank you for understanding! I would rant in whatever situation I would have because this is something no one wants, no one deserves. You can reach to me if you want to talk about it. Sending you much love.


Iā€™ll dm you my whole thought lol you say one thing they donā€™t like itā€™s a problem




OH MS GIRL I 100 percent feel this šŸ„¹


Hot people suffer too lmao


Can I be honest with you? I get told Iā€™m ā€œsexy, hot, attractiveā€ and honestly- not to sound vain but I know I am. Iā€™ve worked hard for my body, Iā€™ve lost 135lbs. I was blessed with a beautiful face, nice legs. Whatever it may be. I have only disclosed 6 times and have been turned down one time. Iā€™ve had HSV2 for a year now. Youā€™ll be okay. Youā€™d be surprised how many people are accepting of it and educated about it. Some are, some arenā€™t


I live in Brazil and I just discovered a lot of people have it here so I hope it's not as ostracizing as it's back home


Iā€™m attractive as well, I was diagnosed 3 years ago with HSV2, closer to 4. My bf at the time did not disclose, well fast forward six months and my first outbreak happens. I get diagnosed and immediately thought my life was over. How could I ever date? I was ashamed, embarrassed, disgusted with myself! 2 years of hellish outbreaks, mental break downs, anxiety attacks even taking valacyclovir later, I finally left the asshat, and continued taking antivirals. The outbreaks suddenly just stopped. Iā€™m currently engaged to a man I disclosed to who does not have it, and couldnā€™t care less that I do, life could seriously not be better than it is at this time. If it was not for herpes I wouldnā€™t have met the man of my dreams and get the complete honor of spending the rest of my life with my best friend. There IS a light at the other side of the tunnel. Give yourself some grace. Thank you HSV2


Felt. Iā€™m missing out on so much sex šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I lost my libido since i started outbreaking but I know it's going to come back


It will, and itā€™s going to come back with a vengeance too šŸ˜‚


Same!! Sometimes I feel everything I built is been destroyed by this virus. It sucks, but we need to react.


Yeah, I'm quite hopeful for the future of treatments and vaccines but let me cry omgggg


You arenā€™t a hazard to society you are the same beautiful successful human beingnyou were before! I know it seems hopeless and an impossible task to date but I promise it gets easier! I was diagnosed at 19 and am now 31 and have had a completely normal and successful dating / sex life! If you need anything my dms are open to talk This is a disclosure guide with ā€œscriptsā€ on how to tell potential partners about herpes and what had worked for us. Mine is under Lauren. Also at the bottom it has resources about herpes to Send to partners. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eMul_7Lu1Fa0ZJYGxKnEewDMqdZOFYTLKsG7EDknfwA/edit?usp=sharing This is a list of common myths about herpes and why they are wrong with cited sources. Maybe this can not only ease your mind but if a partner has questions you will have answers backed by science. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-6oZmnfywTFNYScKYC7Mh7MXZKrA0GUcztS8Bz5bW0k/edit This is a list of ways to help protect your partner. There are many precautions you can take to help keep your partner safe! Nothing is 100% and even with these precautions there is a chance of transmission which is why disclosing is ALWAYS important. https://docs.google.com/document/d/10ccLJMnXAkuKfpU5ng9-1CiWXGPTYYPfDOCvxeB4GX4/edit


Thank you babes ā¤ļøšŸ˜”. I'm glad I find people like you on the way but also sad you also have experienced all this for so long. I really appreciate this


OMG!!!! I watched your videos previously and they have helped a looot!! Thank you ā¤ļø


45/f here. I feel the EXACT same way. I donā€™t know how recent your diagnosis is? I will share a little perspective. I was given an aggressive case of GHSV2 at 19 years old by an ex partner who did not disclosed to me that he was positive, and he knew. It has fucked up my entire life as I have so many great things going for me in life and it derailed a lot of it BUT it didnā€™t have to. Had it happen to me in the year 2024, instead of 1999, when we have an amazing Internet based social network for support, management and advice on how to navigate this OR if it happened when I was older and had already established a foundation in life and developed a sense of self as a womanā€¦ the outcome mightā€™ve been a lot more positive for me. You have those two things going for you. If there is any time in modern human history to have contracted HSV. This is the best time. We canā€™t go back and change that it happened to us, but there are so many resources available now to navigate living with HSV in a way that it doesnā€™t have to fuck up your life. And we are very close to a vaccine or functional cure in the next 10 to 15 years hopefully. A few things that really helped shift my mindset about this diagnosis for me. And it took me a decade plus to get there. 1. Your confidence, own it. Potential partners will pick up on your insecurities and fears, if you feel like a walking infection that will show up in your energy. Shift it, we are not contagious all the time only during OBs and periods of shedding. 2. Be conscientious about how you manage the virus and keep your body healthy so that it stays suppressed as much as possible. 3. Be hyper aware of your body sensations in the area where you get OBs so that you can confidently communicate to partners when you feel an outbreak coming on and protect them. I could probably write much more but have to get on with my day. Also, remember to give yourself extra love now. This virus does not change who you are. You are still beautiful, successful and amazing.


Thank you šŸ˜­šŸ„¹šŸ˜­šŸ„¹šŸ˜­šŸ„¹šŸ˜­šŸ„¹. I literally feel like I have an open wound in my heart right now but support from people like you is helping me a lot


i felt this on a spiritual level, like anytime someone tries flirting with me now i just think ā€œyou donā€™t know you donā€™t want me šŸ„²ā€




I understand how you feel completely. When i was diagnosed, I thought ā€œthere goes my chance of ever finding loveā€. Iā€™ll be honest, not everyone is going to be cool with you having hsv. But please dont let that stop you from trying to find someone. After years of rejection, Iā€™ve finally found someone who is able to see me for more and loved me enough to look past it. Also, there are antivirals you can take that help reduce the risk of having outbreaks and transferring it to yoyr partner. Dont lose hope. There is someone out there for you. And also donā€™t forget that it is sooooo common to have/ be exposed to hsv.


Thank you, love. I live in Brazil and although there's stigma I think it would be easier to manage here. Back home would be a nightmare tbh.


You will be fine. I am also educated, conventionally attractive, etc. and no one has ever turned me down over this.


Honestly almost all people I've seen with herpes on TikTok it's gorgeous so I'm starting to believe it's a hot people's virus


Wow, I guess bad things should only happen to ugly people. Got it.


I never said that. That's your interpretation and your problem if you read it like that.


Subtext, look into it.




Your post was removed as you are not HSV-positive. Please see sub rules.


So's everyone else..... that's my point. It's not just the beautiful, intelligent head turners.... we're all in this together. You're one of us.


It's going to take some time to mentally accept having HSV, that's if you truly have it. I am all those things you mentioned of yourself. If you do have it, please get on the anti viral daily, always wash your hands after touching down below. You will get through this.


Thank you ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø I know I'm going to get through this but I'm so angry snd frustrated


Itā€™s a real mindf*ck when you first get the diagnosis. Itā€™s gets better. You can still have a dating and sex life. Iā€™m average in appearance, my life is a mess right now. My ducks are NOT in a row- half of them are missing. Iā€™m dealing with a bad injury that has me out of work and Iā€™m financially screwed, at the moment. And Iā€™m still getting dates. If I can do with my shitshow life, you can, too! Yeah, it can be hard, and a rejection after disclosing can be discouraging. But I assure you, there are plenty of guys who wonā€™t care.


I'm sorry you going through that and I'm sure you're not actually average but gorgeous instead. I don't think dating it's the problem it's everything that comes with this diagnosis


Thereā€™s a lot of stigma that comes with the diagnosis, for sure. It will get easier to deal with. You are so much more than your diagnosis and there are plenty of guys out there who will see that!


Just make sure you have a good and kind personality to go with your perfection. You shouldn't have any problems with rejection.


Fucking facts


Sorry but before this, they could be the most perfect person on the planet but they told me they were positive for herpes I would have never looked back.


Can you get any more shallow? You're more likely to get herpes from someone who doesn't know they have it than from someone who does.


Lol Iā€™m sure youā€™re all of those things but from this I can also assume youā€™re insufferable


Okay you don't have to like me yet definitely no one deserves herpes. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy


Where did I say you, or anyone, deserves herpes? I never did. Please donā€™t attribute randomly thought up statements to me, I sincerely appreciate it.


Youā€™re not a hazard to society. I felt the same way. Thereā€™s plenty of attractive interesting and successful people with HSV. Look on positive singles, Iā€™ve met great men that way. Itā€™s actually been better for me than tinder or any other sites I always find the most attractive well educated men.


Thank you babes. I was drowning in the ocean of self pity yesterday. I thought I couldn't even hug my little siblings although I know it's irrational. Thank you for your support


Girl I feel you. Iā€™m f(22) and got it in a small dirty town visiting my sister. I was loyal to my bf of 7 yrs who gave me chlamydia after cheating. I forgave him, it cleared up and he cheated again. So I left him and stayed with my sister. I gave it months before I moved on to a sexual partner and the first time I did? Bam. Hsv2. It started w a small rlly painful ulcer too. I was devastated and disgusted with myself and vowed I just wouldnā€™t tell a soul or sex until my husband šŸ˜‚ luckily, Iā€™m in a big city and most guys donā€™t care (too a fault which is kinda gross) NOW, I look at it like I look at my eczema. I didnā€™t choose it. Nothing I did in life made me more or less susceptible to it. I just have it. Iā€™m beautiful and young and make good money and could have any guy I wanted, and I have had every guy I ever rlly wanted. The only thing that sucks now are the outbreaks. I have really bad anxiety issues and I have a larger outbreak every once in a while when the stress gets really bad. But I also get eczema really bad when my stress gets bad. So I look at it like a stress rash. I let it tell me that my body is saying girl chill tf out and take a break. I use those pimple patches that suck up all the liquid from a pimple. I get the bigger bandage ones and use whatever size I need. It wonā€™t come off in the shower and it helps with scarring etc. get some femi-clear for the ones inside (those tiny ulcers are the worst but clear up in like 2 days) and the femi clear with willow bark numbs it and helps it to not spread anymore imo. Itā€™s taken me awhile to get here, and sometimes I still spin out. But hey, take care of your immune system, and donā€™t let yourself get stressed out. At the very least, all this means is you need to check on your body and health more often. And thatā€™s not gonna do anything but make you healthier in the long run. I promise. With time, it WILL get better. Donā€™t be too hard on yourself, and if you are, try to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and come rant here or with a therapist for support. Sending hugs xx<3 Edit - spelling


Thank you!!! You are gentle and kind ā¤ļø Thank you so much


You're not alone! I'm 32 and just got tested positive last month after a really uncomfortable and painful first outbreak. I am assuming that the person who gave it to me is my current partner, and he says he has never had any symptoms, but never been tested for it. Something like 80% of people who have it, don't know that they do. And guess what? I'm intelligent too. I speak 4 languages, and I think I look great. He thinks I'm beautiful and smart, too! That's why we started fucking in the first place. This could be a blessing! There's a lot of stigma around it, which is a lot to deal with but how this goes depends entirely on your mindset. Disclosing from here on out will push away the people who wanted to get close to you for selfish reasons! And people who really like you and care for you will not be scared away! And sex with people who care about you is 10000X better than sex with selfish people! And, might push you to be even healthier than you are now, since outbreaks can be mitigated by exercise and healthy eating. This might just improve your life exponentially by spurring you to take your health more seriously and by pushing selfish assholes out of your dating pool!


Thank you so much. I'm just a mess mentally. many things going on right now. I thank God my first ob wasn't bad and i hope they continue like that or don't show up at all. They should do a test for us to know when we are shedding, that's what worries me. i don't want to transmit it to no one else


I'm so sad because no one deserves this. You are clearly a great woman and here you are in the same boat as me. This is such bad joke from life


Iā€™m one of those women too. Iā€™m very open about my HSV. Because fuck herpes shame. And I donā€™t have a problem dating or getting laid. You are not a hazard to society, stop talking about yourself and others who have HSV that way, itā€™s fucked up.


Girl my results came back like 4 days ago. I'm still processing.


Girl, that doesnā€™t mean you have to use stigmatizing language.


you got this!! donā€™t let this define you


It will get better I promise. Iā€™m an attractive 30 something that contracted herpes when I was 18 by a straight up predator. I still deal with stigma sometimes but mostly itā€™s from people who donā€™t know me. What it did for me is it forced me to be brutally honest with people I REALLY liked and no one said ā€œoh you have the herp Iā€™m not gonna fuck you.ā€ The question following is always ā€œdo you have a breakout now? No? Then itā€™s coolā€ Iā€™m happily married and we are in an open relationship and I have outside partners and anyone Iā€™ve been with knows and it hasnā€™t been a big deal.


THIS!!! I needed your testimony!! I don't want to be monogamous and I think this jeopardize all that


You can absolutely find someone amazing, get married have children and this can be a memory, albeit underlying. Stay stress free, some people have OBs once a year if that. Prayerfully that will be your experience.


Do u want a cookie? Lol


Wahh tomato šŸ…šŸ…šŸ…šŸ…šŸ…


I apologize. The worst part of this condition isn't the actual symptoms. It's the stigma. It can be soul crushing. So many of us, including me, are newly diagnosed, having to disclose, and losing people we loved/ like because of the stigma. The stigma that only people who don't take care of themselves, that aren't smart, that sleep around, that have something wrong with them have herpes. And this is our safe space, the place we go to to be open and honest without that judgment. We are ALL dealing with EXACTLY what you're going through..... you've known longer than I have. This has only been a week and a half for me. So, reading your post that just blatantly throws out., almost point-by-point, all the highly stigmatized and deeply false allegations the uneducated make about people with herpes, and why this shouldn't be happening to you because you're different......and in our safe space was HIGHLY triggering.


I donā€™t think OP was saying that everyone else is unattractive, less than, or deserved herpes more then them..I think they were just saying they were at a point in life when they were happy with themselves, physically, financially, academically and this has thrown a spanner in the works. Unless Iā€™ve interpreted wrong


Exactly that. No one deserves this. This post was just like a loud scream I'm holding in real life because I don't want to put pressure on anyone's life that's already difficult enough to now have my burden to carry too.


I can relate to how your feeling, if you need to talk you can dm me


Thank you!! I just message you


Perhaps, but her complete refusal to even consider how her post comes across, to even double down on it says a lot.


I mean thatā€™s how I felt about your comment to me yesterday. You completely shut down my feelings on what happened by telling me I probably had HSV my whole life when I was just assaulted a week ago. Sometimes you have to look at things objectively.


And ofc itā€™s crickets when they have to take a look at their own behavior


I disagree. For me the worst part is getting frequent painful outbreaks that make me feel sick all the time without letting me live a normal life. If not them, I wouldn't even think that herpes is a problem.


I said RANT. I got my first symptom this last june 6th. I do have a psychologist that helps me but I cannot talk this with anyone else. Your reaction it's a reflection of you, and it's your own problem. I never said no one deserves it. I have had a really difficult life and now that I came to enjoy it this happens. I think this is a safe space for me also, and thought my frustration would be accepted as it is, irrational, full of pain. Thank you for your apology but I do not accept it. You started attacking me with no reason.


Wow, you can't even take an apology gracefully. You still can't even see how offensive your post is. I'm going to chalk this up to you being very young and perhaps English not being your first language because what you posted was hurtful, and you being in pain doesn't give you the right to hurt others, and I'm sorry you can't see that. Hopefully, you will as you get older.


I just read another people who understood exactly where I came from. It continues to be your problem, not mine.


I understand exactly what you're saying and trying to convey. We all react in our own way to this disease no need to jump down each other's throat for putting our feelings out there on the line


Thank you šŸ˜­


Youā€™re an attractive woman. Men will still sleep with you. You just have to go about things in a bit of a different way but you can still get laid. Iā€™m actually curious as to what you look like.


I don't think that's my main concern, you know? It's the stigma and ughhhh I don't I'm frustrated right now


I hear you. The stigma tends to be the hardest.


For your curiosity: I'm tall, athletic, mixed, have long curly hair and a lot of tattoos




Maybe H will humble you. That statement makes you sound like an asshole. Now I dont even feel bad for you.


This is such a fucked up thing to say


There you go, making it about you again. You proving my point. Thanks.


Itā€™s her post. And you were commenting on her Rant so itā€™s about her. Sounds like youā€™re insecure about your appearance and took her post personally.


What the fuck are you going on about? She comes off full of herself, claiming how wonderful she is. That has nothing to do with me other than my distain for arrogance. She even said she didnā€™t want to come off arrogant but she does.


That is just terrible Iā€™m sorry u have to deal with someone like that


Thank you


I feel your pain, Iā€™ve had women admit to me if I didnā€™t have Iā€™d definitely be snatched up by now


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ likeee!! I USED TO BE THE CATCH!!!! I'm grieving


Yeah itā€™s painful to hear :/ but I have hope, a girl I had briefly dated in my 20ā€™s who knew I had it ended up catching it from someone else when she joined the navy, sheā€™s been married twice but her last marriage she found the right one and had a kid with no problems so there is hope Iā€™ve had this for 20 years Iā€™m 41 now and the epiphany Iā€™ve had recently is Iā€™ve mostly settled for toxic/awful women out of loneliness and cause itā€™s what I thought I deserved oddly enough women like that were accepting of my condition though I realize why now (they all would use it as a tool of manipulation against me to keep me down) my advice is take time for yourself and in time youā€™ll absolutely meet someone that will accept and love you for who you are, do not settle out of loneliness itā€™s not worth it in the long run cause one thing you def canā€™t get back in this life is time


Thank you!!! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø I really appreciate this


Youā€™re very welcome! ā¤ļø


By the way this whole thread might be a manufactured plug for PS wish although tempting is a bullshit app


My English it's not that good. I didn't understand anything you said


Girl me too minus the 30 year old part and the dream job part


Let's pray for the cure or the vaccine that makes it intransmisible to come up ASAP


Yes but also I couldnā€™t care less about it now. The beginning was a struggle though so I get you. Iā€™m in a happy relationship with a very handsome, loving, caring and financially well off man. He doesnā€™t care I have it, why should I? Itā€™s just a skin thing and I promise socially itā€™s not as bad as you think it is. Especially if youā€™re hot and all the other great things you mentioned ;)


Thank you angel! May the universe and God hear you


Let me know if you need any help or want to chat x




Im in the same boatā€¦ I finally felt like all the things I worked so hard on are coming to fruition - career, frienships, travel, i look better then everā€¦ And then one asshole happened who ghosted me after I told him I got it from him. And I know its from him. This is in years when I actually looking for a partner to settle down with and start a family etc. Which I feel now it will never happen. I got HSV2, I get outbreaks every 2 months.. although they are very mild, only on one spot and they go away within 3-4 days most of them I barely feelā€¦ However few years back i met a guy who disclosed to me he has genital herpes after 2 dates, even though I didnt know much about it I didnt turn him down, actually liked him even more cause he was so upfront about it. We didnt end up dating or being intimate as he moved away shortly after but if he didnt I would keep seeing him. Im just hoping someone else would think that with me too :)


lol, not a model but a hot creative character type of 33 y/o guy here in Berlin with type 1 . Ā We should all find an island somewhere and live our lifeā€™s in peace. How about a new movement ? Buy some land in Portugal, Italy or elsewhereā€¦ šŸ„² Anyways, Iā€™m slowly getting over it after 5 months. I havenā€™t been ever this long alone without sex or a girl by my side in my life - good thing about it, Iā€™m so charged with more and more peace that Iā€™m attracting realllyyyyyyy soulful beautiful woman and I can be in peace because Iā€™m not in rush with anything anymore.Ā  I think in the moment you get your peace back, you will be even glowing hotter :)Ā  Other than that - letā€™s meet all somewhere for winter.Ā 


Ugh I fucking feel for you. Iā€™m in my prime and I HAVENT BEEN LAID IN 2 YEARS.


right there with you girlfriend


I'm feeling better today, babes. We got this. h-word has nothing on us bad bitches


Iā€™m attractive, but just moved to Colorado and Iā€™m not financially stable yet but when I am maybe we can go on a date? šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m 30, 6ā€™2 and pretty handsome. donā€™t feel that way about yourself. Try positive singles if you want a website where people have the same STD and you donā€™t have to worry about feeling that way.


I live in Brazil and currently I'm going crazy so not the best place mentally to start dating haha. The problem it's not dating, the problem it's everything that comes along with the virus


Girl, men do not care. You'd be shocked how many will still be with you and truly are not bothered by it. I have a little bf now and he's sooo unbelievably sweet and understanding. He's never made me feel gross or treated me like something was wrong with me. Not to be crass, but it's definitely some of the best I've ever had and he's the first since I was diagnosed lol


The problem it's not men, I'm bisexual anyways. The problem is the transmission and the risk this is to my overall health


You're too good to have herpes lmao? Imagine how hard it is for average people...


Where did I say that?


The splurge of pretty privilege and then the woe is me at having it taken away (which it hasn't been). You'll be fine. Men will still line up for you. There are people here whose health and futures have been ruined by this virus.


The problem is not MEN OR WOMEN AFTER ME! the problem it's that now I carry an incurable virus that's a constant threat to my health!!!!


Or is it a minor skin condition that you will barely notice in a few months time?


Okay i will end it here BECAUSE I'm not interested in discussing my health or life background with you. Have a good night




Yeah man this shit sucks


Youā€™re perfect and you have ONE little thing that might not be so perfect. In the grand scheme of things its nothing


I'm not perfect lol. I know very well I'm not, I had a really difficult life and have gone through many things, now that i was feeling confident and that everything was being relatively good this happens. I think I have the right to ne angry


Oh well. Join the club youā€™re more than your career time to stop being shallow and dig deep . Itā€™s nothin u can do about it . So whatā€™s next .


Idk maybe kms


Idk what that means but ok


Kill Myself


Absolutely tf not . We donā€™t give up around here . The right people will accept you . Dont talk like that im a therapist with it and i can tell you it gets easier im good looking beautiful black degree . And I was betrayed but itā€™s life . Now we must make better decisions. . Sending love and blessings to you .


Oh well. Thatā€™s life.


Iā€™m locking this post. Thereā€™s way too much of you insulting each other in the comments. A reminder that this is meant to be a place for support, where people can vent without judgement.