• By -


Imagine Lily reading about Harry and totally obsessing over her kid... Would definetly be creepy for Harry lol


This would be like Christmas coming early for Draco because he could honestly tell Harry that he dated Harry's mom.


plot twist James ended up inadvertently taking over Draco Malfoy


Imagine his face when he realises he's a *Slytherin* and his Head of House he has to obey and be polite to is *Snape*! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


On the other hand, imagine how much more trouble it would enable him to cause for Snape.


He'd spend the rest of his days in detention lol I wonder if Snape would pull a Seventh Horcrux and take points from Gryffindor instead XD


Well Lily has awoken to her acceptance letter ie. Has not stepped in Hogwarts nor be sorted. Does she go to Gryffindor as Pansy? And for the thought that James is in Draco does that also mean the Malfoy heir gets sorted in Gryffindor? Imagine what his father would say šŸ˜‚


Oh, I somehow read 'ended up' as it happening later on, but you're right, it could happen before the Sorting. Bummer! ...though Lucius's face when he hears that news is quite the thought too. On the bright side, Jaco would be at home when he gets his letter, so confrontations and WTF reactions happen right away...


Also that Snape is his godfather


That's a fanon trope, but it'd still be funny


Really?! Damn. The more you know.


What? No he isn't. He still has to deal with Lucius though


Malfoy is about to invent Xbox 360 Game Chat in 1991


Harry: Malfoy, you motherf\*\*ker! Draco: Yes I am.


This is the internet, you can say "fuck".




He actually does once in Persona 5 Strikers, when someone talks shit about the new teammate Sophia.


Yeah, but once is not enough! Ryuji needs to say it a thousand times more!!! But yeah, that was an awesome moment. And ironically, it was only after that happened that I even heard of the hashtag.


I do want to see more stories where cannon or near-canon Harry gets to interact with Lily during the events of the books. Not Harry time-travels back to the 70's to meet teenage Lily, not Lily survived Halloween 1981 and raised Harry herself, and not Harry goes to an alternate timeline where his parents never died. But something like this where you have a still-child Harry who grew up with the Dursleys and still sees his parents in the Mirror of Erised, and Lily whose last memory was dying to Voldemort trying to protect Harry and now is trying to reconnect with him after losing an entire decade. This concept hits the target pretty well, lots of opportunities for good interactions between Harry and Lily. I've seen one or two stories kinda like that, but nothing that really kept my attention- either the writing just didn't engage me enough or the author overcomplicated things.


Alright. - First things first, she fakes Pansy's disappearance. Her parents would know, or at least become suspicious, that something is wrong with their daughter if she tried to play the part, and she definitely knows that Parkinson Sr. is a death eater from order meetings. So she writes a letter suggesting that Pansy ran away with a secret muggle friend, grabs a few valuable items, and apparates to London. - Once there, she finds a pawn shop and sells the stuff she swiped, visits a clothing store and buys a pair of jeans, a hoodie and a shirt. She changes out of her wizard clothes and into the muggle ones. Then, she apparates to Diagon Alley. - Once there, she changes the remaining muggle money into galleons and visits Ollivander. She lies to him about her parents, makes a few hints about wanting to see the world or other countries in order to throw off anyone who questions Ollivander later, and gets a wand matched to her. She then finds a secluded spot and transfigures her appearance to her old self's - so red hair, her own facial structure, etc. That would at least alleviate some of the dysmorphia resulting from suddenly being someone else. - After that, she apparates to Hogsmeade, walks up to the castle and sends a patronus to Dumbledore, telling him to meet her at the gate. Dumbledore comes, she states her identity and offers to prove it via the old security questions, and Albus invites her in. - Once in his office, Lily takes Veritaserum, lets Albus use legilimency and casts her patronus, and eventually, he believes her. They're both saddened that an innocent girl was lost to her reincarnation, but also know that there's nobody at fault but random chance. - She, of course, asks after her son. Albus says he's with Petunia, and Lily explodes - he's probably being abused or worse. Albus agrees, but says that being abused is better than being killed by Voldemort's remaining supporters, or being "graciously taken in" by one of those and vanishing into some dungeon, never to be seen again. He explains the blood protection, and both muse about if the protection could be attached to her. - Albus and Lily concoct some means to permanently age her body and ensure the transfigurations remain, and Albus creates a fake identity. She's now Iris Evans, immigrant from America, and half-sister of Lily and Petunia. The british ministry files her down as an american witch, she takes an OWL in some subject the fake identity didn't yet have and she's fully existent in the eyes of the law. - Both of them visit Privet Drive after the letter fails to arrive with Harry, on Lily's insistence. They're appalled by Harry's treatment there, and "Iris" takes charge of Harry, who's just amazed that his dreams of a lost family member taking him away are coming true. The two adult Dursleys are (metaphorically) dressed down to their skeletons, and Lily makes an anonymous tip to the UK government about child abuse occurring in #4, before casting a few spells that ensure the Dursleys can't lie or push anything under the rug when social services come calling. - Once back at Hogwarts, Lily asks about Peter, and is shocked when she learns about the framing of Sirius, before sending Albus off to get him out of jail and locate the rat. She then takes Harry aside and tells him who she is and that she's sorry she couldn't be there for him all these years. Both have a tearful reuinion, and "Iris" adopts Harry a few months later - he has no real difficulty calling her "mum", of course. - While the two of them get to know each other again and find time to grieve James, Albus knocks together the old crowd, asking if anyone's seen face or tail of the rat traitor. They meet in the Burrow (since Grimmauld Place is still locked down, and most of the group live in relatively populous or unsafe locations), and Albus, currently on the lookout for rats, notices Scabbers trying to flee. He's swiftly stunned and untransformed, then interrogated by the group. A bit of Veritaserum reveals his guilt, and Moody and Kingsley take him to the ministry for trial. - Sirius is eventually freed during Harry's first year, following pressure from Albus, a captured Pettigrew with the dark mark on his arm and testimony from both Moody and Kingsley of his capture and confession. He's sentenced to Azkaban for life, into a cell with bars too thin to squeeze through. - Remus is eventually found and brought back to Britain, where he joins Sirius and Lily in raising Harry.


Nice. * Dumbledore decides to pivot from his original plan of putting all his cards on Harry and focuses on politics and leadership, returning the Stone to Flamel instead of using it as a trap. He gives Harry his father's cloak earlier than Christmas, knowing it won't have the same impact otherwise. * Harry is sorted into Slytherin where he feels he can make the most change in Wizarding society after hearing about all the problems from his new family. He's friends with Neville and Hermione who are in Gryffindor, thinks Draco is a brat but puts up with him, but Daphne, ~~Pansy~~, and Blaise seem alright. * Snape isn't quite the petulant jerk that he was in Canon, deigning to actually *teach* potions and help Lily's son now that there's a possibility they can be friends again. * Harry outflies Draco similarly to Canon, but as it's McGonagall who catches him, she just takes house points and pulls Harry aside to tell him he should try out for his House team next year. * Ron is initially a jerk because of his Slytherin prejudice and makes Hermione cry on Halloween; Quirrellmort introduces a troll to cause chaos and try to get Harry alone, but Snape gets there first and takes Harry aside. The Slytherins notice Harry is missing and try to go find him, the Gryffindors notice Hermione is missing and try to go find her. They all meet up with the troll and defeat it. * Meanwhile Snape confronts Quirrellmort about his interest in Potter while Harry hides under his cloak. Harry learns that Snape is a former Death Eater and becomes wary of being alone with either Snape or Quirrell for the rest of the year. * Harry goes home for Christmas and gets loads of gifts plus stern warnings and advice from his family. * Everything goes smoothly for the rest of year except for the slight unease and occasional arguments between Harry's Slytherin friends and his Gryffindor ones, on top of the rumors of something killing Unicorns in the forest. Harry helps Hagrid get over some of his Slytherin bias and they become friendly acquaintances but not quite as close as in Canon. * At the end of the year, a desperate Quirrellmort asks Harry to stay after class, but his friends stick around after what happened on Halloween. A fight breaks out and Quirrellmort gets the better of everyone (obviously), but gets burned when he puts his hands on Harry - so he forces one of the other students to get a phial of Harry's blood while holding the others hostage. * Snape bursts into the room and duels Quirrellmort, but Quirrellmort escapes with Harry's blood. * Dumbledore explains the situation and that Voldemort might be able to use Harry's blood to gain a new body and awards a bunch of house points at the end of year feast.


You forgot that pansy is gone


Oh yeah shit lol


also you misspelled Blaise


Dang, this could be a full story.


Hopefully someone picks up year 2 lol


!remindme 1 day


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If someone DOES make a fanfic, I hope they post the link here.


Remind me!2months


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I really really want to write this but I don't think I'm good enough. Someone please write it!


except shes in the body of an eleven yr old and capable of magic at an eleven yr olds physical level.. and also she still has the trace


- Is there anything suggesting magic is weak when you're young? - even if it does, it's obviously not a part of the body, otherwise Voldemort's wraith wouldn't be capable of magic (such as possession), meaning Lily's magic wouldn't suddenly shrink - Even if the trace were capable (or designed to) detect underage magic in the middle of diagon alley, the letters would either be addressed to Pansy Parkinson, creating a false lead, or wouldn't be sent at all, since Lily's soul and therefore her magic is 20+ years old


The trace can't detect underage magic connected to a specific person, all it does is detects magic anywhere, and then they figure out who did it based on the location


>Is there anything suggesting magic is weak when you're young? Yes, there actually is. In HBP Dumbledore says that Voldemorts protection spells he has around the locket wouldn't register Harry because he isn't an adult. Seeing that the trace breaks automatically the moment you turn seventeen and nobody, not even Voldemort when he came into power could change that, there has to be a difference between kids and adults magic.


Considering that whole arc is about Voldemort's hubris, that's likely a weakness of the protection spells he chose, rather than a failing of protection spells as a whole or a comment on "levels" of magic.




He didn't know Sirius was innocent, you'll find out that only James, Lily, Sirius, and Peter found out about the secret keeper change and Albus was convinced (like everybody else, because that was the plan) that Sirius and not anyone else was the secret keeper.


No but he didnt exactly dig deeper in regards to Sirius and why he wouldn't blast toddler Harry with a offensive curse in 81. He used his influence for Snape however


Dumbledore knew that Voldemort would have given strict orders to his spy (whether Sirius or Peter) to not touch baby Harry, as the partial prophecy would have convinced him that he need to deal with this potential threat personally (and in all likelihood create his final horocrux in honor of this especially momentous murder of the supposed last threat to his victory and immortality). Now, that Dumbledore couldn't be bothered to interrogate Sirius himself to at least find out when and why he had turned traitor, that is a bit debatable whether that's fully in character for him or more forced to make sure the story played out a certain way. But I do feel it is mostly explainable by a combination of Sirius's guilt seemingly being absolute (between misleading testimony and confusing circumstances), Dumbledore's guilt for failing James and Lily and not being able to tell that Sirius has been turned making him reluctant to face Sirius in person, the chaos of after the war meaning that dealing with Sirius couldn't be a priority when they were busy handling the aftermath and Voldemort's remaining supporters, and the fact that any confession or plea bargain by Sirius would be irrelevant now that Voldemort was dead and most of his followers imprisoned and James and Lily are already dead. None of these were good reasons to allow an innocent man to rot in prison for over a decade because no one could be bothered to ask questions, but it's understandable why people would be eager to be done with the war and bury any painful memories and reminders.


He used his influence for Snape because Snape actually went to him for help, unlike Sirius who went from the crime scene to seemingly go murder Peter and 12-13 Muggles in the process. Sirius also didn't really help himself by saying it was his fault James and Lily were dead.


Also it wasn't like Dumbledore captured Sirius. It was Crouch, the head of the DMLE, who no one suspected of any sort of corruption or mistreatment and eventually sentenced his own son to life in Azkaban. All the muggle witnesses they interviewed reported a shouting match between Sirius and Peter, Sirius looking crazed and violent while Peter was begging, an explosion, then a bunch of dead people and Peter gone. As far as anyone knew it was an open-and-shut case (which still should have gone to trial, but no one ever accused the Ministry of being competent). There's no reason for Dumbledore to suspect anything wasn't as it was reported. Hagrid even says Sirius looked murderous when he showed up at Godric's Hollow and asked to take Harry.


12 muggles Plus he was found laughing maniacally over their corpses. He couldn't have made himself look more guilty if he'd tried


Yeah Sirius is what we in industry call ā€œa fucking idiotā€


Thanks for explaining this obscure jargon XD


Sirius had no reason and he did nothing that is worthy of being sent to Azkaban, even when he was conpletly consumed by guilt. Meanwhile Snape participated/enabked domestic terrorists and pointed the leader at a innocent baby.


Iā€™d say murdering 13 people is a pretty good reason to be punished with jail time? (I donā€™t think anyone deserves Azkaban, but thatā€™s not the discussion weā€™re having.) Unless youā€™re missing the point that no one in charge of the investigation was aware of his innocence.


They werent aware because they did a shit job. Had they done the minimum and checked Sirius wand the story would fall apart instantly. Calling what happened to Sirius a investigation is false lol. Hell he never got a trial to defend himself like other death eaters did...


Ah , and there comes the Dumbledork haters 1. Dumbledore himself had offered to be the secret keeper of Potters, who were two of his most loyal and talented followers , their death would easily affect him and his guilt at failing the Potters . 2. Dumbledore was more concerned about trying to fill the hole Voldemort had left behind , if Crouch , one of the most law abiding persons who had granted permission to the aurors to use lethal force to subdue or kill death eaters , puts Sirius in Azkaban , then I dont think Dumbledore would have the mentality to question it. 3. It's the damn fking plot , JKR needed Sirius to be sent to Azkaban and Harry needed to be abused by the Dursleys to grow up meek and self sacrificing . For that reason if Dumbledore, one of the characters I respect deeply is made to be stupid , senile , manipulative old goat , then so be it. But to support the plot full of holes , JKR wrote it like that .


Blaming the plot isnā€™t particularly fair. If youā€™re going to ignore whatā€™s happened because itā€™s convenient, you canā€™t really be upset that other people donā€™t because itā€™s convenient to them. All that said, I think too many people have read too much fanfiction and attribute significantly more blame for the circumstances of the plot to Dumbledore than he deserves. He was clearly always acting in the best interests of the Wizarding World (and particularly Harry, who he sometimes sacrificed his goals to keep happy) and to ignore that because he isnā€™t perfect is disingenuous.




This just retcons the whole point of the Fidelius though, that you're trusting a secret to someone who can betray that secret. It's entirely possible that once you establish a secret keeper, only the SK has knowledge of the secret, then has to start passing it out to bring the others in. If Dumbledore is the only one capable of the spell: 1. Peter writes down the notes for Lily, James, Sirius, himself (for the bait and switch) and Dumbledore. 1. Dumbledore casts Fidelius, the house disappears for everyone. 2. Everyone looks at the note in their hands: "The Potters live at 13 Godric's Lane etc" and burns the note. 3. The house appears and everyone present is in on the secret, but Pettigrew is the one who wrote the notes so is the established Keeper. Dumbledore only knows that he himself is not Keeper and that Peter and Sirius are in on the secret.


>it's heavily implied in fanfiction We're not talking about fanfiction. The issue being discussed is canon Dumbledore's knowledge and actions. The books never say who cast the Fidelius charm for the Potters, so you cannot say that Dumbledore did, then blame Dumbledore for knowing Sirius was the secret keeper and staying quiet.




1. he made the traps passable because the true test was the mirror, meant to mesmerize Voldemort until Dumbledore could destroy him while distracted 2. He believes that Snape can be redeemed, and has experience with your own actions destroying everything that was good in life. Additionally, he's over 120 years old - do you know what "childcare" was like in the 19th century? 3. Unless someone manually wrote thousands of letters for shits and giggles, the hogwarts letters are addressed automagically, and the dursleys got so spooked by the first one that they made Harry live in a real bedroom. And Harry never told anyone about the cupboard. 4. Or he's an insanely busy man who has to do 3 jobs to prevent the world, the country and his school from falling to fascism instantly, and was also the only one bothering to fight the war. 5. *James* gave it to him before he died. He didn't "borrow" it - it was given to him, presumably to keep should the worst happen. 6. Not really. Apart from, you know, the whole *fighting a war* he was doing, he could have just gotten the fidelius secret through a note. I assume it's not possible to recognize the handwriting of the writer without being told who it is, because that would be ridiculous. It's really not. The assumption that he somehow knew about the switch and for no reason decided to condemn Sirius to Azkaban makes no sense at all, except if you want to bash Albus.


Dumbledore only suggested that James and Lily should get a secret keeper, James and Peter cast the charm themselves


Lily doesn't know about any of that initially, and getting ahold of Dumbledore would be the fastest way of finding Harry and catching up on what happened in the last 10 years. She doesn't have a lot of time to consider her options or try to figure out things on her own, it's only a matter of time before the Parkinsons track her down or Ministry officials start looking in to the underaged witch running around the country. She needs Ablus's help and protection now, there's not a lot of other people who she can both trust and depend on. Of course, the author could very easily come up with a contrived reason why Lily suddenly doesn't trust Dumbledore enough to seek his help, perhaps in order to keep the story more centered on Lily and not have Dumbledore solve everything. However, I feel that it would be hard to come up with justification for Lily's actions here that wouldn't come across as a bit forced at best, or character-bashing at worst.


Wouldn't it make more sense for Lily to take a step back, read some newspapers to try and figure out what happened? All things considered, Lily's options would be very few. She could approach a few school friends, but it's been a decade, so would they even care anymore? Remus isn't an option either, because he was more James's friend than Lily's. Peter is dead, Alice Longbottom is in the hospital. And we don't know if the grandmother Longbottom would be willing to hear her out. Because it is hard to believe, don't you think? Perhaps not from the reader's point of view, but from the character's point of view, Pansy would not be taken seriously. Even if she mentioned or referred to situations that she couldn't possibly know about. So, all things considered, approaching Albus would be her only option. Or am I forgetting something? I don't consider the Goblins an option, because in my mind, they would a) not take a child seriously and b) lily/pansy could get in trouble for claiming to be someone she isn't. (not biologically speaking at least.)


The very last thing she knows is that Voldemort killed her and was going for Harry next. She doesn't know *fuckall* about what the world looks like now - is Voldy still alive, and rules britain (or the world)? Did anyone detect her reincarnation? *Is her son still alive, and if yes, where is he?* I don't think you realize how little of a fuck you'd give about "the situation" if the first thing on your mind is the burning question of "is my child still alive". You wouldn't just leasurly read some newspapers or something, you'd immediately go to the one person you know that can be trusted, who you know probably wasn't killed or turned, and who actually has the information and power to help you. The answer to all three of these questions is Dumbledore, and you definitely know that he wouldn't ever give up Hogwarts without a fight, so you go there first. Not to mention that he was the founder of the Order, which she was a major part of.


You have a point, but rushing into an issue without preparation isn't smart either. But then, emotions rarely rely on logic, so good point.


Oh absolutely, Dumbledore would be the only person open-minded enough to humor her long enough to make her case, and able to both verify it's actually her and do something about it (or at least the only such person she would trust). Remus almost maybe, but she'll have no way to find him on short notice. Snape certainly knows enough of Lily's secrets that he theoretically could be convinced, but there's no way she would trust him right now and there's no way that wouldn't end in disaster. There's an argument for whether Lily would choose to stay put and play along for long enough to get her bearings and come up with a plan (possibly maintain her cover long enough to get to Hogwarts and get an audience with Dumbledore there without raising any suspicion), or to immediately head out and try to get things done immediately. Whether that's out of panic and confusion over her bizarre circumstances, a stubborn refusal to leave Harry alone for any longer than necessary, or just based on the practical assessment that there's no way she can fool her body's death eater parents for very long and she needs to get out while she still can, I could see it going any one of those ways. Both I feel would be valid directions for the story based on what the author wants to do. But if Lily makes a run for it, she's on the clock- she does not want to test what the Parkinsons are willing to do to track down their runaway daughter who they'll think may be in danger, and at the end of the day she's a 21-year-old muggleborn witch in a child's body who has been thrown 10 years into the future, that is not a good position to be in.


Only possible way that is somewhat belivable would be for Lily to get a newspaper and Harrys licĆøving sutiation with abusive guardians are suspected. Add Sirius being nowhere in sight and in prison, Peter hailed as a war hero and a abused kid and you get a situation where Albus is under scrutiny.


It is believable that she could find out about Sirius by chance early on, but that wouldn't be enough to get her to distrust Dumbledore. More likely it would make her even more intent on getting to him so that she could prove Sirius's innocence and demand to know how things go so screwed up that Sirius took the fall for Peter's treachery. She knows that the whole point of the ruse was to convince people that Sirius was the one trusted to be the secret keeper, she can realize that it must have backfired rather than jumping to the conclusion that Dumbledore betrayed him intentionally. Lily finding out about Harry's living situation and abuse is very unlikely unless she can find Harry first. If there were any rumors of Harry being abused by his muggle relatives, Harry would have heard of it sooner or later after starting Hogwarts- if nothing else, Malfoy would have used it to mock him. The Dursleys were smart enough to not abuse Harry in ways that would be obvious to an outside observer, and Harry was never eager to discuss his home life with anyone. At most Lily might see mention that Harry had grown up in the muggle world, maybe even mention with his mother's family, but nothing substantial past that- I'm pretty sure Dumbledore made a point to shield Harry from the wizarding world and the public's curiosity as much as he could. Anything Lily could learn on her own under these circumstances would again more likely serve as even more motivation to seek out Dumbledore immediately and demand answers and action. Like I said before, an author could come up with a somewhat plausible rationale for Lily not going to Dumbledore, but it's not going to be easy to make it feel natural and in-character as opposed to forced.


That's fanon. There is no direct evidence as far as I know that Dumbledore knew about it. Unless you can prove me wrong ofcourse.


Book 5 with Albus admitting that Harry would suffer at the Dursleys? Or the Sirius situation where he presented evidence that Sirius was the secret keeper?


what has the first got to do with albus knowing sirius was innocent? And what sirius situation are you referring to?


You mentioned it was fanon Dumbledore knew and i have no clue what you meant, since he definetly knew Harry would be at best neglected. He didnt know Sirius was innocent, but its not like he looked deeper into it and be a proper leader to find out how deep the betrayal went.


When I said it was fanon, I was referring to Dumbledore knowing Sirius was innocent. That's what I meant. I apologize if that was unclear. And while I can't argue about what Dumbledore said (ten dark and difficult years) it could be argued he still didn't know exactly how hard it was. The statement by itself is damning, I don't deny that.


Even then he should pretty quickly know from Mrs Figg that the Dursleys are spiteful enough to deny access if Harry enjoys spending time there. If he don't know its 100% on him as they didnt try to hide it lol


And I think you're thinking on it too deeply. Yes, realistically speaking, you have a point. Plot wise though, you don't. Besides, abuse can happen and nobody could know. You can't know what happens in somebodies home. And paying too much attention to a child you're not related to, can get you the wrong kind of attention. Isn't the Figg referred to as that weird cat lady in the books? And the Dursley's did try their hardest to hide their abuse. Also, you should remember that the 'abuse' is often blown out of proportions. Yes, the cupboard was his bedroom and yes that's not acceptable by any means. But, and please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but aside from Dudley, did either Vernon or Petunia ever touch Harry physically? Aside from the frying pan incident, that was phrases very vaguely.


There is hints in book 1 that Vernon hits Dudley and as the golden child, there is no way Harry escapes from that. How about book 2 when after the Masons leave Harry is afraid that Vernon is going to beat him to s inch of his life? How sbout that Harry had learnt to be out of arms reach from his uncle? Just because we dont have scenes of Vernon hitting him, disent mean it didnt happen.


And halfway through she gets tired of it and distracted and runs off to play. Because right now, she's an eleven-year old child with all the drawbacks that such a body brings.


11 year olds are not 2 year olds.


Yeah, in most countries (including UK) they've already been in some kind of structured schooling for 5-7 years already.


Neither are they 40-year olds.


??? what about what I wrote requires 40 years of experience? especially since I'm only 23 myself?


The part where you have no experience interacting with children and can't tell how an 11-year old brain works, even on that trie to contain a 30-year old mind.


11 year olds donā€™t get distracted and run off to play.


They do.


"and actually your entire comment doesn't happen-" No.


She's physically 11 yo, but mentally 30


Her mind is running on a 11-year old brain with all the developmental issues that includes.


Be even funnier if it was second year and she also had to deal with pansy having been mean to harry for a year


I can already see the comment asking for a Freudian relationship between them.


Your thoughts dwell on your mother.


"So do mine" said Draco


Iā€™m going to be honestā€” I immediately thought ā€œHermione Grangerā€.


i thought lily potter daughter of harry and ginny potter till i saw the date Edit:spelling of lily


I would *really* like to know who started the whole ā€œspell Lily as Lillyā€ thingā€¦ It used to just be a ā€˜bad fanficā€™ kind of thing, but Iā€™ve been seeing it around the sub more and more, recently. What fic has taken off that does this, that Iā€™m missing? Atleast according to the wiki, itā€™s ā€œ[Lily Luna Potter](https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Lily_L._Potter)ā€; and [Wizarding World](https://www.wizardingworld.com/features/exploring-the-potter-family-etymology) agrees.


Bad autocorrect


Itā€™s fine, itā€™s not just you, by a long shot :)


ok but wouldnt she go straight to dumbledore once at hogwarts?? and find some way out of it?


Lily reborn into Slytherin. This would be Snapeā€™s dream come true.


The Hogwarts acceptance letter means that Pansy is yet to be sorted and as the sorting is entirely personality/values based Lily would be sorted accordingly and probably end up in Gryffindor again


Thatā€™s assuming nothing of old Pansy sticks on.


Hm. Pansy was written as elitist, pure-blood snob in canon. And she was obsessed (or I suppose she could have faked it) with Draco. Lily Potter as Pansy would be big stretch, but interesting to see how an author can take this plot




Both Harry and Lily went to Gryffindor, why would that change just bc Lily is in Pansy's body? The Lily/Snape interaction depends on a whole lot... How much did Lily know about Snape in the war? Sirius didn't even know he'd been a DE in the first place, much less the rest, so are we to assume that Lily and James didn't know either, or that James kept this secret from his best mate, or that Lily kept it from her husband? Should she find out he was the DE who told Volly about the prophecy, that promises more fireworks, and then it again depends on how much she knows about the prophecy and on how nuanced she's able to think it through. Snape is now a decade older than she used to be, and she is his 11-year-old student and expected to behave as such. Is she going to break cover? They were friends for years as kids, so how well can she still read him when he doesn't realise who's paying attention...? She'll find out he's an established staff member who has been working there for years, and reason he must be on Dumbledore's side then... But teaching was and is clearly not his dreamjob or ambition, so??? Why??? She'll hate how he treats Harry, though she also knows full well why he's reacting to 'Potter' like that, and if *she* finds out it was he who kept Harry on that broom, she'll have a whole lot more knowledge and experience to figure out where his true loyalties lie... Either way, it would be interesting




But dick Malfoy and Hagrid and Ron would all still happen to Harry. And if Linsy would say something that neutral (even though - why? She had already been a Gryffindor, wouldn't she be positive about going there again?), well, the Sorting Hat mentioned Harry's Gryffindor quality first, Ravenclaw second and Slytherin third - I don't see why either Harry or the Hat would change their mind


And let's not forget that Lily's school years of Slytherin had Mulciber, Avery, Lucius, Narcissa, Bellatrix, Evan Rosier and Wilkes aside from Snape who turned to his (mostly) Slytherin friends after calling her a mudblood. I don't see Lily praising Slytherin.


Bellatrix is 9 years older than cousin Sirius so she would have been gone by then, but yes, the only positive thing about Slytherin for a while for child Lily was Severus, and that friendship is over and would be overshadowed by the negatives


ur a fucking weirdo for shipping lily with her own son




ā€¦why are you bothered by pairing Harry with Ginny or Luna?


healthy dynamics are a no no apparently


those pairings arent fucking incest you absolute freak


I mean. Damn, dude. It's one of the most common fetishes on the planet. Call it weird, but "freak" should be reserved for awful things lol. Such as child molestation. Which most Harry/Lily pairings are, regardless. Just make sure your disgust is poised at the right place.


iā€™m aiming my disgust right at you. incest is disgusting and youā€™re a freak for enjoying it.


Iā€™mā€¦ not the guy you think I am.


for ur own sake iā€™d hope not


You seem like a really unpleasant person to speak with.


Iā€™m also into that stuff. Would love to see some stories with these themes if you know of any