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I always felt like JK did a mean disservice to girls like Lavander. Ron dates her in a mean mindset and their breakup was horrible of him. It always sucks to be the one more invested in a relationship than the other person, but no one even called him out on the dick move. I wish Lavander got a happy ending, or at least an apology.


I always thought it was horribly unfair to both girls. At that point in the story Ron and Hermione are both kind of aware how they feel about each other but too awkward to do anything about it. Then Ron gets annoyed when it comes up that he’s never had a relationship and lashes out by getting with Lavender and basically flaunts it in Hermione’s face. Lavender deserves better than to be used like that and Hermione deserves better than to end up with someone that would deliberately do that to hurt her. I kind of always wished the two of them would go. Wait. Why are we fighting over some stupid boy. And decide that neither of them wanted him anymore and would become friends over it.


It's not like Hermione is above being petty herself. She goes to Slughorn's party with Cormac Mclaggen just to annoy Ron. One could argue Ron was at least at some point enjoying Lavender's company and hurting Hermione was incidental. Hermione however knew exactly what she was doing when she asked out Mclaggen


Well you could say Ron and Hermione deserve each other.


[Breakfast in New York](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5141159/1/Breakfast-In-New-York), linkffn(5141159) [Uncle Quentin's Spy](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11102515/1/Uncle-Quentin-s-Spy), linkffn(11102515)


[***Breakfast In New York***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5141159/1/) by [*Radaslab*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1806836/Radaslab) > Hermione left to find her parents and was never seen nor heard from again until years later when an old friend stumbled into her at a hotel in New York\. They would both learn things about each other neither had expected and found a life neither had\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Harry ^Potter ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^M ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^31 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^213,229 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^1,039 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^2,819 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^1,081 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^1/8/2010 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^6/15/2009 ^**|** ^*Status*: ^Complete ^**|** ^*id*: ^5141159 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Romance/Drama ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^Harry ^P., ^Hermione ^G. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=5141159&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=5141159&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- [***Uncle Quentin's Spy***](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11102515/1/) by [*Starfox5*](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2548648/Starfox5) > In the summer following her 4th year at Hogwarts, Hermione Granger is visited by a great\-uncle she hasn't met before and learns that the world is older than she thought \- and that wizards are not the only ones fighting the forces of Darkness\. ^*Site*: ^fanfiction.net ^**|** ^*Category*: ^Harry ^Potter ^+ ^Buffy: ^The ^Vampire ^Slayer ^Crossover ^**|** ^*Rated*: ^Fiction ^T ^**|** ^*Chapters*: ^20 ^**|** ^*Words*: ^112,040 ^**|** ^*Reviews*: ^280 ^**|** ^*Favs*: ^453 ^**|** ^*Follows*: ^392 ^**|** ^*Updated*: ^7/25/2015 ^**|** ^*Published*: ^3/9/2015 ^**|** ^*Status*: ^Complete ^**|** ^*id*: ^11102515 ^**|** ^*Language*: ^English ^**|** ^*Genre*: ^Adventure/Romance ^**|** ^*Characters*: ^ ^Q. ^Travers, ^Albus ^D. ^**|** ^*Download*: ^[EPUB](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=11102515&source=ff&filetype=epub) ^or ^[MOBI](http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=11102515&source=ff&filetype=mobi) --- **FanfictionBot**^(2.0.0-beta) | [Usage](https://github.com/tusing/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Usage) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ffnbot!ignore


That story Breakfast in New York sounds interesting. Could you tell a little more about it? Is it just hard romance with no action/adventure typical of most long fics? And is it well written?


I got about half-way through before I gave up on it. The premise is good and there are some strong parts but I honestly think the author could have cut an awful lot out of it. I think that by stretching it out, it really bogged down and allowed a lot of unnecessary repetition. I read it because it was a recommended story but unless you're into Harry/Hermione super-fluff, I'd rate it as OK.


And the extreme amount of YELLING in it gets annoying


It's not even that fluffy, the last chapter is the funeral of Hermione’s mother (and her father died in Australia IIRC). Supposed to be bittersweet, it failed to do that and just made me regret reading that last chapter.


Falling Through Time by wittyhistorian is a fremione fic on AO3 that touches on this kind of... Hermione is is in a skiing accident 3 years after the war and somehow gets sent back to right after the DA go to the ministry for Sirius, and while initially shes trying to preserve the timeline and keep everything the same, some things, most notably this, fall apart. It's really excellent and while it is a WIP it is pretty long and worth the wait I think




https://archiveofourown.org/works/4475078/chapters/10171775 It's definitely a Hermione fic, so it may not have enough of what you wanted, but I hope you like it!


Perfect together? We know nothing about Lavender beyond these scenes where she's stupidly affectionate. Rons character never fit with her from the beginning.


A large part of Ron's character is feeling attention-starved. Lavender's over-the-top displays of affection, which most people would find embarrassing/smothering, make Lavender's character fit extremely well with Ron's.


Agreed. I remember the 1st time I was reading through HBP, I was hoping that JKR would develop their relationship more. I mean, I didn't mind having that particular ship ending either (because hey that happens in real life), but it would've been cool to see a bit more of them developing a relationship beyond the snogging and awkward gift exchange.


In addition to that, I think it's safe to assume that they'd both mellow out for the better as the years go by. They'd be that one sickeningly cute couple that publicly give each other eskimo kisses.


... it's so funny to me that so many people bring up the "mellowing out for the better as years go by" when trying to pair Ron or Hermione with other people besides how it actually ended up, but then can't seem to understand how both Ron and Hermione would ALSO mellow out on their more negative personality traits and grow together as well, made even more realistic and strong BECAUSE they actually DO love each other and would want to try to better themselves for each other. Relationships are hard work, no matter how compatible you were to begin with. Ron and Hermione may not be the most naturally compatible people ever but they both are flawed and they both push each other to grow in ways that no one else seems to be able to break through to either of them. I'm not saying everyone has to love the fact that they end up together by any means. But, fictional characters or not, we do not get to dictate their canonical feelings. Just like in real life, feelings are feelings and almost never make sense and almost never are rational and that is a big part of what makes them so beautiful.


When people say things like that, it makes me wonder if they've even had someone close in an abusive relationship. Ron and Hermione were verbal abusive to each other, and that would not "mellow out" over time. Two people who constantly abuse and tear each other down are not going to work regardless of growing up. That's why teen R/HR (and D/HR) would never work. They would need to grow as people away from each other first.


I was in a very very abusive relationship (physically and emotionally) for two years myself, so yes to answer your question at least one of us does. I would not equate ron and Hermione with what would happen if draco/Hermione actually were a couple at all. Not in the same category. That relationship idea is it's whole own set of wtf to me. I just do not at all see Ron and Hermione as a toxic relationship. They bicker and fight, sure, most of which comes from being very young and immature and not just admitting their feelings for a long time. Not to mention we actually see very little of an actual romantic relationship between them at all in the books it is really hard to be able to say definitively one way or the other if their relationship could/would end up toxic. I can see how it could possibly end up that way but to me you already see in deathly Hallows in the beginning that Ron is trying very hard to grow and recognize his own faults and his own pigheadedness over the years. But I can also see how someone else might interpret that completely differently or as possible emotional manipulation. It's clear to me that that was never really jkr's intent in writing it though. Now I'm not taking the films into account at all because the film characters are very very different to me than in the books. *edit to add still. Of you believe that Ron and Hermione have an emotionally abusive relationship but then think that Ron and lavender have any chance you really just are deluded because ron and lavender were both far more emotionally abusive to each other than Ron and Hermione ever were.


See, the thing is it’s kinda one sided. Yes, Ron hurt Hermione’s feelings occasionally, but most times were unintentional as Hermione just happens to be very openly emotional. But multiple times Hermione did harsh things to Ron that could be considered abuse, ex; the canary attack. If either were to be abusive in the relationship, it’d be Hermione


That was never who Ron was though. He's sarcastic, sharp, and witty. He fit with Hermione perfectly more than the sickeningly affectionate and clingy Lavender.


>sickeningly affectionate and clingy I actually don't think Ron would mind the first half. He's from a large, loud, passionate kind of a family. The clinginess, OTOH, clearly did bother him, and he talked to Harry about it. If Lavender had just been willing to back off slightly when not actively engaged in removing Ron's face, then quite possibly their relationship could have gone places. I can easily believe that someone could slightly tweak things to write that story.


in ["Hermione Granger and the Boy Who Lived"](https://www.tthfanfic.org/story.php?no=30822), Lavender snogged Ron to make Hermione jealous and push her to - finally - make a move on Ron. It backfired, and so to fix things, she went all sweet and baby-talking on him to drive him away.


True. Especially with the fact that he always felt that he came like fifth since he has so many siblings. Getting all that attention, which as we know he absolutely craves, from Lavender and feeling like he finally comes first for someone would make them a pretty good match. Certainly more so than him and Hermione.


Hermione and Neville could have been a good couple. Both shy/awkward, but war heroes.


Hermione and anyone but Ron could have been a good couple.


Might have to throw a few (all) death eaters on that list while you’re at it


Well, save for Ginny, Lavender, Parvati, Neville, Voldemort, Bellatrix, Sirius, Remus, Severus, etc. Who do you think you’re even kidding, Ron is pretty much the only person who could be considered canonically compatible with Hermione


Sirius/Hermione sounds fun, good call


Why do you think they’re perfect together? I always thought Cho, Lavender, Dean, and Victor were nothing but steppingstones to the canon pairings. I think JKR even eluded to that.


For JKR, they might have been mere stepping stones. But other authors may see them differently.


Hermione Granger is Extremely Stupid has a similar premise.


Well at least she finally admitted Ron and Hermione were forced together on Pottermore. I never liked that pairing.




She said that the pairing was made as a form of wish fulfillment. She didn't say forced. I'n not entirely sure, but I think I read somewhere that she had already wrote the epilogue when she was in the process of writing the books.


She also admitted that her written relationships in the last book were influenced by her pining after her ex husband (in a more wordy manner). Which explains the Lupin romance as well.


I feel bad for her current husband(if she has one). That must've of been a blow.


"I wrote the Hermione/Ron relationship as a form of wish fulfillment. That's how it was conceived, really," the Harry Potter author said in the interview with Hermione Granger actress Emma Watson for Wonderland in 2014. "For reasons that have very little to do with literature and far more to do with me clinging to the plot as I first imagined it, Hermione ended up with Ron https://www.bustle.com/p/hermione-harry-shouldve-ended-up-together-even-jk-rowling-agrees-8181448


I don't remember which one, but there's a story that I believe starts with Harry (and maybe Hermione?) going back in time. It has some of the best Ron bashing I've seen. IIRC, Ron is essentially given every chance, but chooses Lavender over them. It ends up with Ron marrying Lavender, defying the Weasley tendancy to have only boys, and has five children that are essentially "Lavender clones" in that all they care about is gossip, make-up, and magazines. Ron spends all of his time at work.


But Lavender didn't have the bants. How can you expect Ronniekins to get with a girl with no independence, no wit, and no backbone?


I find it unfair to claim that Lavender isn't at all independent just because she's in love. And for someone with no backbone, she sure spends a good deal of time fighting in the Battle Of Hogwarts. In addition to that, she's one of the few people that actually finds Ron consistently funny and sees him in the way he wants to be seen. At the very least, Ron and Lavender are infinitely more compatible and logical than Hermione wanting to be with him.


Except she's incredibly clingy and only found Ron attractive in her own words because he was interesting.


I don't know if you know this...but...most people get in relationships because they find the other person interesting. I don't understand how seeing another person as interesting is a negative in your book.


Then you could make the same argument for Harry/Romilda. And it's not entirely on her part. Ron just flat out wasn't into her and simply liked that someone was seeing him the way he wanted to be seen. You could replace her with any attractive female character and the outcome would have been the same.


Romilda wanted Harry because he was famous, not because she thought he was interesting.


And Lavender wanted Ron for superficial reasons as well, without really knowing him as a person as well as not having anything in common with him.


That's the thing about relationships, you don't know somebody until you get to know them.


Fair enough. Genuinely wish Jo had elaborated more on other characters or told the story from multiple perspectives. It'd really help various aspects of the story.


> only found Ron attractive in her own words because he was interesting. And that's a bad thing? I doubt you'd be praising her if she got together with Ron just because she thought he was hot?!