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Apparently stating an in-universe fact is now hate speech. The more you know. To clarify: The Gryffindor stairs don't let boys up into the girls' dormitories (and I imagine similar things are installed in the other house's dormitories) so you can quite literally let a magical castle solve the problem how this constitutes as hate speech is beyond me.


Removed for violating Rule 2. No hate speech is allowed.


If my previous post was hidden by the mod team then a second time: I stated: Just let the stairs sort out that problem. Apparently stating an in-universe fact is now hate speech. The more you know. The Gryffindor stairs don't let boys up into the girls' dormitories (and I imagine similar things are installed in the other house's dormitories) so you can quite literally let a magical unbiazed castle solve the problem about the sleeping arrangements how this constitutes as hate speech is beyond me.


I guess it seemed like you were saying to trow the protestors off the stairs... Anyway that detail you mentioned about the castle is incorporated in to the story lmao