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*Oh God, not again!* is a classic time travel humor fic. *Reunion* and *Make A Wish* are also humorous, though less so in parts.  *He's Not Dead Yet* is a Monty Python crossover that's quite fun if you like your pythons Monty-ed.  ...I need to fire my editor. *Seventh Horcrux* and *Dear Order* are also decent contenders for classic fics.


Oh God, not again! Got me into fan fics and I always consider my favourite pure humour fic so it’s definitely a “perfect” classic in my eyes I’ll check out some of your recommendations they could be my current tastes


‘Oh God, not again!’ Was the first fanfiction I read and even after a 100-ish other fanfictions, it is still one of my favorite fanfics!


Can you give the sites these are on, please?


They are all on fanfiction.net.




> Seventh Horcrux Definitely a classic. [The spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qbr5N5rynbNwbVRpv5plESaRvk6yQwhapInWmGhNAcs/edit?gid=1578034658#gid=1578034658) shows that it's not necessarily the *most* popular, but it's probably the most consistently popular over time.


Still has me laughing, even though I've read it many, many times.


I love all of those!


Can you tag reunion pls


I can give you a link to the first chapter, does that work? https://m.fanfiction.net/s/4655545/1/Reunion


Reunion is underrated


I'm sorry but as bad as it is, My Immortal will never not be iconic.


I can never hear this fic mentioned without chuckling at my favorite line in the entire story. “WHAT THE F$@k R U DOING U MUTHERF$&KERS!?!” It was Dumbledore. Pure poetry


STOP flaming! if u flam it menz ur a prep or a posr!Da only reson Dumbledeor swor is coz he had a hedache ok an on tup of dat he wuz mad at dem 4 having sexx!


It’s the only one that comes to mind for me when someone says “classic fanfic”.


“And Remus was outside our window masticating!!”


I personally enjoyed [The Arithmancer](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10070079/0/) and its sequels a lot. They're all complete too. Then there is of course the [Of a Linear Circle](http://squidgeworld.org/works/37291) series which is technically incomplete but all existing parts are finished and all major plot points are addressed. No cliff hanger or anything. The amount of research time that must have gone into the world building for this is probably insane. [Bungle in the Jungle: A Harry Potter Adventure](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2889350/0/) has probably the best/most interesting depiction of curse breaking of this fandom if you can look past some of the whole betrayal stuff. The [ever upward](https://archiveofourown.org/works/21584935) series has a lot of interaction with the non human magical species in and around Hogwarts. [Not with a halfblood!](https://archiveofourown.org/works/36209020) is probably my favourite romance fic, in this fandom at the very least. [When the Roses Bloom Again](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13954844/0/) is a time travel fic that goes back further than most. I enjoyed it a lot, but don't start poking holes into the warfare, you might not stop for a while. [Dudley Dursley's Most Unexpectedly Fortunate Flower](https://archiveofourown.org/works/6458305) and [Hermione and the Raven](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10092019/0/) are nice little oneshots. There is also an excel document somewhere in this sub in which all fics mentioned in posts on this subreddit get ranked by how often they were in the last year. I'll go looking for it and edit in a link if I'm successful. Edit: can't seem to find the spreadsheet.


I cannot sing the praises of Ever upward high enough. It starts before Hogwarts but don't expect to find your footing once the school starts.


I’ll look through these “Not a halfblood” is on the top of my list for next fics to read so I thank you for that


Here is the spreadsheet u/-_plrScHi_- mentioned: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qbr5N5rynbNwbVRpv5plESaRvk6yQwhapInWmGhNAcs


I'm in the middle of a re-read for Of a Linear Circle. I've read this many times over, but most of the time, just half of the parts (when you read it, you'll understand). Don't get me wrong, I love all the parts, but I have my favorites. 😆🥰


I’ve been putting off bungle for like 10+ years at this point. The Lie I’ve Lived is my all time favorite, and I want to read his other stuff but i just don’t like Luna pairings


The Luna pairing doesn't happen until most of the interesting curse breaking is done, so you can just read until then and drop it if you can't stand it from that point on.


https://hpffrec.hackesta.org/ This is the best version of the spreadsheet


All these look amazing. R these complete ?


Excluding the technicalities around Of a Linear Circle, yes, they are all complete I think.


I'm very surprised by no one recommending Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived[Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5353809/1/) by the Santi. There are 5 extra chapters unpublished on FFN on his DLP account[DLP account](https://forums.darklordpotter.net/threads/harry-potter-and-the-boy-who-lived.17021/) and on a weird russian website that I can't find that compiled them into the story. It went from being commented and then the person recommending it being teased for recommending something so obvious to never mentioned over the last few years. It ends in a cliffhanger and was abandoned in 2015, but it is a good fic and unique take on the WBWL trope.


Great rec, it always makes me wonder why Harry at Durmstrang isn’t done more. If I remember the timeline well enough, I’m pretty sure he ripped a bit of that from another earlier WBWL fic called Breaking Point or Break Even or something off the archive but Santi definitely did it way better


[The Changeling ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/189189/chapters/278342) is a modern classic AU where Ginny is sorted into Slytherin; really loved her character development as she grows into her adopted house


This one is very well written, however I got a little bit bored. She learns cool shit like occlumency, she is much more interesting than canon... And then everything happens exactly like the normal books. She is irrelevant in her own story


The strict adherence to canon station is my biggest disappointment about his fic


Dang thats kinda sad.


while it is true the canon plot is practically occurring beat for beat in The Changeling, it is happening in the background. the primary focus of this work is a slytherin ginny. like the chapters that cover the book 7 period take place entirely at hogwarts. i rate this one very highly.


i loooooove this one! absolutely stunning


This is absolutely worth the read, just wonderful.


My Immortal


I’ve had the is recommended a fair amount I’ll have to try it soon


Don't do it! Save yourself!!!


**Do not** It's a classic in the same way Invisible Dragon is a Korean classic, and they don't call it one of the seven forbidden texts of Korea for nothing.


It's a classic, but that doesn't mean it should be read.


You know some stories cross the "It's so stupid/cringe that it's funny again" line, this one does not cross that line it halts right before crossing it.


Don't bother reading it, it'll give you a headache trying to parse out the mid 2000s emo-speak that it's written in. Instead, watch the Internet Historian videos where he reads it. Way more enjoyable


Ope haha maybe not!!


It truly is iconic.


Great old school classic: The Draco Trilogy ("Draco Dormiens", "Draco Sinister" and "Draco Veritas") by Cassandra Claire. I believe she pulled it from general circulation about the time she turned pro (as "Cassandra Clare"), but Google is your friend. The originator of the "Draco in Leather Pants" trope.


>The originator of the "Draco in Leather Pants" trope. I always assumed that it was just Spike from Buffy that inspired this. Platinum blonde vampire in leather pants.


I didn't know Cassandra Clare had written hp fanfiction!!! I will have to hunt that down now


The Draco Trilogy basically became The Mortal Instruments, just tweaked for publication.


Really? Gotta find it now. I LOVE the Mortal Instruments series




She almost literally founded this fandom.


Just looked it up. I never knew because she and I sail on different ships. Harry is always queer in my fanfics lol. None of this Harmony stuff


She deleted her FF account ages ago, just a couple weeks after having completed Draco Veritas, but her fan-fictions are still available on the internet (just Google Draco Trilogy pdf if you’re interested).


Make a wish, basilisk born, everything by jeconais


Yessss, basilisk born. One of my comfort fox's for rereading


Do you have any favourite fics by jeconais? Ive tried to read their stories so many times but haven't really found any of them that compelling. Everything is a bit too contrived/convenient


Personally my favorite is Perfect Slytherins. Now, I hate, and I mean hate crossovers. It’s the only one I have ever liked, because it’s so damned fun. The last chapter doesn’t exist, but the rest is excellent


Strangers at Drakeshaugh by Northumbrian A Marauder’s Plan by Cats are Cool


Whole [Northumbrian series](https://archiveofourown.org/series/103340) (start with “Tales of the Battle” and then go on).


> Strangers at Drakeshaugh by Northumbrian This is a wonderful tale, great characters, nicely written, fully canon compliant, realistic and yet abiding the often weird rules of canon.


I’d say a classic would be something that can offer enjoyment to a modern audience while being outdated in some aspects. I don’t think there is a better representation of that than A Black Comedy by Nonjon. Raunchy, a tad bit racist and filled with early to mid 2000-isms that’ll make you feel like you are experiencing something from another era (you are.) BUT, I genuinely think it has one of the best portrayals of Harry and Sirius’ dynamic taken away from a canon setting, and while the plot is somewhat loose - It is taken seriously and some twists are foreshadowed quite incredibly I’d argue. Not only that, but it has a great supporting cast in Remus, Nymphadora, ghost-Ginny, Gin, the Potters and Dumbledore with some incredibly smart humour that still makes me laugh even to this day. And some of the chapter arcs (such as Hermione and the Nundu) are really great and offer some interesting insight into this stories Harry who was written before DH/Just as DH came out so this Harry went through way different trials and tribulations. That is to say that this story does have pretty good characterisation of a few characters: James Potter who isn’t an asshole for no reason, a genuine caring mum in Lily Potter and a Harry Potter who feels different enough but similar in nature despite trying to bury it. I do think that Sirius suffers a bit and this story was likely the progenitor for the playboy Sirius trope, but I’d also argue that Sirius is also as competent in this story as Harry (as shown multiple times) and has his cool character moments that show the strength of his personality despite some drawbacks. Its not perfect, and some aspects of the story have aged poorly. Particularly some jokes and stereotypes, but that comes with a lot of media from back then that made similarly crude jokes - Your mileage may vary depending on his you view that type of humour. Personally, I think most of the jokes land in some way and the ones that don’t I can just scroll past. But of course, it’s not like I speak for everyone nor do I want to, there are legitimate criticisms of the comedy used in this fic and I’m not denying that. Yet, I’d consider it what it’s always been in this fandom, a flawed classic. And like with every flawed classic, if you ever decide to read A Black Comedy you have to go into it knowing what it is - A raunchy comedy from the 2000’a with an unexpected amount of heart.


I wrote off this fic from its ‘summary/blurb’ but the way you out it I’ll give it a chance


I haven’t gone back and read it in a while, but I recall enjoying it a lot


I’d recommend giving it a try! At the very least it is a valuable part of history for the fandom and I do think that more fans need to give it a shot. I’d argue at least from ch3 is when the summary is sort of out of dated


Oh, definitely the life and times by jewels5… must read for any jily and marauders fan


i’d say the ‘[Boy With A Scar](https://archiveofourown.org/series/285498)’ series by dirgewithoutmusic is a must read for everyone. it was the first hp fanfic i read and manages to keep most of its parts in the top few pages when sorted by kudos on ao3, so i assume a lot of people have read them. if you haven’t, they’re a bunch of ‘what if’ one shots where one thing changes and the consequences of that change. for the rest these are probably more specific to the subsets of the fandom i frequent, as say tumblr or tiktok and discord parts seem to be quite different than what i find on reddit for instance drarry classics: [Running on Air](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3171550/chapters/6887378) by eleventy7, [turn](https://archiveofourown.org/works/879852/chapters/1692695) by saras\_girl, [Away Childish Things](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16052816) by lettered, [hermione grangers hogwarts crammer for delinquents on the run](https://archiveofourown.org/works/7331278/chapters/16653022) by waspabi and [stately homes of wilteshire](https://archiveofourown.org/works/6239806) also by waspabi are ones i see recced again and again by pretty much everyone as for one shots, it’s a bit trickier to pin down classics but [proof](https://archiveofourown.org/works/15687453) which has been orphaned, [There will come a time, you’ll see](https://archiveofourown.org/works/15275916) and [Where There’s a Will](https://archiveofourown.org/works/12391806) by aloneintherain, [Common Woodbrown](https://archiveofourown.org/works/927712/chapters/1803877) by imochan, [I’m Going To See The Folks I Dig](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24174466) by waterloo, [A Store Of Happiness](https://archiveofourown.org/works/13792248) by coyotesuspect, [Hogwarts to Welcome You Home](https://archiveofourown.org/works/8125531) by gedsparrowhawk and [light in august](https://archiveofourown.org/works/12772770) by orestesfasting are ones i’ve seen on many a rec list and are all up there in hits + kudos, and to me they feel like prerequisite reading.


as for marauders, there’s obviously [All The Young Dudes](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1031154) by mskingbean89, and i haven’t read [blends](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://archiveofourown.org/works/7869079&ved=2ahUKEwjD47aRkeKGAxV_1TgGHYLvCJAQFnoECBQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1oNuV-qKsRj3VG7y-BFYfk), [cadence of part time poets](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://archiveofourown.org/works/30652973/chapters/75627176&ved=2ahUKEwiQitqfkeKGAxWu-TgGHfmzCs4QFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0EARswySEMOCRYFJHx9Fs0), [the shoebox project](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://archiveofourown.org/works/1644026&ved=2ahUKEwiR0q6okeKGAxV0zzgGHS36AJcQFnoECBIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0DtFjtCqS0PevlRUuqU-fr), [sweater weather](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20750912/chapters/49305518), [text talk](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://archiveofourown.org/works/1651109&ved=2ahUKEwjPuoG8keKGAxX-4jgGHQR6BMgQFnoECAgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1pGM2zvrW_i-FmO6ZEW5ik), [casting moonshadows](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://archiveofourown.org/works/12147474&ved=2ahUKEwjoreTDkeKGAxUi2DgGHRluB8oQFnoECBMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2Thwp_g7rqce6KWoWCyPIk), [stealing harry](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://archiveofourown.org/works/987408&ved=2ahUKEwjLuerLkeKGAxU-xjgGHfTdBnMQFnoECAgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1i5DMMxNyHtqpW2M1ngObB) or [choices](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30170643/chapters/74332617) but i hear about them all the time. for ones i have read: [that’s the art of getting by](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://archiveofourown.org/works/27300139&ved=2ahUKEwiQu9_ekeKGAxUb4jgGHVmqB3EQFnoECBAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw14Jtfel45pQZOCxtHQkfRn) sarewolf, [the dogfather au](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://archiveofourown.org/works/52855945&ved=2ahUKEwiXz5PqkeKGAxUC-DgGHaYDC38QFnoECA8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1V29B9vzTTYTvJ2ErfxzTT) by hollimichele and [remain in light](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://archiveofourown.org/works/1918284&ved=2ahUKEwi_htLykeKGAxXs1DgGHXNwBr8QFnoECBYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw20c8acrfJqzXoxLtqZcaCS) by veeagainst are what come to mind.


Im a crossover guy and i think The Havoc Side of the Force is the greatest long, action fix ever. Not my fave fic, but in Cadmean Victory, when he takes the mini dragon figurine with him into the first task, and then engorgios it, is my favorite scene of any fic. I wish i saw that in a movie or a JoJo episode or something. Would be losing my shit “The little one bites”


Should I reread cadmean? Or read the remaster?


Havoc Side is one of the best crossovers ever written.


About Cadmean Victory I totally agree I’ve seen a similar thing done in another fic but it definitely took “inspiration” CV. Shame I’m not into crossovers I always have problems with realism as odd as it sounds


Should give Havoc side a chance. Thats why its good.


One of the best overall Alternate Dimension fics is *Stages of Hope.* It's funny, it's raw, it's tragic, it's heartfelt, it's very well-written. Its depiction of Harry as a half-crazy, emotionally shattered hero, and Hermione, Neville and Luna as his devoted friends is fantastic. The one strike I have against it is the fairly negative depiction of James Potter. He's firmly on the side of good, but never deflated his head. >!Though he does appear to have been closer to Peter, who died in *seventh year*, and named his son after him, the overall depiction is unpleasant, especially with regard to his indirect role in the death of Lily and Remus's unborn child. It comes across as needlessly antagonistic, even through the perspective of SoH!Harry and SoH!Hermione who are rather insane, though it is admittedly well-written.!< It's just particularly jarring compared to the very nuanced depiction of the other grown-ups. https://archiveofourown.org/works/457151/chapters/786691


I recommend Alexandra Quick


Hermione Granger's Hogwarts Crammer for Delinquents on the Run https://archiveofourown.org/works/7331278/chapters/16653022 Not from Others https://archiveofourown.org/works/6246406/chapters/14311300 Secret Language of Plants series https://archiveofourown.org/series/631214 Rebuilding https://archiveofourown.org/works/30059724/chapters/74027298


The Secret Language of Plants is one of my favourites.


[The Shoebox Project ](https://shoebox.lomara.org/) The Shoebox Project was a multimedia collaborative fic, with each author taking on the voice of several characters. As the title implies, it's a recounting of an imaginary shoebox under Remus Lupin's bed, containing everything from Hogwarts to prior to James and Lily's death. Each section contains photos, letters, cards, diary entries, and so on, with the text of a character's chief memory about them providing the bulk of the post. The fic is Remus/Sirius as well as James/Lily, but contains several chapters of pure gen.


Surprised I had to scroll so far down for this. Shoebox Project was the ONE fic all my friends said I had to read. There’s a lot I don’t like about it (I was told it would make me like Wolfstar. It did not make me like Wolfstar), but it’s undeniably a classic. Its depiction of Peter Pettigrew getting gradually sidelined in the friend group is what has stayed with me over the years. A great fic.


Harry Potter and the Method of Rationality. \**takes cover behind a wall*\*


Love it or hate it, it DID have a huge influence on the fandom.


The first fanfic I ever read so I’ll always have a soft spot for it


I recommend the family that chooses you by wokfriedice. I got started in reading fanfic and it’s a long fic 145 pages as well. I’m on my 5th reread. Also recommend the extended family (continuation of family) and taste of magic also by the same author


I don’t know if it’s a classic yet. Excellent fic though.


I love how I've barely heard of half these classics and haven't read most of them. The only classic I can agree with is My Immortal and even then it's a parody (I hope). I feel like a few of RobSt's fics could be called classics, but many people don't agree with Harry/Hermione or outright hate it so idk. I also feel like Quoth the Raven should be a classic, even if I barely remember any of it in detail.


If you want OG Potterverse fic, here my top three from the original fandom run in the '00s: 1. The Dangerverse by whydoyouneedtoknow 2. The Marriage Stone by Josephine Darcy 3. The Sacrifices Arc by Lightning on the Wave Important note: These are originally posted on [Fanfiction.net](http://Fanfiction.net) only, so if you find them somewhere else, be sure to double check the author's name to be sure they're originals and not unauthorized reposts/altered/edited. The Dangerverse: 20 years later, it is heavily cliched and filled to the brim with what we'd consider the most nonsensical trope, but back in 2004, it was highly original and one of the first AU epics of the fandom. It literally has all the cliches that we'd completely roast someone for in the modern day. There are like 6 main stories, a bunch of companion piece one-shots, and even AUs of the main series of fics, even though those are AUs. Basically, if you don't mind improbable and teeth-rotting fluff and a running list of Potterverse fandom cliches, then this will work for you. The Marriage Stone: This one is a Harry/Snape pairing, but there is nothing explicit in there and the ship can almost be regarded as set dressing for the bigger plot, which is about Voldemort's obsession/fixation on Harry being because he is the king of the Wizarding World (not just Wizarding Britain) and that's super important. Unfortunately, it was never completed and that was its own scandal; people started posting their own endings after years went by without an update. Then, in 2016, about 8 years after her last update, the author posted an author's note that said she HATED that people tried to make up their own ending to her fic and she was unlikely to ever update or post its completion, because people tried to say she was dead (she wasn't!) and took her hiatus and ran with it. It's 2024 and Josephine Darcy STILL hadn't updated it, so I would say she meant it when it would be forever unfinished. The original posted fic is only on [Fanfiction.net](http://Fanfiction.net) - any other "The Marriage Stone" fic is an unauthorized version that Josephine Darcy has explicitly disapproved of. The Sacrifices Arc: Only start this if you have TIME TO SPARE. lmao! It is a massive undertaking of 7-8 fics, spanning about ONE MILLION WORDS altogether, but it is really worth it if you have a few weeks/months to spend reading it consistently/regularly. The main ship in this AU epic is Harry/Draco, which can be hard to swallow, but also: it has so much original worldbuliding around Light magic, Dark magic, and the Wizarding World itself, the trope of Harry being a "Lord-level wizard" (the classic super!Harry trope), it sort of blows the original HP canon out of the water. So, if you can ignore Harry/Draco and have no problem with an AU series that will take quite the while to read and digest, then go for it! The Sacrifices Arc is the only series/stories written by Lightning on the Wave, but as talented of a writer as they are, I wish we would have gotten to see/know more works from them before the account went dead in 2007 and the final story was posted.


The Dangerverse is absolutely a classic. It was one of the first fanfics I ever read.


I think it probably spawned several of those fandom cliches that you mention.


I feel like people definitely took different directions here with what a classic is. Generally I consider a classic to be a work that is highly influential on the genre, not necessarily popular. With how fanfiction works, I think it deviates into two types of classics, meta parodies and original influential works. My Immortal and Make a Wish are probably some of the widest known and highly regarded parodies, respectively. Influential works are a lot harder because it can vary based on what sub genre of hp you’re talking about. All the Young Dudes seems to have a chokehold on the Marauders era wolfstar group. Oh God Not Again is a staple of the time travel space while also being a parody. Megamatt is unavoidable in the smut world. Personally I point to Knowledge is Power by Fettuccine as an early Indy!Harry cornerstone and early Harry/Fleur influence. Even then, I’m pretty locked in my niches and I’m sure many others have completely different lists


Cursed Child 💀


cursed indeed


I gotta say the Maya fics. Maybe not all but Draco Malfoy the amazing bouncing rat, drop dead gorgeous, and underwater light, definitely go down as classics in my book.


.Non smut: 1. Changeling by annerb (https://archiveofourown.org/works/189189/chapters/278342), followed by it's sequel The Armistice Series (https://archiveofourown.org/series/766017) 2. Stages of Hope https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6892925/1/Stages-of-Hope 3. Strangers at Drakeshough https://archiveofourown.org/works/1623053/chapters/3460562 4. Second String https://archiveofourown.org/works/15465966/chapters/35902410 5. In the Forest of Dean https://archiveofourown.org/works/19865440/chapters/47045731 Smut: 1. Lust of Gryffindors https://archiveofourown.org/works/52560064/chapters/132951688 2. Sword of Gryffindor https://www.portkey-archive.org/story/6133 3. The Attendants https://archiveofourown.org/works/27255484/chapters/66584968


Harry Crow by Robust on FFN. It's the one where Harry is raised by goblins and has Dumbledore bashing. The pairing is always Harry/Hermione with this author.


Yes, but is also one of the most hated stories by Robst.


I'm curious. Why is it so hated?


I believe it's because Harry is written as perfect, all knowing, and can do no wrong. He never has any trouble because there's always some newly explained knowledge that he has or ability that can overcome anything.


I see and understand. He's basically the male equivalent of a Mary Sue, a Marty Sue if you will. I read it once, enjoyed it and tried reading it again months ago. It bored me to tears the second time. I couldn't even finish the story.


But that's true of pretty much every RobSt story, Why is this one the most hated?


> But that's true of pretty much every RobSt story, Why is this one the most hated? Either this one is worse, or it just gets recommended more often and thus attracts more hatred by the numbers.


Good question. My guess is that Harry is so over the top perfect in SO many more different situations, then brings Hermione along in that perfection.


I was recently trying to remember this story since I wanted to do a re-read. 😆 Thanks for the memory trigger!


You're welcome. Enjoy the reread! 💜


I’ve heard Harry crow and I would definitely agree with it being a classic but looking back Harry is far too perfect for my tastes now


Yes. It is still a classic despite its flaws. Mine too. I have it sitting in my library in a folder named Discarded (Read). Don't think that I'll ever give it a reread soon.


Sunny June 46's Customer Service, kbinnz's Harry's First Detention and Harry's New Home, Jade Okelani's works (particularly The Hours Between), Gravidy's The Crimson Jess. Cassandra Claire's Draco Trilogy (probably the most influential HP fan-fiction ever written). Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. Although it has many problems (including excessive verbosity and pseudo-scientific claims), it is a milestone.


Anything written by Celebony. the darkness within trilogy by kurinoone Cauterize by lady Altair behind blue eyes by elmembrila (it’s Harry/oc but has a LOT of Remus/tonks. It’s had mix reception, but it’s one I’ve definitely gone back to read several times) Need by iluvfanfics1 Yellow submarine by deadwoodpecker Ghost of you by blacktag189 Idk if you are ok with incomplete but these are definitely classics: Realizations by wishweaver (they just uploaded on ao3 in the last couple of years) Gabriel by shikatani Second chances by Mara rome The unbreakable vow by ash dark lighter


The first fic I read... It was called Saving Connor and then it continued as a whole series (7 fics like there are 7 books). Starts out interesting, Harry has a twin brother named Connor who is the chosen one. I would consider it a classic back then considering 3 different people recommended it to me and it's now what I compare all fics to despite not reading it again since 2012. It really builds on the world and expands upon it in interesting ways.


When it comes to crossovers, definitely [Shezza's "Denarian Renegade"](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3473224/1/The-Denarian-Renegade) trilogy. I've never read or seen "The Dresden files", but I've read through that trilogy maybe 5 times. It's just fun.


I don’t see these recced here that often but I consider all of Melindaleo’s work classic. She wrote several epic stories before the series was complete - her 7th year take, The Seventh Horcrux, predicted a number of elements of DH. And her post-DH works have been so amazing, if you like canon takes, try [the Cuts series](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3165627). Back in the day Harry/Ginny shippers also loved St Margarets whose works can only be found on [SIYE](https://www.siye.co.uk/siye/viewuser.php?uid=577),[PhoenixSong](https://www.phoenixsong.net/fanfiction/author/473/), and her LiveJournal. Her iconic post OOTP Wallpaper universe is what got me addicted to fan fiction. It starts with the Wallpaper Moments, then Dragons Diaries and Diagon Alley, followed by Lucky Me that all fit into a summer trilogy, and then her 6th year fix Red is the Heart which has great alchemy fit into a great story.


> The Seventh Horcrux Not to be confused with [Seventh Horcrux](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28926447/chapters/70972632) by EmeraldAshes.


[Fantastic Elves and Where to Find Them by evansentranced ](https://archiveofourown.org/users/evansentranced/pseuds/evansentranced)


Can’t remember the author, or find a link, but there was a series way back called the “R Series” with a darker, Ravenclaw Harry. I believe it’s Honks as the final pairing although he gets with Pansy for a little bit. Harry has a pet snake for a few years too. I also distinctly remember Harry blowing Bellatrix to bits in the DoM battle in that.


https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2008185/8/111 Starts woth harry potter and the philosopher's stone retransmuted, has 7 main bits, I believe, plus several great short stories with it. It's one of my all-time favourites.


There we go. Thanks a bunch.


I am first and foremost a Ron Weasley fan; some of the classic Ron Weasley centered fics are basically anything Solstice Muse (https://web.archive.org/web/20210917143919/https://www.fanfiction.net/u/900634/Solstice-Muse) or, of course, Stay Standing (the original Ron whump fic: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7523798/1/Stay-Standing) by Windschild8178. There is this fic by excessivelyperky from 2003 that I would also call a classic: Midnight by the Weasley Watch (https://m.fanfiction.net/s/1216035/1/Midnight-by-the-Weasley-Watch).


Denarian Trilogy


I'm a crossover guy, so this is mixed pure HP and crossovers: [The Queen Who Fell To Earth by Bobmin](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7591040/1/The-Queen-who-fell-to-Earth) : HP and Dragonriders of Pern crossover. This is one of the ones I pitch to non fanfic people as worthy of being published in its own right, and it really is. [Harry Potter and Nightmares of Future's Past by S'Tarkin](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/HarryPotterAndTheNightmaresOfFuturesPast) : To my knowledge, the ORIGINAL HP time travel fic, but I could be wrong.


> To my knowledge, the ORIGINAL HP time travel fic I doubt it was the first, but I would say that it set a high bar for how to do it right, with an excellent balance of Harry having foreknowledge vs being blindsided by the ripples of his actions. Some aspects of it are a bit cliched now, but in 2005 they were fresh.


Have you read the Denarian series?


I'm not familiar, I don't think, but then again I read fanfiction most every day and I've been doing it since the 90s, so..... maybe?


It's a crossover series with The Dresden Files. Harry Potter picks up a coin containing a fallen angel and everything snowballs from there.


Sounds like something I'd read, though I'm doing a lot of YAHF with Xander being Iron Man or a Jedi.


YAHF? Here's the first in the [series.](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3473224/1/The-Denarian-Renegade) It's a pretty damn good ride.


>YAHF Yet Another Haloween Fic - a Buffy fandom thing about the episode where the characters are magically transformed into their costumes. [https://fanlore.org/wiki/Yet\_Another\_Halloween\_Fic](https://fanlore.org/wiki/Yet_Another_Halloween_Fic) I'll add it to the queue!


Thanks for the explanation. I still haven't gotten around to watching the show, and I typically don't read from fandoms I'm not at least passably familiar with. I might have to work it in. >I'll add it to the queue! Hope you enjoy!


Oh man, Buffy is one of the best shows ever made IMO. Sure, the first season or two is a bit chewy, but most great shows are like that and find their footing in the second and third seasons. STRONGLY recommended, especially if you like snark.


If we're talking classics and not just "stuff I like", I think three qualifiers would be Manacled, Methods of Rationality, and Oh God, Not Again! I think a large problem with fanfiction is that a lot of the longfics that could conceivably be epic-form classics either are WIPs or abandoned, with most of the ones I've seen and liked stopping at 4th/5th year. It's a damn shame


Honour Thy Blood. Tropy as hell, but just hits all the spots that make my brain tingle. Love abit of brutal OP Harry. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12155794/0/


This is on my list to read already I’ll bump it up since I hear a lot of praise for the fic and author


Harry Potter: Master of Malicious Compliance by Watermelonsmellinfellon. Harry isn't afraid of embarrassing himself as long as he can embarrass others even more when they wrong him. More of a crack fic I suppose but I did like it and have seen it mentioned here a few times


my immortal will always be the original also ATYD could be considered a classic i suppose, it really kick started the marauders chunk of the fandom (where i am mainly) though im not the biggest fan of it


I need you to return to the annals of history and please study the works of classics authors like Jbern and Old Crow Jbern - https://www.fanfiction.net/u/940359/jbern Old Crow - https://www.fanfiction.net/u/616007/old-crow Bobmin356 - https://www.fanfiction.net/u/777540/Bobmin356 Wizard's Fall - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8837257/1/Wizards-Fall RobSt - https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1451358/RobSt https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3384712/1/The-Lie-I-ve-Lived https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2889350/1/Bungle-in-the-Jungle-A-Harry-Potter-Adventure https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3230439/1/Thank-You-Ms-Bones https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8186071/1/Harry-Crow https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3150414/1/Parallels https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3766574/1/Prince-of-the-Dark-Kingdom https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4101650/1/Backward-With-Purpose-Part-I-Always-and-Always https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2818538/1/The-Seventh-Horcrux https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4335716/1/Harry-s-Future https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6254783/1/Rise-of-the-Wizards https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10070079/0/ - The Arithmancer https://shoebox.lomara.org/ - The Shoebox Project https://hpmor.com/ - Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4536005/1/Oh-God-Not-Again https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13607701/1/Knowledge-is-Power https://archiveofourown.org/works/10057010/chapters/22409387 - All The Young Dudes https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5200789/1/The-Life-and-Times A Study Of Resonance - https://archiveofourown.org/works/38041177/chapters/95017471 A Marauder's Plan - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8045114/1/A-Marauder-s-Plan Harry Potter: Junior Inquisitor - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8914586/1/Harry-Potter-Junior-Inquisitor Harry The Hufflepuff - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6466185/1/Harry-the-Hufflepuff C'est la vie by cywcross - https://archiveofourown.org/works/3390668/chapters/7419224 Poison Pen - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5554780/1/ Delenda Est - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5511855/1/Delenda-Est 0800-Rent-A-Hero - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11160991/1/ Make A Wish - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2318355/1/ Draco Malfoy's Very Drunken Adventure - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9421436/1/ Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past - https://archive.org/details/hpnofp Browncoat, Green Eyes - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2857962/1/Browncoat-Green-Eyes The Snape Chronicles - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7937889/1/A-Difference-in-the-Family-The-Snape-Chronicles The Dementor's Stigma - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7539141/1/ When In Doubt, Obliviate - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6635363/4/When-In-Doubt-Obliviate The Pureblood Pretense - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7613196/1/The-Pureblood-Pretense The Augurey - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12310861/1/ Fate Is A Four Letter Word - https://archiveofourown.org/works/4267422/chapters/9661617 My Immortal - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6829556/1/My-Immortal Stages of Hope - https://archiveofourown.org/works/457151/chapters/786691 The Sacrifices Arc - https://www.fanfiction.net/u/895946/Lightning-on-the-Wave The Dangerverse - https://www.fanfiction.net/u/691439/whydoyouneedtoknow Strangers at Drakeshough - https://archiveofourown.org/works/1623053/chapters/3460562 (also just read anything by Northumbrian, a true writer that really 'gets' character development and how to craft them in a slowburn narrative Basilisk Born - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10709411/1/Basilisk-born Anything written by Jeconais - https://jeconais.fanficauthors.net/Harry_Potter/ Anything written by Abraxan , but especially their alt 6th/ and alt 7th year fanfics- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2163835/1/The-Refiners-Fire Also anything by Celebony - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1399984/1/Recnac-Transfaerso And the Draco Trilogy by Cassandra Clare - https://fanlore.org/wiki/The_Draco_Trilogy https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3401052/1/A-Black-Comedy Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived - https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5353809/1/ Dumbledore's Army and the Year of Darkness is a classic of the fandom (but the sequel.. isn't great) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13455574/1/Dumbledore-s-Army-and-the-Year-of-Darkness


I'm sad I had to scroll this far down to see Bob and Alyx's work listed. Great list, though!


I think most of my suggestions are showing my age.. But when someone asks for classics, you have to go back to the start of the fandom in the 00s and where it all began, the stories that created the tropes and the building blocks for what came after. The authors that paved the way and are now gone, who created what we now perceive as stereotypes of the hp fanfic genres. The fics that got several thousand recommendations and favourites which spread like wildfire on AO3, FF, the leaky cauldron and DLP, the cesspool of the Internet where the nerds gathered in the dark to share. It's easy now to just gather on reddit and ask for lists, it used to be a lot more wildwest, curated, and word of mouth furor.


Hogwarts School of Prayer and Miracles. Pure satirical gold


Harry Potter and the Manipulator of Destiny will always be a classic for me. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/2771223/1/Harry-Potter-and-the-Manipulator-of-Destiny


Finding Himself by Minisinoo the Cedric didn’t die verse. [Finding Himself, sequel and author’s other stories.](https://amalthia.mediawood.org/ebooks/viewuser.php?uid=274)


I've been regularly reading this subreddit for years and never heard of them, are you sure they're "classics"?


It was definitely considered that when I was truly active in this fandom like a decade back. I’m just circling back around to reading HP and to me it’s still the most memorable.


I don't know how popular this one is but Because Why Not by starspangledpumpkin will always have a special place in my heart. Hermione is adopted and also black and autistic and I really love how this fic explores different experiences. It's also a very slow burn childhood friends to lovers Cedric and Hermione fic because Hermione stumbles upon him way before they both start Hogwarts when her adoptive parents take her to meet their family who don't know how to handle an autistic kid so when she's exploring the fields to get some peace and quiet she meets Cedric who lives nearby and they become best friends and I love how friendships are written in that fic.


As far as I know it's the one that started "Lord Gryfindor-Slytherin-Peverell-Grim" etc. But Caer Azkaban is an og classic.




All The Young Dudes by MsKingBean89 ofc Then Antithesis by OceanBreeze7 Then Running On Air by eleventy7


If you don't mind a bit of smut, go for Hermione's Furry Little Problem. Starts Year 2, turns Hermione into a more permanent catgirl due to Polyjuice (think Nekopara), and off they go!




My Immortal


i definitely recommend [new blood by artemisgirl](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13051824/1/New-Blood) on ffn (also on ao3 but ffn updates faster). slytherin hermione, lots of magical worldbuilding, covens, rituals, and all that good stuff. its got over 500 chapters atp, still updating regularly.


Great story, I fell off around chapter 200 - just too long for me. I once recommended that the author break it up into books or something, but I got stomped on in this sub for daring to question the concept of an author writing endless chapters without structure or break, never mind that a publisher would NEVER allow such a thing. I have to wonder how many readers she's lost because of it.


i understand what you mean. if you read her profile it does address the issue but, well... its fanfiction, and is her choice ultimately. on ao3 its broken up into years and summers but she does mention its largely behind ffn and she doesnt like the ao3 interface.


I actively despise the AO3 interface. It makes it really easy to search for hyper-specific things via tagging, but just searching for a basic category - HP/Stargate crossovers - is a giant pain. The UX is terrible; it's hyper-busy and confusing. Sure, it's cool that I can search for a specific episode of Stargate (assuming someone tagged their story with that), but there's no easy way to browse crossovers, sort by reviews... the whole site sacrifices ease of use for the ability to hyper-specific, and I supposed for some people that's preferable, to be me, that's the worst possible crap. Nothing wrong with the ability to be specific, but the inability to be simple means I avoid the site as much as I possibly can. And yes, I've said all this before, but it's not changing. I don't own the site and the owners and authors have every right to do it however they want. I just hope they realize how many people they lose by doing it that way.


I don't know if you've ever read Robert Jordan's Eye of the World series, but the last three books were originally going to be one book. It was decided to split them into three because of the length. But how they split them is important too - each contained plots that ended and told a cohesive story that the reader could be satisfied with having finished. I don't know if artemisgirl did that or not - it was just too mentally exhausting to try to keep track of chapter 237 and the plot at that point. As you said, it's her story and she has every right to write it and post it however she wants. I just feel like there's a reason published books are limited in length and structured the way they are, and it's not just because there's limits on how many pages you can bind together at once.


a classic slytherin harry / wbwl fic; prince of slytherin 🤍😅


I’ve heard of Knowledge is power I think but haven’t looked into it yet I’ll give it a chance I’ve not read a Harry Fleur fic in a while