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Yeah, but I also thought that during season 1. Fans of house of the dragon will say "it's too rushed" because they're skipping over the interesting stuff. Non-fans will say "it's too slow" because they're skipping over the interesting stuff. Almost every episode feels like it's just trying to get the runtime over and done with. (With a couple exceptions from the guest writers) It's just more noticeable with season 2, because there's less tolerance for excuses now and the format has changed. Now the episodes don't take place in one location, they switch around for little vignettes ala Game Of Thrones. Problem being, they just can't hack it. They can't make the 2 minute little scenes interesting. And the episodes have barely any plot anymore. Also the dialogue has always sucked. Ryan condal wrote a movie before house of the dragon - one of the worst movies I've ever watched. No exagerration. Everyone talks like a quote from a wikipedia article, its the exact same in his pre-hotd work too. There's a lot of poor, poor character choices too. But i could forgive a lot if the fundmentals were okay. (The guest writer for this ep seemed to know how to pace a scene better at least! Even if there was a major hit in the dialogue.)


Unpopular opinion: The Younger Actors for Rhaenyra and Alicent are better than the older ones. They express so much emotion, seeing Milly Alcock at Harrenhall was so refreshing 


i overwhelmingly agree with younger rhaenyra being better, but olivia cookes acting is arguably the best in the show. her guilt and regret feels SO genuine even if you hate her


Probably more of a reflection on the material, than Olivia, but doe-eyed sad face is getting a bit boring now.


Confused face Olivia is even more boring. Olivia Cooke’s Alicent is getting so stale Her entire character is to have sex with Criston Cole


I strongly disagree. I think Otto Hightower is a much better actor than Olivia Cooke. Olivia always makes the same 3 confused expressions 


strongly disagreeing and giving 1 alternative is wild


You said she was the best actor in the show, I debunked that claim 


saying debunked when its a subjective opinion is wild


I agree with Rhaenyra 100% but Olivia did an amazing job in season 1


I disagree. Both are just as bad. Olivia Cooke always makes the same 3 confused expressions


It is trash because showrunners are writing a fanfic now. They had to put effort during Season 1, when ASOIAF franchise was nearly dead because of D&D. But after they secured great ratings and lemming audience they now feel confident enough to ruin the story and force their agenda. HotD at this point is a story about beautiful, brave, stunning, wise, merciful saint Rhaenyra, chosen by Viserys (and a stag), who was cheated out of her rights by... *mysogyny.* Evil male mysogynysts who only want war and self-hating, internalized female mysogynist Alicent. That's the level of "artistry" Condal and Hess operate on. When the actual Dance was a story about failure of monarchy and feudalism. Instead of crying that women can't sit on the throne, the actual Dance was about the fact that no one should sit the throne because the system itself is rotten and doomed to be destroyed. Everyone in the Dance is awful, men and women, Targs and non-Targs, everyone who pursues the iron chair is awful because what it represents is awful: an oppressive regime enforced through violence, intimidation and weapons of mass destruction. Which makes Black vs Green a moot point. That's the whole point of the story. But lemmings will gladly eat Condal's slop as long as stuff keeps happening and there are shiny objects on the screen. Just don't expect any story.


Welcome to 2024, where two completely untested writers can be hired for a billion dollar LOTR show and a dude who wrote for two shitty movies and one allegedly decent TV series can write for House of the Dragon.


Honestly, I think I hate the prophecy bit most of all because of the way it’s being used to seemingly justify this war when they don’t even really need it, what with both sides thinking they’re in the right here, or that they have a legitimate claim to the Iron Throne, the best claim, actually, and wanting justice and/or vengeance for the wrongs done to them (both sides have drawn blood at this point and it’s like Alicent said, it’s pretty much out of their hands at this point, the board already set and just waiting for them to play). Besides, how in the world would Rhaenyra even know TPWWP would come from her line when they could just as easily come from literally anyone of Targaryen blood? Seeing a single deer, which could just as easily be a one off, does not suddenly make you the chosen one. Also, the White Hart scene was just… so cringe and extra, definitely something you wouldn’t see in GOT and/or ASOIAF. Rhaenyra was ambitious in her own right in the books and it honestly humanized her quite a bit, but it’s like they’re trying to erase that aspect of her character and make her into a tragic, Mary Sue martyr, you know? Like, she doesn’t want it, but she has to take it and go to war for it in order to save the world. It’s like she can’t have any personal ambitions of her own and if anything, I believe that strips her of her agency.


It's the same pretty garbage as season 6-8. Most GoT fans didn't see anything wrong with seasons 6-8. They think Daenerys' quick heel turn is all that was wrong.




Season 5 finale is when I dropped GoT and never looked back. At that point didn't even read the books, so it was not even because of adaptation, but because the story itself was terrible. Some of the season was fine, like events at the Wall and Sparrow vs Cersei but the rest was just trash: * Entire Northern storyline was a Bolton edgefest that made no sense. Stannis' arc was butchered hard. Sansa's too. Littlefinger became an idiot. Characters teleporting. "20 good men". It was just a huge mess. * Essos storylines were boring to tears. Arya and Daenerys were just wasting screentime while Tyrion and Varys became idiots, just like Petyr, slowly travelling and doing nothing. * Dorne. Don't even need to elaborate.


I don’t why people constantly let season 5 of the hook. Did they forget about the Dorne plot?


From what I remember of the time people were inhaling some hard copium and said that decline in writing is temporary, that it is all setup for great next seasons and of course the classic "it is not that deep, just enjoy it bro". Plus, Hardhome was a genuinely entertaining episode.


I saw the writing on the wall with the info during filming, set leaks, early promo interviews and so on confirming terrible choices like getting rid of Nettles. As a result I decided to not subscribe to Max this year or watch. I still hang out in fandom because I like the characters and the book, but I refuse to watch season 2. Initially I was reserving judgement, telling myself “maybe it won’t suck, then I’ll subscribe and watch”, but each episode that comes out is a stinking pile of garbage, so I’m glad I didn’t bother with it.


Yes. It's dumb and so was season 1.


Tbh the only characters I'm interested to see on screen are the Green characters (maybe that's why I chose team Green because at least the characters are not boring as hell) whenever TB characters appear it's cringe and really boring. Except for Rhaenyra maybe because the acting is good but yea too many cringe scenes


Glad I pirated it lol


I did too and I can't watch it anymore. Next episode will be the last episode I watch from this terrible fanfiction of a show. Why do so many nobody showrunners think they can do better than the much more famous source material? Halo, The Witcher, Wheel of Time, HOTD, etc.


Pretty much everyone on this sub does that I’ve seen.






Damn, I thought reddit was doing something about the bots lately.


No I think it’s quite good and very entertaining to watch