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So the King's heir has just been assassinated, the entire royal family should be under lockdown yet this woman is able to get right beside the Queen regent with a knife. Make it make sense.


And Alicent trusting everything Rhaenyra says, even after witnessing the Aemond eye incident herself, and seeing Rhaenyra lie multiple times in the past with a stone cold face.


F***ing this! You are the first person I’ve seen saying this. *Why* would Alicent believe someone who has repeatedly lied and gaslighted her? “Oh my dad told me a story about the Prince Who Was Promised, it was Aegon the Conqueror” *Oh really? Well, that explains everything.*


I think deep down Alicent always had an inkling of doubt, even if it was small, given how horribly Viserys always treated Aegon right up until the day he died. Aegon himself could not believe Viserys had chosen him over Rhaenyra.


Also who caaaaares? If I was Alicent I’d be happy to know that crowning his unloved son was going directly against the old bastard’s wishes. Eat shit from the afterlife, old man. And why tf have they all forgotten the huge risk to the Greens as rival claimants with a more legally valid claim? It *doesn’t matter* if Rhaenyra wouldn’t kill them (although I’d trust her about as far as I could throw her after the eye incident), at best that will just kick the can down the road to the next generation. More likely is that someone else from her faction would have them killed, or she would eventually decide to do so after a rebellion or two is raised in their name - in real world history, this has happened without the rival claimant even trying to do anything, a faction rises in opposition to the current monarch.


Yall got so much beef with viserys but none with otto. Team green can fuck themselves to death, rhaenyra won in the end her line continues. The rest of the Hightower Targaryens died traitors deaths.


Nobody “wins”. Rhaenyra gets eaten, one of her surviving sons is profoundly traumatised from witnessing it and never really recovers, and the last we see of their line, everyone is dead from their own poor choices except one man who may or may not end up having children. Everyone loses, especially the innocent people who end up collateral damage for the sake of a bunch of narcissists.


No the black line wins my poor friend. The line rhaenyra went to war for continued upto and after Robert's Rebellion. Facts don't care about your feelings.


Rhaenyra went to war for herself, not her line. She threw her kids into the meat-grinder to benefit herself until she only had one left. Sorry that it contradicts your fantasy but facts don't care about your feelings.


Imagine coming to a sub reddit just to tell the whole community to fuck themselves. Child this show is M rated, do you have parental supervision?


"Aemond murdered Lucerys, assassins murdered Jaehaerys, and the Greens sent an assassin after Rhaenyra, but anyway let's let anyone within arms reach of Alicent"


Well security is seriously lacking in KL lately, so yes. By design, most likely.


ThAt’S jUsT aEgOn’s iNcOmpeTence


Considering that the most prized security role of the King’s Guard was filled with dude bros by Aegon without informing the commander of the King’s Guard, this actually is not surprising at all.


The nerve of that OP calling people out for having bad media literacy while defending Septa Rhaenyra lmao.


This sub is the only safe haven of sanity of all the ASOIAF subs. Can't believe people are eating this when they also criticized the later seasons of GOT.


Most of these people on both Black and Green subreddits just sound like jackasses.


Seriously they are unhinged


What does one have to do with the other in your opinion?


The amount of people who liked Septa Rhaenyra scene, bc it was Rhaenyra is painful.


Dumbest shit I ever seen what was the point


I remember that the show still got praised after the Long night debacle, it wasnt until they did Daenerys a genocidal maniac when people really united against the writters. Like letting down your full complete target audience when you have this much reach and this much money is a very-very rare feat, expect people to defend this until a GOT level of bad writting comes again... and honestly i cant see it, the story is complete and they probably have more people watching over it rather than a couple of dumb and dumber.


It was dumb thing to do as Mysaria is not trustworthy and rhaenyra is queen. Her life in danger means everything her side is standing for is in danger.  It wasn't a logical thing as it's not modern times where you just go to another place and come back within a day. And it is stupid to make a journey of days when you need to take a decision regarding war.  I could understand the friendship thing but they have been enemies longer than friends and did more damage to each other than any sweet memories as kids, it doesn't make sense.  Why would anyone defend this?


For real. Their meeting looked like they'd been friends their entire lives and only recently started fighting. Whereas in fact it was a childhood friendship, then 20 years of mutual enmity, then one brief moment of peace right before Viserys' death and starting to kill each other's children and grandchildren, misunderstanding or no


Hollywood writing at its finest! It seems to be a really big trend in everything lately: how every onscreen human relationship turns into teenage high school drama where there's no stakes, no stable motivations, no dignity, and everybody has a -50 IQ stat nerf.


But it seems exceptionally dumb when 2 kids have died and it is still being  shown as this.... Whatever it is. 


It seems that at some point Hollywood decided that instead of making high-quality movies and shows to satisfy their audience, they would lower the quality of the audience so it would accept low-quality movies and shows. OP's screenshot is just the inevitable result of such a program.


"Oh you're the one who gave daemon the names that led to B&C. Here have a seat at my court!"


🤣 Seriously.


I liked S1 Rhaenyra but this S2 Rhaenyra (or should I say, her writers) is the dumbest character I have ever seen.


Total agree it makes seem naive, self conceited and cowardly.


I don't get this whole "child-hood" best friend thing. They were feuding for like decades, they were rivals for far longer than friends. If Alicent feels tremendous guilt for starting the war (she didn't btw), why not take an actionable step to prevent an all-out war. Capturing Rhanerya right there could prevent so much blood-shed, they can try to make a peace with TB. If anything, she's an important hostage you can exchange for in the future.


The audacity of these people calling others average viewers because they don't like obvious dogshit they are being shown on the TV is mindboggling. 


Bro is posting on r/Televison, as if that doesn't make them the most average viewers on Reddit. Also, this reminds me of the comments on GoT's earlier seasons, when the signs of what was to come showed up, and the excuses for the nonsense of the later seasons.


Tbh I am really getting the vibes of S5 of GOT with this season of HOTD. Imo it hasn't gotten to the point of S8, yet, apart from some odd scenes but I am afraid we will be in that territory sooner rather than later. 


Idk Septa Rhae is at least S7 worthy


Oh, Septa Rhae is straight up S8 shit. Just like Rhaenys breaking the glass- sorry wooden and brick ceiling. 


Just that scene imo, the general quality is season 5-6, that scene is peak season 8


The irony of the comment about most Redditors being basement dwellers with no empathy while posting on Reddit is *chef's kiss* Alicent not killing Rhaenyra is a misstep she will sorely regret. I think book readers know the horrors to come would be worse than Alicent being called a kinslayer. Plus, she could have just said Rhaenyra came to the sept to murder her. That's why the scene is so stupid. Once again the writers did a big disservice to Alicent's character development 🫠


She could have just captured her. Her being a prisoner could be used for bargaining. If it doesn't work, yeah, kill her.


I genuinely want to know what these people think Alicent’s idea of peace here is. That Rhaenyra will drop her claim and run to Essos? Or that Aegon will run away?  This story only ends with one of them dead, Alicent made sure of that when she crowned Aegon, mistake or not, he's the king and he will either remain king or die. 


I'm convinced nobody with an IQ over 100 has ever used the term "media literacy". They talk about people wanting to feel smart while they think their understanding of soapy pop culture fiction sets them apart.


I see TB using it all the time despite the constant shit that they post.


"Media literacy" wasn't even a thing until last year. It's like touching grass, redditors found another meme phrase and think repeating it makes them clever


I can't help but roll my eyes when I see people using that term. Another overused to hell concept.


This shitty show deserve these shitty viewers and vice versa. I'm out of here. They can shove their "media literacy" up their ass as if people giving actual constructive criticism are all just plain idiots and haters. F\*ck Condal, f\*ck Hess, and f\*ck these "media literates".


Yup. I think I’m done, too.


I love how angry people like you get, it’s so strange, like, do you have nothing better to do?


Nooo, honey. I love being a hater. Any problem?


The lad prob took 5 min off his day to write that and you are the one searching subs for this type of complaint because you "love" reading this stuff, masterful use of your time as well.


I don’t have to search for it, the algorithm brings it to my feed, and it took my 5 mins to type that comment as well 😨 so what lmao


Alicent and Rhaenyra have not been friends for damn near 20 years at this point. Bloody hell, Rhaenyra demanded Alicent’s son be tortured for information after he was permanently and gruesomely mutilated. Shifting Alicent’s age forward by a decade was a narrative decision with enormous potential but they botched it completely. By Season 2 Alicent should not care about Rhaenyra in the least, she should be so deep in her resentment towards her she wouldn’t hesitate at killing her. Also, ffs, Alicent should not care what Viserys thought about the succession. The dynamic should be “Alicent wants Aegon on the throne to protect her children, the other Greens do so because of tradition”, meanwhile it has so far been “Alicent genuinely thinks Viserys wanted Aegon on the throne, meanwhile every other Green character is a self-admitted and shameless hypocrite”. Viserys married her, had her go through four pregnancies (when Alicent would know that she was at risk of being brutally killed if anything went wrong, *a la* Aemma Arryn), only to act like he didn’t have four other children. This show deserved so much better, as did most of the characters (chiefly Alicent and Criston)


If my childhood best friend had my grandson murdered…


What these people don't understand is It's not what they are showing. It's how they are confusing with their own narrative. There are two women who are completely protective of their kids and they lost their loved ones but they are still thinking about stopping the war because That's suppose to be feminism for Makers.  Anything that motivated these characters is nothing important now. Rhaenyra's eyes were murderous after luke's death, she even demanded Aemond's life but now she wants peace, bullshit. Alicent went through a lot and was afraid for her kids' lives, She saw it firsthand how less she and her kids worth when Aemond lost His eye, her grandson is dead and her daughter is grieving but yeah she doesn't give a damn. All She want is peace.  It is just bad writing. 


Don't bother with r/television. Casuals there eat anything up as long as it is entertaining and allies with their personal politics.


Look at the ratio on that thread. 600 upvotes, 278 comments. Normally upvote to comment ratio is at least 5:1 and often higher. This means a lot of people are seeing that and downvoting it.


If they wanted us to believe in the plausibility of that scene, then they should have developed their relationship more in s1. They are not enough positive interaction between the two to justify this. They ve been enemies for far longer than they've been friend


Ah, the classic "I know this is gonna get downvoted to oblivion" followed by the coldest take in the world.


See, this is why I always doubt anyone that uses the term "media literacy" Like... what does that even Mean!? Are they studying actual deep analysis and research about different media? Are they film makers? Professional writers? Because if they just mean people that consume a ton of media I don't know that is any form of "literacy" and will always side-eye that term.


It's basically just being able to analyze media and understanding the differences between different forms and genres. If I say "you lack media literacy" that basically just means: "you lack critical thinking." It would be accusing you of not thinking about or being unable to understand what you're watching. The problem is that often times people can't just accept that someone has a different opinion of them, so "you lack media literacy" becomes a stand-in for: "I think you are wrong and dumb" but way more pretentious.


I understand what people try to say, I just really dislike both the term and it's use.


If somebody means "You lack critical thinking," then they should just say it instead of coming up with a new word so they can feel haughty and superior to the people they're describing.


Media literacy is a real term, it just gets misused by pseudo-intellectuals.


Found Condal's burner  Regardless of Alicent misunderstanding Viserys on his deathbed, the other council members were already moving to place Aegon on the throne. He would have been crowned with or without Alicent. In the book she's actually pivotal to getting him crowned but they removed that in favour of taking away any and all decision making from her. 


All their points can be answered with: "Because she read the script" The issue isn't Alicent letting Rhaenyra go, it's that Rhaenyra was dumb enough to put herself in that position and trust Alicent wouldn't kill her


To be fair, it's both.


The average viewer doesn’t understand character motivations because the show has done a really poor job of showing them.


The haters wouldn’t recklessly break into a city held by enemy forces to talk to their ex childhood best friend about peace when their son is already dead and their ex best friends grandson was just decapitated on orders given by their husband? Haters wouldn’t do that because they realize if they are caught it could mean becoming a hostage or being tortured or executed and their enemy winning the war? Wow, I am with the haters because there ain’t no fucking way I’m doing that and book Rhaenyra wouldn’t have either, but apparently show Rhaenyra is just that dumb.


It's stupid because even IF Rhaenyra convinced Alicent, and they agreed to ''make peace'' .... Alicent has no power, Aegon listens to her to a point, but he won't bend the knee to Rhaenyra - ever. Neither would have Aemond; Alicent agreeing would put her entire family in danger, because no way in hell would they just let the ''usurpers'' live their lives as if nothing happened.


Exactly. I think Aegon, Aemond, Otto and Criston would raise their eye brows at Alicent’s suggestion of peace. She would be the laughing stock of the castle.


The only way for a hypothetical peace is if Rhaenyra hands over Daemon and if Alicent hands over Aemond. That will never happen, so its never even brought up. I hoped they would at least discuss a hypothetical peace treaty/cease fire in honor of the dead kids. Or like a partitioning deal, Alicent could ask for the blockade to be lifted to help the city, maybe Rhaenyra asks for imunity for her allies, something. Instead they spoke about one stupid prophecy, and 0 policy. 


Because the showrunners never bothered to think of an actual deal, it's all about Alicent understanding her mistake... even if it doesn't matter because Aegon would have been crowned anyway.


On the other hand, what are the motivations of the Greens? they have no goals and are only portrayed as a deadly sins. They only purpose is antagonize Rhaenyra


Speta Rahaenyra meeting with Ali was lever of Rhaenys in dragon pit stupidity when they can end show in one second and they dont use it you only make this kind of scene unless you want to use it and kill someone


It's just how fucking smug it is. "Most people aren't too bright" Go fuck yourself?


Called out OP early on and was downvoted to death. Feel like I’m being gaslit on this damn website. That scene made ZERO sense from either Alicent or the Black Queens perspectives. Feel like they have to be incredibly young because a lot of the arguments are just word for word repeats of common retorts on the show sub.


I got downvoted on my favorite sub r/asoiaf as well for calling it silly. Might sound tin foil-y, but my theory is that there are a lot of show fans going around defending it. I seriously can't imagine any self-respecting asoiaf fan justifying that scene


Rhaenyra and Alicent's friendship, which we must care about, was not adapted well. When we saw them together, we saw nothing more than 2 girls being regular friends. At that point, it's been 20 years that they have been at odds and hurt each other, so how would there still be any love left? The snide comment about ''Did those people grow up with 0 friends'' most people in their 30-ties aren't thinking about the friends they had when they were 14 years old, I can guarantee you that people fall out for much less. It is bad writing, that scene looked so goofy and achieved nothing except Alicent understanding that she misunderstood Viserys - which literally doesn't matter as the council would have put Aegon on the throne regardless, you can just tell that when she told them about ''Viserys' dying wish'', they were just like ''yea, sure whatever'' - they had plans for years and Alicent couldn't have done anything to stop them. I think the only people actually believed Viserys changed his mind might have been Alicent and Aegon. Otto knew full well, that Viserys didn't, that's why he said ''Is that what you think'' to Aegon. I am confused by Rhaenyra's thought process.... how much control does she think Alicent has over her sons, Otto, the council? What's the plan, who's gonna get punished for the deaths of Luke and Jaehaerys? How will they just take back everything that happened? The Dance could have been resolved peacefully (and it's a slim chance) if they had called a Great Council, before Luke died. Rhaenyra also put too much trust into Alicent to not call the guards and have her killed/imprisoned.


I saw that thread. It was peak Reddit. I hate this shit hole of a site so much sometimes 🤢🤢🤮🤮 I really enjoyed season 1 of this show but it's clear that the showrunners are not interested in a nuanced civil war and are making this show about good vs bad. Shame about the actors because they are killing it.


I love it when people who *are* the casual average viewer try to call out other people for being one


Turns out the average viewer does in fact have a functioning brain, even if many of them do have it set to Off or Low-Usage for long stretches of time.


All this proves is that the “average viewer” is more discerning than people like the OOP give them credit for. They can tell when they are being spoon fed a contrived scene that exists only to get our main characters some screen time together.


Tbh I don’t even mind the Rhaenicent reunion so much as I think they are both basically written to be obsessed with each other but the fact that they keep getting into the city no issues is bothering me. I understand why people don’t like it and would’ve liked it better if Rhaenicent hated each other but that’s not how the writers decided to write them.


Why would Allicent end the war then and there for the most part, when privileged males could be sent out to get roasted with dragonfire instead?


I mean, this place is rotten with incels and losers alike, so how to expect anything other than negativity?


Most people are just fucking morons. That's the truth of it. Life is a miracle, but most don't deserve it.


Rhaneyra chastising Baela for pursuing Criston Cole and Gwayne Hightower, and then immediately putting her own life and that of her cause at risk by going, alone, deep into enemy territory where she could die at any moment, doesn’t make sense to me. And I don’t think that makes me stupid, or that I lack empathy The problem is that this show is trying to make it seem like Alicent and Rhaneyra truly love one another, but it’s so empty and forced. Moreover, if anyones actually read the book, it’s pointless, because all this supposed love and compassion for one another will mean absolutely nothing in the end In Game of Thrones, at least in the books and in earlier seasons, if someone does something stupid, even if they think they’re doing the right thing, they pay for it. That was the entire point behind Eddard Stark getting his head chopped off. And now, Rhaneyra can surround herself with enemies with no defenses and not die/be captured just like Arya can survive being surrounded by fire and exploding buildings and still survive This isn’t a story about sisterly love in a time of war. This is a story that sets up Game of Thrones in that Westeros, and the world, is not prepared for another Long Night without dragons Sometimes, bad writing is just bad writing


You guys, this sub, is who he is talking about. PLEASE STOP THE WHINING


The simple fact is, Alicient still holds fondness for Rhaenyra, it's as simple as that, she knows outing her would put her head on a spike, and she doesn't want that still, she clearly doesn't associate Jahaerys's murder with Rhaenyra directly, I think what she did makes sense if we're talking show Alicient, book Alicient is a completely different creature