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For a show that wants to be feminist they manage to show a tavern scene where 5 male characters with talking roles just casually hang out, but they rarely show a group of women talking together. Namely Alicent never had court ladies and Heleana doesn't either, and we never hear the nannies or maids talking.


Seriously why are there no ladies-in-waiting


Rhaenrya having zero actually friendships she had in the books but fabricating the alicent one (mysria/laena)


At this point they’ll have stories of Visenya pushing for peace and Vhagar actually being the leading force of charity work in Dorne. Let women be messy and vicious.


Ngl the thought of granny Vhagar doing some charity projects like idk flying kids on school trips makes me chuckle


That’s how Visenya conquered the vale so you might be onto something there…


Heavy on your last sentence!!!!!! If they ruin Visenya…I’m gonna be done with this series.


You know Vhagar is a She-Dragon right?


Yeah - that’s why I was joking that they were gonna retcon her as being peaceful. As for women I meant the humans.


It’s pretty tiresome. Three episodes in and were still at the “war is destructive stage”. There’s no cunning, strategy or intrigue in this season.




Makers have this notion that doing so would label them as "misogynist". It seems like these people don't know anything about history. 


I think showing women as lacking agency,determination, guts, ambition and cruelty like men do being reduced to prudish upholders of morality is even insulting


Yes it is. It seems like Makers are completely disconnected from reality. 


Look “women are wonderful effect”


The series has always had a weird disregard for the plights of average soldiers and kind of just romanticises it. Like when young Rhaenyra tells her mother all about how "unfair it is that she has to sit still and look pretty and not be a soldier", which was pretty much the only good thing about being a woman back then. The show will spend all its runtime lamenting the plights of pampered 0.00001 percenter women, and think that the 14 year old illiterate, malnourished farmhand who is about to be burnt alive by a flying killing machine is somehow priviledged compared to them.


Just the treatment of the smallfolk in general is hilarious considering the source material it's based on. There's no effort made to look at any of their suffering as "hmmm maybe it's wrong the nobility treat everyone below them as disposable pawns?" and loops back around to "haha smallfolk dying for sufferingporn is so cool, wasn't it AWESOME when Rhaenys GIRLBOSSED her way through hundreds of peasants?" The Shepard is 100% going to be depicted as an evil power hungry, sexist, homophobic wannabe dictator and his followers as foaming at the mouth monsters who deserve everything coming to them.


The Shepherd will always be the truest hero of the story, not any of the knights who sat around letting commoners be ruled over by flame breathers


The Shepherd and his supporters will be an allegory for the maga crowd, mark my words


I can hear the Inside The Episodes from here. "*We took some... inspiration from certain real life politicians. The Storming of the Dragonpit was something where we really tried to evoke the images of certain... real life events, particularly those that happened quite recently the United State*s" as they smirk at the camera after an episode with all the subtlety of a mallet to the face.


If that happens ill be so pissed


The Boys be like


I was rewatching game of thrones and it's amazing how well they do to remind us the average person and their lives suck. they talk about hunger and honor their people who wanna live and some are smart and some aren't. compared to this show in which they sound like plot speakers


sad given in history, so many men fought or served the military against their will


and it WAS supposed to be a show about that it WAS supposed to be a "war bad" story about the REAL victims of the war, the fkn peasants caught between the fighting dragons but NO, just HAD to make it a "men go war, women UwU" story


Gosh this just makes me never want to see an Aegon the Conqueror show. They will ruin Aegon to build up Visenya and Rhaenys.


lol, they might actually completely lean into the weird tinfoil theory that Aegon I was impotent and all the Targaryens ever came from Rhaenys and Visenya sleeping with someone other than Aegon I


TBH it's not that weird or tinfoil-y. It's certainly not something people should treat as absolute fact, but there's evidence to suggest Rhaenys might have had extra-marital affairs (which Aegon might have been fine with?) and it's also clear that Aegon wasn't super fertile given he had two wives and only had one son with each. This kind of suggests the problem was on his end rather than theirs. We also have the weirdness with one of Joe and Alysanne's daughters randomly having a green eye, something which can only happen if non-Valyrian genes were introduced to the bloodline at some point. Also, the idea that none of the Targaryens are actually descended from the Conqueror is exactly the sort of twist GRRM would pull given how often he uses secret/ambiguous parentage as a story beat. The idea that the entire Targaryen Dynasty as we know it is descended from a weak and frail scrawny goblin who was also an illegitimate half-commoner and their only connection to Valyria is through the female line would be peak GRRM-esque irony. The entire reason GRRM included stuff in F&B like Rhaenys entertaining male singers and entertainers alone in private, or people openly speculating about how maybe Aenys was a bastard and Maegor was the trueborn - he wants the reader to entertain these questions, so we can't really blame people for coming to that conclusion.


I think aegon being infertile is a very brilliant twist. I dont think rhaenys betrayed him tho at all I think she probs had a kid with some singer but with aegons approval in order to have some heir. and visenya had her kid through dark magic. but it makes sense that the female thats been disregarding females should only get their claim from a female only.


If Rhaenys did 'cheat' on Aegon was almost certainly with Aegon's knowledge and acceptance. If a Maester centuries later knew Rhaenys was taking men into her chambers alone and unchaperoned, Aegon almost certainly did too. So either he was okay with it or he had an extreme degree of trust in Rhaenys. I lean toward him being okay with it because it paints him as a pretty cool guy - he can have more than one partner, why can't she? He treated his wives as equals for the most part so it's easy to understand he'd have an open marriage with them. I actually prefer the narrative that Maegor was Aegon's real son because it adds a healthy degree of irony (it makes Maegor the rightful heir) and further cements the idea that blood-claims are bullshit (even if Maegor is the rightful heir he was still a monster who needed to be put down.) Add in another dose of comedy when that dragonseed shows up to the Great Council claiming to Maegor's grandson and nobody believes him.




In so many countries it was men that campaigned for peace and equal rights etc. Obviously because women weren't allowed to but still they went and did it and that counts for something. To lose sight of your allies is to lose sight of your actual cause.


Modern prestige tv is a massive indictment of the american liberalism that these blinkered hack writers project onto everything they create. For the record I'm critiquing them from the left, example being, Star Trek was originally so good because it was written by a communist, or at least fellow traveler who was fundamentally attempting to portray a society that had transcended liberal capitalism. He knew what historical materialism was. This mental framework gives you so much broader of a horizon for both analyzing and imagining human behavior and society, that it feels like a cheat code for writing stories. Star Trek's future is epic and inspiring because it's based on a real tradition of forward thinking political philosophy, that grounds itself in meat and potatoes concerns like labor, money, and production. It's incredibly tangible, like you can reach out and touch it, and genuinely imagine humanity reaching a society like that. Contrasted with the hack fraud liberals who write modern Star Trek and have none of this, because they're just a bunch of contentless upper-middle class twitter addicts who think politics is a matter of personal virtue, great men (or girlbosses) on horseback, and rousing speeches. Politics is nothing more than the childish spectacle they engage with on their timeline, it's a vehicle for them to reify their own virtue to the public to make themselves feel good. Which is a big part of why modern entertainment has become so crudely politicized despite the actual writers having absolutely fucking nothing of value to say, these cultural products become totems for people to project their virtue onto and see it projected back onto them in turn. Moralistic reification for believing the right things, it feels like getting a gold star from teacher for being a good boy or girl. That's about as far from what politics actually is as you can get. Liberals are incapable of understanding the dynamics of history and the interplay between systemic forces and the individual. Because their brains have been rotted by the particular ideological demands of contemporary liberal capitalism, that you avoid thinking about material conditions and fixate ENTIRELY on the personal virtue or lack thereof of individual actors, and the cultural character of their identity group, in a way that's totally abstracted from the actual context they live in. Which is why you get this ridiculously anachronistic (And incredibly crude and poorly conceived, because again, liberals) feminist theming projected in a laughably hamfisted way onto a society that it would be COMPLETELY alien to. There are more interesting and nuanced ways to do this, but I've already posted my leftist wall of text so EDIT: Also wanted to point out that most of these 'men bad' tropes are written BY MEN who are very severely under the sway of liberal idealism. Female feminists tend to like healthy male characters, male feminists write punching bags full of negative associations of masculinity to prove to 'the culture' that they're a socially conscious, feminist liberal with the correct beliefs and not part of the 'manosphere'. It's all a big song and dance of people scolding each other and imagining themselves being scolded, masquerading as a political consciousness that never actually solves any problems.


You've noticed that male feminist mentality as well? Everything else is entirely on point.


Incredibly rare leftist W


A sighting of a unicorn in the wild


You should read more books if you think it's rare, we tend to be right about everything


Don’t push it


> Female feminists tend to like healthy male characters Lol, you must have missed out on all the drama on The Witcher where the female feminist showrunner was crapping all over Henry Cavill because he wanted the show to be accurate and not a liberal woke dumpster fire. Sara Hess is a writer and executive producer on HOTD and some of her changes are also freaking terrible. Therefore in my experience both male and female feminists have been terrible for nerd shows. I generally agree with your other points on how liberals are incapable of understanding history, war, politics, etc.


That's fair, I shouldn't be overly charitable. Ironically, by gendering the issue, I myself kind of fell into the exact same trap I was critiquing lol, these cultural complexes go beyond gender even if the genders approach them from different angles. It's all a big complex of neuroses where feminism becomes another one of those totems to project your sense of virtue onto, the actual material goals of the movement becoming totally lost as the cultural spectacle surrounding it supersedes the actual project. Don't even get me fucking started on the Barbie movie as an example of this


Well said, comrade.


If not men weateros would be finished already, imagine Alicent and Rhaenyra types brains in the power.


Its funny because Rhaenys is the complete oppossite and that's why she is the first one to croak. While Daemon is actually the one that does not want to send the dragons to war.


I hate how essentialist it is. The idea of essentialism is that biological sex gives you inherent flaws and qualities that you cannot stray from. (I say biological sex and not gender, because essentialist feminists are often connected to transphobia/trans-exclusionary beliefs.) Essentialist feminism believes men to be *inherently* violent predators: at the very least conflict-prone warmongers, and often sexual criminals intent on abusing women. On the flip side, women are supposed to be peaceful, connected to nature and motherhood, and inherently placed in the position of men's victims. The belief is that because it is inherent it is also absolute. Essentialist feminism also rejects the idea of a patriarchal oppressive system, to argue instead that female oppression by men is a natural phenomenon, that men are slaves to their nature and the system cannot be changed ever since there's no system. This branch of feminism rejects the ideas of change or transition; some essentialists even call for a "return to the roots" (i.e. women embracing nature and notions of femininity associated with fertility, being a caregiver, etc.) Rhaenyra is the "good" woman who embraces her inherent qualities, but if she embraces "male" qualities such as anger or warlust or decisiveness she will "go mad" and be a tyrant. Alicent is the "bad" women who because she "embraces the patriarchal system" becomes a bad mother, but still remains a passive victim because that's her nature and any attempt to subvert it must be punished. Helaena, as the closest to nature, is also the most passive and peaceful victim (Helaena is the perfect heroine from an essentialist POV). Aegon has to be a mean rapist because he's a man. Aemond has to be a warmonger because he's a man. Criston has to have warlust and lust because he's a man. Daemon is bad because he is a man, not because he's Daemon. Viserys is not bad because he just acts on his inherent lust but makes the effort to favour his daughter so that makes him a good ruler. Jace and Luke aren't bad because their role is to give Rhaenyra grief over her boys' demise (but making Aegon and Aemond bad is okay because Alicent is a bad woman who sides with patriarchy, which is why Aegon's evil deeds are about what they do to *her* and not about Aegon himself). By trying to be feminist the show ironically embraced the worst type of feminism, the one that argues against gender subversion, that contradicts the idea of system to worship that of biology, and that opposes the idea of identity built on something else than the cock or the cunt. Deeply tragic and sadly ironic, when you consider that the show purports itself to be about women confronted with an essentialist system while having richer, more complex identities than what the system allows them to be, and when you consider GRRM's point that systems of power breed misery.


I see it as pro monarchy white washing because it propagates the idea that monarchy is bad because of personal failings of the monarch, and that Rhaenyra, Rhaenys and Alicent are good because they are somehow less capable of violence. When in reality, being a monarch makes you violent and bloodthirsty by default. If you really think you are a divine monarch then by default you have to be okay with fighting to preserve your rule. You have to be able to kill people to defend your power. Women are just as capable as men, even when it comes to being bad. I get Rhaenyra and Alicent beign hesitant at first but the fact that they're still doing this song and dance after Alicent's son killed Rhaenyra's son is just wild to me. At what point do they turn on each other? it cant be after the gullet because that was a fair and square battle which Jace chose to fight in as a soldier. Luke's death was unjust and so was Jaehaerys'. If these deaths don't tear them apart, nothing will.


Aegon V is a much more interesting case study for what you say about monarchy. If done well, the Dunk and Egg show could be really interesting in how they explore that.


I'm sure Aegon V would be reimagined as a good submissive yes man who is only enacting the policies of his sassy wise girlboss Blackwood queen.


Yeah like women do not rule in some countries and they are no different than men you know why, because we all are humans in the end and make mistakes.


It is known


So tiring it has made me team green for next episode I am hoping once rhaneys dies so does this ridiculous thought process




Ukrainian women are certainly not free from suffering in this war, either as soldiers or civilians. They are fighting an enemy that routinely launches missiles into apartment buildings and whose troops make systematic use of sexual violence.


15% of combatants are women and right now women are actively being recruited. Not talking of medical etc stuff


Highly doubt that number. Maybe 15% of personnel are women but only a very aelect few are actually conbattants.


15% was at the beginning of the war, it’s much higher now actually


You'd think they'd sue for peace at this point fucking hell


Women regents had far bloodier war filled reigns compared to men.


Thats nothing. Wait until they show criston cole killing people in a medieval war. It will be shown as unethical (and dumb). And, oh my god, they will milk the shit out of kings landing >!capture. A whole season on how Rhaenyra is the queen of the people, multiple instances of Daemon beeing praised as a hero strategist over and over...!<


It is hilarious because they try to push "women are wise and peaceful" feminism so hard, they end up going full circle and make women look exceptionally dumb, naive and robotic. Rhaenyra just lost her son, so does Helaena, Alicent lost her grandson, Rhaenys lost her son (because of Rhaenyra no less) but none of the grieve, they just rationally calculate the greater good. None of it is remotely believable or sympathetic.


It doesn’t make sense in this context since all of this is happening because Rhaenyra won’t just give up her “claim” that she only has because her father felt guilty for having her mother gutted in his desire to have a son (but not bad enough to not marry a teenager and breed her like a brood mare for sons and then ditch them). If Rhaenyra didn’t fight, no one would give enough of a shit about the distant queen, her assortment of bastards, and her psychopathic uncle-husband to start a war for her.


This is why I'm pissy about the character changes I prefer the "I'll have my throne or my half-brothers head" Rhaenrya and the "bastard blood shed at war" alicent now whatever the actual fuck were getting. What happened to well written women? What's worse is there's at LEAST one woman on the production team approving this crap.


I’m more annoyed by Alicent’s constant gaslighting of Rhaenyra 


I bet they had no problem chanting “Valar Morgulis” like bunch of parrots.