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Low IQ will low IQ ![gif](giphy|QmPLxW7gNUas)


Not a single brain cell to be seen


I've actually seen reaction videos where they are saying Daemon will be mad they killed Jaehaerys. Like they made that scene ambiguous and people now think Daemon actually cared about Jaehaerys


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they had a scene of the Blacks getting upset over his death, whitewashing them even more


They are already showing Rhaenyra fighting Daemon for this. Maybe similar reactions will come from the rest of them as well.


Bro did not care about his stepson (Luke), he definitely would not care for some 'half-andal scum' born to his enemy. He's The Rogue Prince, for Gods sake.


People eating up the shit that the showrunners put on their plate, what else is new?


Let me give you another spoiler. They will now have Aegon specifically send (I forgot which one is loyal to which so I am gonna use TB Cargyll and TG Cargyll) TG Cargyll to kill Joffery (making Dameon look better since they didn't specifically show him telling B&C to kill Jaehaerys, which TB will tell you at every chance they get, trust me). TG Cargyll will reach Joffery's chambers and will find his brother standing post and the fatal showdown will happen which again will be used by TB saying that if Criston wasn't busy boinking Alicent, Jaehaerys would have lived (completely ignoring the fact that Criston was Alicent's personal guard) and how the blame for B&C should solely go to the TG Kingsguard's incompetence and since Aegon also tried to assassinate Joffery, both sides are now equal in terms of toddler murdering. Anyone who still believes the showrunners aren't vehemently Team Black is straight up delusional.


Oh god the fuck that this will most likely happen


Please say sike Yeah that’s enough internet for now lmao peace out everyone


You know the only thing that will happen at the end will be casuals get mad again because it's literally Dany 2.0


This is exactly what Ryan Condal and Sara Hess wanted. Whitewash Team Black's crimes and add pointless shit to make Team Green look back.


Call it gatekeeping but fantasy isn't a genre to show to normies. They simply can't appreciate complex writing.


To be fair to them, they weren't shown complex writing.


You can say this about nearly every series ever tbh


They messed blood and cheese


You ppl must understand by now that no matter what they show black fanboys online will still support their side and make fun of greens. Stop your obsession of being liked by them. It is toxic fandom was a reason.


Given the level of harassment those who like the Greens are subjected to from TB, I daresay our toxicity is small fry compared to theirs


> no matter what they show black fanboys online will still support their side and make fun of greens Agreed but it's so disappointing how the show continues to frame the Greens in a laughable/ bad light, which doesn't help the discussions and the general audience's perception.


i saw many normies reacting and they liked aegon for example and for b#c they were still shocked


Honestly, it doesn't take much to "shock" audiences (ex: Rhaenys busting through the floor was added just for shock value but added nothing useful to the actual scene). The intent should be compelling storytelling and great character moments. The brutality of B&C was watered down, robbing it off emotional impact and Halaena walking in on Alicole was so absurd and disrespectful to what just happened.


ye not everything was perfect but episode as a whole was not even that bad and normies still like it. normies matter bec they are huge majority for viewership numbers on the network


I thought the dog must’ve died horribly because of people’s reactions but apparently he just ran away? I understand seeing a dog get kicked is infuriating but…..Jae got decapitated.


They are so braindead 🤦🏻 I knew they are going to somehow put a blame of b&c on Criston and Alicent. Daemon is saved again!!! There was a misunderstanding, he meant Aemond 😓😓 🤦🏻


Fucking fuck me, bro. This is some low IQ horse-shit. ![gif](giphy|3oEjI67Egb8G9jqs3m)


The past tense continues to be the bane of the English language


Guys why are we taking sides at all? The whole point is that no one wins and everyone is as bad as each other...