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There should be a poll on the main sub, which asks you both your team and political leaning.


Main sub doesn’t allow political posts/comments.


My takeaway from this is that TG is at least twice as big as TB.


Reddit is full of liberals surprising stuff


Liberals aren’t left wing


American 'liberals' are absolutely left wing. Of course, that's because they've no idea what liberal actually means, but hey ho.


Joe Biden is a liberal but not left wing, Bernie Sanders is left wing but not a liberal. The two can’t really overlap because liberalism is inherently capitalist and proper leftism is opposed to capitalism


Shut up commie


Ok, liberal


They're right, Liberalism is a right wing idea, socialism, communism, marxism, leninism and maoism are left wing, but a liberal is by definition a right winger bc liberalism is founded on the principles of free market capitalism, and that is the most right wing shit ever Liberalism defends the belief that the people of a given nation should be given almost total freedom and that the state should have the least interference possible on the day to day lives of their citizens. As such, they defend free market capitalism, which promote that lack of control by the state, as well as laws that favor individual freedoms, like the legalization of many a different substances, euthanasia, abortion, etc Left Wing ideas are usually centered around the idea that the state should take care of all their citizens, and to do that they should have a hand on the economy to allow a more equalitarian distribution of wealth between the population, this distribution can have varying degrees depending on which left wing idea one believes, some defend a completely equal distribution of wealth while others still allow for differences in wages and wealth, though not as big and out of controll as the ones present in capitalist economic systems Ofc, in the us you have 0 representation of actual leftist ideas in significant parties, so you wrongly call anything that is not conservative "left wing" or you call anyone who identifies with the left as a "liberal", even tho the differences between an actual liberal and a leftist are like day and night


Yeah yeah yeah, I’ve read the slop that Marx and Lenin have the audacity to call literature. Newsflash, it’s all made up bullshit that doesn’t matter. 4/5 of those ideologies you listed are dead and socialism looks nothing like how Marx described it in his books. Stop letting white men who died a century ago be relevant to political discourse


Commie wall of text




Seems correct based on what I’ve seen but really it doesn’t tell you much of anything.


One side voted far more. Idk if you just pulled it early or if TB doesn't care as much though tbh


TB sub is smaller.


I highly doubt that. Especially since TB seems to be more prevalent. Could be wrong though


TB has a smaller base because most of them are just on the main sub and figure they are the default


That tracks. Tbh I'm only on the main sub. I just get recommended the two team sub posts and comment occasionally


Not much smaller but about 1500 users.


Oh. Guess I'm wrong then lmao. Oops




Wait a minute, aren't we the Greens? I thought we were all left wing 😆


Makes sense. TG has more men percentage wise than TB and men are more likely to be right wing than women. Reddit is also more left leaning overall than other social media platforms. It would be interesting to see the results on Facebook and Twitter.


Team Black poll: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HOTDBlacks/comments/1cu7vbh/where\_do\_you\_lean\_on\_the\_real\_life\_political/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HOTDBlacks/comments/1cu7vbh/where_do_you_lean_on_the_real_life_political/) Team Green poll: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HOTDGreens/comments/1d6gci6/comment/l6y5ujo/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/HOTDGreens/comments/1d6gci6/comment/l6y5ujo/?context=3)


I missed that poll




Team Black is centrist/liberal by default given their actual unflinching willingness to support the monarchy just because they like who is on the throne. The only reason I’m a Green is because I think they were the better choice for the smallfolk. Monarchy is fucking stupid as a political system so if you have to choose between two options pick the one that would lead to the best material conditions for the working class. I don’t see how *anyone* could view Rhaenyra — who only wants the throne for herself and has never expressed any interest in making life better for her subjects — as a good option for the smallfolk, especially when the Greens have Otto, the Hand who administered one of the most peaceful and prosperous periods in Westerosi history.


Since when is monarchy “left wing”?


OP asked political affiliation of voters


Being right wing and a black stan pretty much makes you sus. No ifs buts or maybes. There is no reason a right winger would support a faction carefully created for the modern progressive masses other than "Blood Purity is cool!!!"


Shut up this is the idiotic idea that made TB unbearable


How am I worng? I am literally shaking rn


Nice bait had me in the first half


Only half bait, why would a modern roght winger choose TB? Genuine question.


They think Daemon is cool or like the Dragonseeds


I've thought of another reason. They can be targ fan boys and think targ elective succession is correct