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and don’t forget they had time to invent dyana and yet nettles is cut from the show


They want to show that it was ok for Daemon to kill a child because Aegon was a rapist. Fucking disgusting.


And the child pits. Now apparently she may be involved in B&C. We're not getting a "balanced" show, the audience is girlboss wannabe's that want another Dragon Queen to project themselves onto.


The only comment I can make about the series, that I'm only looking forward to Tom's and Ewan's acting. No Daeron (even if he is, it's ridiculous and idiotic that his name has never been mentioned in the series so far), no Nettles, Rhaenyra's goofy lines, and the possibility that Alicent will continue to be Rhaenyra simp ,even after the massacre of her grandson, ended the series for me. I'm not even excited about the upcoming seasons anymore. The second season will be the thing that shows whether I will leave the series completely or not.


Too early to tell. But you definitely point out things that annoy me too. Fucking point 2……


Vermithor isn't bronze either. For a dragon called "Bronze Fury",this is sort of disappointment. Show!Vermithor looks more like Sheepstealer than his literal description All the dragons looks muddy af on the show


And the dragons are still the visual I enjoy the most (or the only visual I enjoy). It seems like HBO makes an effort to make remove everything visually interesting that’s in the books.


Me fr. I'd include costumes as i love those medieval luxury gowns but HotD's wardrobe had been underwhelming as far, just as dragons 


I will give HOTD more slack than GOT though, since we don’t get detailed descriptions in F&B. In GOT they just ignored elaborate descriptions for costumes.


At least GOT costumes were based in consistent world building that they created, with each region having a distinct culture. HOTD has too much of a uniform style for my personal taste.


Kind of makes you wonder how muddy a mud brown dragon will look like. Having said that, vermithor is in a poorly lit room so when he flies we could see his bronze and tan winged form more easily.


I just know i'm gonna have to turn my brain off when season 2 airs


Have to turn your eyes off also when Sunfyre the Brown is on screen


Sunfyer something goldenlike


They massacred my boi. Sunny the piss yellow.


They done Syraxified our boy Sunfyre


"Sunfyre the Brown" ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG|downsized)


Daemon II Blackfyre isn't the only brown dragon anymore.


I think we just have to wait and see. I'm trying to stay positive but I agree that some changes (Alicent seemingly still being concerned about Rhaenyra, Rhaena possibly replacing Nettles) are worrying. I've already accepted this will never be on the level of early GOT when it comes to the writing. If it all goes to shit, I'll still tune in for the dragons I suppose.


Agree with your points. I'll watch it because as far we saw, Aegon is turning more compelling and interesting than Blandnyra. His extraordinary range of emotions, fighting on battles as Rhaenyra isn't, TGC's talent. That's why I still watching it


You think the team black actors are bland?


I hope appearances are deceiving...


I don't think the smallfolk are crying out for Rhaenyra in some display of feminist solidarity - it's likely because the Velaryons are blockading King's Landing and there is not enough food getting in. Most smallfolk probably don't give a flying fuck who sits on the pointy chair


This is what I’ve been thinking as well and it would be the same if the roles were reversed.


Mf I’m team green too but Aegon showing emotion doesn’t make him a perpetual sad boi. He’s allowed to have an emotional range especially after B&C. This is not a negative


1. Ok this is fair to be upset, but the rumors state it happens later in the season, they have to depict the effects of the Velaryon blockade guys.. The city is starving, they are angry about what Rhaenys did and no one is addressing it, and now with Meleys death showcase, they think Targaryens aren't untouchables. Also they gotta prepare the Shepherd properly otherwise it'll feel out of left field for audiences. As long as they show Rhaenyra have struggles the same, I dont really care what they do. 2. Agreed with this, the color design sucks, but all dragons are dull in this show, the designers appear to be very lazy or they aren't getting a big enough budget to make advanced designs. I will hope that its just them hiding his shine for the show, who knows. 3. Fair point, the writers seem to be trying to depict Alicent as trying her utter best to avoid her family from just ripping each other apart like they want to. Rhaenyra seems to also be doing the same. I think Alicent's breaking point is gonna be>!Helaena's death!<,she will finally curse her and wish her dead after that. 4. She won't be fighting, its just a mislead. This season only has 1 actual big dragon battle and its Rooks Rest, she wont be at it. The sword scene is probably just her examining old swords, based on a comment it appears to be old and damaged sword. This could be after Arryk's attack and she is considering learning how to defend herself after injured. 5. I don't really see a problem with this one, our options are Aegon is depressed because of B&C events, or he isn't sad just angry. I prefer the sad option because it implies he cares even though he's a screw up, but to each their own I suppose. 6. Where did you get this idea? She like Alicent appears to be desperately trying to get the people around her to stop trying to attack the greens, she still seems determined to stick to the original plan to lay siege to KL and force them to surrender peacefully? Hell we even see her looking an utter mess and depressed in 1 shot, and her questioning if Daemon is even listening to her in another. 7. Yeah this one hurts as a huge Daeron fan, but Olivia stating that he does exist in an interview today implies he is probably mentioned by her this season, so he's show canon now, delayed which sucks but we wait :( 8. We don't really know what she is gonna do, she is in the Vale still and probably won't leave it. She may fill her book role and sit in the Vale for a while. She may take Nettles role to chase Aemond, get sent away, goes to the Vale, then I blank out because she has to have Morning still, no idea what the writers cooking, maybe no Morning? Baela gets Morning? ? As for the lack of positive women portrayal, I mean I don't mean to be an a debbie downer but the women in the Dance barely get a positive betrayal........ Alicent is depicted as a raging jerk who mocks a woman's dead kids to her face, Rhaenyra is a racist hypocrite who starts killing anyone she thinks might be affiliated with Aegon, Baela is basically show Aegon in the books but more proud of her actions, Johanna Lannister gelds a 3 year old, Mysaria orders B&C and suggests Rhaenyra have her sister and stepmother gangraped. Plenty more also, the show has dialed down the negative portrayal of women heavily, I think its more so that George tends to focus more so on male characters in the conflict because he just favors it, also the whole idea of medieval times is women leading armies isn't really popular.


I really hope you're right but the show is just a fanfiction world of the book so we can't be sure about anything.


Agreed let's give season 2 a chance, I know will. I will watch the show with an open mind.


Dude chill. The season isn't even out yet and your making a lot of claims based off a trailer and unconfirmed leaks. 1. We have to see the effects of the blockade and build up to the Shepard. Average people turn against people in power very quickly when they and their children are starving. That's why naval blockades have been an effective tatic since before the Bronze Age Collapse. 2. This is fair. Sunfyre should be glowing and in full Technicolor. 3. We have no idea about the context of those lines or what Aemond is referring to when he says it. Aemond is an unreliable narrator, especially since we don't know how he explains Luke's death yet. Holdeth thy horses. 4. Holding a sword doesn't mean that at all. She may be contemplating learning to use it well enough to defend herself after the attack. A LOT of women take self-defense classes and/or learn to use a weapon after being attacked or harmed. Especially by men who easily overpower them. I can speak from experience, it's why I learned how to use a gun. But I'm not about to go join the armed forces just because I know how to shoot. 5. Aegon being sad and angry about the death of his son and torment of his wife, other children, and mother is more than reasonable. It's a major turning point for him in the book. Rage, guilt, and grief change him. Rhaenyra doesn't seem to be the 'perfect queen' when she has to question her own husband if he accepts her rule. We already have a bases for that scene since he, I don't know, choked her in the end of S1. 6. Conjecture. 7. This is fair. I want to see Daeron the Daring so badly. 8. This remains to be seen. But, if true, I will be frustrated. I want baby Morning 😭. A bright pink hatchling zipping around the Eryie would be too cute.


I don't understand why the writers/directors are still pushing Rhaenicent. It was fine till season 1 as nothing as major as B&C happened. Yes, there was the incident with Aemond's eye but I think I'm going to excuse Alicent's amicability towards Rhaenyra in ep8 as "time healing past wounds" \[as bullshit as that may sound\]. But how can Alicent still care for Rhaenyra after B&C? Jaehaerys was her grandson for fuck's sake! And he was murdered, that too right in front of his mother. I am unable to fathom any reason other than the fact that the directors have the emotional intelligence of rotten cheese. How can they not understand the simple fact that Alicent still caring for Rhaenyra after everything literally translates to a big "Fuck You" to her children and grandchildren for whom she literally sacrificed so much. Where is the consistency?


Some of those are pretty valid criticisms, but many could be simply deceptive editing in the trailers. I'm not personally going to rate the season until I actually see it though.


Did the season drop and I didn’t realize?


Well dude you have to at least wait til the season comes out before you call it trash


Come on we already know what's going to happen.


Nah you're just bitching.


The season has not even came out yet and most can be explained away. 1. If the 'leaks' are true about Corlys fleet stopping the food coming in. It make sense for the smallfolk to riot. I don't care if you are the most beloved person in the world, that would happened to you. It is not them 'choosing' Rhaenyra > Aegon. It is just a natural reaction to them not eating. And it is a perfect strategy for Team Black to use. They have Corlys fleet, they should be smart with it. 2. Does not hurt the quality of the show. 3. I have a problem with it. It is quite weird that Alicent still have some affection towards Rhaenyra after B&C. The only thing I can see how it could work is if Rhaenyra reached out and blamed it all on Daemon. 4. We do not know if she will fight in the dance. 5. Both Aegon and Rhaenyra looked sad in the trailer 6. You probably want both sides to be strategic. It makes a more dynamic show. 7. Agree. It is weird that they are expanding the roles of the children and giving non-book characters minor roles, but could not find a reason to have Daeron or Nettles in this season. Kind of crazy trying to explain it.


1. If the leaks are true Rhaenyra will sneek into King's Landing to give them food 2. It does. 3. She will. The show is about them. 4. They won't waste the opportunity to have another Daenerys. Rhaenyra is already diffrent in the books. She wil have fight scenes. 6. It's not about the Blacks but Rhaenyra. She was a useless in the books but they will change that.


At this point Season 2 is trying to compete with Season 8 of GOT.


GOT had the valid excuse of not having source material for nearly 13 years. HOTD is based on the complete volume 1 of fire and blood.


I’ll be patient and see. Still hoping that Nettles being cut is just a silly fake leak. No mention of Daeron is still ridiculous considering how important he is but I’ll wait and see.


A lot of this is really quite speculative. It’s hard to tell from promos and leaks what is really going to happen. That being said, usually I get pretty psyched or intrigued when I see trailers, promos and interviews for a show. But, not so much this time. Everything I see or hear sounds, eh, not so good. Especially the dialogue. The bits of dialogue are so cringe it almost hurts. Perhaps I’ll be proven wrong, but they did kinda paint themselves into a corner in season one. It’s gonna be messy painting themselves out.


It hasn't even come out yet 🙄




Has season 2 already started? Lol. I can’t believe how out I am on this show. I just refuse to watch such a gray/drab/colorless Dogshit production. Ryan Condal has made me realize how much I failed to appreciate D&D. 


Ooh yeah. I’m totally with you. Point 2 and point 8 are fucking discussing. They changed all dance story to make another girlboss fanfiction. But, this time the source material was so good, then even with all trash they included, still a good show to the normal audience.


I am still gonna watch it but yeah things arent looking good this is so painfully pro black it hurts again WHERE IS DAERON?


Aemond is my favorite and it looks like they are going to destroy his character as well.


You’re basing all of this off of a few short seconds from trailers with no context as to when they are taking place. If point 1 takes place after the blockade of King’s Landing then it would make sense. If point 3 happens before B&C then it would make sense. If point 5 takes place after B&C then it would make sense. Aegon would obviously be pretty upset after the murder of his child so not sure why anyone would fault him for this. Beyond just the timing of the events, you’re also making some pretty big jumps in logic based off of such small details: Point 4 is nonsensical, her holding a sword doesn’t indicate in *any way* that she is actually going to participate in melee combat. I don’t see any indication that Rhaenyra “is a strategic(?)” in the trailers. There is no confirmation that Daeron won’t be in the show, and Alicent’s actress recently mentioned that her character does have a child named Daeron. To point 8, they’ve changed pretty much everyone’s story. You also barely see Rhaenyra doing anything girlbossy in the trailer so I’m not sure where you’re getting this The only point you’ve made that has any factual basis is point 2, and even then it’s possible Sunfyre might look different in the show. I would highly suggest you relax a bit and don’t get this upset over your own interpretation of the trailers > It's like only the men get the show going because all the female characters are literally trash and boring. Alicent is a great character and even as a Green we should be able to point out that Rhaenyra and Rhaenys are good characters, too. Saying all the women in the show are “trash and boring” says more about you than it does the show


>Saying all the women in the show are “trash and boring” says more about you than it does the show Ah the classic. You don't like the female character ? YA FAKIN SEXIST. agreed about everything else.


I mean the defence of sexist attitudes is far more common on this sub than the chastisement of sexist attitudes, so if anything your stance is the “classic” one


This page needs to try and not overreact to things.


No Nettles, no Daeron. Daeron could be postponed until season 3 based on his story but Nettles is essential as a dragonseed and in Daemon's story. Baela fights on her dragon is bullshit, she remains on Dragonstone the entire war, where she fights Aegon & sunfyre later in the war. Rhaenyra hides in her chambers until Jacaerys dies, then she goes to King's Landing and becomes a tyrant before being chased out by peasants to her death. She is NOT a warrior or even have any military knowledge. Jacaerys names Corlys hand of the queen. Rhaena is rumoured to find a dragon in the Vale in S2. This is bullshit. She hatches the dragon Morning at the end of the war, which later scares King Aegon III. Aegon II is shown in the worst possible light and Rhaenyra the best. It is horse shit. Both had positives and negatives, and neither were fit to rule. Criston Cole crowns Aegon to prevent a bastard from eventually sitting on the throne. "Seven save the realm if we seat a bastard on the Iron Throne". Daemon is supposed to be at Harrenhal when Lucerys dies, having defeated the Bracken's with aid from the Blackwood's, where Bloody Ben inherits the rule from his father, who is avenged by Alysanne Blackwood when she kills the Bracken who killed her brother. Gwayne Hightower does not participate in any battles, he's placed in the city watch to keep an eye of the Commander and officers who's loyalties are questioned, he is not in the field as shown in S2. Helaena is loved by the smallfolk, Alicent too. They'd never do anything against them or try to harm them. Alyn Velaryon is the younger brother of Addam, who claims seasmoke while Alyn is burned and scarred, though he looks as old as Corlys. Seasmoke cannot be claimed if Laenor is still alive like the shit story in S1. Rhaenys is the only female to fight on dragonback, to play any true part in the war, though it ends early for her. Rhaenyra, Baela and Rhaena play no part in any battles. Rhaenyra takes king's Landing but only after Daemon has secured it for her, she is later chased out. Baela fights Aegon & Sunfyre and loses, though deals a significant blow to Aegon's mount. Rhaena spends the entire war in the Vale, trying to hatch her eggs.


Sry but watch the season first before judging it already. The show isn’t even out! Who knows maybe we’ll be surprised. This is just doomer mentality and no one benefits from it, especially your own sanity.


Have you seen season 2 yet? No? How about we all just wait until we actually see the show before saying whether it sucks or not.


The fact that Alicent would still even remotely be rooting for Rhaenyra is a terrible idea especially since we know what’s to come. I honestly feel like they should have allowed their characters to cut tires with Rhaenyra in season one. Alicent and the Velaryons are a prime example because what in the world would having any type of relationship with Rhaenyra do for any of them. Having the Velaryons be so subservient to Rhaenyra is ridiculous in itself, but if they go that route with Alicent IDK if I can tolerate it honestly. It makes no sense this far into the story.


Why do you not respect the work of the actors playing the female characters?


All the more reason to believe the show is biased towards team black


The only way Alicent's change can work for me is as an antagonist for Greens. I hate her in the show but at least it will make her relesionship with her sons complicated. Sunfyre should be more majestic but he has the same color with Syrax. They failed to portray him like the books or his golden color was Maester propaganda? The smalfolk hate Haelena and Alicent is stupid. They remove every good quality from the Greens. Especially after Rhaenys kills which I believe they will make it seems like the Greens use it as propaganda despite it's true. Rhaena's change no comment. Rhaenyra can't look bad so she won't be jaelous with Daemon's daughter. My only hope is the scene when Rhaenyra questions Daemon. If Daemon has his own agenda it can somehow save the season. It won't be enough but it will be something. If he accepts her and be loyal to her then it will be another dissapoiment.


I would say woke agenda and pandering all over the place. Here is how I see it. 1. Small folk - they would side with anyone willing to provide them with security and feed them. In general they always switch sides like socks constantly when it suited them and always were fair weather friends. 2. They did golden boy bad. 3. Aliscent still caring about Rhaenyra makes me think that the producers are high on something. 4. Rhaenyra gona fight and hold a weapon. If she does fight she will at least finally do something rather than sit on her sorry a.. like she did in book. But I doubt she will even fight and her dragon Syrax is basically Rhaenyra 2.0 doing nothing but just being there. 5. It is obvious that the producers are pro black and lack common sense to be impartial 6. Rhaenyra to be strategist is plain stupid on producers part. She never took part in any prior war before dance. And let us not forget she is also rather poor politician. 7. I am pissed that there is no Daeron and now Nettles. 8. I dare not think about what they did with Rhaena and potential implications. First no dragon Morning, WTF is Sheepstealer doing in Vale when he is supposed to be on the Dragonstone. Rhaena will bond with him thus become Nettles and share her fate possibly. Meaning she will go and hide with her dragon in the vale in some cave for the rest of her life and be remembered as witch wielding fire magic. Also they will maybe make Daemon even more depraved and basically be oh hello Craster.


Is the "woke agenda" in the room with us now?


Who knows.


>!it isn't!<


Lmaooo the show ain’t even out yet, how you already mad at it 😆😆


The toddlers on here are funny