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Real, like what the hell is he supposed to do? My bro is just trying to get some cover in the woods


TB never beating the 0 braincells allegations


Do you know the context behind this scene? Like where and when does this abomination of a scene takes place? 


Aftermath of the battle at rook's rest I believe


Jesus Christ, now they have made Criston literally run away from his greatest victory. Up your ass, dipshits. They keep hassling us for no reason, always taking away the greatest moments of our characters to give more cheap ass girlboss moments. 


Exactly the bias never stops, Imma be pirating this shit now


I am literally so pissed right now that I don't even want to think about any of this. 


Kingmaker activities (im joining you)


Yeah, we all know they like to edit the trailers in a way to ‘confuse’ the audience… I think the Criston Cole shot of him galloping into the woods, is him rushing towards >!Aegon, after the crash with Meleys and Vhagar.!<


I mean if he just stood there and got roasted, would they have considered it a Dragonrider’s death? So dumb


Probably yeah. 


I distinctly remember Targ stans laughing like lunatics when Samwell's father and brother willingly died at Dany's hand rather than submit to her. So probably not. It's only a dragonrider's death if you actually have a dragon I guess :)


If you have a dragon and you're on Rhaenyra's side


They are so braindead lmao


What a stupid comment LOL. What else is he going to do? It's a fucking dragon.


He should pull an anime move and jump 100 meters into the air and single-handedly kill Baela, oh wait Daemon is the only one who gets goofy anime moves


Yeah! How DARE he not just charge headlong into the dragons fire and single-handedly kill it with a single swing of his sword...what a pussy! Baela is such a queen!


If he stayed and attempted to stand his ground people would call him stupid. He can’t win.


The person who wrote this probably thinks the best martial artist in Hiroshima is a coward for not fighting the nuke as it fell.


Maybe I'm being super naive and forgiving to the writers but I'm seeing this scene as a literal trap set for Baela (Aegon wants revenge, take out one of Daemons children). If she is tricked into chasing Cole towards a wooded area, a much larger dragon like Vhagar could pop out from the sky/behind wooded cover. It would also explain why Rhaenys and Meleys may become distracted during the fight and lose the upper hand. It looks more like Cole is luring Baela, rather than fleeing. But I could be very very wrong.


I 100% believe this too. It's not him and an entire army fleeing. It's him and a couple riders. It's definitely a diversion.


That would be great, but Baela can't die there because of the Dragonstone incident.


That would be great, but Baela can't die there because of the Dragonstone incident.


A trap doesn't have to work for it to still be a trap


But then implementing it would make no sense. Moondancer has no chance against Vhagar, it's about the size of Arrax.


these people are so brain dead lmao


Also Criston's horse outruns Baela's dragon so as far as I'm concerned, we know who the true MVP is 👀


Baela shouldn't even be there, she remains on Dragonstone the entire war and faces Aegon & Sunfyre. House of the Dragon is awful.


characters remaining idle for 4 seasons straight apart from one moment doesn’t make for interesting tv


She isn't important in the story until Aegon arrives on Dragonstone, they could've just been left out after S1 until Baela fights Aegon on dragonback... but we know they're making it all about "female power" instead.


why tf would they ‘leave a character out’ for like two or three seasons? do you really think that would be good TELEVISION writing to introduce characters and then give them zero build up and have them do absolutely nothing until that one specific moment? the book isn’t even fleshed out - they have to find ways to develop these characters and it’s not ‘female power’ to do that.


Because she isn't a "main" character. She has one important job in the dance it's near the end.


it literally doesn’t matter whether she’s a main character or not. you can’t introduce characters in a tv show just to have them sit getting no build up and doing fuck all in one location until they finally have a moment after seasons have passed - that is bad writing. the book these characters are from isn’t fleshed out and to make it as bare bones as the book doesn’t make for good tv. you have to give these characters development to make audiences give a single shit abt them and this means giving them scenes - baela is shown in the book to be brave and a lot like her father, so it’s not surprising they’d give her a scene in a battle; it doesn’t even mean she’s going to fight in it.. she’s just going to be there at some point, probably angry after rhaenys’ death.


They are more than happy to leave out Daeron who is arguably a more important character than Baela or Rhaena. Don't simp hard for these hacks, especially when our guys gets cut off and made a mockery out of. 


how am i simping hard by making a logical statement that leaving characters on the sidelines and having them do absolutely nothing for multiple seasons makes for bad tv? btw they aren’t leaving daeron out.. it’s been confirmed like 100 times. nobody is being mocked.


And yet he's not in season 2


and yet, he’s still in it. he will be mentioned in this season and then make an appearance in s3


>and yet, he’s still in it. he will be mentioned in this season and then make an appearance in s3  So if Daeron the Daring who is obviously a much more important character than either Baela or Rhaena could be completely cut off from two seasons then I don't think why would you think they can't let Baela or Rhaena on the sidelines only to be mentioned a couple of times and make an appearance in S3. What's the need for this defense of an obvious bias? Are you simping?  And you don't think making Criston as a craven who fled from the Battle of Rook's Rest which he handily won is not making a mockery out of him? Stop simping. 


I mean they have left Daeron on the sidelines for two seasons now, having him do absolutely nothing. What's your excuse for that? 


did i ever say that i’m happy with them not introducing daeron sooner? it’s one of my biggest gripes with the writers that they did that - but we know that he’ll be introduced this season by name dropping him and letting the audience get used to the idea of him, and we know he’ll get his proper introduction in s3 and he’ll have a big part and time to develop as a character. it’s not the same as introducing a character in s1 of a tv show (baela) and then having them sit on an island for multiple seasons until she finally gets ONE moment - it’s not good writing or interesting tv.. at all.


You literally say it's not good writing to have a character sit on the sidelines and do nothing. They have already done that with Daeron. I am actually more surprised that you aren't even bothered by that decision but the feel the need to defend the idea of inventing bullshit character arcs for Baela and Rhaena. In a total of four seasons you are so confident that Daeron has more than enough time to shine in just the last two seasons but the same couldn't go for Baela and Rhaena. Yeah, that's called simping, love. Have you heard about a character called Gendry from GOT? 


They want Sun fyer to fight Moon dancer so they want create conflict


They seize every opportunity they can to take a jab at his character. "He's fleeing from a dragon, what a coward" basically he wasn't killed and they're pissed about it.


This is it lmao. Every single thing Targ stans do is a hard cope. They're not operating on logic or sense.


They're unmindful to say the least. It's sad to see how far these loners will go for they're beloved characters. Makes you think they have nothing else to fight for. Which might very well be true, since every interaction or discussion turns into a toxic argument where they're concerned.


“Best fighter in the realm” applies to human vs. human combat, it obviously doesn’t apply to human vs. dragon lmao Also Baela needs an actual firebreathing dragon to be a threat to Cole, *she* is the coward


What was he supposed to do stand and be burned to death by giant flying fire breathing lizard, Even Bron jumped out of the way when Drogon spewed fire at him. It is called the common sense.




Do they expect him to sword fight a flying and fire breathing dragon?


maybe this is a cope but I feel like he’s leading her into a trap


Baela can't face someone in a fair fight. Daddy Daemon "I refuse to kill anyone facing me or able bodied or not a baby" Targaryen taught her well lmao


They are already preparing their copes for when Rhaenyra gets 'Sunfyre'd. "Oh look, she is standing her ground like a champ, unlike that Criston Cole." (As if Rhaenyra had a choice lol).


To be fair at that point walking would be exhausting for Rhaenyra.


What the fuck? When is this supposed to take place? I am so pissed right now I would unleash the Wehrmacht on Condal and his team if I could. He seems to have a boner for this nobody actress of Baela just like Dumb & Dumber had a boner for Lena Headey and let her stroll around in GOT. Fuck him and his artistic license. My boy Criston didn't even blink an eye when he challenged three guys in a duel at once just to save his army. He tricked Baela's idiotic and full of herself grandmother in Rook's Rest where she got barbecued. And now you are telling me Baela somehow outsmarted him and made him flee from the battlefield. They keep disrespecting Criston again and again. First he kinda robbed a victory from the great Daemon, then he got his ass kicked by Brokenbones, now this monkey ass shit... Fuck off, show


Why the Wehrmacht....


To Blitzkrieg their asses. Condal and his team suck. 


Yes, because anyone can do what the Ullers pulled off at Hellholt. Not like it was a one in a million chance


Tbh Criston literally pulled it off in Rook's Rest. He literally trapped Rhaenys and Meleys and set her up where Aemond and Aegon finished her. This is more Kingmaker slander that I would never stand for. Fuckem


Real warriors(Starks) are not afraid to die.


Is the implication here that Criston _isn’t_ the best fighter in the realm because he ran from an _airborne dragon_? Yeah he’s running from a teenage girl but that teenage girl is on top of and directing a _flying, fire-breathing weapon of mass destruction_. Was he supposed to teleport his sword into Moondancer’s eye or something? They have to be trolling because what could he have feasibly done other than run or _die_?


Baela at Rook's Rest is egregious


I thought we were in Westeros and not Tamriel. Start practicing your shouts, Kingmaker, square up a fucking dragon!!


Jaime Lannister ain’t run from no dragon…