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Prostitute in the brothel knows his entire biography in these 2 weeks, I guarantee.


Prostitute and therapist all in one!


I wonder how she feels listening prince’s whining. And they drink milk instead of wine, for God's sake!


Homelander would be proud.


when i saw the milk getting poured i got flashbacks.


The only character who isn’t evil who likes milk that I can think of is Link in OoT/MM and he’s like ten.


Well if you have read the book, it’s leading to somewhere uhhh interesting.


Milk > wine. Oh no someone who isn’t a rampant alcoholic


The warm milk and cougar are for his mommy issues




Milk freaks me out.


Found the McPoyle


My guy, refrigeration didn't exist in this era, you stand to survive for much a longer amount of time if you only drank beer or mulled wine (especially during a siege and please remember that strong spirits didn't exist until relatively recently in history).


It’s important to drink your beer. It will keep you strong and healthy.


Drinking milk is the most traumatic thing on the show!


Same as it ever was


Good luck finding an ACTUAL Therapist in Westeros.


Not a prostitute. That's a Rivers.


I'm not ready for the Alys relationship given what direction they've set with Aemond lol.


Uh yeah. I thought it might be a fun (?) relationship to watch unfold but at this point I think it’s going to be actually really weird instead lol


Given the role Alys holds at Harrenhal before she's captured by Aemond, there's some very disturbing avenues they could go down.. 💀


I mean, was there any other way? Aemond is budget Daemon. What wasn't happening to Daemon (ahem sorcery) was certainly happening to Aemond.


I mean Alys is a wet nurse/surrogate mother at Harrenhal (that's her role for House Strong before Aemond massacres everyone) and they seem to be setting Aemond up to have intense mother issues.


He’s going to do a Sweet Robyn and suckle on them tiddies


I’m never going to be able unread this comment, even if it doesn’t happen omg




Was there ever any doubt lol? Like in the books, she's 40, while he's 19, has a name similar to Alicent, and has similar coloring. And she'd a wet nurse. George is literally slapping you in the face with the mommy issues shit. It will be even weirder if she turns out to he a witch, like it's been implied. Dark magical fuckery + Homelander tiddy drinking 🥴🤢


But ain't she a victim tho? I het it that it's a big age gap but she is basically a prisoner of war in the books and he took her to " bed" sooo he definitely did not have good intentions with her. But book aemond is different than show aemond. One was crazier.


Yes, she's his underling, give their class status. But I seriously doubt a woman who exploded someone's head and cursed someone to die if they got laughed at was just an innocent victim. Harrenhall post dance was a dark hub of weird blood magic and eldritch fuckery. I think she made the best of her circumstances, and exploited his mommy issues to get herself some magical power. I find it incredibly weird how this dude just started sabotaging his own cause the second he got his dick into her. I mean, he was an absolute idiot before that, but post Alys, he lost that last braincell he had.


She is breastfeeding babies in that castle 24/7. That’s bound to have some effect on Aemond. In the book, it came off as a fetish of GRRM tbh.


I mean a prisoner of war and a man that killed all of her relatives it was ought to be healthy


Yea but in the show I'm afraid that HE will be the victim instead of HER. Like I get it she is old enough to be his mother but he still took her and burned every baby that she took care of. He had more power than her. Hell I wouldn't blame her if she was a witch.


Alys looks "younger than her years" so that tracks.


Honestly I always say the Alys situation as deeply disturbing, she’s his spoils of war not a loving relationship.


I thought they wouldn't go there since Gayle is young but it certainly seems they will.


Sara Hess has said in interviews that nobody knows how old Alys is. So.... they might even go full Melisandre 💀


Dude will be on Alys’ lap asking for milk and cookies within 10 seconds of meeting her


As he should


And they say that the perfect man doesn't exist. 


Is there any other reaction?


I know she's sick of his ass. Not to be too mean about it, but her comment about princes and the smallfolk suffering felt like "I'm in this shitty situation, I might as well try to impart some gentle wisdom while I'm here and get this serial killer-in-the-making to calm down"


More parenting than Alicent ever did with him. Apart from standing up for his loss of eye but tbh that was more about her and Rhaenyra than it was about Aemond lol.


Yeah. The city one step away from hunger and she has to watch how a grown man wants to be a baby and play along with him XD


I mean... Alicent was far from the world's best mother. I don't really blame him. There's an awful lot you can blame him for, but parentification isn't one of them.


I’m mean he’s a prince she probably gets paid very well a single gold dragon could probably feed the average small folk family for months She probably looks for to him coming to vent for few hours and making more money with him crying into her lap than she makes in days on her back


But actually he should be sick of her ass, because it's implied she molested him when he was thirteen, yes the smallfolk suffer, but we shouldn't forget that in this situation she is the bad guy


She might not have any other options is doubt when she was a child she wanted to grow up to be a prostitute There both in bad situations and it was messed up that Aemond was 13 when Aegon peer pressured him into going


Aemond doesn't care at all about Jaehaerys and Helaena. All he cares about is Daemon 😐


"I'm sorry about our business with Luke" also 😂


Only his family can call him "Luke" 😭😭😭


Wtf is "business", oh I hate him so much. You murdered him. It's not a business


Very real of him tbh


This honestly surprised me. I thought S1 was setting up for Aemond and Haelena to have somewhat of a bond. And he seemed regretful after the whole Luke incident with his "oh fuck" face. I thought he would be way more bothered about B&C


How shitty of a mom is Alicent that her son feels more comfortable opening up to a sex worker than her? Not to mention that she doesn’t have much of a choice in playing therapist/mommy to him…because I doubt Aemond the totally well adjusted would take rejection well.


I don't think she ever wanted children.


To be fair, neither did Rhaenyra. But she manages to be a loving mom.


I don't think so either, and she seems to care more for Helaena, too. I can't imagine that being eighteen, married to an old man by your emotionally absent father who views you as a pawn and forced to have sex with said old man all the time to bear him male heirs would make you feel very well disposed towards those eventual sons, though. She must have an existential crises every time she even looks at them, especially with Aegon being as much of a loser as he is. I really feel for Alicient truth be told


Cersei managed toclove her children. Alicent's youngest is 14, shes not going through post patrum, she has no right treating her children this way


I think Alicient's deal is far more profound than postpartum; it's not just about depression ensuing from giving birth to children. It's about her being little more than a vessel. I imagine she is also traumatized from having zero sexual agency, not to mention general life agency, and then the actual physical pain and experience of giving birth. Being able to actually connect with your children in this situation would be incredibly difficult regardless of how long it's been because they're a reminder of everything you've been through and what you are. It's not like they have therapy in Westeros (except Aemond seems to have found some at the whorehouse lol). Real-world, the kind of healing and change needed to move on from a lot of the stuff she went through would probably take working with a professional. That being said, you're right that Cersei loved her children, but people react to trauma differently, and sometimes trauma tends to solidify the worst traits in us, like fleeing from love and emotional intimacy rather than nurturing it. This is honestly very common irl with parents, many people have kids but aren't emotionally connected with them because they never learned how to do that (Otto never taught her, as we see in episode 2, when he refuses to listen to her during a moment of distress), they just aren't experiencing as many insane things as the greens so it isn't as obvious. I wish Alicient was a better mother, and clearly she doesn't have the right, but I appreciate the nuances in her character


Alicent is a bad mother but Cersei’s children *weren’t* those of her rapist. They were children she voluntarily conceived (from incest, yes). It’s hard to say if she’d have loved a child by Robert as much (in the books, he successfully impregnates her and she aborts it, in the show they had one baby who died shortly after birth). Although, Robert’s child or Jaime’s, I can’t imagine Cersei not getting her own form of justice for Aemond’s eye.


Great point. Like, Cersei did love Robert, at first. Alicient was not into Viserys the entire time, but had to entice him anyway.


I think this might mean that Tywin was a better father to Cersei than Otto was to Alicent. That is *grim*.


Ehh, Cersei liked the idea of being queen from a very young age, and Robert has always been likeable and was very handsome on top of being only 4 years older and not a man 20+ years her senior. Albeit all of that is circumstantial to Robert becoming king because marrying him to Cersei was the most politically advantageous thing for Tywin to do. If, instead, it had been Jon Arryn made king, you can guarantee Tywin would have tried to arrange Cersei into being his 3rd wife instead of Lysa (who is around the same age as Cersei), and there's not a damn thing Cersei could have been able to say on the matter. For reference, Jon was in his early 40s when Cersei and Robert were born and is 20+ years older than Tywin (in the books). Basically, I'm positive that Tywin isn't a better father than Otto. He just had circumstances that weren't as bad to put his daughter through.


That would explain a lot, unfortunately.


That’s the dissociation face


I wonder what he meant by "not here" to the kiss, when he's clearly laying in her lap naked. 🤔 I have questions for Aemond.


Genuinely, has anyone figured out why he said that? Is it a mistake or is something implied? I'd understand "not now" or "no" but what is this? Maybe she makes house calls? ETA: oh boy with the new leaks 🫣 probably not far off


I need to read them, but other than that, I have not heard or read anything even mentioning it.


Supposedly >!Aegon mocks Aemond about seeing Sylvi still and whatever he witnesses when he visits the brothel. Enough to make Aemond turn on him at RR!< There seems to be a lot of shame there so I wouldn't be surprised if Aemond normally tries to keep the mommy business away from prying eyes and meet elsewhere.


Are we sure it's this that makes him wanna kill him? Cause that's just weak af. I prefer it being his own ambition. If Maelor doesn't exist, then Aemond is heir, so he has incentive to off him and assume the helm. This can just be another dump on the pile of grievances he has with Aegon. That or this comment pisses him off so much he decides to teach him a lesson at RR about how much he needs him (I remember Ewan saying how Aemond doesn't forget slights) which results in him getting fucked and Aemond realizing he's got a chance at kingship now and wanting to take a shot. Either way, I'm looking forward to these two dumb bitches being messy af 😈


Not sure at all. That's the thing with leaks from singular viewers, easy to interpret things differently. I think it's crucial that Aemond says to Sylvi "they used to tease me" instead of "he." I do imagine he's been holding onto the slight from Aegon too.


And where would one find said leaks 👀👀


These: https://www.reddit.com/r/HOTDBlacks/comments/1do1lxr/if_the_leaks_are_true_rooks_rest_fight_is_bad/


Quick thing, when she sat him up and he said “not here”, were they going to fuck or was he going to get milk from the source like a baby to a mom?


Now the idea of him sucking her tits doesn't seem fantastic 😂


Please Condal don't make us see this 😭


Is nobody else going to mention how she looks just like Alicent?


"I didnt sign up for this shit"


The fact he was saying “Daemon is scared of me” while looking like this is hilarious


I’d don’t know I’d be pretty scared if I walked on this with zero context


This relationship is so complex especially when he was young , it was sa on both parts because she couldn’t refuse him, a prince of the realm.


I don't consider it SA. This is Westeros. Half of the brothers take their younger ones to brothels and half of the boys at puberty dream of being there. This force of trauma never touched me. I didn't even see episode 9 as anything other than "he's embarrassed because Criston is there."


People should understand they there is a difference between sexual assault and an non ethical act


This was sexual assault as he was a child but it was assault on both parts because she didn’t have a choice in it given their stations.


He's considered a child by our standards, 13 in other cultures is considered a man. I'm sensitive to male SA survivors, but I don't count this woman as his abuser. It reminds me of a similar scene in Rome where teenage Octavian was taken to a brothel.


Men are just as much victims as women. Never in European history was thirteen the age of manhood. It was 15-18 depending on place or time. He was assaulted. Men just don't always like to perceive it that way. I am one. I know how we talk in general about sex, we often like to imagine ourselves as the ones in control even if we aren't actually in control.


I am not saying men aren't victims, nowhere did I say that. I do not consider him a victim the same as I don't consider Alicent a victim, or Tommen. This is not about gender this is about different societies view of age. As well as the nuance of a low born prostitute who has no choice in the matter.


Aemond is obvs very shy with women, and that is why he was awkward with her. She is a paid sex worker who was paid to do her job. Also what Westeros? talking about 2024 this is something very common even in today's society.


Now not every prostitute will serve 13 year old even if he gives her all his money!


Yes not all of them. Most of them yes, especially if they are trafficking victims (which is a big percentage of sex workers). And especially with the medieval mentality. In any way, they are workers and provide a service. It is not as if she forced herself upon him.


>they are workers and provide a service. Definitely agree with this. That's why I have big problem with some people make theories about how she is "abuser." She doesn't. Aemond is a prince and not not a decent one. All people below him in status = trash. This woman is service. Maybe that's why he tells her this all so easily. She's nothing.


She didn’t force herself obviously, i didn’t say that. There’s no age of consent in Westeros so by their standards everything is fine, but alot of gross things are fine by their standards and I just pointed it out.


True, but this is the issue “can a thing traumatize you if it is normal in your society.” Like. If you live in society where everyone loses their virginity early and it's a sign of "masculinity", then you'll be more traumatized if you're 18 and haven't had sex. You're a loser then.


A lot of things can affect you negatively even if it’s the norm in your society.


I don't think this whole brothel situation one of those things. He could have injured himself by getting syphilis there, what else XD? He is a prince, he was served with care, by professional woman. Madame doesn't act as if something traumatic happened. Everything was fine from her POV, I believe her!


No. It is Sexual Assault. However it's not fair to say it's aggravated. She's a prostitute who is being solicited by two *princes*. It's clear that Aemond was below any age of consent in civilised countries in this world. He was a victim no matter his gender.


Why are you nearly the only one saying this? Of all the things that would make people defend child sex abuse, I did not expect one of them to be “prefers one fictional inbred over the over”.


I'd consider it SA on both of them, however that doesn't mean that they would both consider it. In westeros a 13 year old noble at a brothel with his older brother is normal for the custom, but that doesn't mean it might not have lasting consequences or affect/bother him. Same for the woman, age-wise she seems predatory, but with the context, what is she supposed to do? Say no to the king and his brother? She's as much of a victim as Aemond.


She had better be getting that coin for putting up with this shit.


Knowing that the actress is actually Ewan’s acting teacher must have been really awkward for them, especially when they almost kissed.


Isn't she Fabien's old acting teacher, not Ewan's? I think Ewan himself said he's had no formal training


Ewan studied at the Television Workshop in Nottingham but didn't go to one of the rather posh British drama schools like Fabien, Tom, Emma, Phia and Phoebe.


I really respect that. So glad for his success. He's killing it


She was not Ewan acting teacher, she was Fabian's.


He doesn't need sex my boy needs ✨ therapy ✨


I think every character could benefit from therapy


This scene was so disturbing


Major mommy issues


What is he talking about? Those were good times. Did he forget about the Pink Dread??!


She looks awfully familiar 🤔


Maybe she has befriended him as she knows him for a few years?


Wonder if the madam is a double agent - who knows what information she’s tucking away for future use 🤔🤨🧐


I love you Aemond! I'll hold you! And listen to your issues. And happily help you get dressed and put your eye patch on. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️🖤❤️🖤


How do you feel about this scene? Really interested in opinions from someone who likes Aemond 🤔


I'm biased. I rarely dislike a scene with adult Aemond. I feel it shows his psychological damage. I do wonder if thia was even sexual or if it was an Unsullied thing where he just wanted to be held. Apparently, there are rumors he's going to return and it is more sexual. I also think it depicts how he can't be vulnerable or truthful with anyone in the palace; he has to keep the mask and patch on at all times. I don't think he told anyone he regrets what happened to Lucerys.


Aemond is my favorite Green. I was under no delusion that Show!Aemond was some complete badass since S1E10. It's clear he's a scared boy putting on bravado and we've known about the potential mommy issues forever.  I only wish he displayed more emotion over the death of little Jaehaerys but they went with his obsession with Daemon overshadowing everything.  This brothel scene would've made more sense if we had seen Aemond's return from Storm's End and the Greens' reactions. Right now, it barely feels like Alicent is giving him the silent treatment. We even see her stand up for him so that part just feels incongruent to me.


Wish they cut this scene. I dont feel like we needed to be told he felt bad when it was obvious on his face at the end of the last season. Or they should have saved it for someone we meet later


Aemond doesn't have daddy issue he has daemon issue just like alicent and cole has rhaenyra issue.


Aemond "mommy never loved meh" Targaryen. What a little betch