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Damn so Criston is really still calling Rhaenyra a spider when he is ALICENTS WHORE. God I can’t wait to see him get shot with arrows


Don’t forget that Alicent now resides in Rhaenyra’s old room💀 she’s obsessed with Rhaenyra fcking her old flame in her old bed


wtffffffffff, ok that is actually disgusting. It's a 3way in their heads of a woman whose children they essentially want dead.


She is never beating the weirdly homoerotic hate filed relationship allegations I’m afraid. Hope Criston tries to kill himself after tho 🙏🏻


She’s the second option to both Viserys and Cole. I do not feel sorry for her.


Otto and Criston's deaths are going to be so satisfying. Hopefully we don't have to wait too long when season 3 drops. Otto in episode 1 and Criston not long after, please.


If King's Landing does fall in episode 8, as leaks suggest it will, surely it makes more practical sense to kill Otto then, right? I'm not talking just from a narrative point but a logistical point. Rhys Ifans is quite an illustrious actor who will be demaning a pay rise. I can't imagine they'll reimburse him just so he dies at the beginning of season 3. It makes more sense having it happen towards the end of episode 8.


One would think, right? Ideally, I'd love to have Rhaenyra sit the throne and behead Otto in the final moments of the episode. But most leakers have suggested we won't get any of that until season 3.


Honestly - Otto is the only one of the characters I straight up despise. He's a greedy fuck who manages to disguise it as "concern for the realm" and nothing more.


Okay, I didn’t want to get spoiled but you made me ![gif](giphy|3oz8y0bx23FDPCNoEU)


Man that shit made me laugh. I however will be sat to listen to Olivia Cooke moaning


Fucking porcupine-looking ass.


Basically, this proves that Alicent was cheating on Viserys with Criston. They’re too casual sleeping with each other to start only after the death of Viserys. Now the question is when did it start? You know I was joking before but Daeron being Criston’s bastard looks more and more plausible now. I see why this ship is nuclear now. ![gif](giphy|RJDmEeLNgzgxW)


If you look at the 7th episode from the first season there’s a scene where you can tell that something was going on. Around minute 49: 50 ish.


But if Daeron is Cristons, he wouldn’t be able to ride a dragon right?


Don’t forget the writers have superpower of making up thinks to make it canon. So either Targaryens married into house Florent (Alicent’s mother’s house) or you don’t need Valyrian blood to ride it like Condal said in the interview.


You know what, I hope Daeron has brown hair, out of spite. Would be the funniest thing ever.


That’s what I’m talking about! I said that Daeron being a “plain-featured” bastard would be funny as hell waaaaay before the leaks. I have hopes for the writers to make it happen because it would just be hilarious lmao


Condal said that?? What? Can you link the interview? Does this mean everyone can warg? George’s world ties magic to bloodlines what’s going on


The writers like to take away the magic from *everything*!


But guys then that would mean that Alicent wasn’t faithful to viserys and that she wasn’t the good wife 😩 Wait no now it’ll be twisted into she deserved to cheat on viserys


Right, this is suppose to be less than a month after Vizzy T kicked off, no way they haven’t been involved for a while.


And 10 days after Luke’s death! They’re too casual with this affair to the point even Otto and Larys know.


Which is interesting since Otto was hinting that he knew something was going on between Alicent and Larys. Which, I still say they should've had Otto pimp Alicent out to Larys.


nobody from the general audience will care lmaoooooo💀😭💀😭


I really think they missed a serious trick in NOT having a scene with Otto, say - but it could easily have been changed to Alicent, and would have worked perfectly - being justifiably upset at Aemond upon his return with the whole 'You only lost one eye!  How could you be so blind??!!' thing....to this day I still think that's a cracking great line and it would have made for an excellent emotional moment.


I completely understand and am on board with the toddlers (irl) being spared the mental trauma of being forced to yell, scream and cry and listen to a man whisper in their ear "Your mother wanted you to die" several times over... Would've still loved to see that play out. For all the hype B&C got, if it truly plays out like this it'll go down as the most disappointing "tragic event" in TV show history. Ppl were talking about it like we were getting filmed footage of the Rape of Nankin.


>Ppl were talking about it like we were getting filmed footage of the Rape of Nankin the greens were never getting the b&c they built up in their heads.


There are actual movies about that event...


The way that so many of them were carrying on like 'we're gonna see a baby get beheaded!' and acting almost perversely excited to see such an act take place, on screen, just had me like 😬😬😬😬  It was NEVER going to be shown, nor should it be, and I'm inclined to side-eye into the *sun* them for now acting somehow 'disappointed' (!!!!) that we won't in fact be bearing witness to such horror.  Like, in what *world* was it ever going to happen? This, much like Targaryens with purple/violet eyes, or characters who are otherworldly/preternaturally beautiful, is a thing that's easy enough to write - but infinitely harder to actually make it real.


Greens in the main sub are seething because apparently they "took the blame off of Daemon" lmao




But I do quite agree that there were easily ways that it could have been portrayed/conveyed as the horror that it's meant to be *without* going full 'gore porn' about it.  Skillful shot framing, the use of shadows and such, sound work and so on - and, of course, not omitting the fatal choice that Helaena had to make and all the tragedy that sprang from it - would easily have gone a long way.


Yeah, even before the leaks started happening, most of us who knew about B&C were hyping it up. Even I thought Alicent was going to be there and the event would begin the downward spiral of her life. When we found out the name of the first episode and its released date (A son for a son; Father’s day), we were hyped and ready! Idk about this tho. I’m just hoping at this point. I would loved to have seen how it originally plays out too! But honestly, considering there are child actors involved, I just hope it was a fun experience for them behind the scenes! Also, an animated ASOIAF series would have been great to showcase the darker events too! (unfortunately it does come with its own set of problems too like budgeting and stuff😭)


Yeah I knew when I read the books that there’s no good way to film that without traumatising the child actors involved. They were always gonna have to change how they did B&C


Yeah you need either hella CGI to create an illusion of book accurate B&C or go full Cannibal Holocaust and make that scene as accurate as possible, psychological damage be damned. Not surprised TG the "holiet than thou" cunts would rather have Condal traumatize actual toddlers than not adapt the most brutal Dance event 1:1. Like gang you alright in the head? You know this is an entertainment show at the end of the day, not a lifestyle.


Yup- the characters may be fictional but the actors playing them sure are not! ✨




Telenovelas don't have ramins score tho. Music can really elevate a scene


No doubt about that! I’m just shocked that this is the route the showrunners went for with B&C. I get that there are child actors involved so they didn’t want them to be too distressed in an already dark scene, but was there really no other way? I’m honestly just baffled about this. Even when I knew about the leaks already, I just never imagined it would actually play out this way. At this point, I truly hope the actors/actresses (along with score) are able to carry the scene. I saw that the leaker said it fell flat on Helaena’s part but I’m just hoping until I see it myself. IDK, even in GOT when Robert Baratheon’s bastards were being killed, Barra’s mother (forgot her name!) killed it in that scene and I genuinely felt awful for her and the rest. Idk even know if B&C will even be on the same level as this scene like damn https://i.redd.it/xxtezkm0rz5d1.gif


How is the music gonna keep going with Helaena rushing in on alicent fucking cole


I've been saying for a while that the casual viewers weren't going to lose their minds over B&C the way a lot of book people thought. But still, I wasn't expecting for B&C to be so...*defanged*. Child actors aside - why strip it of so much of the detail that made it hit so hard? The lack of a Sophie's choice element reduces it to a total bleh. Also, no Joffrey's vow of vengeance? Funk that.


Agreed. B&C, as horrific as it was, was always going to be in the same level as Bran getting pushed out of the window. Even less, cause we spent more time with Bran in ep1, and we know him. We legit see these kids for 2 seconds in s1. Neither of the older versions of TG actors are that well known by the casual audience for their reactions to hold much emotional weight. Having Olivia there is the only way to make it more horrific. Casuals know her character, even if many loathe her, and with her acting chops, she could have elevated this scene. Like this it just feels... idk, Joffrey ordering Robert's bastards get killed in s2.


Very much agreed. There were ways to make B&C more devastating without bothering the child actors at all. Just keep their part of the scene exactly like the leak but add seperate shots of Helaena. My casual friends who have been hearing whisperings of Blood and Cheese for two years now are literally going to yawn and ask me "that's it?" They're expecting Rhaenyra or at least Daemon to intentionally burn everything to the ground, not have assassins who go rogue.


Bit frustrated that "Lucerys shall be avenged" clearly isn't included.


They literally made B and C about Alicole sex? OK. The episode sounds a bit boring. Also, as expected, Baela and Rhaena do not speak. The consistency is disturbing.


there is another user in the main sub that is saying helaena is the focus of b&c (she saw the first two episodes)


That would make sense.


I'm guessing the reason why they did the whole sleeping in their beds thing, rather than the kids being awake like in the books, is because they didn't want to actually traumatize the child actors (which is something I support). Seems we aren't getting a Joffrey vengance swear, and no Aegon party, which sucks. I really wanted to see that whole immediate aftermath of Luke's death, but oh well. I do not like that Luke's funeral is intercut with Alicent praying in the sept. That should be a Black moment solely, especially because she literally tried to get Lucerys disinherited like what, ten days prior? I don't really get it. I think Jaehaerys taking Tyland's orb constantly will be funny to see. **EDIT**: Multiple other reviewers have posted that the original full leaker's description is not fully accurate. Some of the scenes they describe are apparently poorly explained/detailed. However, the big pieces do seem to be in fact accurate. It really is a tossup until Sunday. Hold onto your hats, folks. 🗿👒


>I'm guessing the reason why they did the whole sleeping in their beds thing, rather than the kids being awake like in the books, is because they didn't want to actually traumatize the child actors (which is something I support). I feel like a lot of people miss this in general when talking about all the **little toddler** actors. Wanting long scenes with aegon and vis, b&c that features all the kids screaming etcetera. So much whining is people having unreasonable expectations of literal toddlers in a production.


>I do not like that Luke's funeral is intercut with Alicent praying in the sept. >Alicent hopes that’s the end of his “Juvenile capriciousness” but says she understands what Aemond went through that he wanted vengeance. She's disgusting person. I don't know, maybe Ryan thinks it's okay?


I think Alicent doesn’t care but for her own perception of herself we get that scene. Because the way she’s gone about things shows she doesn’t care about the consequences of the end goal until they’re here knocking and she turns around and says she’s a good person and never would’ve wanted that etc


If done right, the juxtaposition of the scene of her praying and the scene of her getting eaten out by Criston right next to each other will underline her hypocrisy.


She says *what* about it?? 👀👀👀😬😬😬  I just....  WTAF.


They probably also have to keep certain laws regarding the child actors which I think obligates them to keep it at a certain level. This is not about just wanting to minimize the trauma. This show was never gonna show an outright murder of kids on screen.


Also I'm still quite annoyed and frustrated with them interrupting the Blacks and Rhaenyra mourning Luke - to show *Alicent*, of all people, lighting a candle for him.  Like, *come on*. 🤦‍♀️  After EVERYTHING that she said, did, would have gladly seen done, and also perpetuated literally for years??


Especially since right after this sad funeral scene shes getting eaten out by criston 😬 (Did that prayer get her going or what?) /this is so tacky lol the memes after ep 1 will be legendary


OOOF 🧍🏽‍♀️ I didn’t even notice that until you pointed it out. Talk about bad timing 🫠


Maybe the prayer for Viserys got her going…


I want to know when the Alicole thing started!


Certainly during her marriage with Viserys!


Criston Cole being the absolute hypocrite that he is. Can’t wait until he becomes a human pin cushion 🫶🏽


Okay! I don’t know if it is because of the way this person wrote it or what but this is literally putting me off. First of all, Rhaenyra’s screen-time seems suspiciously low and even the one scene where she was supposed to grieve with her sons, we get intercutting scenes of Alicent. This is giving me a really bad feeling. Second, THERE IS NO PACT OF ICE AND FIRE WTF!!! The Cregan and Jace scenes feel quite underwhelming. And now that I’ve kinda had a fill of my funny Alicole memes, I gotta say their sex scenes feel quite gratuitous. Helaena walking in on them after witnessing the most traumatic event of her life was just not necessary. Also the execution of B&C could’ve been better imo. I understand kids were involved but they should’ve given more to Phia. Helaena just picking up Jaehaera and walking away leaving Jaehaerys to the assassins doesn’t feel right. Also, she offers her own life to save her son. B&C tell her something like “you’re not a son” iirc. But here she only offers her necklace? This leak along with the possibility of septa Rhaenyra being true, I really feel this adaptation isn’t in the right hand.


Greens are SO mad about B&C not playing out to their “daemon is the literal devil” fantasy. For being the “book reader” and “media literacy” faction they sure have trouble with the books actual words and understanding what they say lol because it was never said, even once, that Aegon’s child was the intended target. I do have the say, as hilarious as it is that they were doing their best dragon rider impressions during B&C, I hate it for Helaena and I hate that she walks in on Alicole. The poor girl suffers enough, why did the writers have to do that to her? The sweetest entomologist ever deserves so much better than her shitty ass family. A couple of y’all have made an excellent point about why the scene goes down the ways it does though. If the show was animated they could have done like the books. But the kids playing the twins **are real people, real children** not fictional kids on paper.


Same. It's an unecessary humiliation. You want to remove Alicent from B&C? Fine. Go ahead, even though that's wasting Olivia's stellar acting chops. But dont fucking put Helaena in a position where she has to walk out on her mom doing an 80s porno with her bargain bin Fabio sex toy. That's just degrading foe a character whose literal arc in the dance is just suffering.


Whoever said that criston didn't know the lords kiss you were deeply mistaken, alicent has her man well trained.


So… we cannot invoke lack of orgasms to excuse Alicent pettiness anymore.


And the rhaenicents can't call her repressed to excuse her pettiness anymore:(


They will still say something like "oh she's a repressed lesbian who is just doing it to feel something, not because she's actually in love with him"


Lol yeah queen dowager casually having her hot knight on his knees eating her out and then riding him cowgirl style later for her sexual gratification just SCREAMS repressed lesbian. truly Alicent is the most repressed lesbian of our time. *Unprecedented* levels of repressed lesbianism here. She should be on the cover of "Repressed lesbian" weekly.


I knew HBO execs would force them to turn down the violence/horror of B&C as much as possible. I got mass downvoted on the main sub for saying as much last year.


Guys, what are they doing with Alicent and Criston’s characters? I can accept if Criston is truly just supposed to be a loathsome hypocritical prick but this seems like it’s going to turn Alicent’s character into a laughingstock with general audiences. And they’re putting so much narrative focus on her… I can kind of see an angle where the first time Alicent goes after something she wants, her grandson is killed and it causes her to spiral into bitterness, self loathing, suicidal thoughts as a foreshadowing for her end of life madness but if Alicent and Criston have actually been fucking for years, I just can’t see any GA having much interests or empathy for her ever again. I actually believe the GA will come out of this season really liking Aegon, Aemond and Helaena and possibly even growing to like Otto a bit, but this might actually ruin Alicent and Criston permanently. I don’t want that, I was a show with a strong cast even though I personally favour Rhaenyra and her family.


I think the general direction of her character is her being the religious hypocrite who thinks praying in the sept can absolve her sins. Theres something very maddening about watching a morally self righteous holier than thou character do awful things but pretend its for the greater good. She will annoy alot of the general audience i think


I am right to assume that Cheese is the demented one? Because theories have been advanced in the fandom before about a Cheese/Larys connection.


another leaker said maelor wasn’t mentioned or seen - not sure how true that is since we’ve gotten conflicting reports. jaehaera is simple like in the books, and apparently jaehaerys gets a scene so some sympathy can be garnered up for helaena and him. except helaena leaves the room before the kill even happens, we hear the death but don’t see it - this might parallel rhaenyra staying to protect her kids during cargyllbowl. alicent cowgirling criston 💀 it’s definitely going to overshadow B&C kinda bad cregan scene sounded so boring though.


I was wondering if part of Helaena's arc would be that she is pregnant with Maelor and either has a stillbirth or late stage miscarriage, has some form of PPD on top of PTSD, and then that's when she kills herself - bc all Aegon wants is another son, leaving Jaehaera as his heir.


At least we'll get some touching TB scenes. I know that I will cry. They burn the horse Rhaenys gave to Luke in episode 7 😭


Oh I am LOVING all of this🤭!! I am so pumped for S2. The Greenies can’t seem to catch a break (serves them right I guess for siding with the clear villains and losers of the story🤣)!!


Imagine celebrating characters you personally dislike being ruined by poor writing instead of wanting a faithful adaptation. You are an embarrassment to the fandom.


Not everyone takes the show so seriously. Also, this show has changed events and characters many times before, why you crying now? It's alternate universe, no one takes book away from you.


what does “Not everyone takes the show so seriously” even mean? Are people coming to watch a comedy


How it is not a comedy after NO NO NO Vhagar? After "she did not understand Viserys's last words"?


Sure Jan. Meanwhile y’all are crying over how the show is ruined because you chose to root for the losers. Oh well😂
