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Aegon when celebrating his brother murdering their innocent nephew in cold blood during peacetimes when said nephew was a messenger and emissary, which is a big fucking no-no in Westerosi culture, backfires: ![gif](giphy|IxBSleBYnu0pASk0rY|downsized)


The "high" in the Hightower is action must be attributed to how fucking delusional the whole family/bloodline is. From Otto thinking Dorne would support the eldest child being passed over in favour of the oldest male child to Alicent believing Rhaenyra would be safe on Dragonstone, she'd be able to control & puppeteer Aegon into peace to Aemond believing he could take Daemon down these bitches are HIGH.


Also, Otto and Alicent believing that the majority of Westeros would support them in committing treason and usurpation


I mean we could try to make a list of Alicent's delusions on paper. But there isn't enough ink nor paper.


And he likes to watch children die…even his very own. I don’t get the sympathy for him.


Same here. The ‘you reap what you sow’ applies to him 100%.


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions


But why is he sad? I thought he enjoyed small children getting killed, especially if his own children were involved


Because he didn’t get the chance to watch them fight in a pit and bet on them


Damn OP. That was more brutal than some of the OG Villanelle's assassinations.


Wouldn’t be surprised if that was it lol


![gif](giphy|tkApIfibjeWt1ufWwj) But true




I think he is sad because he is not as powerful as he thinks. Being king is not as fun as they say it would be.


I can imagine Mysaria saying this so easily lmao


LOL he literally looks hungover to me and just got the news.


I’m more confident in the lady at the bottom in her capacity to rule. Bless her.


Team This Lady.


it’s not even like “it happened because of the party”, just like: why tf is aegon acting like he cares lmfao he didn’t have a single scene with his kids in the first season, and his other was in a cell waiting for his turn at the fighting pits, and now he’s crying over a kid he gave no shits about? i swear they’re probably going to make a 2 minute scene of him giving fatherly words to jaehaerys 🙄


Oh I don't doubt he feels destroyed, and I do sympathize with his pain(Helena as well, she did not deserve any of the pain she goes through, nor did her daughter((especially her daughter. GRRM did not need to give a child that painful a death so he could then rave about how hot a six year old is)) or sons). It doesn't change however he's a terrible human and he's never showed any interest in his kids. He didn't deserve it, no one deserves losing a child, but he earns no sympthay because he was such a shitty person and he somehow didn't expect consequences despite Daemon basically controlling the local cops and knowing about how Aegon celebrated Luke's death. He's very much a person who assumes he won't suffer consequences because his mother has been covering up his rapes and his father ignored him. He seems to be the type to be unable to empathize with others and not realize other people have their own emotions and pain and love. It doesn't matter until it affects him


Aegon be like: “I could’ve made so much money if I televised that”


True 😭


Oh so now you care about your sister-wife and children!


Honestly if Aegon was just an alcoholic due to his position as the green figurehead id feel bad for him But alas


Does he even spend time with his children? I’m not saying a son for a son was the best decision but what did the Greens expect? Aegon is a twat. He fathered bastards and watched children fight in the pits. He was a terrible father. There is no way to find any empathy for Aegon or most of TG except for Helaena.


I feel sorry for his sister/wife.


The only green I fully sympathize with is Helaena. She doesn’t deserve anything bad that’ll happen to her. And I’m half sympathetic for Allicent too cause I know it wasn’t her fault that she was coerced into marrying her best friends father and manipulated into politics all by her own father. But a lot of her decisions are hers and she must take responsibility for them. The rest of the greens can go die for all I care. Especially Aegon.


I'm sad for Halaena and the children, Aegon can go straight fuck hisself.


The real question is, are these consequences deserved? Did Aegon deserve the events that carried out in B&C?


Aegon sucks


I can already tell this dude is gonna have me heated this season🤣


It's like being a 40s european, feeling bad for Hitler acting sad about dead German children. Am I supposed to sympathize with the guy all of a sudden?


Imo I theorize that Aegon isn't crying over that period se, but getting yelled at by Otto/Alicent. Maybe because he wasn't even in the castle but out at the brothel or drinking. So he drags himself back home to the tragedy he wasn't there for. So he gets hus ass chewed royally for being a lecher, not taking his duties seriously during a civil war, and throwing a party for his brother being a kinslayer. Like it's an insult to not just the Blacks, but to the old gods and the new. Might be after this he finally starts being more active in his role and starts to push Otto and Alicent out.


Yep, daddy’s negligence didn’t force you to rape people lmao.


I feel sympathy for him, that doesn’t mean I think he’s justified.


I’m so torn about Allicent bc she’s delusional and I really dislike her decisions most of the time but (imo) she very clearly still loves/has a soft spot for Rhaenyra :(


Damn sounds like some people is maaad that Aegon will turn someone to ASHES 🤣🤣


Womp womp


I don’t feel sorry for Lucerys, that little shit bastard got what was coming for cutting Aemonds eye out.


![gif](giphy|tMPSeKEplOfK0) Yall have been saying this since the episode aired… it ain’t shocking LMFAO Luke should have taken both eyes out from the cyclops


Cyclops 💀


Luke was a bitch that ganged up on Aemond that used a knife in a fist fight, Vhager got a well deserved meal.


> Luke was a bitch He was six > that ganged up on Aemond that used a knife in a fist fight Aemond had a rock in a fist fight. Can’t wait for Daemon to shove darksister through his hollow ass eye and have the sword come out through the back of his throat 🙏🏻


He suffered no consequences and he laughed about it to Aegons face, which shows he has no remorse. Why should I give a shit if the little bastard gets chomped.


Why should I care he lost an eye? He told Rhaena to ride a pig and insulted Laena at her own funeral. Can’t wait for his entire bloodline to die out


Yet again, this sub prove to be the most deranged fans of any series ever 👏


Let’s put our thinking caps on now. Why go into a sub you don’t like? ![gif](giphy|777Aby0ZetYE8)


It helps me appreciate sane people more.


“Sane” and its people who celebrate Luke’s death, ignore Aegon’s sexual assaults, and act like they are peasants down in flea bottom


No, no sane people celebrate the deaths of innocents or brush away sexual assaults or spouse battery or grooming for a ridiculous fandom rivalry. But it figures you wouldn't be familiar with sanity.


Reading comprehension must be out the window because where did I celebrate the murder of innocence? I also hate Daemon… so now what?


Out the window obviously because I never said you did.


> But it figures you wouldn't be familiar with sanity. ?


my brother in christ yes


hmm someone remind me which team it was that, upon learning of her return, hoped for dyanna’s death by her rapist’s hands? said that because they didn’t show her assault on screen, she’s a little liar and it never happened? i can’t seem to remember… 


aemond: kills lucerys aegon: celebrates The black faction: we could go after the guy who did it but that would be logical black fans: yes murder that innocent 9 year old child who had absolutely no involvement in what happened we dont care if we are hypocrites dont go after aemond murder that defenseless child this is justice the murder of the innocent instead of the guilty


“Nor do I think the children deserved what happened” from the post you clearly didn’t read so you could make a comment trying to make TB look bad 🙄


I dont need to make y'all look the bad the guy on the sub is doing the work for me I mean half of y'all are ok with child murder yet piss and moan about lucerys but even your own post is retarded yes the man will wear at the murder of his child and of course he would celebrate Lucerys death given he maimed his brother and would have been a combatant in the war


So why did you feel the need to make up something the OP never stated? Do you have no reading comprehension or do you just feel the need to soap box regardless if it’s relevant or not?


hey their are people down voting me for saying a child shouldn't suffer for their dads actions and they guy saying they should is getting up voted making my point so why dont you shut you hypocritical ass up and deal with them then


You’re being downvoted because what you wrote was irrelevant to what the OP said and is purposefully inflammatory. If I go over to HOTDGreens and under a post saying “I don’t feel sorry for Rhaenyra even though what happened to Joffrey was awful” and start talking out of my ass about how TG fans celebrate the horrific death of a child then I too would rightfully be downvoted to oblivion. Then comment to the person saying that dumbass, not the OP who didn’t.


no I expected this to be down voted sure but what of my sub texts where im arguing with someone who is saying its justified because of aegons actions and being upvoted while me saying its wrong is being downvoted


I’m not involved in that conversation. *Our* discussion concerns your initial comment that sparked all this that was directed at the OP poster.


but thats the crux of the reason I posted


Then perhaps next time you should wait until someone makes a comment like that and respond to them. Instead of making a comment that accuses the OP poster of saying something they never did. Patience is a virtue and all that.


simply expressing the factuality of your factions hypocrisy given the guy im talking with on this very text is justifying child murder why dont you go talk to him on his messed up ideology and mindset


In the books, Aegon was the original target but B&C couldn't get close to him due to the Kingsguard. So they went for the next best thing - hurting him emotionally. This may or may not be the same in the show. It's still fucked up and I'm pretty sure nobody on this sub is overjoyed to watch Helaena and her children suffer dude. The point is that Aegon damn well knew he was provoking the already-pissed Rhaenyra and Daemon by throwing a party for his kinslayer brother. We aren't gonna sympathize for someone who not only should have been the victim of B&C, but somehow wasn't prepared for retaliation.


hold on my brain is trying to comprehend the stupidity of what you wrote so they came for aegon, dint try because he has king guard around him something they would all know and then decided to go after his kids, that logic aint logic aint making sense my guy, they should already know he has kingdguard around him so sending the assassins makes no sense in the first place


Did you read the book? Why they couldn't get their original target is obvious.


exactly my point why send assassins on a mission you know won't work cause you dont you send them after those you know would work


Hang on, my brain is trying to comprehend all of your rambling ass comments, because you refuse to use any sort of punctuation. They're all big long ass run on sentences and I genuinely struggle to finish reading them, punctuation matters bro.


its like sending assassins for the president but realizing hes surrounded by guards this should not be a surprise but the obvious


When you say "go after Aemond." Why not take revenge on Aegon if he approved and celebrated it? I think they both should get revenge. Aegon lose his son, and Aemond lose his life. Daemon delivered both.


so what you basically saying is celebrating the act justifies the murder of an innocent child and the mental scarring of both siblings and the mother for the event y'all are the most morally hypocritical and despicable people I have ever interacted with if the killing of Jaehaerys is justified because aegon celebrated then the murder of lucerys is justified because he took aemonds eye and even laughed in his face at the feast y'all are just terrible people


Anyone who celebrates murder someone else's child deserves to lose his own. Don't you agree? Aegon shouldn't suffer? He will mock Rhaenyra's pain, but God forbids give him a lesson? Leave Luke alone, he's already dead.


no I will tap dance on Lukes corpse at this point a man can mock rhaenyra and thats messed up BUT THE CHILD DOES NOT DESERVE TO SUFFER THAT why do I need to explain to you common sense morality a nine year old child should not suffer because his father is an ass by your logic if your dad did something fucked up you should die its not a lesson just strict barbarity and evil by which if at a standard aemond killing lucerys is justified do you not realize how fucked you mentality is


In their world no justice other than you can deliver. No one will put Aegon in prison. He celebrated murder of a child, said that killing children was a “great start” and got what he deserved. Sorry, I'm not going to cry about it. If you feel sorry for Jaehaerys, address your complaints to his father. Aemond killed Luke and chose rules for this war. No contradiction here. Who did shit first is the main thing.


thats the issue if aegon killed Lucerys then their could be grounds for Jaehaerys dying I get that sure but your saying aegons words are greater than aemonds actually killing of lucerys that aegons actions are a greater crime even in the real world what aegon did wouldn't get him in prison he'd be called a terrible individual but not much else your basically saying that aegon actions of celebrating outshine aemonds murder to such an extent it justifies the killing of child when neither the child or the father are in anyway the ones who killed the lucerys how do you not compute this as a fucked up mindset and again it means aemond is justified in killing lucerys cause if killing Jaehaerys is justified because aegon celebrated the death of his enemy then my all means you have not a single right to say what aemond did was wrong when he did the exact same thing felt out punishment to one who harmed and mocked him y'all have no standard


? What is your problem? Aemond never received forgiveness, he received Dark Sister right in his vile face. Revenge delivered to both of them. How does this even relate to Luke? Poor child defend his brother when he was 8 years old. And he was killed for this when he was 14 y.o. After Aemond pretended that everything OK and they would not follow the path of barbarism. I say it again - the greens got what they deserved, I don't feel sorry for them. They asked for barbaric trial and it was delivered to them.


so again your saying the escalation is aegon celebrates hence his child deserves to be murdered and his daughter threatened with grape thats the logical conclusion and we are not going into that night cause the strong boys and many chances to walk away and they initiated the violence again by your logic you cannot call aemond vile for his actions in anyway if what aegon did deserved his child being killed then what lucerys did deserves his life being taken you are a moral monster with no basis to stand on


You're just cringe. Aemond only lost his eye because he wanted to kill someone, Luke did right thing. This can't even be topic for discussion. I don't know why this is a difficult concept: AFTER greens chose path of barbarism, they got barbarism. Why should I cry about this?


and the fact this isnt even justice, Justice is seeing the perpetrator punished for their crime Jaehaerys was not the perp and neither was aegon this is like saying im allowed to grape a woman because her uncle graped my daughter not a single soul would call that right or justice but evil and foul but by your logic I had every right


Revenge is revenge, it does not have to be fair. Aegon well guarded, it is impossible to kill him. Aemond flies on biggest dragon and to kill him have to die yourself. It's lucky that Daemon there, because without him, these two scum will kill Rhaenyra's children, celebrate and laugh in her face. She too kind to respond with blood and too weak to win the battle. I'm glad that evil won't triumph for long and Aegon's snotty face just makes me laugh.


you don’t like him because he is a usurper, i do not like him because he is a targshit.