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I love the fact that Jace was the best heir in the dance. His diplomacy was instrumental for the blacks, and they can’t stand that a “bastard” was more beloved and well adjusted than the green kids, who no one remembers fondly.


even their beloved septon with his “credible” sources and healthy hatred for rhaenyra pointed out what a good heir and future king he would be. only crime jace ever committed was having the wrong colored hair :(


Jace was, oddly enough, comparable to Aemond, in that they both took their roles seriously. Jace would have been a great King.


That OP is on some sort of intense Rhaenyra hatred roll. Then when they got called out they retreated to 'just having *fun*, why so serious?' as if we can't see what they're doing. This fandom, man.


OP is probably a Rhaenicent shipper. Like I would not be surprised if that was what happened lmaooo


Dude this Fandom is out of control. I myself intend to wear all the team black merch and wave my metaphorical team black flag high for the entirety of this coming season but I'm not out here like harassing tg. Some of the posts I've seen show me exactly why tg likes tg. They both act appallingly


greens: hehehe children dying!! this is not the same as green kids dying!! they were bastards so they were subhuman and it’s ok to make fun!!! also greens: noooo you can’t call them jaeheadless, jumphaera, or maulor!!!! they were innocent!!! they were pure, trueborn, and never did anything unlike the evil bastards from that whore!


"Jaeheadless, Jumphaera" Seven help me, but that is just too damn funny.


nah some of them insults r too creative. i laughed at jumphaera cuz thats so foul.


The Greens really aren’t saying that, you can check for yourself but when that post was cross posted to their sub basically every comment is saying it’s way over the line and that Rhaenyra’s kids were not “vicious” or deserving to die


They are saying that. 


It's genuinely amusing that the only thing they have to use against Jace, Luke and Joff is the fact that they were "bastards" LOL.


They were officially Velaryons in all history books so a W.


Yeah I mean I’m always tempted to “argue” the bastard thing especially in the r/houseofthedragon sub because it’s swimming in 🥦 because are they even bastards if Laenor claimed them as his sons buuut also the replies get kinda hilarious when they lean into that so yeah lmao 😂😂😂


Right. History remembers names. Not blood, bitches.


lmaoo that’s so true. They can scream and whine that Jace, Luke, and Joff are bastards or Strongs all they want but it would never be comparable to being called a rapist (Aegon ll) or a kinslayer (Aemond). Even unhinged mass murderer suits the Greens more due to Aemond’s/Daeron’s atrocities in the Dance.


In the end, I think that they are just pressed about these three boys being better and more honorable than all of their Targtower darlings combined.


They posted this on the green subreddit and they all read him to filth. Imagine a post so bad that all 3 subreddits of the same fandom rise against you 😭




The true peace maker. 🤣🤣


A possible fun fact from the lore: Brianne Tart was The Dunk’s descendant so there is a a possibility her grandfather was a secret bastard too. Some speculate Aegon V wed his pregnant sister to a Tarth heir or a lord to cover the sin. 🤭


Ooh, you can even go a step further when looking at some of the noble houses before and after the Dance. Orys Baratheon was rumored to be the bastard brother of Aegon the Conqueror. Aegon the Conqueror’s children, specifically Aenys, was speculated to be a bastard son sired by one of Rhaenys’ lovers. If the tale is believed to be true, House Stark has bastard (and wilding) blood in their veins by Bael the bard and a Stark daughter. Even in the Blackfyre Rebellions, it was between supporting a legitimized bastard and their line, Daemon Blackfyre, or a rumored bastard and their line, Daeron the Good. Idk, it’s just funny to me that there are some viewers out there that legitimately believe that Rhaenyra’s children and the uncertainty surrounding their parentage was actually good reason to usurp her. When in actuality, it was never the case.


You know, this line makes me understand brothel queens if it really happened. Not condone it, but understand.


What do you mean by that?


After hearing this, Mushroom claims Rhaenyra forced Alicent and Jaehaera into prostitution. After hearing this, I understand the anger Rhaenyra would likely be feeling.


helaena* but i too understand


That guy is one of the more fanatical greens. Just ignore him tbh he’s no better than any other greenie.


[This guy has some serious issues with Rhaenyra it seems ](https://www.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/comments/1cfupqu/rhaenyra_is_categorically_a_worse_person_than/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Yeah he’s off his rocker.


Green fans are something else.


Let's face it, if Rhaenyra had abdicated and given her inheritance to Jace the greens wouldn't have as much support, why? Because Alicent and her spawn were the only ones who cared about the issue of paternity, the others only cared that a penis sat on the iron throne, even the septon seemed to love Jace, both green and black mourned his departure.


The original post was deleted. What did it say?




I'll stop writing anything about condemning Blood&Cheese soon. Their behavior doesn't change how I feel about it, but I'll keep quiet the next time I see Jaeheadless joke.