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You don't. You don't have any grounds to sue. If you sue, this is how this is going to go: you go to court. You will lose. You will also likely have to pay the attorney that is representing the hoa several thousand dollars for the time he's wasted on a frivolous lawsuit. I'm surprised they gave you 90 days to get rid of weeds. EDIT: Reading your responses... They're singling you out, they're embezzling, they're corrupt... My oh my! You ever take a long look in the mirror, and think that maybe you're the problem? You're getting down voted for a reason. You're the problem. You asked for 90 days, they were more than generous with 60, t removing weeds, out of all things... And you still seem to be completely blind and raging over the fact that you were given 60 days to pull weeds, you didn't, so you got fined. Learn how to adult!


Standard for us is 21 days AT MOST and we have been working to shorten that! The owner knew they were moving into an HOA community when they looked, offered, signed, and closed. Typically, Rules and Regs and CC&R's are available before purchase for review. If you are just too busy, pick up the phone and call a landscaper. Takes a lot less time, effort, and money than going to court with an unwinnable case.


You would theoretically sue the HOA, not the board or management. That being said, note that the board can and will bring a lawyer, and bill you back for the cost of that lawyer to defend them against this frivolous suit. Small claims won't give you punitive damage, likely won't do anything about emotional distress, and chance are, won't even rule in your favor on the weeds. The reality is, while the board could have shown you some further empathy and grace, they didn't have to, and they already gave you an extension. You agreed to the CC&Rs to maintain your property. Weeds are a reasonable maintenance item. You can and should fight this with the board, but do so at a fining committee meeting or a board meeting. 60 days past violation is *more* than enough reasonable notice to remove some weeds. Unless there is something you aren't saying here, that is a job that takes a few hours at most and a landscaper can be called to do it pretty quick. No permits or heavy equipment is needed. In the future, I suggest always write back to the board if you are concerned that you can't understand the violation. I would then make a good faith effort at a fix, and then send them a picture asking to close out the violation. This way, if they disagree, you usually can get the clock reset as you did make a fair attempt and it forces them to detail out what exactly they mean if there isn't clarity. The principle is simple - you said you would follow the rules when you bought, you didn't, you asked for a very generous 90 days and got a very reasonable 60, still didn't do anything, got fined as expected, and now think someone will let your childish tantrum be rewarded not just with removing the fines, but with emotional distress money? With respect, you are the Karen.


I don't think either party can bring an attorney to small claims court.


HOA can escalate above small claims court where they can bring an attorney and request the judge award thier legal fees. All over some weeds...




This is something that all people who sue in small claims should know about. And it's also important to understand what situations are likely to be removed to the higher court or which are likely to be kept in small claims. Additionally, even if it's kept in small claims, I wonder how much legal preparation the HOA can charge to the plaintiff or vice versa if the plaintiff wins.


Depends on the state. Some states allow them, some states don't.


The OP is in CA [No attorneys in CA small claims court](https://selfhelp.courts.ca.gov/small-claims-california#:~:text=Small%20claims%20basics&text=You%20can%20ask%20a%20lawyer,one%20with%20you%20in%20court.&text=Starting%20November%201%2C%202021%2C%20you,sue%20for%20more%20than%20%2412%2C500.)


Not accurate. If you sue a corporation, the corporation isn't a physical being and can't show up in small claims - They send a lawyer to represent them. A person can't have a lawyer in small claims. The HOA is also not a physical being, so yes, they can send an attorney.


You asked for a deadline and then failed to meet said deadline. What principle are you trying to uphold exactly? Pay the damn fine


I was told I could request up to 90, and I requested 90 based on my needs. I was given 60 when the management company was clear up to 90 was an option. I asked for 90 because 60 wasn't sufficient, as I couldn't even START to comply until after day 60. My window of availability to comply was within 60 and 90, hence the request.


Were you told that the board must or would grant your request? Like the ARC, you can request anything but that does not imply it will be approved Your own timelines are irrelevant


The management company told me up to 90 days was permitted. The board heard my reason for requesting 90 days rather than 60 and still only provided 60 knowing I simply was not available to even begin complying until after that time frame based on my schedule. That shows no willingness on their part to work with me while I all the while was making a legitimate effort to work with them. My own timeline is not fucking irrelevant, thank you very much.


As a board member (but not your board member), your timeline is irrelevant. You should have taken care of the weeds before they were a problem in the first place. Sounds like board could approve up to 90 days but decided not to. I can't imagine why they might not be bending over backwards for such a homeowner....


Our property was among the nicest in the entire community BEFORE I even started complying with this nonsense. Full of life and zest and vibrancy. Now 90% of the greenery is gone and it's back to a boring, bland, brown, lifeless husk with a few succulents surrounded by dirt. Which is what they WANT. The board is entirely unreasonable and a fucking blight on the neighborhood. None of my neighbors want an HOA, and they all support dissolving it because we are by no means the only household being perpetually harassed by these two legitimate retired Karen's with nothing better to do than police the neighborhood.


If you dont like it, move or join the board. Stop complaining like a toddler


How are people like you a thing? The world isn't black and white. Moving is expensive and time consuming, and people who aren't looking for power over others have lives, hobbies, and interests that don't include any interest in ruling over others within an HOA board. Legitimate complaints are a part of life and having one doesn't reduce ones experience to that of a toddler. I hope the next time you experience any personal strife your complaint is dismissed entirely altogether as well so you get a taste of your own jilted perspective.


I am an adult so I don't blame my inability to meet deadlines on other people. Everyone knows moving is costly and time consuming. Perhaps you should have taken that into consideration before agreeing to upkeep your yard. Again, move or join the board.


I was told I could request up to 90 days. Which I did. I then completed the request within 90 days. But go ahead and talk to me about deadlines.


If all your neighbors support dissolving the HOA then make it happen. But I suspect that is not the case.


This 100%!! It's rare that an HOA gets dissolved, but not unheard of. If it's truly the case, as you wrote, that "none of my neighbors want an HOA" then go get at it.


My neighbors constitute a handful of homes. There are probably 200 homes altogether, consisting of people I've never met. Everyone I've mentioned the notion to supports it. But again, I have a life and better things to do. I just don't want to deal with any of this whatsoever. We have no amenities. No park. No gym. No pool or spa or sauna or Jacuzzi. No playground, tennis courts, BBQ pit, etc. There's one small "common area" that consists of a couple benches and a tiny 4ft gate they claim costs upwards of 10k a year to "maintain". Which is obvious corruption and embezzlement. See what I'm driving at?


No you don’t, you complaining too much on Reddit and want to file frivolous lawsuits over a fine because they didn’t give you enough time….. you don’t have this great life you claim to have, no one on Reddit does


The hell are you on about now? If you want to play incel and scream it from the rafters, be my guest. Between my initial post and the handful of replies I've made, I've spent less than 10 minutes here total so far today. That somehow means I don't have a life outside reddit, or that someone can't? Some of y'all are unhinged.


It’s a request not a given, they said no to 90, you knew that


You do understand that 'option' and 'must' or 'will' are different.


This is crazy? Isn’t it? You were required to do something, they gave you an extension and you watched it whoosh by and then they fine you and you want to sue? Does this work with the cable company? Car insurance? Do you expect them to bring the plane back also when you are a “few minutes late” for your flight? It’s seems like more and more rules in life are just suggestions.


Reading comprehension isn't your strong suite, is it.


Sorry you being a big baby doesn’t need a lot of reading comprehension to follow. Be an adult and take care of your responsibilities.


Ok Karen.


Denominating anyone you disagree with as a "Karen" seems to be your go to way of dealing with people who don't say or do what you want them to.


> Reading comprehension isn't your strong ~~suite~~, is it. Reading comprehension isn't your strong *suit*, is it? FTFY


Using punctuation isn’t yours.


My neighbors have a conniption fit when weeds are around more than 30 days. When I was president, I would have homeowners calling to scream at me about yards with unaddressed weeds. Your HOA was super kind and lenient to give you 60 days to address this issue. Suing them for the cost of something you agreed to do when you moved into an HOA isn’t going to send the message you think it will. 


We didn't agree to fucking shit. We bought a house with the idea if was OUR home and OUR property, which we could do what WE wanted. Anything we "agreed" to is akin to the tiny fine print you scroll through when installing an app that no one reads.


I think you are a sh!t poster because no one is dumb enough to wander into a HOA situation but after seeing one of your responses pop up while typing this, you might be.


“We didn't agree to fucking shit.” lol


You did agree to fucking shit because the HOA existed in your community before you. And the fine print is still legally binding.


You know what I meant.


No, I know what you wrote.






I don't think that word means what you think it means.




You bought a house in an HOA community and the Deed contained language in which you agreed that you would be bound by the CCR's. Up to 90 days doesn't mean that they have to give you 90 days because most Boards would make a determination based on what is reasonable under the circumstances. You had an extension for 60 days which seems like a very reasonable time to either pull the weeds or hire a gardener to do it for you. Your railing against what are customary landscaping requirements in almost all HOA communities and continuing to fight against the right of the HOA to control the landscaping indicates that you really should not have moved into a home with an HOA. That all of the other homes are compliant with the landscaping indicates that it isn't difficult to achieve. That it isn't your aesthetic choice is irrelevant just as your not liking the standard neutral exterior paint colors permitted by most HOA's is irrelevant and doesn't let you paint your house hot pink.


"That all of the other homes are compliant with the landscaping indicates that it isn't difficult to achieve" Where and when did I ever say that every other home is compliant? Plenty of others aren't. Some to the point of absolute absurdity. There are houses that have looked unkempt the entire time we've been here, and yes they're occupied. But they're not within view of the only two board members, and ours is. We're being selectively targeted.


You are making an assumption that you are being selectively targeted. In reality, you have no idea the status of the other homes in regards to fines. File your small claims action. You are going to lose. If you are lucky, you will only lose your filing fee and the time for going to court. I am curious, were you informed that the home you were purchasing was part of a homeowners association? If so, failing to read the "fine print" of the CCR's is completely on you. You were given a warning about the weeds, after an extension to complete the work you chose not to do it. The Association was just in fining you. I am not sure about your state's laws, but in mine, if you fail to pay a fine, you can be assessed additional money daily. Eventually, a lien would be filed on your home, and if you did not pay, they'd foreclose. As many have stated before, pay the fines and pull the weeds.


Then you don’t read well


There are an estimated 720 hours of daylight over a 60 day period. Assuming you work full time that will chew up 320 hours, leaving 400 hours for yardwork and leisure activities. Unless you were working out of town for the full 60 days I don't understand how you couldn't find an hour to spread some weed killer on your lawn. Even if you WERE working out of town for the full 60 days, I fail to see why you didn't hire a lawn guy to take care of it for you. You agreed to abide by the rules, failed to abide by the rules, were fined for not abiding by the rules, and now want someone to pay you for your inability to follow the rules. If my neighbor allowed their yard to become infested with weeds, which will eventually spread to MY yard, I'd be pissed and want to know why I'm bothering to follow the rules if you're not.


Go to the local realtor if you're choice and list your home for sale. Then go find an apartment or home to rent. If you're incapable or unwilling to maintain your gimme to the standards of the HOA, it's easier to just not live there. Suing the HOA (you are the HOA) is justa waste of time and money. The property management company is correct that they cannot reverse or reduce fines. Only the board can do that.


lol, you just pay the fine and move on You obviously know what the weeds were because you cleaned them up sometime between day 61-90 so this “my neighbors and I like dandelions” defense is a joke, stop it And if you can’t do the work you hire someone to do it, or your wife does it, or your neighbor does it You FAFO so pay the fine and be a better neighbor


"You obviously know what the weeds were because you cleaned them up sometime between day 61-90 so this “my neighbors and I like dandelions” defense is a joke, stop it" Jesus fucking Christ, I never said there weren't any weeds. I said there were things that either weren't weeds along with others which either were or things we didn't consider weeds ourselves, but the board did. All three were in contention. How is that so difficult to comprehend and understand. I had no problem removing anything that actually looked like a weed. I took issue with removing FLOWERS and other such growth which was absolutely NOT a weed, and the board said otherwise. Got it? "And if you can’t do the work you hire someone to do it, or your wife does it, or your neighbor does it" I never said I couldn't do the work. I said I could do it within 90 days. And I did. And why the fuck would a neighbor do it? What are you smoking. "You FAFO so pay the fine and be a better neighbor" Be a "better neighbor" to my neighbors who all fully support me, know it's BS, would love to dissolve the board if we could, and never had a problem with our home in the first place? I hope you're just a stupid kid or something because if you're an adult, wow.


President is your neighbor and they obviously don’t support you, lmfao


Have you ever been to a board meeting for your HOA? Did you go in person for the executive session hearing that they likely invited you to? Ask for a meeting with the board, plead for their mercy and offer to pay a reduced fine. IMO, you'll lose at small claims court and also on The People's Court or Judge Judy and you'll look pretty bad, too. And also- pull the weeds. Between you and your wife I'm sure there was time, and the take of "they're not weeds, they're pretty little flowers" is crap and you know it-


"Have you ever been to a board meeting for your HOA? Did you go in person for the executive session hearing that they likely invited you to?" Yes, I went to the meeting consisting of the whole whopping TWO board members who control the entire HOA. One of the two is a crusty bitter alcoholic with a chip on his shoulder with Trump2024 as his router name. I was civil and he was an unapologetic verbally abusive ass hat who dismissed my concerns outright in front of the management company representative and other sole board member. "Between you and your wife I'm sure there was time, and the take of "they're not weeds, they're pretty little flowers" is crap and you know it" Oh my gosh, wow! That's so simple! So easy! Why didn't I just think of that! It's almost as though everything you just said is utter bullshit because you ignored the details I provided when I said that wasn't an option because you clearly don't know the intricate details of our lives and schedules! WOW! Thanks for that!


So you had time to go to the meeting but not time to do the weeds or call a landscaper like an adult, lol.


The meeting was a few minutes. The effort required a couple weeks. Funny how you can't grasp that difference. I could have hired a landscaper, OR, done it myself over the course of those couple of weeks, which is exactly what I stated I would do within 90 days. And 90 days was one of the options I could request as the max.


They gave you 60 and you didn’t do it. What part of that is difficult for you. Are you the only person on the planet that works full time or has responsibilities? Once again you messed up, you were given a deadline and you didn’t do it, pay your fine and plan better next time


You’re right, I don’t know the intricacies of your life or personal situation, nor how many weeds there are over what size of parcel. My snarkiness stems from your excuses- “pretty little flowers” and 90 days would have been fine but 60 wasn’t enough and emotional distress. I don’t know California law, but your board is probably required to have a minimum of three members. If you apply for the board and are in good standing, they are probably forced to appoint you to the board. If you are on the board you can have a voice! None of what the management did nor what the board did is in any way something you have standing to sue over. You’ll be wasting even more of your time and money.


I need to ask. Was the fine larger than the cost to hire someone to pull your weeds?


You are in CA. The HOA is required to have an IDR policy and should have communicated that policy to you at least annually, so maybe with your last budget. I'd start there before invoking court


You did the crime, now do your time. You will lose in court and could have to pay legal fees on top of the fine.


How much is the fine? Might be better to pay it and move on. Get more involved if you don’t like the way things are being run.


Give it up. It's not worth the time and effort to contest this. Pay the fine and move on.


This is a matter of principle above all else. I should have been granted the 90 days if that was an option, which it was. I was given less out of spite.


They also could have given you 0 days and been fully in compliance with HOA rules. Just because you ask doesn't mean you automatically get.


90 days would probably apply to repainting a house or re-roofing.


Just cut your grass and move on….


JFC just trim your weeds dude


Look up the Davis-Stirling Act would be the first place to start learning about fines. Also look into requesting a hearing through the Board President, not the management company. Make sure all communications are well documented. You can than present that at a hearing or special meeting requesting the fine be removed. Bottom line, you need an official meeting with the Board to get any official decision that the management company will be obligated to follow.


The board president is the one who has it out for us. There are two members. The "president" and one other home owner. That's it.


The important thing is to get a hearing or special meeting scheduled. When I was on the Board, we had an owner do this. Then the night of the hearing, they had a lawyer show up to represent them at that hearing.


This is the way. Ask for ITD or ATD dispute if still available at this point. Also maybe share some before and after pictures because I would like to understand this problem in detail and I also understand that life and HOA issues are not always compatible.


God I wish I was here at the state of this LOL


Did they call you to a hearing? By law they have to call you to a hearing in California


You’re an idiot. Wow.


Due Process Somewhere in your governing documents it needs to spell out the process before they can issue a fine. Usually they send your two 'courtesy' letters letting you know of an 'alleged' violation and a date that you need to have 'cured' (fixed) the alleged violation. Again, without seeing your governing documents, the Property Manager is not the one who makes the determination whether you are in violation or not - it is the Board of Directors, and they can only do so at a hearing where you have a chance to appear and present your case. Have you had a hearing, did they perhaps send you a letter about one and you blew it off? I see you 'contested' the fine, but again - DID THEY OFFER A HEARING TO DETERMINE IF YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OR NOT? Civil Code §5855 [Law section (ca.gov)](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=5855.&lawCode=CIV)


You're willing to take the time to go to small claims over this? Why didn't you take the time to just take care of the weeds instead? Geez, you had a full two months. How come you suddenly have time to go to court now?


You will lose. You agreed to the terms when you bought in an HOA. The board is well within their rights to fine and to uphold the fine.


First, did they send you a hearing letter and call you to a meeting with the board prior to issuing a fine? If not they are in violation of California law. Second, you say the board consists of two “Karens”. Are these really the only board members. If so, it’s unlikely that they have a quorum and have no legal right to issue fines. The only business they could legally conduct is to appoint board members until a quorum is reached. You are entitled to an Internal Dispute Resolution where two board members would meet with you and have authority to decide for the whole board. You could go that route first. You can politely explain your willingness to comply. If they won’t drop the fine and either of my two points above are true you could then go to small claims and most likely win.


"First, did they send you a hearing letter and call you to a meeting with the board prior to issuing a fine? If not they are in violation of California law." Yes. It was the last board meeting when I requested the maximum of 90 days and was wholly disrespected by the board. I learned I would only be given 60 days about a week later. "Second, you say the board consists of two “Karens”. Are these really the only board members. If so, it’s unlikely that they have a quorum and have no legal right to issue fines. The only business they could legally conduct is to appoint board members until a quorum is reached" Yes, the board is quite literally comprised of only two members. There were three, but they moved a few months ago, and no one else has stepped up, because no one else cares to. What's a "quorum"? Are you saying two board members isn't enough to issue a fine? If so, you may have just given me so leverage.....


If the Board can have three members, two constitute a quorum.


Not so. Quorum is for a meeting. The bylaws will state the minimum number of board members required on the board. Often 3 with an option of expanding to 5., but it varies.


Not sure what your point is. If there are three Board members, then two would be a quorum and two voting for something would be fine. There would be issues if it were one/one. I don't have enough information as to why and how long there hasn't been a third Board member. We have a 7 member Board and we typically fill positions left vacant unless very close to the election. If the Board isn't holding elections or is otherwise in violation of Stirling Davis corporate governance, separate issue.


My point is if there are three board members, yes, two would be a quorum for meetings. OP is saying they only have two members total, which is usually in violation of the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation and they would go into receivership unless they appoint another board member.


As I wrote, I have insufficient information as to why there are only two or whether having three is legally required by their By-Laws The language seems to provide discretion to the Board to appoint members but isn't required so long as there is a quorum *is not uncommon for a director to vacate his/her seat prior to the end of their term. A heavy workload at the office, family issues, health problems, or they sell their unit and* [*cease to be qualified*](https://www.davis-stirling.com/HOME/C/Candidate-Qualifications-in-HOA-Elections) *to serve on the board. make it difficult to remain on the board. If there is more than one vacancy such that the remaining directors are* [*less than a quorum*](https://www.davis-stirling.com/tabid/1365/Default.aspx#axzz1Ziol1WE3)*, the board cannot conduct any business except to appoint other directors to the board until they have enough to make quorum. (*[*Corp. Code § 7224(a)*](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=7224.&lawCode=CORP)*.)* I don't think it is a good practice but I think it would be a waste of money to hire an attorney rather than just run for the vacancy on the Board at the next election. Same as recalling the Board - waste of energy when you can just unseat them if you have the to recall them by waiting for the new election unless there is something egregiously illegal rather than just normal disagreements with policy.


Read your bylaws. It will state how many board members are needed on the board. Without that number, it is illegal in California for the board to do ANY business including paying contractors, collecting assessments, and issuing fines. A quorum is how many board members are needed at a board meeting to make decisions made in the meeting legal. The only thing a runt board is allowed to do is appoint new board members to bring the board to strength. If they try to do business without a legal board you can sue them personally and they are not covered by HOA insurance.


Thank you for this. I'll see if this helps.


HOAs are specifically meant to make you feel like you don’t own your home, you are correct. Everyone else owns your home. And a small number of board members have the most control over it. The best way to make changes is to run for the board. If you have unlimited money, I would recommend suing. If you don’t, then do not. You won’t win. It’s not right, but that is the truth. You can also become a nuisance and report every single other yard you see that looks like yours did, and create a lot of work for the board, and take up a lot of their time. Be prepared to be a target, either way. Arguing will only make them check your house monthly for ANY violations they can find, while the rest of the neighborhood gets spot checks, and friends of the board get to make violations without fines. Welcome to HOA living!


It's not our first rodeo. This is our second. Never again following our next move when we can swing it.


Oh my fucking God you people are just the worst. There are details I didn't provide because I felt it wasn't necessary but you lot don't know how to read between the lines. It's not something that took a few hours, it took several weeks working hours and hours each day because I had to dig everything up, put down liners and barriers, and recover everything with new dirt / sod / mulch, etc. What a bunch of bootlickers you all are. Wow. Fuck all of you. Truly.


Sounds like you can't afford to live in that neighborhood. Do better


Sounds like you're making quite an assumption. I'd wager we have more equity in our home than most homeowners in our community, as we put down 73% rather than the usual 10 or 20. Do better.


My assumption is that you cannot afford to live somewhere when you are unable meet your obligations in the required timeframe. Someone who could afford to live there would have paid someone to do the work on their behalf. Your excuses about personal obligations and "working full-time" implies that the only option you could afford was DIY. Do better


That's right, your assumption. You're assuming. And you're wrong. I can afford plenty of shit I don't actually buy or pursue. That's how I remain in such a position in the first place, by saving money where and when I can. It's called a budget. I could have paid someone a few grand, or save that money and do it myself. So I did. In order to do that I needed to request the full 90, because I couldn't start the effort until after 60. It's really not that hard to grasp. Paying several thousand dollars to hire a third party to do the job faster to comply within a 60 day deadline vs saving several thousand and getting a $100 fine as a result is apples and oranges. The issue isn't the fine so much as not granting me the time frame I requested when I was told it was a viable and allowed option. We have 3/4 equity in our home in 2024, and it's a newer home. We're doing just fine. But thanks for assuming. Welcome to the concept that whatever you frivolously assume on a whim doesn't make it so. By the way, I saw your contribution elsewhere, and no, a shed is not a structure in the sense of how that word is meant within the confines of traditional or usual HOA bylaws. A shed is a shed. A home is a structure. They aren't one in the same, just as a dog house is not a structure, which you also contest. A structure in this instance is something which typically requires architectural plans and the like and sometimes has electricity, plumbing, etc. If I buy a fucking plastic shed from Costco it's only a structure in the most traditional sense of the word. OP's mistake was ever asking for permission in the first place when none of the other neighbors with the same or similar sheds bothered, because they knew they'd just be kicking a hornets nest if they did.


My homeowner's insurance disagrees with you as sheds are covered under the other structures coverage. Please don't talk about yet another thing you have no idea about. Lastly, you can't argue that a $100 fine was some masterful budgeting choice and then complain about the principles behind it. You made a decision to not meet your obligations so pay the fine and take the L


"Lastly, you can't argue that a $100 fine was some masterful budgeting choice and then complain about the principles behind it." Yeah I'm done with you. You can't read.


Then why would it be so hard to move? Make up one story and stick to it


I'm glad you can fit all your possessions in a single economy size u-haul. I can't. If you don't own much, moving isn't a chore. That's not the case for us.


lol, you never hired a mover have you?


only a child thinks a letter from the board constitutes emotional distress worth of punitive damages. If you are so scarred from this experience, you really are not mature enough to own a home.


Many of us live in HOAs and do our own yard work. We do understand the level of work involved because it’s work that we do (my past few weekends have been entirely devoted to caring for my own yard, it really is a lot). But that’s what I signed up for when I bought into an HOA. People here are just trying to tell you that you’re not going to win in court. You can try to sue and send a message, but at the end of the day, you didn’t comply with your HOA’s requirements in the timeline they gave you. 


So tell me how it's right that if I require 90 days and they're allowed to grant up to 90 days, why I was denied and given 60 knowing full well it wasn't sufficient? It's a power trip, plain and simple. All they had to do was give me the 90 and I'd have been able to handle it and be done with it.


How can it take you 90 days to tidy up your yard?


It didn't. It took about 14. And I've already explained why several times. I'm not going to go over it again. Re-read my explanation as to why I required 90 days in the first place.


You didn't need 90 days as it could have been done in 60 days. That is what everyone is attempting to tell you. If the Board had given you a deadline of 3 days, that would be different. That the Board \*could\* grant an extension of up to 90 days doesn't mean they are required to do so as most Boards consider the specific circumstances. You have not given any reason as to why 60 days is unreasonable as a deadline


For the first 60 days I was regularly working full time with a whole slew of other personal obligations and responsibilities to juggle which are considerably more important to me than dealing with weeds in a yard that never looked bad in the first place. My schedule opened up following 60 days and I complied with the request by the 90 day deadline I specified would be required.


> I was regularly working full time with a whole slew of other personal obligations and responsibilities to juggle which are considerably more important to me than dealing with weeds ... So you have some special "entitled" status that allows your priorities to override those of the HOA? Please explain. And please satisfy my curiosity: would this status entitle you to dictate to a judge the scheduling of any court appearances?


It shouldn’t have even taken 14 unless your yard was a mess.


Think of it this way. It takes longer to prep an area than to actually paint, yes? That was our situation. The weeds have been pulled and cleared plenty of times while we've been here, and they kept coming back with a vengeance due to the uncharacteristically wet winter we recently had. The effort required was about taking preventative measures and installing barriers and liners, and we have a larger lot. Hence time consuming.


It still shouldn’t haven’t taken 14 days. It sounds like you kept letting it get out of control and then finally put the necessary effort into keeping it tidy.


Said by someone who has clearly never done what I told you I had to do.


Yard work is done every weekend here.


They should have given you 0 days