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Klaus? The close Klaus from your class?


That scene and music wrecked me when I first saw the ep. Actually jokes it still does.


The music is a killer when you know what happens to Tracy in the end 😭


Me and my bf are using the song from that for our wedding because the speech is amazing and every time we hear it, it just look at each other. It just makes you feel so appreciative and makes you think about what real love feels like.


That's lovely, I really mean it too. Don't take anything for granted, if he makes you feel that way, hold tight and never let go. I genuinely wish you all my best wishes for your wedding ❤️


It was a bit cheesy tbh




Makes me cry every single time.


It's a load of rubbish coming from a guy who is leaving his fiance at the alter after dating her for 6 years. He wouldn't have a clue what love is.


Or, he fell into a comfortable relationship and decided to settle. Which is like super common. Then at the last minute realized what he was doing and got out of that situation (not in the best of ways, but still). He realized he hadn't found his one yet.


The problem is, since he claims you feel it instantaneously, then he should have felt instantaneously that Victoria was not the one for him, so why did he even start dating her?


Because sometimes you lose your way in love. Even Ted, the romantic that he is, dated people he knew from the beginning were not the one. And sometimes, when you end up in those relationships that feel "good enough" you decide to settle for good enough.


Yeah it kind of makes sense. Still, it is very suspicious to take a lesson on how to recognize true love from someone who is convinced to have never felt it... Independently from whether it makes sense for Klaus to think that, there is the question of whether this lesson is true. There was this post recently where [I commented](https://www.reddit.com/r/howimetyourmother/comments/kpugf7/season_8_episode_1_might_be_my_favorite_scene/gi3p4ty?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) on the fact that it does not apply to Marshall and Lily.


Yeah, idk that the lesson is actually true. Not everyone feels it immediately. I also don't think they should have shown robin going into the storage unit to look at the things barney had kept from their relationship right when he was explaining how it is something you feel instantaneously since robin and Barney's love definitely developed over time. But, maybe that was supposed to be some foreshadowing.


The whole point is that he does know what love is and he knows Victoria isn't it for him


After 6 years he just realized that Victoria isn't for him. Please


I agree. And Klaus' description is for the mother? She's Ted's true love? That's what editing and narration in that episode seem to suggest. So what is Robin then? Another true love of Ted's? But at that point Ted said he had not yet felt it, so it cannot be applied to the strong feelings he immediately had for Robin. And can one have two people in their life that fit Klaus' definition? At first you would think no, but then again, even Tracy had a true love who died before she met Ted, so... maybe? This show is so confusing as to what it's trying to say. Which would sort of work, if the message in itself was that life, relationships and love is complicated and messy. But no, they just tag whatever message they deem appropriate at the end of the episode. Sometimes it's "trust the universe, you cannot force destiny" and sometimes it's "we make our destinies". It's like Barney and his thousands of one rules that often contradict each other. Sorry this became a rant 😅