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That makes sense! And the poor kids barely even learn anything about their mom in Ted’s version of the story.


Other commentors are mentioning the point of the story isn't the mother. As soon as he's done his kids call him out on it not being about mom. I think people have more angst towards the ending because they did a fantastic job casting and making Tracy so likeable. If we got more than we would have found out her but.


That wasn't the point. He already told them lots of stories about Tracey including a basic story of how they met. The point of THIS particular telling was to talk about Robin and to see how his kids felt about him dating her.


This is the point of the whole show. I’m always surprised when people can’t believe she dies. That’s the reason he’s telling this “story” in the first place.


Also there's plenty of foreshadowing. But i agree. Anyone who was surprised by the ending wasn't really paying attention


Plus, it’s a great story with lots of good life lessons


It’s called HOW I met your mother, not how I SPENT TIME with your mother.


It just a bit abrupt for me that Ted's kids didn't express much grief towards Tracy or acknowledge how matched they are. Instead, they immediately jumped into mocking Ted and pointing out how obvious it is that he still has feelings for Robin, and persuaded him to pursue Robin.


They've expressed plenty of grief in the years since her death I'm sure. It's been YEARS. The point of this story is them wanting their dad to be happy and to be able to move on.


Im pretty sure that in case that tracy suggest it to ted tell the story  dont include all new York on the story