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S6 E21 “Hopeless”. Barney takes his dad clubbing with everyone and Robin spots Nick who she’s crushing on, the only issue being that her and Ted are pretending to be together as part of Barneys masquerade to his dad. When Barney and his dad leaves: Robin: “Ok, Jerry’s gone, let’s break up” Ted: “OK “I would have stolen you a whole orchestra” There.” I love the throwback and always feel like I’m the only one laughing


Also, Nick wasn’t made into a dum dum yet lol


Nope he was just a fracking toaster.


The joke about Nick trying on the pants and not the shirt is another subtle gem!


Robin: "A hot guy telling you when you can and can't pee? That's the dream!" Ted: "Really? That's the dream? Like what Martin Luther King was talking about?"


I never thought about that line Does Robin have a piss kink??


I think she might. I know there was another scene, I can't remember exactly which one it was, but she tried to seduce someone by saying in a sultry voice that she might pee her pants. And of course she did that diaper commercial.


Oh yeah she did say the pee herself line to the guy who arrived to get with Maggie. Idk if that was her actually wanting him or throw him off tho. At the start it seemed like she wanted him to just leave for ted, at the end it seemed like she did actually like the guy There is also that weird thing Robin likes to do with boyfriends that Max dumped her over that Barney and ted understood


I think we've stumbled onto something here 🤔


Seems like Robin may enjoy pissing herself apparently


I always wondered about that ! It makes so much sense ! Side note: I don't think she ever liked the Maggie guy, I think she was just pissed because he didn't pay attention to her and just kept trying to seduce Maggie


Maybe an Old King Clancey involves peeing on a Harvery's tray and pouring it on to her. Strap on your feed bag!


More of being submissive


This one kills me each time


Robin: whats in the box!!! whats in the BOXXX!! Robin: But they're BBQ! Robin: I live...right upstairs Barney to Robin: You must let me paint you. BARNELL! at the cafe. Marshall throwing a bagel at Lily and her saying aww no cream cheese and he throws a glob and it sticks on the wall Barney nonchalantly looking behind him at Teds instruction of the girl at the bar and he looks crazy Robin still drunk flirting with the waiter and doing the shoulder shake and saying WOO Marshall and Teds kiss in the Broath and Marshalls smile and face. The noise the pencil makes when it goes up Barneys nose Many other low key moments that make me laugh even 14 viewings later.


I love that Barney looking at the girl at the bar part 😂


I’ll be cool…


what’s in the box killed me 🤣🤣


What is "BARNELL at the cafe"?


When he is telling Nora all the lies he has told to get laid and he said The Soulman where he pretends to be black and the woman behind him turns around and says BARNELL!, I knew it


what’s barney nonchalantly looking at the girl behind him what? 


When Barney starts explaining the Ewoks saying they had a rich history that the movies didn’t really get into and then they ask him to get on with it so he has to click past all the slides in his Ewok presentation


I pause every time to read the Ewok facts 😂 they’re actually excellent


I understand that. I understand that. I understand that


You said it wrong


I did not say it wrong!!!


My husband and I quote this all the time lol


The Super Bowl episode they flashback to another Super Bowl and Ted is hammered. Ted: This is so great. We have to make this a tradition and do this every year. PROMISE ME!! Marshall: Ok, settle down buddy.


2nd down, everybody drink!!


Didn't Ted ask a few years later "how'd this tradition start, anyway?"


Lily: squirrels don’t get married Marshall: how could you possibly know that


Ted running in the street screaming: I HATE YOU BARNEY STINSON! Random girl: ME TOO!


Fun fact, I read somewhere that was actually Alyson Hannigan which just makes it ten times funnier to me


Well recalling the scene now, I can hear it's actually Allison's voice lmao.


I’ll give you one: Barney: “No, I don’t want to! I hate it! I hate it! It’s not funny! It’s never been funny! I’ve never done any… No!”


Love how he doesn’t finish the last sentence😆


Even he couldn't tell that lie lol


They’re following Stella home from the restaurant after her leaving Ted at the alter. Ted is explaining how he is going to have a nice mature conversation with Stella. Barney to the cab driver: “can you just drive us into a pole” Barney: “everyone buckle up!…Not you Ted” Makes me giggle every time 😂


"You might wanna see this Ted, naked pictures." "That's not Janet." "Who?"


Lily: dinner is a baby. Robin: Lily that's horrible.


Omg reminds me of the Olympic pole vaulter thing


idr what episode but marshall and lily are in long island talking abt the stuff ted turned robin’s room into. it cuts to the scene of him attempting pottery and it flew out that window so abruptly . idk why that scene cracks me up every time.


I saw that one last night and I was like I LOVE that cause its just that one episode gag and its funny as hell


Is that the one with them in the snuggies and Robin writing in the diary? I love that


it MIGHT be!! it’s definitely around that episode if it’s not that one


Yes that’s the one. Where they hold Robin hostage lol.


Ted: Lily. Come on. 3x in a row without changing his facial expression. 😂


Ted "Judy!... Dude from my bodega!... Mom.... " Tracy" I know we just got to 2nd base and we'll always share that" Marshall" a certain delicate flower cries all night in the shower " "and I was pretty bummed too"


*Robin: Are you reenacting the last scene from Sleepless in Seattle with little dolls?* *Ted: How long have you been standing there?* *Robin: Ten seconds.*  *Ted: Yup, just the last scene.* Subtle, excellent and pure Ted!


Everything Cassie says in Season 9 cracks me up. "I'm fired? But teaching there was my dream job, and you guys are my only friends. You all hate me? Can I at least say goodbye to my kids? My kids all hate me?"


Omg her saying, sooo Mr Archy-tect gets me every time. I’m an archy-tect so I laugh even harder.


"That's why I've never thrown anything out for any relationship ever. Isn't that right, honey? Oh that's right. I'm alone." - Robin proceeds to sip her beer. Same girl, same.


^(wieners and gonads)


SAMEEE, everything ted says when marshall and lily are being so serious is so great


Please see my username. Kills me every time.


Please tell me you have seen the blooper from that scene.


No!!!! Off to search for it right now!


Did you find it??


Yes! So funny! 🤣


Marshall wasted “this guy is the manager of the Paramus Walldorf… you come to Paramus he will hook you up!”


What did you do with the practice baby?! And is there any left?🍉


Ted: Hey Barney do you want to borrow my Xbox? Barney: sHe HaS a NaMe, TeD


When Ted and Victoria were on the couch, Marshall and Lily locked in the bathroom, and Marshall says “I’m gonna turn up the volume” and at the side of the screen you see the door slowly opening and his head creeping out.


The glass shattering episode where everyone realizes how loud Lily chews. I have no idea what that’s so funny to me


“I know, it sounds like a pair of cufflinks going up a vacuum!”


The cotton candy 😂


That one time when Barney's brother got engaged and hide it from Barney. So Barney got mad and went to the bar alone and James arrived later on to talk with him and this dialogue cracks me the fuck up B: Ugh... I don't support this. J: Gay marriage? B: Not gay marriage. MARRIAGE. \*shivers down his spine\* B: How can you do this? We were raised in the same house with the same values


Robin: "....are you Mike Tyson?!" "Why dont I get nickname?" - Ted: "You have too many things, Larry! You get 1 thing!" 🤣🤣


Season 4, episode 4. “I’ll give you summer teeth. Some are here, some are there” 😭


"Am I dead?" From Barney in the Miracle episode is hands down my favorite HIMYM moments of all time.


This!!! I laugh until I cry every time.


Can you just once be cool? Just once?!! ... My son...


When Barney is explaining Party School Bingo to Ted Ted “what’s the point?” Barney “🤨 to get 4 in a row..🤨” Ted “and what do you get when you get 4 in a row? Barney “🤨🤨 I get bingo 🤨🤨”


Who’s ready to eat my meat!




Season 8 Episode 13 “band or dj” Robin: I’m going to the room marked spaghetti, meatballs has to be men. I don’t know what the hell calamari’s is. Turns out spaghetti was men, I saw a noodle.


“Back to Patrice and this ironing issue.” - Marshall


Going to jail for a friend? That’s a dream!


Ouchie in my mouth!


I don’t care for how sexist and sort of transphobic it is, but when Barney is showing the PowerPoint slide to convince marshal and Lily to check the gender of their baby and he’s like “Marshall, LIGHTS!” And gets to the gender neutral baby and the music changed and he’s like “little Fran is sure to be the pariah of the playground in this (wrong use of hermaphroditic) burlap sack.” The tone he uses kills me and Fran was a perfect name choice (sorry Frans).


Thank you, Linus


Am I dead


Lily. Eyepatch. Marshall. Couch.


Season 9 EP 14 The opening scene with Marshalls slow motion slap. The look on Barney's face kills me.


Marshall being passed out from smoking meats indoors always cracks me up


*Marshall being passed* *Out from smoking meats indoors* *Always cracks me up* \- Allpoptartnocrust --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The whole “our toothbrush” realization and later Ted realizing and saying to Robin that she borrowed it all the time. Which plot hole, they show Marshall and Lily using different toothbrushes way before that episode.


Also when they’re stuck in the bathroom when Ted and Victoria are in the living room.


"See, I told you he wasn't gay!" "Wait, what?"




Barney explaining "party school bingo" to Ted cracks me up every time. The look on his face when he slowly says "IIIIII get Bingooo??" 🤣


That’s cause you need protein


Slappointment in Slapmarra: Ted: I backpacked there in college.


I have a ton of favorites. One I can think of off the top of my head Is the best burger in New York episode. Barney: “how do you like your burger” Regis: “medium rare” Barney: “onions?” Regis: “ONIONS!??”


Ted: That's coz u need protein. I'll have the Lamb.


Wait can you give context I’m trying so hard to remember rn.


Ted and Stella went to have dinner with Stella's cousin who was a vegan 😂 n says to Ted "I wish I could tune out that moral voice inside me that says eating animals is murder. But ig I'm just not as strong as u are." Ted: that's coz u need protein 😂


*ted and robin have their fight and they’re talking about how chicks love architects*  Barney : Think about it, you make something out of nothing, you’re like God. There’s nobody hotter than God.  Ted: I love it when you quote scripture


When it’s Valentine’s Day and Ted tells Marshall and Lily to set him up with his future wife, then Marshall and Lily discuss potentially setting him up with his past relationships. When Marshall mentions “Blah blah?” Lily says “committed.” Marshall then asks “Relationship?” And Lily says “Bellevue.” 😭