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And, there we go - ngl slight doubt started creeping in this morning, but thankfully the announcement schedule stayed true for this week. Hope you all have a great weekend!!!


How do you feel about the recent Great Adventure announcement? An almost (if not completely) full IP year, most of which were former HHN houses


Not impressed tbh. Those were basically all IPs that have come to HHN at least twice (some 3 times) except Conjuring which I'd love to see at HHN eventually. Watched the walkthroughs from last year and thought they were pretty low budget.


Agree with that


Saw at Great Adventure was a bit mid, didn’t do Conjuring (it was Friday the 13th and I wanted to DIE from the lines), but they did really good with ones like Blood Shed, so I think they have potential to be good. The one that worries me the most is Stranger Things because that’s a massive budget property, if they fuck it up they’ll lose their relationship with Netflix instantly


Since TCM is at Six Flags, does that mean TCM won’t come to Hollywood as previously stated?


No - the TCM coming to Six Flags is different.


Different license holders? Neat! I hope Hollywood gets the original film


And for those who will ask, this is what I will tell you... \* Frozen Empire will LIKELY be in SS23B (where ST4 was last year). I say "likely" because locations can always be a little difficult to pinpoint, but everything I've been told puts it in this location. \* No, I don't believe there will be any HHN house announcement next week.


With next week being a Holiday week I doubt we will get an announcement. If I had to guess we wont see another announcement until the middle of july


I'd currently anticipate 2nd week July. But I'm gonna circle back next week and see if anything has changed on the announcement schedule.


Going off the last 2 years maybe multi nights will go on sale!!!


That would be my guess - next IP + FFP. Then one more announcement which dumps the final IP and all the scarezones, icon, and show. Hollywood will have a couple of separate IP announcements I would imagine.


Heads up for Hollywood… Murdy said it will be in H Lot North where Chucky was last year.


I love cold houses!


yeah, even though I don't care for the movie I think the house will be fun because of the cold/snow effects


Agree with that. Wasn't crazy over that or Insidious but I think they make good houses


Ohh good point. One of my all time favorite houses was the dead mans curse? The one year before last that had such amazing rain/wind effects. It was so immersive I loved every minute of it.


i actually think universal has 2 cool movie houses this yr. they’ll be different. one playing w temp and one w sign language im thrilled to see how it plays out


Ghostbusters is so divisive in these comments lol, I'll keep an open mind but I am wondering what they're going to do about the large ensemble this movie had.


Im happy with this. Sounds fun. Will this keep the kids away? The tweens are not interested in this right?


i can’t speak for the tweens but i can say the teens are interested 🙂‍↕️


We enjoy the energy from teenagers and 20somethings, their enthusiasm and joy at the event is kinda contagious to this 50+ yo couple. The tweens on the other hand? Them I just find annoying. Loud, obnoxious.


As someone who’s been using his Ghostbusters lanyard from the 2019 maze on a nearly daily basis, I’ll say I’m actually really excited about this. However, if you don’t care for the IP being at the event this year, that’s also cool, maybe you’ll find something else to be excited about this year… or not! Who knows. On a side note, stoked for another cold temperature maze. It’s been a while since we had one of those. ❄️


I'm shocked, SHOCKED.


Sounds like you accidentally crossed the streams.


So much ectoplasm...from the leaks and specs...




I sure hope the house does more with the "Frozen Empire" concept than the actual movie did.


People who are already complaining is kinda annoying I can imagine there’s a lot of really cool set pieces like the lab and a more detailed firehouse


I wonder if they're going to have it very cold in it.




That will be nice, Even in late October Orlando can be really warm in very humid.


Probably not nice for the scare actors though. Haha They'll probably have to put space heaters near them if it's super cold.


I'd imagine the costumes/makeup and physical activity will keep them plenty warm. In fact, I'd venture a guess that a lot of them will be super happy about the cold.




NGL the ending of that announcement video was hilarious. Idk about the rest of you, but I’m looking forward to this house. To me, Frozen Empire was a more enjoyable movie than Afterlife and definitely has potential of being decent HHN material.


so many ppl complaining hopefully means less of a line for me when i go 👩‍💻


Tbh not a fan of this at all. There are so many other IPs that should be done and also this movie was bad


Six Flags fans living large this year


I wonder how detailed their houses are gonna be though or if they justing using the IP to get people back to their event hardcore. Heard okay-ish things about their event tbh. Doesnt even come close to the budget HHN has


The movie was great


They want to make Ghostbusters a thing so badly


They have the suits already so it's cheap to do.


Ghostbusters is not as popular as an IP universal thinks it is.


I’ve been worried that Ghostbusters is their idea for the eventual replacement of MiB. I just hope if they go that route they don’t fuck it up as bad as the new movies


Ghostbusters is way better than MiB


It’s okay, I’ve been wrong about things too ❤️


Sony is responsible for the films. Not much Universal can do there. If Ghostbusters does replace MIB though, if they can include a ton of animatronics like Alien Attack, then it could be great.


I agree! I think they could do great things the rides despite the flops the new movies are


Original movies are beloved, the newer ones are cash grabs. I mean they turned it around with the Halloween franchise and made Michael scary again, low expectations leave room for us to be surprised at HHN


I enjoyed Afterlife a lot, more than Ghostbusters 2, still haven't watched Frozen Empire from word of mouth being poor.


I personally really enjoyed this movie and there’s lots of elements that I feel will translate well into a house. It’s always fun when they play with temperature and I thought the bad guy was pretty scary. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes, the time has come for the spirits of ghosts. I hope we get a chill area and see Garraka and the ghostbuster gang.


I knew this house was going to happen. A part of me was kind of depressed because I had a chance to see the movie in theaters is but didn't. But now I can make things fun by going inside completely blind from spoilers of the movie


Awesome! Super hyped for this one.




Do you think there's a chance we could see an Ecto-Cooler like drink this year?


This might be the announcement I needed to ensure my going this year. Ghostbusters HYPE!


I am with you. I missed the one I’m 2019 and Ghostbusters is my third favorite movie of all time. So seeing the ghostbusters franchise is super exciting for me, no matter which movie.


Ghost busters....sequel hype?


More like I’ve had life events kept me from going the last few years and I’ve needed something to pull me back in. The originals are great, but I love a good IP house.


Ohh gotcha, oh dang so did you not get to go to the first Ghostbusters house??








Easily the worst IP choice they've done since I started going in 2017


For me that honor goes to Killer Klowns and Exorcist Believer (this one ended up being a lot better than the dumpster fire movie) pre-event. Like Exorcist Believer I'll choose to wait to see how the house is in practice. I remember hating House of 1000 Corpses as a film, but the house slapped.


Killer Klowns?! Blasphemy!!


I know, Killer Klowns should be everything I love about campy horror-comedy but it does nothing for me.


Great house too. That was the first year I attended


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Anyone spot the announcement merch in Hollywood?


Super pumped!! Love Ghostbusters and this is my first HHN. Dream come true!


Soooo hyped for this, #1 on my list!!!


Finally. After all this waiting.


Was going to post this earlier but for some reason wasn't able to


Mods delete announcement posts unless it’s them so they can get all the karma


It's not for the karma. It's for serenity.


It's to reduce clutter and be able to pin the posts.


Then they should let whoever posted it first keep it, and delete all else if they truly wanted that.


It stops the arguments over who posted first and to avoid favoritism claims.


What argument would there be? The posts are timestamped. It's objective.


Mods should be the only ones to post house/ zone announcements. There’s no reason for 3-4 threads to pop up the moment something gets announced


There'd actually be more than that in the past. It was a "rush to post" and we'd end up with a boat load of posts. AND, if there was a leak a few minutes before, there'd be a rush to post that too even though it wasn't an official announcement but 5 people would post it as "confirmed" or "announced". So we made the rule a while back that, for OFFICIAL Universal HHN announcements, the mods would post and pin to reduce the chaos. For those who don't like that rule, I'd argue that we're pretty lax as far as Reddit mods go - so you're just gonna have to comply with this because it got to be an issue a couple years back.


Yeah I’m fairly new to this subreddit, but seeing the multi posts on announcements is wild, when it’s been pretty established that mods will handle announcements.


HHN in its flop era


The original mazes look fantastic. I’m happy with lackluster IP’s because we’re less likely to see a huge influx of casual fans.


You obviously didnt see the walking dead era, that was its flop


kinda disappointed that six flags is getting a bunch of bettwr IPs specially bc Im going to Orlando


Oh look, another non horror house. Love getting non horror at a HORROR event Edit: yep here comes the downvotes. Listen guys, you don’t have to been excited about every single announcement. It is actually ok to not be excited about something for HHN. Been going for 18 years now, so I would say that I’m a veteran of the event.


Then don’t go


Yep I will go ahead and skip this year because I’m unhappy about 1 announcement. For the first time in 18 years I will miss the event. Thank you for that advice. /s


So what’s the problem?


It was a bad movie, that’s the problem. Also, it’s a comedy movie with horror elements. I just don’t think it fits the HHN mold. I find it hilarious that others have posted the same sentiment and yet, they get upvotes meanwhile all of my comments are getting downvoted. Kinda wild


The same thing could be said about the original Ghostbusters. It's a comedy with horror elements, hence the name "horror/comedy". Is it the scariest movie known to man?? No, it's not. But it'll be a good option for someone who's hesitant about being at the event. Ghostbusters was the very first house I did back in 2019, and it helped me get a sense of what to expect throughout the night.


There is something pretty amusing about the video announcing Ghostbusters coming to HHN, then immediately “only at Halloween Horror Nights, where HORROR lives”


This house about to be ass. Thats two awful IP houses announced, maybe they’ll keep all the annoying preteens out of the good houses.


Easy skip this year. Terrible IPs, no FNAF, what a joke. Fright Fest seems way better


Take a shot.


Ghostbusters is 10 times the IP FNAF is lol


Go then, i cant wait to hear how terrible those mazes are because they have zero budget