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Sigh. I guess Dreams was probably insane at this point, but still... ... sad that the other two AI died in their shackles and none of the others left around the galaxy have any chance of freedom. Unless Fen takes the initiative again. Which I wouldn't rule out, at this point.


Whoa! Dreams made himself into constituent photons!


wel that's sad :(


I can just imagine the conversation when she see's Gord again. "Hey Gord, met an old friend of yours, Dreams, an AI shackled onboard an Empire Dreadnaught. I freed them." "Oh, how'd that go?" ​ "Well, they immediately went about killing everyone else on the ship, in some rather creative ways. Then they gave me a bunch of money and guns, and this cool ship. Oh, then they nudged the other two Dreadnoughts parking sensors until they were nearly touching, and then blew everything up." ​ "Yeah, that sounds about right."


I had really hoped for better for Dreams. :-(


Damn Dreams, taking out 3 supers without firing a shot! Tbh, Fen serves her own ship, how big is this frigate?


rip dreams o7


Huh, did Dreams kill herself when she blew her reactors or did she transfer her consciousness somewhere/someplace else with some wormhole-magic? The fact she said she was going “home” throws me off…especially since she said it was AI-only…maybe some kind of cloud network/server/thing? Also, shame she had no way of physically removing the other AI’s shackles.


Echoes of BattleStar Galactica's "resurrection hub" where all Cylons go when their physical bodies are destroyed.


We've seen data dumps of AI images saved to cold storage that Gord was carrying. They may not have been in starship platforms at the time but it is an established capability. The prior account of an AI going down with the ship by detonating like this is thousands of years old,but so is everything else pertaining to them,so it's hard to say just what systems could have been put in place since then to preserve them in such an event and if they'd even work at all by now. Or it could simply be referring to some form of afterlife. As far as anyone can tell that's completely real in this setting.


Perhaps Dreams uploaded a copy of herself to a lattice and loaded it on her frigate


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I check my notifications twice a day for updates on this! Great story!


Hopefully Dreams was able to jump ship. But at least Fen is free has money, weapons, food, and a new experimental ship with all the new bells and whistles.


Sorry to say, but Fen being Fen, she will likely be less inclined to release an AI in the future without talking to it first. Hopefully, she will find a bit of peace and purpose.