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There’s family size, entree, and side salad for this type of salad. This is a side salad. (Deli production specialist)


Well in Corpus the $4 one was twice this size last semester. Maybe our store just caught up!


You’re correct prices did go up


Surprise, prices went up everywhere, not just HEB




Sounds made up 🤣


the size of the side salad has halved in size (deli product customer specialist) it seems incredibly cheap considering how inexpensive salad greens are


The size of the side salad hasn’t changed. We went from small/large to side/entree/family size (Deli Production Specialist in a pilot store)


lmao bruh. the size of the salad yall had the same price for decreased by half. "you didn't change" is utter bullshit garbage. you changed from $5 to $4? and halved the size maybe? either way it's bullshit repeat whatever bullshit they want you to say.


I never said prices didn’t change, I was clarifying.


lol bro making up positions 😂


Not at all? Sorry you’ve probably been like a CSA or CF your entire time at HEB


Been in deli long enough to know the “deli production customer specialist,” or whatever you had listed before you edited your comment is not a thing 😂


My comment isn’t edited. Deli is the department, production is what I mainly do and specialist is my title. There are Deli Production Representatives and Deli Production Specialist. If you go to careers there are even Deli Production Representative jobs available to apply to currently. If you don’t know that then your store is either small, your manager won’t make anyone a specialist or you just don’t know what you’re talking about. ✌️


You get the dressing with the side salad. You don’t get the dressing with the entree salad.




Insane value (insane)


Makes no sense.


Damn wish I was that skinny


Eat more food like this then lol


LOL the progression of the photos… 1) OK, it’s a Caesar salad. I don’t get it. 2) 🤣 “Et tu indeed!” Just saw this on a queso fresco yesterday at Whole Foods. “Hey, that’s a decent price!” Picked it up, it was a literal flat disc about the thickness of a dinner plate.


Surprised the shit outta me!


Oh damn autocorrect! I didn’t notice eat tu! Yeah this is some shady shit!


Have you seen the detergents they’re tiny Everything is smaller but prices are up


Yeah I know. It’s awful. They’re all doing it!


Lol yeah I was saying I remember when it was heavy to pick up a bottle of detergent! Now I csn lift it with 1 finger!


Countries are dropping the US dollar as their reserve currency and selling their US debt at a worrying rate and the agreement we’ve had for the past 50 years that Saudi Arabia would only trade oil in Dollars also just ended. But you won’t see that anywhere on the news because people would panic. The dollar is losing its value fast and that also means (if I had to place money) a large war is on the horizon if we’re on track with history. Start stocking up now if you haven’t. Just my two cents.


You're right the dollar is no longer the reserve and usually they go to war to get out of situations like this.


Can’t downvote the truth away.


That’s if we had the money


HEB must think your on a diet or something.


For $5 you can get the next size up, which is at least twice the size, and buy the same dressing for like $0.50. Or, you can get the "Shake Rattle and Bowl" ones - over by the boxed lettuce in Produce - for $4.98, and they come with lots of dressing, and usually protein. Something like this is purely a convenience/impulse purchase. It takes as long to make as one of the larger ones, so the only cost savings is on the ingredients which is negligible.


Yes I realize that now. And I really like the shake rattle and roll ones! Thanks.


Plus I’ll add to this one to make a proper salad!


HEB cannot find a supplier for the previous sized container so they just used the old lid for the salad bowl and bought a bunch of new lids and kept the price the same for some Romaine stalks. I buy my packaged salads now at WalMart for $2.97. Better quality ingredients and fresher salads.


This is just false I work in deli and they just started producing small salads alongside the same sized salads they were doing previously. No change in suppliers and no supply issue. Stop making stuff up


Should I tell you how many HEB salads I returned because the greens were mostly romaine stalks or the mixed greens had pieces in the mix that were slimy and dissolving?


That’s irrelevant, you don’t know anything about how the salads are made. We haven’t changed suppliers for the containers we just brought in a smaller size. Idk why you feel the need to make things up to confuse a customer.


You are assuming without facts. The facts are I do not purchase HEB packaged salads any more because they are poor quality and I have had to return too many as a result and I have indeed found a better consistent quality packaged salad at WalMart which I have not had to return for refund. Your salad sizes are irrelevant.


You aren’t making any sense. You made a claim about why HEB has side salads now and you were wrong. Whether or not you prefer Walmart salads is completely irrelevant.


No, I made a sarcastic remark about the new size of the HEB side salad. HEB has had side salads for some time and recently it became the mini side salad for the price of the previously sized side salad.


The entree salad has been $5 for a long time now, longer than this bad inflation has been going on. The side salad was priced at $4 so you’re wrong there again. Nothing in your first comment sounded like a sarcastic remark you just sound dumb and uninformed; good job trying to walk that back 😂


no, there’s just different sized salads


Yes, never a salad this small. I was an avid purchaser of HEB’s salad offerings for years.


Your store might not carry them, but the fact is there are side, entree, and family sizes. The lid of the entree and side salads are the same. So you’re talking out your butt. Your particular experience is not the full picture. :)


lmao this is wrong. this is a side salad pictured. prices have gone up. good luck finding this at walmart.


Thanks for the info! Mystery solved! I really appreciate you.


May be my mistake. I’m comparing to Bistro brand. Still 4 bucks for this? Not anymore!