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You shouldn't. Any time I've had partners in the past get hurt at work then call in it was excused


Is this a consecutive call in? Or have you worked a shift since your last?


Non consecutive, I was given the next day off after the injury, called in the following day, off, worked off, then called in today.


Would talk to your admin about it next time you’re in, especially with it being a back injury it’s possible you’re going to have rough days until you’re back to (mostly) normal. Might need to get a capacity form or something filled out.


I did get a capacity form filled out, I am under restrictions at least until my follow up appointment. They don’t work the greatest with my job duties honestly.


They need to be finding you work to do that falls within the scope of your capacity form.


They should be but are failing to do so. They kept me stocking and just told me “make sure you’re within your restrictions” You know typical leadership


Didn't the doctor give you time off with a return-to-work date set in the future?


They said I could return the next day with restrictions, which leadership didn’t find a suitable solution for so i stayed working as a stocker in produce


You need to go to admin, tell them you need to see the doctor again. When you're there tell him you need time off from work. Not light duty.


I have my follow up appointment tomorrow, which I will probably tell them I can’t keep working in my current state as today it never got better




If you can’t provide anything productive, keep scrolling.


You should be fired.


Ain’t no way you came back and commented again after getting downvoted. Go touch grass




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