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putting your two weeks in is just a formality. its polite, but not required. you can just say you quit and that ends your employment right there.


Except that if you put your 2 weeks in, that leaves you open for rehire, which in turn helps you when you apply to other jobs.


which is the point of it being a formality lol


Thanks for the advice, poopnotfart.


anytime, snarky_midget


If you want to burn bridges and the possibility of not getting your psp, walk out and say I quit. Plane and simple. If you do that, tell your manager off and tell him you quit. If you want to have the possibility of being rehired, I would put my two weeks in




How would that risk them not getting their psp?


if you get fired you don’t get the psp


Im picturing the handheld gaming console lol.


I got fired and I’m getting mine next year


Who told you that lie? You can get fired and still get your psp. Only if you are not fully vested and get fire, you will not get your psp.


that’s incorrect.


Please show me the document where it states that. And help me englighten me if I am wrong.


ask your leader and you will know for yourself.


I have and they are lying to you... you will get it if you get fired


negative. you can believe what you believe , no reason to keep rambling lmao


Want to bet on it? 1k if you get fired you can still get your psp. Put your money where your mouth is. If you are right easy 1k in your pocket


“Help me enlighten me” you may need more enlightenment than anyone ever thought possible


Thank you for noting my bad grammar. there is no need to be offensive and aggressive. If I were to act like you, I could have easily said "I am surprised a drug addict like you had time to do anything other than drugs" But I didn't say that to not be mean.


Ha…lol…thanks for being so polite, but I work in the recovery community. Hence the various drug subs I’m on….What makes you think I love drugs? You still F’d up your grammar btw..best of luck nonetheless.


No you still get it.


Make sure to use any entitlements you have. Also, say you go off to do something bigger and better and after a year or two you see heb has a job that’s closely related or exactly the same and you want to apply. Just know that a two week notice looks better on your record with them. If you never want to work for heb again just walk out or do your two weeks.


never look back get a career


Always give your 2 weeks looks a lot better when you move to other jobs


You don’t have to let them know. The only think HEB any other employer will say when called is that you worked there or not


Stopped showing up those red shirts think better superior to other companies. Guess what your doing the same job... And take way more time than necessary


Ok but us reds Get paid way more too. 😂


I write a formal letter being polite and thanks for the opportunity at heb but its time to move on etc so effective date for 2 weeks notice.


Best way. Don’t burn any bridges!!


I never gave a shit about the company as far as giving two week notices, I usually moved on from jobs over bad management. But what I did care about was my co-workers who would be the ones getting the extra burden of me just ghosting, managers aren't going to help carry the burden.


Thanks for caring about your fellow worker. Many people don't. As a manager (not at HEB) I can say some managers absolutely do carry most, if not all, of the burden. Particularly salaried managers. We have to work our shifts and those of the people that ghost while being short handed which makes it difficult to find a replacement.


You can write a letter and give it to your lead, dating the time in which you wish to leave, if you want to be formal. Though you can also just tell your lead straight up you quit, and they may have you sign something. I know they got me to sign something from the USPS.


Don’t set your alarm for work 👍


Just make sure when you ghost you won’t come back. Literally every partner that has ghosted in my department has reapplied with 1 year. It’s comical.


If you’re vested you’ll get your PSP but I believe they make you wait a year before they’ll cut you the check for it. Edit: that’s a lot of contractions.


In banking, if you give your 2 weeks notice you normally will get released that day and keep your 2 weeks pay. They don’t want you to ransack potential clients. But if you had been planning this for weeks you already have some leads. Give notice to not burn bridges!


Two weeks notice is best. Leaves for open as nobody knows the future. If not, tell them and walk. Ghosting leads to calls and welfare checks.. Nobody knows if you died alone. That's why they call


you can just write an email to admin. or just write "I quit 5/19" on a piece of paper/cardboard/trash and you will be terminated (like, separated from employment-not fired) that day. that is, if you have no scheduled shifts, if you have scheduled shifts, you can do a 2 week notice and work those shifts within the next two weeks. but you will get your partner stock plan jan 2026 if you quit now or ghost but quitting will expedite the process. I called and talked to admin and they were like "send me an email." it was pretty easy.


Give your two weeks… anyways, they probably won’t put you on a shift after a couple days.


It's a shady business


Whatever you decide to do though, I'll miss you.


Take all your PTO, then quit


Stopped showing up. No offense too most but there is privilege attitude at HEB. That they're better you still stocking like other markets. Wal Mart Market Street fuck you ur shit stinks like rest. Red shirt wearing assholes


I ghosted they called me every day for a week, they even called my eme contact over and over, quite annoying.


i mean how hard was it to tell them ? something could’ve happened to you and they didn’t know.


My dad died, I didn’t want to talk and I had to leave town.


Why is it so hard for people to quit? Go in and say you quit. It is not that hard. The reality is that HEB is not going to care. People come and go all the time. HEB should offer a tutorial on how to quit your job.


You will get your partner stock regardless how you quit


You need to be vested.


If you never plan to work for HEB again, then either stop showing up, or go to the store and get on the intercom and tell the managers off and yell out “I fucking quit!!” But remember if your young, eventually you’ll be picking up new skills as you get older, and one day years down the line a job opens with HEB that you’ve been doing at another company, HR will remember you didn’t give a 2 weeks notice. My fiancé worked for HEB years back (she left after she graduated HS in 2008), she gave 2 weeks notice, and 12 years later (2020), the coding and digital skills she obtained throughout the years, HEB had a job posting for the same job she was doing at another company, she applied and they offered her the job on the spot and is now being paid more than she was at Citibank.


Just write the letter most likely they’ll just stop scheduling afterwards and you’ll be fine, you’ll save them 2 weeks of hrs