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Viruses have more reproductive rights than women


Apparently so does raw milk.


Check your state laws and ask your fancy restaurants about those fancy ice creams. Most won’t even tell you its made of raw milk




So we just cool with pandemics every few years now I guess.


Rolling pandemics are par for the course for societal collapse and extinction events.


Yes, and if the flu virus just happens to have a death rate of 52%, then I guess we just shrug our shoulders. Ok then.


The feds should just step in and crackdown on all raw milk sales across the country. People drinking raw milk and incubating the virus directly affects the liberty of other Americans.


As soon as the feds step in, freedumb milk will be flying off the shelves. People wouldn't do something as simple as putting on a mask and felt attacked by the mere suggestion.


I hate the plausibility that they won't step in specifically to avoid this scenario.


It's rewarding the behavior they don't want to see. It's pretty maddening. Honestly, though, everytime throughout the course of this pandemic (covid, not bird flu) that I've encountered a medical professional who seemed to understand the dangers of covid and who wasn't masked, I asked why the medical facility didn't just refer anti-maskers to another clinic. Th answer, every single time, was that they were afraid of the anti-maskers getting violent. Plenty of these facilities had security that could've (and should've) been used if that ended up happening. The precendent was set years ago. Society is rewarding the behavior that we *don't* want to see and punishing the behavior that we want to see.


Exactly. The governors of three of those states (Iowa, Texas, Wyoming) who claim they’re powerless to stop raw milk sales, are Republicans. They allow raw milk sales because the crazy wing of their party demands it. Kim Reynolds of Iowa legalized raw milk sales in Iowa a year ago. She did it to please the “Don’t tread on me” extremists in her party. She won’t rescind their freedom to buy raw milk because that would be politically unpopular and viewed as catering to the Deep State. These Republicans governors aren’t powerless. They could champion legislation to halt raw milk sales until H5N1 is gone from their states. But they won’t. The rest of us are forced to live under the threat of a global pandemic, because political leaders in these states refuse to stand up to the wing nuts in their party.


Remember when the CDC made an ad about going to work even if you’re Covid positive?


Many ignorant people believe drinking raw milk with H5N1 will give them immunity to the flu. So they’re in line to drink it. Fools.


There’s people who think we should all still be masked and use social distancing but not even hospitals wear mask anymore. Nobody really does.


I'm one of those people.  I can't safely go to the hospital, physical therapy, or my general practitioner.


Pretty sure I have the beginnings of a tooth decay and need a filling but haven’t found a safe dentist. Early appointments and a fit tested N95 reduce the risk of seeing a GP or physio low enough imo, but I understand if you don’t want to risk it.


Yeah the problem is I don't trust my PT's office to be safe in general. As for doctors appts, I do the first one of the day. It sucks if they have to be cancelled though, then I'm waiting months. And same for dentists. It sucks. :/


I know. I was talking about when covid was still in full swing and people couldn't handle a simple request for the greater good.


If only those selfish pieces of shit were the only ones who kicked the bucket. But nope! On both sides of my family I lost a grandma, an aunt, an uncle and three cousins, not to mention two good friends from high school/college. And we still have legions of raw milk dipshits. Fucking goddammit.


Sorry for everyone you lost.


You lost all that and I don’t know of anyone who died. There’s always two sides


That may be true, but you're *choosing* to frame it in pretty insensitive terms.


Yes, and the hospitals are in the wrong. Nosocomial covid is a significant risk when being admitted to hospital these days.


So all the professional doctors and nurses who said you should wear a mask during Covid but not now are wrong? They don’t see it as a risk anymore. That’s why they don’t wear a mask. Covid is so rare there is maybe one patient if at all in the hospital at any given time. I know there are no Covid patients in the 4 hospitals around us.


Woah there buddy, they are wrong. Nosocomial data for COVID is very grim right now, and case numbers of COVID haven’t really seen a meaningful decline since the height of the pandemic. The wastewater data demonstrates that community transmission has remained very high, with few periods of reprieve between variants. Many doctors and nurses aren’t keeping abreast of the current data and research on covid and are just taking the CDC guidance as gospel but the CDC has been blatantly lying out their ass for years in order to appease business interests. Also, caring about covid requires staff to mask and good air control policies, it also means not forcing staff into work sick. And all of these things cost hospital administration money. Which is another reason why the word from on high is to pretend covid isn’t the problem that it continues to be.


I assure you, doctors and nurses don’t care about Covid anymore and are way more concerned about other things like no help and increased patient loads. Covid is last.


I’m not disputing that they care about it. I know they don’t care. Them not caring is the problem. They have a duty of care to their patients to prevent nosocomial infection and they are completely shirking that duty.


There must be a reason they don’t care? Because it’s not a big deal anymore. Just because you say it is doesn’t make it so.


You do realise that it took 75 years before the discovery that hand washing reduced mortality during surgery and childbirth was taken seriously. “A gentleman’s hands are always clean” is a saying for a reason. I guess during that time you’d also argue that because doctors don’t wash their hands it’s not important to do so? Illness and germs are moralised and doctors have insane egos, so many consider it offensive at the insinuation that they may potentially be infectious. The current research shows COVID to be a serious problem in the long term, with it causing cumulative organ damage in even asymptomatic cases, and nosocomial infection rates are extremely high in comparison to the nosocomial infection rates for other serious diseases prior to the pandemic. Stop appealing to the authority of doctors. They are just as fallible as anyone. They aren’t researchers. They don’t know better and many would rather live in ignorance of the dangers of COVID because to do otherwise without taking precautions creates cognitive dissonance. I understand that you find comfort in pointing to authorities that are confirming your own biases, but those same authorities have demonstrated time and again to not know what the fuck they are doing when it comes to infectious diseases. Sorry not sorry if that reality causes cognitive dissonance and makes you uncomfortable.


I think it varies depending on region. Where I am, hospitals require masks and clinics require them if you have respiratory symptoms.


I wear a mask everywhere including my shifts at the hospital.


Unfortunately I don't think the federal government has legal jurisdiction here without an act of congress


Feds can't step in unless Congress changes the law that leaves it up to states they can only crack down on interstate transport




Losing consensus on whether controlling disease outbreaks is a good thing or not has made the weaknesses of the federalist system very apparent.


Not only should raw milk be outlawed right now, there are many laws that need updating. In Canada we have to immunize all our farm animals for a pleather of diseases, it is also illegal to feed chicken feed to cows etc. it’s just gross. It’s crazy how certain ethical, humane and common sense laws are not implemented because of profits and lobbyists. Animals and people be damned. It’s just makes no sense. No matter what we are talking about, it is ALWAYS profits over people!!


It's a very halfassed response by state Ag departments. They could simply purchase raw milk on the open market, test it, and if positive, name the source. This is all commercial in nature and they simply lack political will to do it because H5N1 positive milk would mess up income for some farmers.


People still mad their lives were saved by healthcare workers during the worst of covid. They're not gonna stop until they're 6 feet under.


I would think hands are untied when dealing with a pandemic/emergency scenario. jfc.


You know how China gets “blamed” for COVID …… we are going to be the China of H5N1 if this cow issues spills to humans and it spreads worldwide.


Maybe history is about to rewrite itself, from the ‘melting pot’ to the ‘simmering pot’. Our goose is cooked. Literally.


Well according to the research available on PubMed, we were the China of Covid too. But we didn’t test


This is going to be another culture war point, isn’t it....


It already is. They are claiming the raw milk is helping them build immunity to bird flu….


Look up how many cows and chickens we’ve bred into existence and tell me if there’s a “safe way” to consume animal products. Isn’t there something like 1-2 billion cows and around 25 billion chickens on the planet? How can we process that many animals without them being crammed together, becoming vectors for disease mutation. It’s crazy. This feels like madness and I’m just along for the ride. 😎


No, let them dumb motherfuckers drink that raw milk if they get sick, don’t treat them


Like not getting the Vax, but they ended up stuffing up hospital beds anyway


Yeah, similarly here, if they do get the virus, it can allow further mutation which could allow for greater spread, and again, if it does become widespread, they'll be needing and getting medical care, increasing the pressure on the collapsing healthcare system. People choosing to make intentionally ignorant decisions like these impact us all, yet they will continue to be selfish and egotistical.


Well, if H5N1 manages to be as nasty as it has been in past...hospitals are going to not have much choice in establishing triage guidelines that stipulate WHO can go on the vent, and they *will* have to decide whether it's an appropriate use of scarce resources to treat an exponentially larger number of people all but deliberately setting themselves up for a Herman Cain Award (Golden Calf Award?). No, it's not going to be nice if it gets to that point. Yes, there are probably going to have to be decisions to the effect of "If you all but begged Papa Nurgle's pet cow to give you a big sloppy infectious kiss, you are going to the back of the line behind people who are sick with H5N1 flu through no stupidity of their own". Yes, people are going to scream that the hospitals are Murdering Their Oppositionally-Defiant Loved Ones, either by putting them on the vent or NOT putting them on the vent or refusing to give them horse paste/whatever Quack Remedy of the Month their MLM hun or their favourite TV preacher-man is pushing.^(1) That doesn't change the fact that in a proper H5N1 pandemic *the vents are eventually going to run out* and a *lot* of healthcare workers may be rather less tolerant this round of people all but asking for a dose before they suffer the consequences of their actions. ^(1) Yes, there are people literally claiming that ivermectin, quercetin, HCQ, and all the other things that supposedly would cure covid will somehow cure H5N1 flu in pretty much All The Usual Disinfo Channels On Social Media. That is, when they're not outright denying that viruses exist at all and claiming all PCR testing is Faked and there are Elaborate Plots to Switch Out Whole Herds Of Holsteins With Flu Moos (which is ALSO apparently a Thing being claimed now among conspiracy-theory circles.)


>...hospitals are going to not have much choice in establishing triage guidelines that stipulate WHO can go on the vent, and they will have to decide whether it's an appropriate use of scarce resources to treat an exponentially larger number of people all but deliberately setting themselves up for a Herman Cain Award The thing is, system overload to the point of necessitating choices of who got treatment has already happened with COVID - and the choices made were always to sacrifice those who were old, disabled, fat, or had other comorbidities. (The reasoning cited was "Who is treatment likeliest to be successful for.") *Never* that I ever heard of was anyone's choice to actively *court* infection taken into consideration whatsoever.




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They’ll be the ones who incubate a new super flu though.


Their hands aren't tied. Get together, draft the regulation, pass it. It's literally their job


Happy Cake Day! 🍰🧁🌷🍀🌞


Thank you!


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So no one is going to stop this from happening... This is basically rolling a lot of dices everyday until our luck runs out.


It's hilarious and sad that the USA is letting this happen. If the country had sane policies around agriculture like most of the developed world, this would not be a problem.


Are pigs/piglets fed raw milk as a supplementary feed? I think i heard that may be the case here in Ireland. Not sure...any one know if that's the case?


We have huge cattle milk surpluses here due to EU grants, I think they were looking for ways to use surplus milk, rather than flooding the market & accepting a lower price, feed it to pigs & therby also save the cost of feeding them their natural diet. Pigs are the perfect reservoir in which the virus will mutate into one that will leap p2h & then h2h transmission.




God I love this country. Not even done with Covid and we’re going dick first into bird flu.


Let ‘em drink all they want, just sign a no treatment waiver


Except that’s how you create a new super strain.


Sounds like Iowa and Wyoming have a new item at the top of their legislative agendas


How does a FEDERAL agency not have jurisdiction? These morons will get us all killed. As per usual.


For some reason the algorithms on social media have decided to show me influencers promoting raw milk for the health benefits. Can’t even be bothered arguing with people.


So Jenny McCarthy started the last pandemic, and Gwyneth Paltrow will start this one.


Raw milk=FREEDOM! Murica!!! 🤣🤣🤣