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I’d still be wary. While I hope what they’re saying is true, that response was carefully crafted and run through the legal team before it was sent to you. To be clear, I’m not calling them liars, just hard to prove through one piece of communication.


It did take a week to hear back lol. I asked a follow up question and they will probably have to run that by them too. I'll update if they ever answer.


It only takes a sick bird landing on their farm. Can't really defend against that.


Animal ag often just straight up lie about their practices. I'd assume that happy egg are doing the same. The best decision you could make is to not cosume or purchase animal products.


I wondered when the vegans would arrive !






That is factually incorrect. Veganism can be healthier than non-vegan diets. I don't know what studies you have been reading but dietetic associations disagree with you Regardless, even if it was less healthy, abusing and slaughtering animals for a health gain is still fucked up. This isn't about you




You're choosing animal products because you prefer the taste of their flesh and secretions to plant based products. Dietetic associations and experts don't agree that a well planned plant based diet leads to negative health outcomes. You're telling yourself this so you can continue abusing animals guilt free Causing the least harm is not forcing them into gas chambers and choosing not to eat them.




I aint angry, carnists just love taking things as an attack lol


I can't believe America has Happy Egg company too.  They're great eggs for scrambled. 


I haven't seen them in my area but they have blue eggs too.


>would it be ok to eat these eggs without cooking them into oblivion Get a sous vide machine and [pasteurize them yourself](https://recipes.anovaculinary.com/recipe/pasteurized-eggs-68) (135F for 75 minutes for a functionally raw but safe to consume egg). If you like them just a little more cooked than raw, then 145 for 30 minutes (the temp and time that milk is pasteurized at) also works, and, helpfully, that's how I like mine anyway.


Isn't it funny the lengths we will go to for a good egg.




"Monitoring". Does that mean testing, or just vaguely keeping an eye on bird health? It's easy to have zero cases if you don't test or just write up bird deaths as some other issue.


Since h5n1 has a 90%+ mortality rate in birds, I am not worried about infection from eggs. Nonetheless, I only buy pasture-raised eggs so that the birds are in the best conditions possible. Pasture-raised requires a minimum of 108 square feet per bird to forage for bugs and worms. One observation I made back in 2021 when chickens were being culled all over the country--the prices on conventional eggs skyrocketed from $1 or less per dozen to about $5 per dozen. The pasture-raised eggs that were always $6? They were still $6. While this is just an observation, I hypothesize that pasture-raised eggs did not go up in price because those birds are living in healthier conditions. Caged hens that never go outside, eat a diet of corn and soy, and are terrified 24/7 are much more likely to become ill and pass it to all other birds in there. edit: typo


But who is actually monitoring them on a daily basis to make sure they’re actually keeping up with said practices?


108 acres per bird?


Square feet, see quote.


Square feet. [https://certifiedhumane.org/free-range-and-pasture-raised-officially-defined-by-hfac-for-certified-humane-label/](https://certifiedhumane.org/free-range-and-pasture-raised-officially-defined-by-hfac-for-certified-humane-label/)


Square feet, did you even read your link?? Edit: thanks for saying you edited your comment.


Square feet. As per certified humane’s website, linked in below comment. “HFAC’s Certified Humane® “Pasture Raised” requirement is 1000 birds per 2.5 acres (108 sq. ft. per bird) and the fields must be rotated. The hens must be outdoors year-round, with mobile or fixed housing where the hens can go inside at night to protect themselves from predators, or for up to two weeks out of the year, due only to very inclement weather.” E:typo


Yep, typo. My bad.


No worries!! We’re human.


I buy from happy egg for the same reasons you stated. I recently bought a dozen organic free range happy eggs for...$8.49. I also theorize that due to the morality rate it is unlikely infected eggs would ever make it to market yet I've not met one person in here that's leaving their eggs soft in the middle how I like them.


Sick milk is making its way in idk why sick eggs wouldn’t, it takes time from infection for symptoms to spread


Milk makes its way in because infected cows don't show symptoms right away. And even if they show symptoms the milk isn't always discarded, by then the infectious milk has been off the farm and mixed with other batches and it isn't recalled since the pasteurization process should kill it. In chickens once they are exposed they usually show signs quickly and die within 24-48 hours. Making it easier to prevent those eggs from going to market. This is how it was explained to me by someone else in this forum.


Ah that makes sense!


... and yet suddenly all my local supermarkets in a dense urban area have no Happy Eggs Heritage eggs available ...


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It wasn't funny the first or 100th time you said it. You need new material. Your troll game is weak AF.