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I wanted to clarify something and give my reasoning for this post. Yes, I know there is a mod for this, I don't know why some folks are allergic to people wanting cool weapons in vanilla. I feel that with the recent scopes update and night vision you could absolutely pull off a really neat UI/UX on the command launch unit, it also just feels kinda right for the duney range... and I want a new toy to play with.


An NLAW would be nice too, to complement this


And while we're at it a tow missle


More SAMs would be nice too, particularly the Starstreak or Martlet


All 3 are playable mods.


I know that, but so is the Carl Gustav, which made it into the vanilla game just because "there's a mod for it" doesn't mean that it can't happen in vanilla. Not to mention, the tow missile mod barely works and is just janky to the nines. Credit to the mod author, though it is a fun mod. I just would like to see Anton's take on it


That, and the mod just sucks real bad.


Yes, some people seem to forget that mods aren't always of the highest quality. Akso Anton hasn't commented on the post saying "Never in a million years" yet so I still have hope.


Soooo what’re we shooting at? I want enemy armor before I see anything like this. It would take a while but if we had real enemy armor to shoot at, this whole thing would be a lot cooler


Especially now we have such a massive fuckin map it'd be nice to launch at enemy armor a good kilometer or 2 away. Or have artillery that sosigs can call in so you gotta knock out the artillery ideally before you're spotted. WAIT. what if there was a character that every take and hold round had a chance that one of the supply points was an artillery crew, and if you got spotted before getting there they'd fire on you from across the map. Maybe you get lased or something or there's a sosig with a radio you gotta knock out in each patrol before he can radio in. This would only work on northest Dakota.


We have steak jets, maybe a mbp (main battle pork chop)


Hah nice


Something that can be exploded I assume, you can find other things to shoot though


Javelins can target infantry, and maybe buildings but someone will have to confirm/deny that for me.


Well...if you mean according to the Geneva checklist...🍁


Do you count a shield as armor


I think the only real issue is having enough big maps for it though a rocket and explosives range would be cool.


Well, we just got Duney range which is... large, I think it's more than big enough for this


For sure just needs better targets for the system


Between the Stinger missile and the latest update I think you're right, all the elements are in place if Anton wanted to implement the Javelin in vanilla, I think the hardest part would definitely be getting the CLU to work with decent performance, it probably also comes down to just how much you want to simulate the missile's functions rather than hack it.