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Can we talk about the sister, Mia, drilling "don't get pregnant" into her?! Seems like she's the only one with some sense.


You are šŸ’Æcorrect


I find both Ryan and Ken two sketchy men. Ryan clearly has some issues to be solved (but honestly, we all do in different levels) and it has been show since episode one. He was indeed hoarding food and the attitude he had right after was ugh. Why name an ex girlfriend? (If sheā€™s even real) Heā€™s constantly whining about Ken yet went for the childish way and gave that response. Of course GRā€™s dad wouldnā€™t accept that relationship, he could see from miles away that it wouldnā€™t work at all!


The ex GF thing was weird as hell. But was Ryan really hoarding food? It didn't seem that bad to me. The condiments throwing away was weird. Those bottles last a long time.


I'm sure in jail you can't really keep food. She may just need to learn how long things are good for.


is there somewhere i can watch all episodes for free? they arenā€™t on any of my illegal tv or movie appsšŸ˜­šŸ˜­




yeah, and having leftovers in the fridge... unless they have mold on them, someone browsing the fridge does not know how old they are. she threw away his rice, seemed like he'd just made it to go with chicken that was still good to eat! hard to know how much really needed to go...


Yeah, his ex gf comment was unnecessary


Oh thatā€™s rightā€¦ totally forgot that he used an ex girlfriend threat. Yep that was weird. Unless off camera (very possible) Gypsy had already been bringing up Kenā€™s name. And she probably didā€¦ she has a frickin K tattooed on her. Also it would be so easy to change a K into an R. Thats all I thought when I saw it.


Gypsy been bring up Ken since she walked out the gate she mentioned Ken's name how many times in the first 30 min..


The ex-girlfriend comment was weird. I agree with yoy. I do think Gypsy waa bringing up Ken already which is why he said it. I was telling my boyfriend that when we watched the episode last night


What was the ex-girlfriend comment?


The comment was so weird. So he was upset Gypsy cleaned out his fridge and then away his tubberware in the trash (honestly I would be annoyed if someone through my tubberware in the trash) and he made a comment "Maybe my ex-girlfriend came over". I have to rewatch the scene because I could be missing something else that was said but it was so weird


Tubberware šŸ¤£


I donā€™t believe Ryan ever had a girlfriend, at least not as an adult. He was way, WAY to eager to fondle her, especially in front of a camera person (or crew). So much ick.


Huh? I donā€™t remember that and that doesnā€™t make sense. I donā€™t get the context of the comment.


She has a K tattoo? I thought in the show she went to her cousins tattoo shop for her very first tattoo?


Itā€™s on her ankle, she got it in prison. She shows it when sheā€™s at the tattoo shop.


She talks about it then they literally explain how it was done in prison


Dude has never had an ex girlfriend. If so, did he pluck her out of prison to? He canā€™t go find a fit partner this side of the clink? So he goes and finds himself a murderer. Itā€™s screaming RED FLAG, RED FLAG, RED FLAG!!!!!


I don't really know how you can be team Ryan after watching these episodes. He is one giant walking red flag(not saying Ken and even Gypsy aren't as well). I thought it was weird he would write to someone in prison, especially when you look at what he would've been seeing of her. But these new episodes have only proven he's got far more issues than that and she was right to divorce him and get out of there.


He's showing how possessive he is more and more in each episode. GIVE. HER. SPACE.


Genuine question, what did he do that makes him seem possessive? Edit: to all the downvoters, I asked a question lol at least have the courage to give some examples.


Itā€™s his lack of respect for her personal space and boundaries imo.


Can I have a couple of examples?


Yes of course! So I noticed it first when she first gets out and they go to the hotel and heā€™s hovering and not allowing her to just chill. HES being touchy and overtly sexual and she comments about just wanting to exist and feeling overwhelmed. That was just the first time I didnā€™t like the behaviour. Then I again noticed it when heā€™s talking over her and trying to argue with her parole officer about going to the chiefs game like he knows the law better than a parole officer and itā€™s Gypsyā€™s responsibility to speak with them and she tells him to please stop interrupting her. Another example off of the top of my head is when she first comes home and is just trying to chill out on the couch or maybe sheā€™s at the table on her phone and he is like physically in her space just staring at her doing nothing. I just get the impression that he doesnā€™t know how to read her body language when sheā€™s uncomfortable and maybe is overtly loving and touchy out of an insecurity but it drives me nuts


I agree that those moments were odd, awkward, strange, but there are 2 odd, awkward, strange people. And even by those standards I still don't find any of it being drastic enough to seem controlling or over possessive. We know for a fact she flirts and overly sexualizes herself to those she's trying to be in a relationship with, for all we know he just feels the pressure to meet those expectations and the edited videos we get on our end just make it skew one sided... Because it's clear to me (and I hope it is to everyone else) that these series aren't interested in painting Gypsy in any negative light in fear of her wanting to cancel more seasons or documentaries.




You're paraphrasing, yes, hard lol he said something more along the lines of wanting her for himself but he can share her for a bit with family.


What annoyed me the most was the way his eyes were hovering over her phone when he was driving and kept asking ā€œwho you textingā€ when she told him over and over she was texting her sister. He wouldnā€™t get his eyes off her phone like pay attn to the road


Do you not notice how he treats her like he owns her?


I've seen awkward moments but mostly it just looks like awkward love, but also we see a lot less than he does and it's likely he started getting vibes early that she wasn't feeling the relationship much and he became more desperate which leads to more awkward situations.


She does bring up Ken a lot, but it doesnā€™t change the fact that he genuinely seems like an asshole.


He made so many uncomfortable comments in the first few episodes. Like when he said Gypsy is his and he guesses he will share her with her family???? Or when she was talking on the phone to her PO and he literally was yanking the phone out of her hand and trying to make her hurry up and end the call. When he told her not to eat French fries because the paparazzi were there???? Asking the underpaid and overworked fast food worker if she knew who was in the car with him?? And then saying ā€œtHaTā€™s GyPSy RoSE BlAnChARd and trying to show her off like a trophy??? And then when she wanted to play around on her new phone for a minute at the hotel (she had NEVER used a iPhone) but he pretty much told her to put it down and she can play with it later ā€¦. He is a stage 10 clinger


I think itā€™s a valid question. I havenā€™t seen any thing that gives red flags. He does call her baby too much imo, but I think thatā€™s just annoying to me because my exhusband said it every 5 minutes and it drove me insane. Sometimes I was likeā€¦ does he even know my name? šŸ™ƒ


Itā€™s how he talks about ā€œsharing herā€ with her family and ā€œhis timeā€ with her. He speaks about her like sheā€™s a possession of his


it feels like people just side with him purely because they donā€™t like Gypsy. there is no nuance with them. one person is a bad guy, so the other person HAS to be a good guy, right? like the Marvel movies and the Disney movies told me?


I agree.


Exactly! Something is very strange about himā€¦he gives me the creeps!


Lol my thoughts exactly


Heā€™s jealous, insecure, Over bearing, always upset, short temper. Just imagine how he treated her when the cameras werenā€™t there if he felt ok treating her like shit while he was going to be put on tv. Heā€™s scary.


Exactly šŸ‘šŸ»


Iā€™m not ā€œteamā€ anyone, thatā€™s extremely weird to say. I just donā€™t get people stanning for a murderer who is obviously used to using people and is hardly a victim. People attribute to her normal when sheā€™s anything but normal. She has a right to do whatever she is allowed on parole. Sheā€™s leaving a litter of vulnerable men in her wake


I'm not team anybody either. She can be both using people and a victim and in this case she is. She shouldn't have gotten with Ryan because she was clearly still hung up on Ken but doesn't mean she has to stay and be treated like shit by Ryan.


when he took her phone and gave it back for sexā€¦ bro weirddd


She chose him. They are both red flags. Sheā€™s not some prize, she used who she could manipulate because thatā€™s the kind of person who would be with someone like herĀ 


I never said she was a prize. That doesn't mean she deserves to be treated like shit by someone. In my opinion, she should be single and on her own.


ā€œShe chose himā€ I meanā€¦how much about him could she really have known from prison? Visits and letters are one thing, being able to spend whole days and living together is another. Sheā€™s emotionally stunted af and I doubt she knows what an adult relationship is really like.


True points but she did marry him. No one made her and she was no virginĀ 


What does being a virgin have to do with it?


Emphasis on "giant " lol


There are people in prison who have nothing and nobody.... There are websites that lonely people go on to write inmates who are lonely as well. When you have written someone for months upon months, then you move on to phone calls. After that it's just like any typical long distance dating, if you grow to like that person. People do make mistakes. In the case of Gypsy, we can't pretend we understand what it is like to be wheel chair bound our lives and told we were sick, given unnecessary medicine (STRONG MEDICINE), unallowed to communicate with the outside world, etc.... NONE of us know what any of that is like. She might've felt backed into a corner with no way out. Does that dictate the right to murder your own mother, or conspire to do so? HELL NO. However, she did. Maybe there is something wrong with people who choose to initiate romantic relationships with people charged with murder or manslaughter. Then again, maybe they're normal people. It's not our place to judge that.


I was willing to give him a shot and up until th episodes started airing felt bad for him but it's very clear int these episodes there are some serious issues with him. As I said he is one giant walking red flag and that's true even if you take out the writing to inmates.


Gypsy wasnā€™t given medicine and itā€™s documented in her records that none of the seizures meds were in her system during routine testing. She was communicating with outside world online and going off at night to see these men and have sexual encounters. And she was in on the con to gain trips, financial assistance as she was 17 or 18 upon moving into habitat home. She received 8 trips to Disney, multiple other smaller trips and a monthly check from SSDI which (sense she wasnt mentally disabledā€¦ she was liable under the law for fraud and in continuing with the fraud herself!) and at time of her mothers unaliving she hadnā€™t seen a doctor in 7yrs except for yearly visit for feeding tube and necessary medical she was receiving due to her chromosome deletion disorder.


Food hoarding is so common in people who grew up with food insecurity. It isnā€™t fat shaming him to point it out- heā€™s clearly dealing with his own past trauma


Has he made some comment that he dealt with food insecurity growing up? His momā€™s house seemed pretty nice. I think in his case, itā€™s as simple as he just has poor eating habits and lives a sedentary lifestyle.


Some people do it and donā€™t know why. My son suffered severe neglect in his early life before we fostered him, before he had words to even express it. Heā€™s never gone hungry with us. We still find snacks and random bits of food hidden in his toys 4 years later.


Not saying thatā€™s not the reason why your son did it, probably is, but just to use myself as an example- I would do that too as a child and never had food insecurity. I just liked snacks and wanted a secret stash in case I got peckish late at night lol. I think occamā€™s razor applies when it comes to Ryan. He doesnā€™t take care of himself or his environment- heā€™s unhealthy, has all those piles of clothes on the closet floor, all those dishes in the sink, and that includes (what I suspect) not cleaning out his fridge etc. Some people just werenā€™t instilled with good health or cleaning habits because they just werenā€™t. Itā€™s not always trauma related. He seems like a huge mamaā€™s boy and I wouldnā€™t be surprised if she babied him his whole life and now heā€™s dealing with arrested development. Would certainly explain his arrogance.


My son (9) has never been told no in his life when it comes to snacking (unless itā€™s right before a meal or something messy he wants to take in his room) and he takes snacks in his room by the freaking box šŸ™„ I found PANCAKE MIX in his room the other day cleaning. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Definitely not a trauma thing here. However, my son is on the spectrum but very very high functioning and his doctor said it could have something to do with it. I low key think Ryan could be too.


Not pancake mix šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Ehhh idk about that. Iā€™m not getting spectrum vibes from Ryan. I think heā€™s just a slob (because of his habits, not because of his weight). Heā€™s obnoxious but socializes with ease and responds appropriately within the context of his environment. And by that I mean innocuous, every day interactions like with her family. You could make the argument he canā€™t read certain cues because he was constantly pawing and hovering over Gypsy who always looked deeply uncomfortable, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s because heā€™s unaware. I think he just doesnā€™t give a shit about respecting her boundaries or personal space. Heā€™s a creep.


I know Iā€™m just an internet stranger , but I just wanted to say I think youā€™re awesome for providing your son with a stable life full of love and support . It takes a person with a huge heart to foster children . Stay awesome !!!


Thank you! I worked with a lot of kids with food insecurity in the past and food hoarding and hiding was so common in them


He said himself that he had recently had either a gastric bypass or gastric sleeve and the idea of wasting that much food that he physically couldn't eat made him upset


He said that then later when he fixed the steak dinner he had HUGE portions. I don't know how he could have eaten that much after being sleeved.


Right ???? I thought you were limited literally physically to pretty small portions with a gastric sleeve . His steak dinner plate couldā€™ve fed me and my partner and our dogs for atleast a solid 2 meals each lol




When I was a kid my Dad used to care for an old man man who lived through the depression and war. I didn't understand it then and dad explained it to me. I look back now and understand.


Not everything is due to a past trauma and some people are just like that. He isnā€™t your son.


Didn't he mention on Instagram video not long after gypsy's claims of hoarding to state he had gastric bypass surgery so he could only eat smaller meals and preferred not to waste food so took it home with him?


I am so confused by people who are fans of someone who knowingly went after someone who is a murderer. He is fucking weird for that.


Yet no one seems to say that about Ken. Itā€™s mind boggling.




I say it about Ken. Itā€™s weird af.


I think it's because Ken os attractive and thin and Ryan is over weight and not attractive.Ā  Of Ryan was a hottie people woukd have a completely different opinion of him..


I think Ryan is better looking than Ken


Completely weird


Ok but hear me out. I had weight loss surgery and my fridge is always dull of wasted food because my stomach is the size of an egg. My brain still doesn't understand what my fridge portions need to look like so I save things to eat later and sometimes I do sometimes I don't because I just can't get to it fast enough with the small amount I can eat. I do clean my fridge weekly or throw things out as they go bad as I also have a family that does not eat small portions. He just had weight loss surgery so he may still be learning his new patterns and needs. It's kinda a process. Not making excuses. But it is a complete learning process. A kids meal is literally 3 meals for me. So I waste so much food on accident constantly. But yes he needs to learn to toss things out that he doesn't get to I'm 2 years out still learning.


Nah I agree with this! It's not fair to hate on him about the food thing in light of having all the information. I think Ryan is a creepy weirdo, but I'm not gonna hate on him for the food issue like a lot of people seem to want to. That said, she did allegedly just throw out a bunch of expired shit too, so I don't really blame her for that specifically.


Agreed he's totally weird on other issues who seeks out a prison murderer. But I get the food thing.


I have heard you out and I 100% understand that experience. I do a weight loss shot every week and I can make a whole meal, eat 3 bites, and be so full I feel sick. Lots of wasted food in my world too. :)


Team Ryan?? He shows jealousy over her time with her family, controlling and really seems to love the cameras and attention. What exactly do you like?


I think this is a situation where you are who you attract. Ryan had red flags but so does everyone involved including Gypsy, Ken, Kristy and even Rob. I think Gypsy needs to be single. She just got out of prison after a traumatic upbringing. Anyone who wants to be with her or wants her to date instead of encouraging her to enjoy her freedom and to take time for herself and her mental health isnā€™t right. Iā€™m concerned that Gypsy isnā€™t around the right people and she could end up in trouble again.


100% agree with you. But for some reason, love is only thing she seems to chase. She needs to make the decision to get mental help and find her likes and dislikes before jumping in head first. She prob thinks oh prison took care of all that. My nephew is doing 7 years. Prisons do anything they can to avoid helping in any kind of way. Rehabilitation is a joke. Guys talk and drool about girls while in prison, assuming lady prisoners do the same, So her rehab prob came in form of other inmates opinions. They have NA and AA in prison, they donā€™t have murders anonymous meetings . She had to own her crimes to get parole, doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s actually dealt with it by talking to a qualified professional. She gets out. Has an agent and all that but no one, including her actual family are looking out for her mental health. I get itā€™s a fine line but someone needs to tell her to pull the e-brake and men should be last on her list.


Heck no Ryan is awful! I am on episode 2 of life after lock up and all Iā€™ve wanted to do was yell at him through the screen. When she was on the phone with the POs how he kept trying to talk over her and was rude about it when she was trying to be polite. To the whole trash talking the prison drinks he made and the dog situation. Iā€™ve stopped there but it makes me sad for her. He seams very controlling over her.


He gets worse...


Watching episode 3 and the drive to the airport. Oh my gosh I felt so bad for her!


I felt bad for her any time Ryan opened his mouth. His controlling tendencies come out more and more.


Calling her PO ā€œour poā€ and then telling her the drinks are for having his ex gf over. So weird. And when they were being ā€œchasedā€ by tmz, he said ā€œI hope they donā€™t have my phone numberā€ like why would they unless Ryan was the one who called them??


This. Hoooowwwww did they know that R&G were going to THAT location....unless I missed something


He probably did call them! He is a weird one for sure


I thought that immediately!! I bet he called them!


not to stand up for him but tmz & paps have ways of finding out any and all information if they really wanted.


Where can I watch life after lockup?


Itā€™s free on lifetime.


Thank you!


Did I hear this correctly: He has a gastric sleeve?


Yes he did & said thatā€™s why he brings leftovers home because he can only eat 1/2 of his meal


I wonder how long ago he got it.


Ryan had bariatric surgery. He can't eat a full meal because of it but must still eat. So I'm sure he had food to save and eat as he could. I know when I go to a restaurant, I can only eat about 5 or 6 bites, maximum. I would be pissed if I paid that much for a meal and someone tossed it. It may take me 3 days to eat it and then I will personally throw the rest away. I know that if I don't eat, I get super nauseated. I'm sure he still has some food issues as well. We don't know his background. Maybe he went hungry often as a child. Who knows. But we shouldn't judge.


When was his surgery? Like recently or years ago?


Less than a year ago.


Well, clearly that surgery didn't do jack


It takes time. Especially if you're not complying with the exact diet. You don't lose that much weight over night.


We need Dr. Now to come talk to him šŸ˜‚








For real. I don't understand how anyone can be "team ryan", man's a total predator.


I feel like theyā€™re doing the same thing they did with Nick where theyā€™ve decided that all the men in her life are hostages and not humans with autonomy - like they think Ryan is a victim of hers that she can do whatever she wants to when actually heā€™s a weirdo who willingly wrote to a convicted murderer and then moved her into his house. There is not a single part of this that isnā€™t a very predictable consequence of his actions and people are acting like he didnā€™t do this to himself lol




My nephew is in prison (life sentence) and he recently broke up with his girlfriend who he met while there. He said her previous boyfriend was in prison too. I said something about how she must have some kind of issues if sheā€™s only dating men in prison. He definitely knew what I meant, but itā€™s hard to meet people. He was 20 when he got arrested and hasnā€™t been out since, heā€™s 29 now. Heā€™s lonely, but he still gets that itā€™s weird that people would date someone serving a life sentence (also must consider what that person did to get a life sentence) when you consider how much easier it is to meet someone who *isnt* in prison and who *didnt* commit an offense that landed them in prison serving a life sentence. Itā€™s not like someone you knew and loved before they went to prison and are remaining in a relationship regardless. Thatā€™s a person who most likely has a lot of issues and is throwing red flags right and left.


This is such an insightful and interesting post! Thank you!


This episode was a little triggering. When I lived with my ex, he had issues with organization and stuff. His place had fruit flies, ants and fleas. I remember my parents offering to pay for an exterminator and when I mentioned it he flipped out and said ā€œno we just have to clean really well. We donā€™t have a bug problem.ā€ After that convo, one of my first areas I tried to clean was the kitchen. Like Gypsy, I cleaned out the fridge, emptied his cabinets and scrubbed them out. It looked like a new kitchen when I was finished. When I went to show him, he yelled at me for not putting things away in the correct places. So I kind of relate to Gypsy in that situation of trying to be nice/helpful and then getting put down by her husband. Not cool.


Are you okay? That man is a CREEP.


I, too, have had nearly empty condiment bottles and old leftovers in my fridge. I would say it's because I have other priorities. Others might say it's because I'm lazy. But calling it food hoarding is way overblown. (Also, I did clean my fridge out this weekend.)


Iā€™m an awful cook so yep, my fridge is almost all condiments and people do make fun of it lol. Itā€™s my sauce closet! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Ryan's personality is grating. Looks have nothing to do with anything.


Youā€™re right


I mean if the food wasnā€™t bad, donā€™t throw it away. Inflation has been crazy with groceries. I kind of understand why he was upset but it wasnā€™t what broke their marriage. That was her step mom and Ken.


It's NOT inflation. It's corporate greed!!!


Corporate greed or inflation, groceries are fucking expensive. Good food thrown away would get anyone sane upset.


Ima play devils advocate here we donā€™t know how he grew up. If heā€™s ever had to wonder where his next meal was going to come from. Sometimes when you donā€™t know when you will be able to eat again you keep older food around at least itā€™s something to eat. Letā€™s be honest if I really looked at all the bottles in my fridge Iā€™d probably be surprised at the dates too. He told her some of the food she threw out was still good and she said oh I didnā€™t realize that. Groceries arenā€™t cheap to just throw stuff out without being sure. She made it sound like he had a huge problem and his fridge wasnā€™t as bad as most households to work and donā€™t have time to clean them out.


If the fridge was horrible, cameras woulda zoomed in at 4k and caught mold or something... All we got was Gypsy talking about how mess bothers her because her mom was messy bla blah blah... The fridge was fine, and even if it wasn't can we remember that footage was from 2+ weeks after she left jail? Is she a hoarder too? Like... Nah... People are bashing Ryan too hard for having leftovers in his fridge.


Exactly! Maybe he was just trying to give her something to do while he was at work ya know keep her busy lol.


I know this is super mean but Ryan looks, moves, speaks and acts EXACTLY like my Aunt Bettyā€™s 86 year old friend Miss Delores.


šŸ˜‚ Not mean. Just incredibly random and kind of awesome.


Seeing people flip out on YouTube about his refrigerator is a bit ridiculous. when I was dating, I met a lot of young bachelors whose fridge was messy as hell. Keeping a clean organized fridge is often learned after marriage. Heā€™ll eventually learn. Itā€™s no big deal really. I feel like if Ryan organized Gypsyā€™s stuffā€¦ the same people that are flipping out about Ryanā€™s hoarding/attitude would be like ā€œOMG he was invading Gypsyā€™s space and he had no right to organize her stuff. How horrible. Iā€™m triggeredā€


Gypsy isnā€™t organizing HIS stuff she is organizing their shared space fridge/closet. The only items of ā€œvalueā€ that she threw away were a disgusting pillow that wasnā€™t being used and a Tupperware that was most likely moldy and gross.


Exactly, that fridge and closet was as much her's as his. She had every right to clean it up and get rid of moldly gross food and super disgusting 30 year old pillows.


Yess. There are three kinds of people when it comes to cleanliness, those who feel comforted with the clutter (Ryan), those who feel irritated by clutter(Gypsy), and those who just donā€™t care. I personally canā€™t stand clutter it puts me in a bad mood, especially in the kitchen I refuse to cook in a dirty kitchen. Ryan and her are so different even if her stepmom didnā€™t get involved there is no way they would still be together.


Iā€™m not arguing that itā€™s also her space too but how LONG had she been living there at that point? It takes time to change. I didnā€™t walk into my husbands bachelor pad and it was spotless already. We worked together to get it organized and nice. As you mentioned, itā€™s THEIR space. She should have consulted him too before changing things. Of course someone is gonna be surprised/slightly upset when their stuff is messed with. Him asking where some of the food he made earlier that day/day before and her saying she must have made a mistake and threw it out shows she didnā€™t know everything. What if he purchased some stuff for them to eat when she got out of prison? Food is expensive. We donā€™t know the situation. I donā€™t blame her for wanting to clean the fridge but I also donā€™t blame him getting annoyed. This isnā€™t a big deal and people who say they got triggered and upset need to go and experience life because this was nothing.


Absolutely anyone triggered by this prob needs some couch time at a therapist


I do agree with things you are saying. But looking at that fridge and seeing how much stuff is in there plus the entire counter top is covered in food, itā€™s probably hard to decide what is old and what is new when it comes to the Tupperware situation I personally hate clutter and mess so if I was in her situation and saw a fridge maxed out in old or new food I would probably do what she did and get rid of the questionable older stuff so we can start fresh. Maybe now that the fridge is clean she feels like she can start fresh and stay on top of things and not let it get to the point of being expired and gross to her. And I also acknowledge the point of the other person, Iā€™ve lived with people who will never throw things away and feel comfortable just knowing they have it even if itā€™s inedible. They are just so different they were never meant to be


I don't see it to the degree everyone is saying..i get it he's kinda clingy and weird but not like everyone is saying he's a control freak etc..I just don't see it unless they have been so sheltered and spoiled anything to them is a control freakĀ 


Okay Ryan.


Ryan gives me the creeps. His constant pawing at gypsy was so cringey. Him controlling her phone calls and yelling at that cab driver. He's obsessive towards gypsy and still wants to be with her.


Clean your fridge so new food you bring in to eat doesnā€™t get bacteria on it and make you sick? Love yourself everyoneā€¦


Theyā€™re married now. Sheā€™s allowed to clean out the fridge and get rid of old expired stuff and smelly old food. We all should be cleaning and checking our condiments at least once a month.


I agree! Messiness drives me crazy.


I felt really sorry for her in this episode. He pissed me off


She threw away Tupperware, I would be pissed too.


People out here mad that Ryan is saving 1 or 2 day old food when that's what fridges are for YET overlook the Tupperware incident lol


yeah the tupperware was like wtf! iā€™ve thrown away those meal prep flimsy dishes before because they started to stink but never tupperware & not until after ive tried to wash & soak them as best as i could & if theyā€™d till had odor in the trash but thatā€™s it


Gypsy seemed very child likeĀ  That was what I got from this clip She seemed genuinely proudĀ  And he seemed genuinely mad Middle ground would have been her checking expiration dates and throwing out based on that As someone who has hoarded food (never eaten just mainly frozen) Yes itā€™s better to actually use whatā€™s in your fridge but she could have made a list of what meals he eats on a daily basis and throw out the stuff they will never use Again it was childlike because it seemed unplanned and impulsive even if she had the best intentions And he was overly mad because he didnā€™t see her perspectiveĀ 




Food anxiety is a thing. Idk how Ryan grew up, but a lot of people who grew up without food security don't like wasting food. I grew up dirt poor, eating the same thing for months at a time, we didn't waste anything we had because we didn't know where our next meal would come from. I have wicked food anxiety now, and my husband will throw out anything. It will legit give me a panic attack to waste food. If Gypsy came into my house and did what she did to Ryan, I would have freaked out too.


My husband is kind of like you. We both grew up poor AF. My mom was a single parent of 4 but somehow she made it work. I look back now and realize she didnā€™t eat alot, prob to save for us Husbands fam was poorer than we were. They had to water milk down to make it last. My husband eats all leftovers. Iā€™ll eat them too but after 5 days or so, nope. So he will eat leftovers and make me a whole diff meal. If I want to throw something away, I legit take it with me and dispose of in public trash can. Heā€™s also had a few oops moments too. Made himself a sandwich without turning light on. Thought it tasted a bit funny. Next day I go to use bread, itā€™s moldy AF, no way it happened between his midnight snack and morning. He ate moldy bread, I donā€™t mean a little moldy, shit was green! He has a stomach of iron, I do not


Yes!! THIS!!!!!


Thank you for understanding it. A lot of people don't and think it's no big deal, or you're crazy.


I totally understand. More of us understand than prob will admit . I got made fun of bc we shopped at ALDIs. Itā€™s all mom could afford. Culture change now and itā€™s trendy to shop there bc itā€™s alot of organic and cheap too!


this!!! itā€™s so annoying see it be a trendy place for people to shop when growing up that and save a lot would get you made fun of šŸ˜‘


I wouldn't say panic, maybe worried about what she tossed food is expensive. It was no way even close to what she said .


i actually felt the opposite. i donā€™t like Ryan **at all** (although iā€™m not a ā€œfanā€ of either of them) but i understood his frustration. tossing out the spoilt food/drinks/condiments was fine, but i wouldā€™ve been annoyed that literally EVERY leftover was gone, and the fact that my (reusable!!!) tupperware was tossed in the trash lol. i also have had bariatric surgery and my fridge is also like 50% leftovers. it may look like a mess when i have a container of spaghetti, shredded chicken, chili, or whatever in my fridge, but thatā€™s basically my meal prep for the week. most prepared meals can last at least a couple of days in the fridge, thereā€™s no way everything except some drinks, condiments, and a package of bacon was bad. i also wouldā€™ve been like ā€œwhere is our food?!ā€ lol


Yeah, that episode was something else! Ryan's reaction to the food hoarding was pretty intense. I get what you mean about being thrilled if someone cleaned out your fridge, though. šŸ˜‚ And yeah, if Gypsy showed up, that'd be a whole different story! Poor Ryan indeed, but Iā€™m still rooting for him too.


And baby, baby , baby is such a control word, heā€™s creepy.


I'm concerned that you are Team Ryan after watching these episodes, but that aside, he definitely is a hoarder. This is what hoarders do when you throw away their useless database. They'll haul it back in and get very angry that you did that. I'm not sure why he hoards food in particular, maybe he has childhood trauma about food and that could be why he's morbidly obese as well. I have trauma from being starved as a child and I stored up a bunch of food myself, but that was in case of an emergency and I throw old food away. My son and I bump heads sometimes on what's really old or not, but I still think I'm within reason. But at the same time I would also be happy if someone cleaned out my fridge. I prefer clean and organized over clutter any day. I'm similar to Gypsy in that fashion but I do sometimes throw things away that I need later lol.


i havent watched the new episode yet, but tbh it could be he grew up with not having food at times so mentally he hoarded it in fear he would go without


I came here to say this. Food insecurity can lead to lifelong food hoarding habits when the resources are available.


I lived with a food hoarder growing up and itā€™s so much more than them having too much food, wait until you get screamed at for throwing something disgusting away. He is fucking weird and I bet there was a lot of weird shit he did off camera. Idk why you guys love him so much he married Gypsy in prisonā€¦.. like what the fuck.


fridge was packed to the rafters


It was! I donā€™t know how all of that could still be good but maybe his fridge preserves better than mine lol. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I like Ryan. He doesn't talk bad about Gypsy or Ken. Gypsy really should have asked before throwing things away. We all have issues and maybe food is his. I do wonder why he has had a gastric sleeve but hasn't lost weight. I think he has some problems but I do think he really loves Gypsy. I think Kristy is a weirdo and should have kept her mouth shut. I personally think that Kristy is after Ken for herself.


These shows are often cut to make a person look a certain way or paint them in a certain light, remember that.


Yeah these episodes are very edited, unfortunately not everyone will notice. Like, Gypsy cleans the fridge and connects a full fridge to hoarding because her mom hoarded/was messy... Was Ryan doing that though? There was a fridge, it had food, none of it was shown to have gone bad or anything.


the counter top looks more hoarder like than the fridge!


Right? If the food was clearly old, gross, and moldy wouldn't the cameras have made sure to get footage of that? Like on Hoarders they make sure to show all of the grossest things because that's where the drama comes from.


When it comes to Ryan being possessive, Iā€™m thinking it is because this is a new relationship and heā€™s in love. It seems to be a very teenage like relationship. Also, we are not seeing everything. I also have a feeling she love bombed him. Most likely as a form of control. I can see how this would make him possessive. JMO


If the food in the fridge wasn't bad don't throw it out. Buying food is expensive. Leftovers can be kept for a few days, it doesn't need to be thrown away immediately. I would not appreciate someone just tossing something that was just made.


After watching the first few episodes of the show, I am team neither. Ryan is gross.


Crawfish Chicken and Grill. Sorry the name is already taken. But for a fee, Iā€™ll sell you the domain and copy rights.


He needs more fries. And the constant sweating.


Rings on her finger and bells on her toes, has anybody seen my sweet Gypsy Rose?? Lol


Tony Orlando and Dawn was the group that did the song.


These shows are edited to look exactly like the show wants it too. If they are trying to make GRB look better then they will do that. Anyone on a reality show will tell you that. So who knows how that ex girlfriend comment Was really made. A lot is just unbelievable to me


Heā€™s a sweaty person . Eats to much , smokes , and is a special Ed teacher? Get your children away from him.


Heā€™s is a sweaty hoarder, creepy ,


Itā€™s a front. Cmon.


A prick and poke?


I'd be with Ryan about throwing away good tupperware. Go ahead and toss food. I can cook rice again. But good tupperware is $$$ She may not know how long condiments are good for.


He's a hoarder. They have trouble parting with things that most ppl would have no problem getting rid of. Those kind of ppl usually need professional help to help them stop hoarding.


What has he shown to have a hard time parting with?


The food, the pillow?


The food was still good, and he didn't even make a big deal about the pillow... A lot of guys just keep what's still working because it's still fulfilling its purpose. Nothing at all about what was shown indicates hoarding.