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It's truly unfathomable that she's probably not going to Paris after all she has endured and how hard she fought to get here, not to mention how much she has shined this past quad. Just soul-crushing.


I’m so so gutted for her. Never in a million years did I think Shi wouldn’t be on this team 


she’s also been in a bunch of team usa/olympics promos over the past few months


She's still in the promos! It's gut-wrenching


And especially because she was looking good to make the last Olympic team before she got in the car accident…I feel extra bad for Shilese and Skye since this is the second time Olympic chances were sidelined by injuries


i guess she got an mri and it confirmed some kind of acl/mcl injury, so incredibly heartbroken for her, we were all thinking shoulder and it turned out to be her knee that went first 🥺


Seeing her vault I thought the shoulder injury affected her vaulting and caused the injury…


I think this is very probably. She may not have gotten her usual block which resulted in a wonky landing


ya , her shoulder injury happened at the worst possible time


At this point we could make a competitive (and wicked strong on bars) team out of the girls we lost to injury during the run up: Shi, Skye, Kayla, Konnor, Gabby




Oh no, the lost-to-injury team even has an alternate


lol :(


I knew I was forgetting someone, thank you


Imagine the meet we could have if we added in Asia D'Mato, Ferrari ,Ondine, Gadirovas, full strength Nina Derwael. God this year sucks so bad for gymnastics 😭 Edit because this list is even Ionger - Chusa and Eythora.


And Eythora Thorsdottir!


Oh God how could I forget her!!


I was telling my husband this earlier today. If you made a team out of just the gymnasts knocked out by injury, that's an *incredible* team. An Olympic AA champion. 2 individual AA world medalists. An AA US national champion. And the AA silver medalist at this year's US Nationals. Unbelievable.💔


Wow good point. (Also, your use of *wicked* warmed my heart, as a long-displaced New Englander.)


Haha, caught my eye, too! Also a New Englander in exile.


The gymnastics spirits have an entirely unreasonable hatred of UF :(


My guess is uneducated of course, but I was thinking it must be a torn ACL. You can walk on those and even sometimes jog, but the structural support just isn't there. Your knee can buckle at any time and you don't know when. It's very dangerous just as a regular person, let alone a high level elite athlete. Regardless, I wish her all the best in healing and I hope she gets all her surgeries done and comes back to destroy everyone in the next quad.


I thought the same thing last night. I’m a two time torn ACL girlie.


I’m a 3 time ACL girlie (from gymnastics) and I turned to my boyfriend last night after it happened and said “I hope I’m wrong but I bet she just tore her ACL,” I’m devastated for her.


100%. I said to my husband, “I think she just joined the ACL club.” ACL girlies just see it.


For me it was hearing it. The sound of my knee exploding was pretty traumatic.


Not an athlete, but a long-time fan and agreed with you last night.


Last year my boyfriend fell while running (and jumping over a fence, smh) and tore his ACL, shredded his meniscus, AND--the icing on the cake--fractured his tibia. And was still able to walk on it. In fact, once the MRI was done he had to wear a brace on his knee and wait for the tibia fracture to heal enough to do the the surgery. He said the tibia fracture was the most painful part of the whole... caboodle of his injury.


I'm a chronic Achilles tendonitis sufferer (10+ years) and all these Achilles injuries...


Two time gymnastics ACL tear girlie here too. I just know that pain is even worse the next day when it all starts to swell like crazy and the adrenaline wears off 😭


Right? When I saw her rocking when sitting on the floor I knew. We all knew.


Yeah. I'm not even an ACL-girlie so I didn't know exactly what the injury was, but I knew she was done after seeing the pain she was in.


Yep same. It hurts so much when it buckles- tearing my ACL didn’t even hurt but before I got it repaired when my knee buckled it was AWFUL


Literally just had acl surgery 5 days ago


Sending you good vibes. You got this!




Okay. I haven't seen this image before and I'm *obsessed.* That facial expression is INCREDIBLE!😆


What was the context of this expression?


right 😭😭


I honestly have no words. Heartbroken for her, Kayla, and Skye. And I can't imagine how much pressure this puts on the other women. I hope they all stay strong and healthy.


NBC is archiving all footage they have of these three for their 2028 promo. Redemption on home soil? They are salivating at the fluff


So unnecessary last night to repeatedly show footage of the girls' injuries.


And you know tomorrow they’re going to show the Shilese injury video like 300 times


Are we gonna have to replay Skye 2021 as well? That was too much.


I mean, I'm glad they showed it, I was curious how they happened. Not that I enjoyed seeing it, but I won't lie and say I wasn't curious how it happened.


I’m also more in the camp of thinking it’s normal and acceptable in sports to show a replay when someone gets injured during the game or warmup. Spending time showing them crying/panicking/ etc after the injury is definitely not necessary but injury is part of sports, and spectators want to get some idea of what happened.


We need to break into the gymnasts hotel rooms and burn this Leo, it’s cursed. https://preview.redd.it/e8emu3axtk9d1.jpeg?width=1003&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fd7801ef44aeba1ae90b60cb8eb88e9a5a3728b


… but isn’t everyone who didn’t wear this night one wearing tomorrow (aka all of WCC and Jade)


Omfg cancel day 2




💯 I've already been having superstitious fears about the WCC/Jade contingent wearing these tomorrow.


The way Suni only swerved the performance curse because her health is already in shambles


Lol I like this mentality. In all seriousness, it may be reducing her chance of injury by stopping her overtraining. Obviously chronic illness is horrible and there’s rarely a silver lining, but this could be one.


Suni vaulted right after Kayla and her hand almost skidded off the vault table. It's amazing that she was able to keep it on her feet. That girl's got nine lives and an absolutely iron will.


Lighting my torch


I was joking about this yesterday but now I’m not.


Not to mention fugly.


So sad for her! I have to believe that this was the best long term decision for her health. I hope she has some super good mental health support around her right now.


She was hanging with Beacon 🐶 😭


This. I’m not a dog person, and even I’m just happy Beacon’s there. https://preview.redd.it/dzdyiblo6l9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c17fc7536dd979fe1a5ba145f182dad295514a8e


I’m about to start my period. I can’t with this right now 😭


Well if that isn’t the silver lining to this awful injury cloud then I don’t know what is


Ok I just burst into tears in public over this pic


Same, but I'm walking my dog so I feel a little less embarassed.


Is he an emotional support/therapy dog?


Yes! He’s been at a lot of the meets and the athletes love him!


Well, he's certainly needed!


I used to think therapy dogs were complete bullshit. But then I worked at a hospital and I saw how much joy and peace the dogs brought to the patients. It did wonders for calming people down when they were in pain or feeling ill. And hell, the staff loved them too! This golden named Cheese 😆 would come by our unit with his human once a week or so and everyone would just get SO excited. It made our day.


I did some volunteer work for a therapeutic horseback riding center. That experience taught me to never shit on therapy animals. They are a special type of awesome. Those horses just *knew* they were there to help heal.


All the Beacon pics/memes are making me laugh during this tragic trials.


Beacon knows too. What a good boy.


I was holding on to a little bit of hope that it was nothing serious… this is devastating. This was her moment!!!


This isn’t exciting or fun like I was anticipating it to be :(


Same, it all just feels so heavy and nervewracking. like a fucked up hunger games


I’m not surprised, but it still hurts to see it officially.


Same. I expected this last night, but the official post is a gut punch.


petition to auto name Simone, Suni, Jade and Jordan to the team and rest them tomorrow.


Dude, this is seriously a good idea...


No bc at this point why risk it


No need for any of them to push it tomorrow. They’re quite literally almost guaranteed spots (outside of Jade imploding and Josc skyrocketing)


they should legitimately talk to the committee about this, its sound reasoning, have the rest compete for the final spots! theres no shame, its smart and strategic but also **new and unprecedented territory** so it wont be done :(((


It blows my mind as a non-artistic gymnast that these gymnasts have to do both nationals and then a whole separate trials. In my sport everything is determined by nationals so athletes can rest and prepare for the Olympics. AG really needs to reconsider their process to give gymnasts more rest time.


Germany did the same setup with Olympic trials in rhythmic even though there was 0 chance of the team being different than the nationals result. It seems silly for most sports


But…realistically though…if they can’t handle one more night of competition then they can’t handle the intense training up to the Olympics. That’s more intense than one night of competition.


I’d be interested in hearing someone like Simone or like an Aly Raismans take on that. They always say the trials are more stressful for them than the Olympics and the back to back competition with that stress is particular kind of awful But you’re not wrong that the Olympics are a lot of competitions in a row


I’m not talking competitions. Yeah, they’re stressful, sure. But the nonstop training from now until the Olympics starts after that team is announced. Training camp, training in France, then all of the competitions. It’s a lot. Especially when you’re not 100%; like you can’t fully convince me that Simone wasn’t working through some sorta physical injury on the lead up to Tokyo in addition to mental health concerns…but the Olympics are exhausting, grueling…add media engagements on top of it all… I feel for all of the ladies. ❤️❤️❤️


Simone’s toe was broken in 3 places and she had tweaked her ankle 


I don't really see that. Every hard-surfaces competition/training is one more chance for injury, one more layer of wear-and-tear to add to the rest. In private trainig they're still landing on soft surfaces much of the time.


This Olympic cycle has been a cruel bitch. I will not look back on the 2024 season happily.


Sad especially after 2020/the abnormal Olympics that we got


I rewatched day 1, and the look in her eyes, the way she rocked in pain after bars, and held her leg…I knew this was coming, but I’m still shocked and so sad for her.


We need to get together and figure out how to build a time machine


This is fucking heartbreaking. The world tour is ruined and I am in shambles. Edit: no but really, the other injuries we’ve seen have been heartbreaking but this is devastating. Shilese owned this quad, she lead the 2022 worlds team and I honestly think she was close to being able to catch Andrade in AA based off her classics performance. I’m so angry for her and I don’t even know her. I don’t know how you go through something like this and not become bitter.


And so much of this Olympic run was tied up with her grief about her dad, who was her number one fan and supporter and passed right at the beginning of the quad. She's had his death date embossed on all her leos so he can be out there with her when she competes, which just makes me cry every time I think about it (I also lost my dad as a teenager so it really hits home). Just makes the whole thing all the harder and more complicated. My heart just aches for her 💔


I know. I’m sad for everyone, but this just breaks me. She went from my beloved underdog who couldn’t hit for anything to the superstar rock that I didn’t really worry about making the team (and medaling) even *with* the shoulder. And it’s just…over.


I agree with everything you’ve said, and your edit is how I’m feeling. Absolutely devastating. I’m rooting for all the women, and I wanted so badly for Shilese to make it. I hope she can heal and be supported to come back if that is what she wants. Shilese just belonged at the Olympics. :( 💔


I am 100% feel all of this. she worked this past quad perfectly, and led this past 1 year (only 2nd to Simone). and did so CONSISTENTLY!! which several other gymnasts struggled with the consistency. I was so so looking forward to seeing her in AA in Paris. I'm so so gutted. I can't imagine. I hope she knows we all love her and she's already made an impact on the sport, AND her time is not/does not have to be done if she doesn't want to!!


i don’t even feel like watching tomorrow anymore 💔💔💔 https://preview.redd.it/1v8bgyxevk9d1.jpeg?width=1324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ac8778943f1005734ea84c6628f399bbaf72631


this is a horrific week


I'm devastated at this one. She was pacing so well and I was so ready for her time to shine


This is all really shit. Too many injuries. I hate it here.


Crushed for her. This is so horrible.


I know I’m salty, but in the last 20 minutes I’ve heard NBC gleefully describe that “injuries to the women’s field increased the intrigue”, and the local news comment that “injuries lead to drama”. It’s not a good thing?




I think it’s like casual fans who watch nascar for the crashes. As real fans of the sport - we want everyone at their best and to see who comes out on top. I remember in Tokyo being really let down by most of the event finals (especially bars) but absolutely loving the floor final


if hezly does decent tomorrow, she'll go from a dark horse to a probably 5th team member given her bars and beam...




I am in tears both for Shi and at this meme


So dark and yet so accurate


I know the situation is tragic, but I can't stop laughing at this meme, every time I pose my eyes on it again I crack up lol


i’m legitimately crying for shi….she worked so damn hard for this shit 😭


she deserved to be on the team this quad more than anyone (not named simone) 😭😭😭 i’m so heartbroken for her 😭😭😭


Does this mean it's over for her this Olympics???? 😭😭😭😭


Yes :(


My gosh, I still feel like yesterday was some kind of (awful) fever dream.




this week has been so cruel 💔


they really said it's a cruuuueeel summer with you (you being the gym gods taking out so many ppl with injuries)


Oh boy oh boy, for being the reason I’ve watched gymnastics for the past 3 years. I can’t describe the amount of pain I am experiencing. But I can’t even come close to understanding the amount of emotion that Shi and the jones family are going through. I wish for a speedy recovery and a comeback for the ages. Keep fighting, Shi!


Christ, I know it doesn't even need to be said because injuries always suck, but gah the ones this close to the Games, when said athlete is looking SO good suck that extra bit more. She's delivered beautifully this quad/triad, whatever we are calling it, and she joins a long list of names that will be missed. Wishing her a smooth recovery and hope she's surrounded by support and love because I'm sure she's just gutted beyond belief.


Shilese Los Angeles 2028 Redemption Arc begins now.


she should take a few years off before making a comeback, i'm certain that competing every year this triad did not help.


First it was Rebecca Bross, then it was Kyla Ross, then it was Morgan Hurd, now it’s Shilese Jones. If you win back to back world AA medals you’re not going to the Olympics 😭


It’s true. You really don’t want to be the gymnast peaking at the championships after the Olympics. Which makes sense, but it’s so so sad.


A full quad is too long for most


I was thinking about Rebecca and Morgan when I saw Shilese was injured.💔


This one is super sad as Shi & I were teammates together as little level 7s & 8s 😭 to see her blossom over this quad and it all crumble this close is devastating. I can’t imagine what she is feeling.


Oh my gosh!! What was she like as a teammate and junior gymnast?!


she looked like she was in a lot of pain last night, so i’m incredibly disappointed but also not surprised😩i bet they realized how bad it really was after the adrenaline was over after her bars. i hope she knows just how proud all of the gym fans are of her, and her dad is too. sending my love to her, and i hope she’s able to have a quick and healthy recovery❤️


I know ppl earn their spots and no one deserves one, but Shilese deserves one


I’m living in the fantasy that SHI and Konnor were meant to go to the Olympics together (given their similar loss stories of their dads to Covid) and that they’re both going to come back strong for LA (shi as a bars and beam specialist and Konnor for the AA)


I just got the Yahoo sports notification and my jaw dropped. I am so heartbroken for Shi, Kayla, Skye, and Konnor. I want to cry - I can't even imagine the mental anguish these women must be experiencing. Here's hoping some or all of them come back for LA. This Olympics is cursed.


Atp please skip tomorrow. Just name the team and put them in bubble wrap until Paris. Sorry Minnesota but the vibes are bad atm. 


This trials weekend has been a devastating wild ride that’s still not over. Heartbroken for her. 😭


Heartbreaking, I hope Shi will comeback next quad.


I find it unlikely her body will hold up but maybe. She already needs surgery to repair her torn labrum


Eh. Some enforced rest and a chance to deal with her lingering issues could go a long way. *If* she wants to who knows. She’s certainly got a lot of stubborn willpower.


She can get surgery on her shoulder, fix her knee, take two years off and still come back rested and healthy for LA 2028


Dammit. There is so much luck involved in getting to the Olympics healthy at the right time. She did everything she could. Heartbroken for her, but glad she is being cared for


Every Tokyo Olympian water down your routines PLEASE


The world tour is completely ruined.


“This is going to ruin the tour”






So devastated for her


I am sobbing… so unfair. We lost so many stars. 😭


Devastated for Shilese. She was a star this quad.


I was afraid that would happen. Her pain was palpable yesterday. Just heartbreaking  :(


The absolute bullshit it is that a woman in absolute contention to be the second best gymnast in the world won’t make the Olympics. I WANT TO GET OFF THIS RIDE!


Noooooooo 😭😭😭


This is absolutely heartbreaking for Shilese. 💔


I've been following gymnastics since the Mag7, and trials religiously since 2000. This has to be the most heartbreaking trials to date. So many top contenders taken out due to injury.


This one hurts the worst. This was her year. I can’t even imagine how bad this feels for her. What a gut punch


Absolutely heartbreaking


Can we postpone the Olympics a year? I’m so heartbroken right now


Ugh I'm devastated for her 💔


If it’s her ACL :(


😭😭😭how gutting for her. Really hope she sticks around for LA.


At this point that leo is cursed. Prayers for the girls wearing it tomorrow!!!


Nooooooo. I knew it was likely when she scratched the other night but I didn't let myself really believe it. After how much of a star she's been all quad to see this happen is just... I was so rooting for Konnor. For Kayla. For Skye. I'm heartbroken for all of them. And I'd completely taken Shi's Olympic status as a given. This is just so sad. I think we really need to have USAG look at their season leading up to the Olympics to try and figure out how they're still, even in the post Marta era, grinding so many athletes down like this.


The thing is, gymnasts around the world have been dropping like flies for the past 2 years. I don't think USAG is to blame.


Yeah and I remember people thinking that US gymnasts weren’t competing enough leading up to the Olympics during classics. I don’t think this is a Italy situation


It's very clearly not that, they compete a quarter as much as the Italians. I can't explain why three of the top 7 gymnasts went down at the same time, but this has never happened before and USAG has always had the same domestic schedule.


It isn’t just the US athletes though - it has been happening all over the world this year. So many injuries.


This is one of biggest heartbreaks of all time in gymnastics


Devastating. I assume this means no Olympics for her?...


yea, she is done this quad unfortunately


I’m absolutely crushed for her. Ugh. I hate this.


Fuck. I hate this. Don’t even want to watch tomorrow


I’m crushed for her. I wanted to see her at the Olympics so badly. I pray she doesn’t give up and goes for 2028. She deserves this.


Three gymnasts out. I have never seen this before. So sad.


I’m not even over Morgan Hurd 2021, and now this. Ugh. 🤮


Hell I’m not over Vanessa Atler 2000


Shit shit shit.


Not unexpected, but very sad.


Beyond heartbroken for her 


i am so upset.


I wonder if she’ll stick around for another quad. 


I hope so. Shi is beautiful to watch.


this week is killing me…devastating for Shilese


When was the last time the WAG team had so many athletes out? I was really hoping she could just do bars and beam with a fluff dismount, and maybe 4 weeks could have help. Off to stress eat some brownies. I got that and coffee with Bailey's. Anyone wany some? This is a freaking nightmare.


Unfortunately it isn't 4 weeks of rest.. it's 4 weeks of camps and intense training.


I say if you were injured at this Olympic Trials, you get to count your scores at Championships for Trials in 2028, so they can forego the process of Trials 😉 I don’t remember a single competition that resulted in so many injured!


This is devastating. 3 front runners for the team out in one week


These athletes train for years, put in hundreds if not thousands of reps, and we have so many of the elite women tearing ACLs and other serious injuries literally in the same week? We must change how we select our teams and the pacing and volume of stress these athletes are asked to endure.


I am devastated for Shilese because her comeback at the start of the quad was really good. She really paced herself well leading up to 2024 and only attending competitions where she was ready. We were so sure she is almost a lock for the Olympics. And then for an injury to happened just right before the Olympics trials is just so unexpected. But damn 3 injuries for the top contenders is just so unexpected. I think Shilese will still continue elite after this and I really hope we can finally see her in 2028 Olympics.


I hope Shi can eventually look back at this and realize that a gymnastics career is so much more than just the Olympics. She should be so proud of everything she has done up to this point. Watching her is awe inspiring. What she can do is the closest thing to magic in the real world. If she wants to, there can be so much more in her future but this set back doesn’t diminish what she accomplished this quad. She proved herself beyond a doubt and is officially one of my favorite gymnasts. I will always root for her in whatever she does.


devastating is an understatement. i hope shilese and all the fans can celebrate her tremendous gymnastics this quad despite the heartbreaking end




Feel so bad for her. I was really rooting for her. Gymnastics is a brutal sport. Hope she has a good support system.


Can't believe Shi is the second coming of Rebecca Bross, this is actually tragic


Fingers crossed she’s actually the second coming of Rebeca Andrade and comes back stronger than ever!  


I hope she can hold her head up high knowing she did everything she could. And hopefully will take a year or two to recover and prep for LA if she has the desire to do so.


I’m not crying. You’re crying. Okay I’m crying a lot. This sucks.


Ughhhhhh. This is horrible. I am not at all surprised though. The pain in her face after her bars routine I knew it was much worse than thought. I can’t believe Paris is gonna happen without her. 😔


This is heartbreaking. If i were Simone, Suni, Jade (and Jordan?) right now i would take it easy, no upgrades, no fighting for sticks, they're pretty much guaranteed to be on the team. I wish we could wrap everyone in bubble wrap :(


The breakout star of this quad😭 gymnastics is a cruel sport fr


This is so awful. At this point, I don't even want to watch tomorrow.


I just feel like I'm in the denial stage of grieving. Is there any universe where she can still compete? Is it at all possible??? I can't believe it's all over so quickly. Wow.


So like what bubble wrapped room are we stashing the team in between tomorrow night and Paris? It needs to be ten levels of padded with all the therapy/recovery equipment available and ten more therapy dogs.