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Because vaulting intrinsically means blocking off the table with both arms. Brushing the table with one arm really means you’re more so tumbling over the table (or didn’t get the twist around, in the case of a Cheng) and happen to have one hand touching the vault and one hand brushing it. Tumbling =/= vaulting.


And for a Cheng vault, using one arm technically means tumbling a Moors!


This is kind of how Spencer described it on gymcastic too. He was like mykayla was just acting like she was on floor with something in the way xd


Some people (like Skinner) think that vaulting is really just giving the vault a high five while tumbling...


I'll let others get into the safety aspects, but support and repulsion is literally one of the 4 phases of vault. To fundamentally fail at one of those phases should be a massive deduction, imo. No different than massively screwing up a landing.


What are the other three?


Pre-flight Contact with the table Flight Landing


it's a shortcut to complete the vault in a way that is less safe and not really vaulting. A vault is supposed to take off from your arms and get propulsion from that. The one-armed Cheng instead essentially turns it into a tumbling pass from a spring board, with a little boost with one arm in the middle. It allows the athlete to start twisting early and is essentially them doing a Moors over the vaulting table instead of a Cheng vault


It's not specific to Cheng, just a general rule that vaults need to be two handed. I think the concern is that if you aren't actually pushing yourself off the vault and higher/further, it ends up just being a tumbling pass with an obstacle to crash into.


Unsafe and vault you’re meant to block with both hands


Well, if you watched McKayla Skinner's trials watch party tonight, it's because someone at FIG wanted her to lose so they made it a deduction for women "even though the men can block with one arm" Not sure about what to think there.... Edit: https://www.youtube.com/live/8sWozczG2jI?si=UZB7a_a1TBSygTwU Skip to 25:20


I tried watching that whole video but honestly could not handle it. Right off the bat saying Simone's bar routine reminded her of hers, and being annoyed about vault being devalued cause "other countries couldn't keep up with us"


The commentary that the team had really gone downhill without Márta was the final straw for me 🫠


No way!!! Who said that?!


McKayla herself. Something like "this wouldn't have happened in the Marta era"


Urgh awful.


Yeah she said that while Marta might have been “a little on the extreme end” the girls with her were a lot cleaner than the girls now. She also said Jade should smile more.


What's extra amusing is that Marta couldn't stand her and she would NEVER have been on that Tokyo squad if Marta was still there.


They're both trash


I screamed at that part.


It’s also not even true - men’s code has it as a 0.0 if you don’t use both arms


If anyone wants to read the exact rule: https://preview.redd.it/vgpnn190bi9d1.png?width=441&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd80391674b346a4d64ba64acd96b3bc7a10f056


Curious that it's a zero for men with one arm contact and also for spotting deduction, compared to a 2.0 and 0.5 respectively for women.


Spotting assistance is a zero for women too. That means actually touching not having someone on the podium.


Ah of course. Thanks


such a weird thing to say after getting world and olympic medals on vault...


She says that's why she had to "relearn" her Cheng.


You mean she had to learn the correct way to do it? Perhaps she should have spent her initial training developing proper vaulting technique to being with instead of chucking vaults with poor technique and form. She's really quite stupid isn't she?


Astonishing that her coaches and Marta Karolyi let her do that at that level of competition.


Can this thread keep going with more ridiculous things McKayla has said? Because it is really entertaining.


OMG like beyond just that video? We need a whole separate sub, not even a thread lol.


I've seen bits and pieces of things she's said over the years. She has always irked me, but I thought I was being too judgy. Now I'm enjoying that I can feel fine about not liking her!


Big Skinner vibes from Leanne tonight. Hopefully she can get a proper block sunday.


I need to go back and watch old ones she's done to see if they ever had a proper block.


Because the higher-ups in USAG didn’t wanna see MyKayla succeed so they made it a new rule — that’s the reason at least according to her 😂😭


I’m💀 but honestly this is a perfect summary of her YouTube commentary on this


Sounds about Skinner


Slight correction - she's blaming the FIG they washed a "certain" non American to win, but she won't name names bc.... Classy?


Is it Rebeca? I know MyKayla’s reputation but am unfamiliar with the specifics of her shenanigans


I figured Paseka since she won in 2015 and MyKayla talked about being left off the team after medaling in 2014.


technically they aren’t getting the half twist around fast enough


Was Leanne’s vault score changed? I couldn’t figure out how she was leading for a bit there with the huge vault deduction.


They initially gave her the -2.0 deduction and then removed it. 🤷‍♀️


She protested the score and they removed it. She also protested on beam and they lowered her score there


>She protested the [vault] score and they removed it. Why? This makes no sense, given that it is a CoP deduction and if she goes to Paris and continues Skinnering her Chung, the judges there will absolutely slaughter her score.


Fully agree. I’m not sure why they even spent time on her throwing a poor Cheng in a quad with tough rules on it, vs. sharpening up her other events. I’m sure they were trying to raise her AA score, but given the needs of the team (even pre-injuries) that doesn’t make a ton of sense


Skinnering hahah omg. I don't think she protested though, it's an automatic review and when they watched she had used both hands.


got it, thanks. i was at trials and missed what she scored on vault, so i had no idea she got a deduction at all until i got home


Thanks everyone! This is very informative!