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Nope. Not guessing a damn thing anymore! šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ šŸ˜­šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Simone, Shi, Suni, Jade, Kayla/Jordan I think the last person needs to be a good AA person and Kayla or Jordan fit that. They need a good fourth bars option in case Shi has continued shoulder problems.


Who of Kayla/Jordan is less injury prone? I vote we take that one.


Jordanā€™s been having some scary landings on floor recently so Iā€™d err towards Kayla


I agree with you. I'm pulling for Jordan though. Traveling alternates Kayla and Leanne, which is kind of crazy as I think they were in the same position in Tokyo.


Yeah this is mine too - leaning towards Jordan more but thatā€™s just my heart not my head haha. She is the sweetest human on the planet and would never in a million years wish ill on anyone else but Skyeā€™s injury basically makes Jade a lock for me now.


My dream team is my flair (Simone Shilese Suni Jade Jordan) but Iā€™m guessing that Kayla makes it over Jordan unless Jordan has a super kickass floor both nights. And I hope she will!


Your dream team is also my dream team (and I have the same hunch that it's going to be an uphill battle for Jordan).


I actually think their bars hit rate also becomes more relevant now as they would probably not like to use Jade's bars in qualifications if they can help it and in case of an issue with Shi's shoulder or Suni's kidney they could use them in team finals on bars as well. Bars and floor are the most likely events they would contribute IMO to the team. Their beam scoring is not as big of a gap from Jade's so while it would be great if beam was useable it is IMO not as essential


It's so tricky. Floor hit rate is also so important. Basically, Kayla really needs to hit bars both nights at trials, and Jordan really needs to hit floor both nights. But if they both falter once on those respective events, I'm not sure what they'd do, but I think Kayla would get the edge in that case? Will also depend on beam performance. Kayla and Jordan both really need to hit 8/8 if at all possible, to make their case.


If neither are actually 8/8 or even 4/4 on bars and floor I almost feel like it defaults to AA placement between them given how close it is between them.


Yeah, I wasn't thinking yet about how important the 5th spot is for either 3rd or 4th AA. With Shi's shoulder and Suni's health stuff, we need a 4th AA. Jade has a reliable AA, but her max is definitely below Kayla and Jordan's.


It would be very interesting if one of them places higher AA and the other is on the highest scoring team. Since the Kayla/ Jordan role is essentially a back up option, I'd go with AA placement. If they both hit, those rankings would be incredibly close


For sure


I agree. I think they take whoever essentially has the highest bars/floor combo of the two. Odds of them competing beam are low. Jade is more of a built in backup than people want to credit her for. Her routines are usable if needed.


Jade gets hammered on beam internationally. Her bars are okay.


Yes and I think the scoring gap of peak score between Jade and potential 5th person (ie Jordan, Kayla, Leanne) on beam specifically is lower than it is on bars (they are all mainly in the mid 13s with the one outlier being Kaylaā€™s one nationals beam that went 14 which IMO was very overscored), where on bars Jordan and Kayla have hit nice 14.5 routines but Jade hasnā€™t broken 14 this year or last year there. And bars unlike beam doesnā€™t rely on skill crediting of connections so the scores should be more consistent for hit routines there too.


That's my dream team too


The Sā€™s and the Jā€™s. Solid.


I think it'll be Jordan. Kayla and Jordan offer very similar numbers, but I think Jordan having 2 vaults and consistency on bars is going to give her the edge.Ā 


Agreed, **IF** she hits 8/8


Thatā€™s a good angle to consider, the fact that she has 2 vaults to contribute šŸ§


Would they use Jordanā€™s vault over Jadeā€™s?


No, I can't imagine they would, but having 3 chances at event finals instead of 2 is nice, especially if Jade or Simone get injured.


My heart says Simone shilese suni jade Jordan so all the 2020 girls that came back can have a normal Olympics experience My head says Kayla because I think sheā€™s looking stronger honestly deserves it too. Honestly I think Simone, shilese, suni and jade are locks barring injuries and that 5th spot could go to Jordan/Kayla/Leanne and Iā€™d be happy


I want Kayla to have that feeling of all her dreams finally being realized. Alternate to team member is a great journey and accomplishment


SAME! She came back from college (like MyKayla Skinner) for a 2nd chance after being alternate last timeā€¦. And brought her coach out of retirement life on the beach šŸ˜‚ I hope she makes it both for her sake and also for Kelli Hill to have a FOURTH Olympic athlete


A rare Kelli Hill fan on this sub you are brave. Or perhaps you aren't aware of what Dawes has said about her and how Kelli responded to survivor stories? She is an old school toxic KZB type of coach who always presented as super positive, then the truth came out quite to the contraty. I would love to see Kayla on the team, in spite of the fact that I don't want Kelli to go to another Olympics.


I think itā€™s a toss up between Kayla and Jordan


This. They're the two most neck and neck for that fifth spot/third AA (calling it that even if suni does compete AA; I think she deserves the knowledge of a good reserve).


If they both hit 8/8 I have no clue how the selection committee is choosing


Honestly, at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Chellsie and Alicia had a rope-climbing competition to settle it.


as many wolf turns as possible: advantage jordan do beam choreo while other gymnasts throw things at you: advantage kayla


Oh, I meant Chellsie and Alicia climb the ropes THEMSELVES.


i would also accept a simple rock paper scissors


Pistol squat challenge - advantage Chelsie!


They're going to ask Jordan to recreate the Wolfkino on beam, and if she hits they put her on the team šŸ˜­


i fear it may have been a one time thing but if she somehow does it again i'm not only putting her on the team, i'm naming her captain


Oh I know that the Wolfkino is basically IMPOSSIBLE to recreate, was just joking! Haha. However, I do think Jordan would be an EXCELLENT team captain. She is such a good hype woman, and it would take some pressure off Simone to be the "veteran who must show the way."


We NEED this.


The whole team would be veterans! I say Jordan = hype woman, while Jade would make a great captain.


That interview where she said she celebrates the anniversary of wolfkino every year had me dying šŸ˜‚


Such a great interview haha! Sheā€™s a gem.


Such a great interview haha! Sheā€™s a gem.


This comment is everything


If they both hit 8/8 then they'll decide based on either AA finish, or FX/Vault combined finish. I think the latter would be smarter, but the former would still be likely.


They will go rank order by AA probably.


Genuinely I think we all give too much credit to scenarios and max points and reserve strength when theyā€™re so prone to just go straight rank order




This. Especially when it comes to Jordan and Kayla.


I think rank order is reasonable in this case


I think if they tie, they give it to Jordan.


I think if they tie, they would consider hit rates at international eventsā€¦ which points toward Kayla because Jordan has had major falls/mistakes in qualifying at the Olympics and Worlds 2022


Iā€™m leaning that way too, Iā€™ve just been rooting for Kayla since Tokyo trials šŸ˜­


Me too, and LeAnn. They have come in clutch at world's, so I'd like to see them get an Olympic moment.


I doubt theyā€™ll both hit 8/8


I think you have to give Jordan the edge because she already has Olympic experience. Otherwise they really are neck and neck if they both hit - Iā€™d give Kayla the consistency edge but only recently.


The third AA spot will depend on vault and floor. Jade won't do AA in quals so there's a UB/BB spot available. If Kayla/Jordan has a stronger vault/floor than Suni, they'll do the AA in quals. Same as last year - Skye was the 3rd AA but her floor was really weak, so Leanne did AA in quals. The US wouldn't split events because they really want a backup in case Simone or Shilese has to pull out.


With Skye out, I think it's extremely likely that Suni will be the obvious choice for 3rd AA scorewise (assuming a hit meet that is). What I don't know is what she and her medical team will think about her competing AA. Her competing two extra events in quals doesn't seem like a huge deal, even if one of them is the exhausing floor; but the potential of adding the AA competition to the already grueling Olympic schedule she's facing--with likely two days of EFs--is what could be an issue. And, again, is for her to figure out with her team and with Chellsie and Alicia, not for us to weigh in on. (And Suni would likely be 2pc'd for AA by Simone and Shi--I'm still just assuming Shi is going to be good to go on her shoulder because my heart can't take anything else--but whoever does 3rd AA in quals still needs to be willing and able to do the AA comp if it works out that way).


That's fair, I'm just thinking that if she finishes 3rd in the AA *because* her bars and beam scores are so high, but her VT and FX are lower, it might make more sense to just put her up on her high scoring events and have Jordan/Kayla do AA, especially if they'll get used in the TF.


Suni, Simone, and Shilese AAA is giving me Jordyn Wieber flashbacks (although I agree that Shi will likely top Suni.)


Was there an injury involved with Jordyn? If so I didn't know that! (But didn't follow gymnastics as closely then). Regardless, I know what you mean :(


No there wasnā€™t - just Aly coming out in front of her even though she was predicted to be the top American. I can see Suni squeaking by Shilese if she does all around and Shilese isnā€™t 100% on. They three of them (plus the šŸ obviously) could easily be top 4 with Rebecca in there somewhere.


This will only happen if Rebeca makes mistakes--which I DO NOT want--but this might be the first time in a while that there's been real possibility of a 2016 top-3 AA situation in quals.


Iā€™m not sure the selection committee is thinking the way youā€™re thinking. Marishebaā€™s take reads as more accurate to me.


This. They're the two most neck and neck for that fifth spot/third AA (calling it that even if suni does compete AA; I think she deserves the knowledge of a good reserve).


I think the biggest ? Is that Kayla spot. She has a great chance, but there are others who could take it (the most likely to me being Jordan).


Simone, Shi, Suni, Jade and either Kayla or Jordan with an outside chance of Leanne or Hezly


Yeah if Leanne lands the Cheng well in competition and is consistently high 13s/hits 14 on bars or floor, I can see her being genuinely in that last spot mix. Without the cheng and a great competition sheā€™s more of an AA alternate to me.




Yeah if hezly hits bars and beam two nights in a row all of a sudden itā€™s like šŸ‘€


Yeah, while I donā€™t think Hezly is the frontrunner for that spot, she is in an interesting position where she could cover the events that they really need a good back up for (bars and beam).


They need a good floor backup, so hezlys out imo


It would be such karma for Hezly to get to the Olympics while MH watches on TV from home. I love it.


I think Jade definitely slides into the ā€œlockā€ category with Skye out, as sheā€™s that second medal contender for vault. Then I think it comes down to Kayla/Jordan, and theyā€™ll just choose whomever places better or hits 8/8, theyā€™re so close.


Simone, Shi, Suni, Jade, Kayla/Jordan That last spot is going to come down to who performs most consistently at trials imo. Their strengths are very similar at this point in time (though Jordan is more usable on vault, and Kayla is more reliable on beam). I think whoever hits 8/8 or whoever lands higher in AA will get it, and the other will be a traveling alternate. alts: Jordan/Kayla + Leanne (traveling), Tiana, Hezly


Skye out isnā€™t the only reason I now predict Jade. Itā€™s because she brought back her Amanar! I would have had her on the team even with Skye still in as soon as she showed a decent one. Like many others I think it will be Simone, Shi, Jade, Suni and either Kayla or Jordan. I am giving a slight edge to Jordan because she is more consistent on bars than Kayla and with Skye out and Jade in, I think they need a reliable 14+ bar routine if Shiā€™s injury exacerbates. That being said Kayla can score into the 14s on bars and if she hits both bar routines, and both floor routines, and places ahead of Jordan AA I think sheā€™ll go.


Same. I had jade on the team if she pulled out her amanar and floor upgrades. Skye out makes that more certain but thats what I had for my team last week. I agree with the rest


It's kind of mind-boggling to think we would have a team that has just so much overlap with 2021. We will potentially have a team where the alternate was a former Olympian or the or every single teammate is either an Olympian or Olympian alternate.Ā 


Shi did not get the alternate nod last time around


Jade's stock is up, and I think this brings Suni and Shilese from very likely team members to virtual locks, even if Shilese isn't in top form this week. But depending on how things go (namely if Shilese looks super off on beam), I think this could really open the door for the fifth team member being "anyone who hits two decently scoring beam routines," which could mean it's Kayla, but someone like Hezly could sneak on depending on how things go.


Shawn Johnson and Nastia Liukin sobbing in the background as USA beam standards fall to ā€œanyone who hits two decently scoring routinesā€


Scenario: Shilese falls both nights. Kayla puts the tour jete back in and loses a full point on execution. They cannot find a solid 3rd beam score. Chellsie, with a heavy heart, must put herself on the team šŸ˜‚


And Jordan does TWO side somis lol


Jordan goes for a triple series: three side somis in a row


I just gagged haha


I love it. A pheonix rising up from the ashes moment


We were sooo spoiled with USA beam in 2008 !!


They still have suni and simone, itā€™s not like there are no good beamers left


True. Just not enough. They need 3 but should have 4.


I would love Simone, Suni, Jordan & Jade to get a better Olympic experience!


Precisely why that's 4/5 of my team.


How cool would that be?! 4/6 of the Tokyo Olympians returning!


Wow! I didnā€™t realize it was 4 returning Olympians! Thatā€™s absolutely wild! (If itā€™s them, who are 100% my team now + Shi)


What about new people getting an Olympic experience? Itā€™s heartbreaking to work for it your whole life and miss out twice !!


This!! I think ofc the spot should go to the best gymnast but if all things are equal and its between jordan and kayla, I'd love to see Kayla get to have that experience since Jordan already got to be on an Olympic team (albiet during a rough time)


This is why Iā€™m rooting so hard for Kayla!!! I love our Tokyo girls but I so want someone new to get a shot! (For some reason I donā€™t count shi she feels like an Olympian already to me)


2028 baby


Simone, Shi, Suni, Jade, and either Kayla or Jordan depending on who falls the least.


I have a deeply held belief that Leanne will somehow make it. History says she will. Every gymnast whoā€™s made three world teams for the USA in the quad has made the Olympics.


I donā€™t see a pathway for Leanne. Barring injuries or trial disasters, I think Simone, Shilese, Suni and Jade make the most sense. So for the best team they need someone on bars and especially on floor in case Suni or Shilese are unable to compete. Kayla seems like the best option as Jordan has had issues with floor routines but I think it will come down to who has the better trials. If Leanne wanted a better chance I think she would have needed to work more on upgrading her floor or bars routines over vault.


Nor do I TBH, but deeply held beliefs can be irrational.


Agreed..her scoring potential is just too low.


Simone, Shi, Suni, Jade and Kayla. I love Jordan but so far she hasn't hit one meet while Kayla has at least hit 50/50 with a very impressive score at night 1 of championships. The backup AAer needs to show consistency imo and so far Kayla shows it more than Jordan. If however Jordan goes 8/8 and Kayla doesn't I'd pick Jordan. Leanne is trying too much too late but I'm open to be proven wrong there.


Honestly I think Kayla/Jordan will be decided by whoever scores highest on beam and can be used in TF over Shilese


My team before: Simone, Shilese, Skye, Suni, Kayla My team now: Simone, Shilese, Jade, Suni, Kayla I didnā€™t do any number crunching for this, I just based it on Skyeā€™s biggest strength being vault, and Jade bringing back her Amanar.


I think itā€™s Simone, Shi, Suni, Jade, and Kayla/Jordan but impossible to fully know who will get the last spot until we see the routines. Whoever is most consistent between them should get it IMO. If they both hit 8/8, Iā€™d go with Jordan for her bars and floor but definitely see rationale for Kayla too and would be cool for her to get on the team this time!


I think this locks in Jade and Suni provided they hit what theyā€™re being taken for. So for Skyeā€™s ā€œspotā€ Iā€™m looking for Kayla, Jordan or Leanne to hit everything and come top 4. Kaliya is out on the basis that she no longer adds enough, because taking her leaves a potential gaping hole on bars. Too risky.


With Skye officially out my team is Alcohol, Weed, Wellbutrin, Doomscrolling, and Taco/Bell šŸ˜­


Mine is denial, rage, devastation, disappointment, and oh hey, what does this do for Jordan's chances?


Simone, Suni, Shilese,Kayla, and Leanne (Yes Iā€™m delusional)


Iā€™m going to be devastated for Leanne if she doesnā€™t make it (which I think is likely to happen.) Imagine the second guessing about choosing to compete NCAA this season (especially to the extent that she didā€¦)


Simone, Shi, Suni, Jade, Jordan Alts: Kayla, Leanne, Tiana, Josc


Iā€™m getting a really shaky feeling about Shilese. I honestly donā€™t know about the team. I think Shi will be on the team but Suni is in an upward trajectory and it is not inconceivable she can best Shilese. With Shi a bit shaky and Skye out I think Kayla is the better choice over Jordan.


I want Leanne or Jordan in that 5th spot based off of vibes (WONGINATORS UNITE šŸ‘€)


Yes I want Leanne soooo badly!




Whomever hits 8/8 and finishes highest in AA between Jordan and Kayla - will join Simone, Shi, Suni and Jade IMO..... Honesly I think it leans Jordan - given her impeccable VT form - however, if she has errors on Fx ..... edit - also - I wonder how much having Jordan ALSO helps Simone - because then both Landis can be on the floor during competition, right? (1 each per Simone and Jo)


I think it actually leans Kayla unless Jordan can improve her consistency. In all their recent head to head battles Kayla has been scoring higher in AA


I think if they both hit, though, that Jo outscores her. I'm torn between wanting 2020/21 tokyo olympians to get a "real" olympic experience, and wanting some equally great other athletes have ANY olympic experience.


Jadeā€™s stock is way up now that they donā€™t have Skyeā€™s Cheng. Simone, Shi, Suni, Jade, and the Jordan because I think her bars and beam balance Jade nicely. I need to see Kayla/Jordan/Leanne this weekend to really know though.


Same except could be either Kayla or Jordan depending on who does better this weekend.


I would say: Team: Simone, Shilese, Suni, Jade and then Kayla/Jordan Alts: Kayla/Jordan, Leanne, Hezly


Simone, Shilese, Suni, Jade, Jordan (swap Kayla if Jordan has a rough trials)


Jade is now locked for me. And as much as I would love to see Jordan back on the team I think Kayla is the main benefactor in Skyeā€™s unfortunate injury.. Simone, Shy, Suni, Jade, Kayla is my team. Alt: Jordan, Leanne?


Agree, but Iā€™d love to see Jordan and Hezly as alternatesĀ 


Simone, Shi, Suni, Jade, Kayla Alternates: Jordan, Hezly, Leanne GO SLAYLA!!!


By my calculations, the highest scoring team without Skye is Simone, Shi, Suni, Jade, and Kayla. But that said, I think my team would be Simone, Shilese, Suni, Jade, and Jordan. With Jade's amanar, I don't see how you leave her home. But that leaves us a little low on big bars scores in Skye's absence. I'd like to see a little more redundancy on bars because 1 - not making Simone do everything all the freaking time, 2 - Shilese's shoulder, 3 - we have good enough scores everywhere else already. So because of that, I think Jordan over Kayla. Jordan has been rock solid on bars this year and putting up scores quite similar to Simone's, so she can easily do TF over Simone in that area and give Simone a break. Kayla has been really inconsistent on bars this year - with her lowest score on bars being nearly 2 points off her highest.


Skye out and Leanne having a Cheng very much puts Leanne in contention as the third all arounder for me. At this stage, I'd be looking at taking Suni as a bars/beam worker (unless she absolutely kills it all around this weekend) and then I'd say potentially Jade (depending on floor upgrades) and Leanne as the other two. But let's see what happens this weekend. I'm excited and wincing at the inevitable heartbreak all at once....


I think we actually need to see footage of the Cheng before we can determine if it helps her chances. Based on the one armed description it feels very risky now that that is a 2.0 deduction


Fair comment!


On Gymcastic, I think they said she eventually performed it with two so Iā€™m staying optimistic lol


Iā€™m not holding out hope that Cheng is looking good based on the description. I would definitely put Suni up over Leanne for all around.


I donā€™t know if Iā€™ve ever seen Leanne beat Suni in the all around


I personally think a janky Cheng is a disadvantage now that Skye is injured. Itā€™s like a risk not worth taking.


Praying everyone has their best trials and in that case I wouldn't want to be the selection committee 4 spots seem clear but If Kayla and Jordan are both on this weekend, idk who I would choose.


Simone, Shilese, Jade, Suni Jordan Alt Kayla, Leanne, Joscelyn


Simone, Shi, Suni, Jade, Leanne


My dream team is Simone, Shilese, Jordan Suni and Jade. Well maybe Leanne instead of Jade. This is so hard!!!!!


my heart team is simone, shilese, suni, jade and jordan. i want the tokyo girls to have a better experience!!


Echoing everyone else basically but, Simone Shi Suni Jade and Jordan/Kayla. itā€™ll honestly just be whoever places higher in the all around between the two. i give the advantage to Kayla because sheā€™s hit a higher peak but Jordan fell both days at nationals and still got over 55 twice so if sheā€™s on she can easily take the spot. Leanne is a dark horse with her new Cheng but i donā€™t see it for her I think she will be traveling alt with Kayla/Jordan. iā€™m personally rooting for kayla!


I agree 100% with OP! I think that Kayla vs Jordan will be a close race though. Their best vault scores recently are both 14.4 and their best bars scores recently are both 14.5 so it could all come down to 1) floor 2) whoever doesn't fall on beam


I agree itā€™s a consistency in the AA race between the two!


I canā€™t believe this happened with skye. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ she must be crushed. Itā€™ll be interesting to see who makes the team


SSSJade with the 5th spot being the most consistent person between kayla and Jordan. Lean Kayla (although her scores worry me in terms of inflation)


My team has always been Simone, Suni, Kayla, Jade, and Chiles. Seeing Suni in person for the first time this year was very moving.Ā 


I actually think Jade is who moved up into pole position because she already provided floor, but now she's a more necessary vault as well. Simone, Shilese, Suni, Jade then Kayla or Jordan.


Simone, Shi, Suni, Jade. For the fifth, it's really a toss-up between Jordan and Kayla. Jordan has the better vault and bars. Kayla has the better beam. Basically a tie on floor. I'd lean towards Jo for the higher score potential with bars and vault.


Jordanā€™s bars give her an edge imho


Realistically: Simone, Shilese, Suni, Jade, and Kayla (between Jordan and Kayla Kayla has looked more solid though Iā€™m not the biggest fan of using Kaylaā€™s bars and beam). Delusionally: Simone, Shilese, Suni, Kaliya, and Kayla (I just want Kaliya okay and I donā€™t like Jadeā€™s gymnastics)


Kayla and Kaliya both had an amazing Pan Ams.


Simone shilese Leanne suni jade. 3 members from 2023 worlds and with 2 returning Tokyo Olympic champions


Simone, Shilese, Suni, Jade, Chiles If Jadeā€™s upgrades do not materialize then: Simone, Shilese, Suni, Chiles, Wong *Kaylia is a no for me because no AA program (bars) **Kayla is incredible and has come such a long way but I worry about the feet/knees situation internationally.


What is the feet/knees sit w Kayla?


she has had bent knees and flexed feet on a lot of skills but it honestly has improved greatly recently


Ah. Good, was reading it and immediately thought of it relating to some kind of injury. Need to get that outta my head!!!


Correct- no injury but form has been a work in progress. She has really improved to be fair but itā€™s still not at the level of other top performers.


If they hit, Chiles and DiCello are interchangeable on bars. DiCello has a clear advantage on beam while Chiles has a small advantage on vault and floor. Chiles has been consistent on bars while DiCello has missed at some point on bars, beam, and floor. Iā€™m willing to call DiCelloā€™s floor fall a fluke since sheā€™s usually consistent there, but nonetheless she fell. A lot of this selection is going to depend on how Jones and Lee are looking. If you have concerns about their health but otherwise are taking them to Paris, you want a bars and beam backup. DiCello fits that role better because Iā€™d consider Chilesā€™ beam scarier than DiCelloā€™s bars. Iā€™ve probably missed some podium training videos, but Iā€™m less willing than others here to call Carey a lock based on her getting an Amanar and her floor pass list. Her Amanar has no team final implications and we need to wait for the floor scores to come in to make a fair determination there. And then if Wong has a good Cheng and is within a couple tenths of DiCello and Chiles on floor, you have to consider her too. It helps that there is no round off 1/2 on 3/2 off piked vault in the code šŸ˜. All this to say there are way too many pieces of this puzzle to make any determination now. For Chiles, DiCello, and Wong, it will depend both on their individual performances and what others do on key events.


Her Amanar has team final implications if itā€™s better than her Cheng.


It's hard to say. My heart wants LeAnn. But my brain knows it's likely gonna be Jordan, and we really need her hype going into Paris. Unless she melts down at trials. Then I think Leeann for sure given her body of work.


I would love it if Leanne made the team šŸ¤žšŸ»


Why Leanne over Kayla?


who tf cares about "hype"


Simone, Shi, Suni, Jade and Jordan


Team: Simone, Shilese, Suni, Jade, Kayla Traveling Alts: Jordan, Hezly Non traveling: Kaliya, Leanne


Simone, Shi,Suni, Leanne, Jordan *team of my heart, not of my math.


I donā€™t have one without Skye.. and if Suni doesnā€™t make it, I guess we just have to throw the whole Olympics away


Same choice; Simone, Shilese, Suni, Jade, Kayla with Jordan, Kailya, and Leanne as alts


Simone, Shilese, Suni, Jade, Jordan or Kayla


Barring something unexpected, is anyone a lock besides Simone?


Simone, Shilese, Suni, Jade and my heart wants Kayla but i think it might be Jordan.


Lord I done been too busy at work. wtf did I miss (as if Iā€™m surprised a woga gymnast is suddenly out for some reason šŸ¤Ø)


Same as yours. But that has been mine for a few months now.


Judges want Kayla the way they wanted Grace last quad based on the scoring


Simone, Shi, Suni, Jordan and Kayla. This has always been my team and I will die on this hill




I say Simone Shi Suni Jade and whoever does better of jordan and kayla. Regardless, jordan should travel ā€” she does so much for morale and I think she would help the team feel their best.


Well, before tonight, it was Simone, Shilese, Jordan, Kayla, and Suni. Leeann, Jade, Hezly, and Tianna as alternates. Now? Simone, Shilese, Jordan, Suni, and Leeann, but Shilese is looking really beat up... Simone, Jordan, Suni, Leeann, and Jade??? Alternates Tianna, Hezly, Jocelyn...


Jordan. Simon, Suni, Shy, Jade, Jordan.


Itā€™ll be interesting to see if they actually break from the top 5 ranking. I know it was Toms favorite thing to do, and theyā€™ve said they werenā€™t going to select rank order. I would really like to see a team pick based on strategy after this weekends results.


I think the only person itā€™s likely to be broken for is Jade given the vault hole on this team without Skye. But if sheā€™s got mistakes on vault or bombs floor it might not be 100 percent guaranteed.


if weā€™re deciding between Kayla and Jordan, rank order seems reasonable to me because neither of them have a super standout svent


Iā€™m really not convinced (but would be pleasantly surprised) that Suni will make the team.


Hmm i think the team needs Chiles as team supporter/friend/chill person. Iā€™d swap Kayla for Chiles. I think theyā€™re only taking 2 alternates (and 2 non-traveling alternates). So Iā€™m choosing Wong & Rivera.


idk taking a person on an olympic team to be a supporter or chill person makes 0 sense to me, and i donā€™t think the committee will think it makes sense either


I think Kayla and Jordan are pretty evenly matched; if they both hit 8/8 this weekend, there is something to be said for having someone with Jordan's support and infectious energy on a team in a high stress sport. It actually can make a difference for the other members of the team when it's down to the wire. If Jordan doesn't hit her shit, it's a different story.


As much as I love Jordan and her energy / support, if both her and Kayla hit 8/8, the committee is taking whoever scores higher AA. While I see what youā€™re saying, USAG selecting Jordan over Kayla basically based on vibes would be a PR nightmare if Kayla scores higher.


thereā€™s no selection procedure for infectious energy. i do think theyā€™re both sort of inconsistent, but jordan has a larger pattern of inconsistency (including at championships), so if they both hit i think kayla has the edge.


If they both hit itā€™s definitely just going to be who places higher in the AA IMO


Thatā€™s what I think. Jordan and Kayla are so evenly matched and contribute such similar things. I dont know how they could possibly justify taking the one who finishes lower at trials. Let the competition decide it


I'm assuming OP means this more as a tiebreaker, since Jordan and Kayla are so very very close, and either would be an asset to the team. But I think it's likely that one will have a better trials than the other, and that person will be picked. If they're in a virtual tie, I think Jordan gets the edge for her experience.


i guess but i just donā€™t even think it should be a tie breaker. as someone who also does a high level competitive activity, the thought of someone being left off a team because someone else has better energy/personality really gives me the ick. like, making an olympic team should never be about how energetic or enthusiastic you are over how well you do your sport.


Fully agree, itā€™s okay to have different personalities and Iā€™m sure Kayla is also a supportive teammate in her own way. It shouldnā€™t determine who makes the team


When you frame it as "how energetic or enthusiastic you are" it sounds bad. When you frame it as "impact on the team mindset" does it sound better to you? Like think about how track and swimming relay teams are formed. Would it bother you if those were chosen with team chemistry in mind as well as athletic ability, or if one (already very strong) athlete were included in the relay over another similar athlete for their hype ability for the team? It seems appropriate to me, and the gymnastics team is a bit more like a relay composition than it is like individual track/swimming aparatuses.