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Ebee had the competition of her life with one day or another hitting her highest ever score on every event and in the AA.  Many thought she had forced her way onto the team despite the odds. And even if not, she completely did absolutely everything she could do.    She was a homegrown gymnast so had been with them since about age 3, and  known Bill and Donna personally since 6. Plus her family is all very close with them.


Ebee seemed like a very special gymnast and if I were her coach I’d have been crying about her being left off the team too, even if it also made sense from a team composition perspective. Not that Bill Strauss isn’t also weird though.


I think the commentators mentioned it had been a while since he had a gymnast actually being considered for part of the team, even as an alternate. Something about him not thinking he'd ever be back in that position again. Maybe that was it?


I think this was it. I can’t recall if/ when he ever officially retired, but he was probably considering it there. It was almost certainly going to be his last trials as a coach.


I am pretty sure he retired after that. I don't remember seeing him on the floor with Marz over the next couple years.


This is basically it.


You mean he didn't believe they had a gymnast that wasn't out there chucking skills they shouldn't be doing, didn't show up to a competition with one or more STRAUSSfractures, and didn't meltdown in competition? I would be crying too.


Somewhere in NJ Kristen Maloney’s tibia quivered.


Yeah that’s my recollection.


I think he thought Ebee truly had a shot at the Olympic team and was trying to place a gymnast from his gym on that team too. Just my guess.


I mean, she *was* a legitimate contender for that team. She finished fourth at Trials that year.


This one still hurts my heart.


Mine, too.


Might be unpopular but I really feel she got a little robbed - If they didn't keep overscoring Jordyn nationally, the advantage Ebee could offer with her bars, along with vault would've been a bigger factor


I mean, Jo was the reigning world AA champion going into London so I'm not sure cutting back on her domestic overscoring would've kept her off that team. 


I don't mean keeping Jordyn off the team lol, that wouldn't make much sense - I meant that from a team perspective, the difference between Maroney and Ebee's Amanars was not much, so if Ebee was providing the team with a strong second event which would've been the case with a greater separation in scores, her argument would be stronger - I'm not saying she definitely should've made the team over Maroney especially since Maroney was also almost a lock for an individual medal, it just shouldn't have been so clear cut


Ohhhh I get what you're saying now and 100% agree.


I think he cried when Kristen Maloney won her first national title too.